
作者&投稿:督俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 先把文言文翻成白话文 如下:


再截取主要大意并增补省略的地方,转化成容易理解的形式 如下:


最后 翻译成英语 如下:

My great ancestor's name was Bo Yong ,who was the generation of Emperor Yan and had inherit the blood of him in a myth legend.

需要说明的是 大多数中国的古诗词翻译成英语之后,韵味全无,这是东西方文化差异的结果,可能有高人能翻得比我好,但我水平所限,只能确保把这两句离骚里的大意原封不动的保留下来,押韵对偶之类的,实在是玩不来……


liu is not only handsome and smart, but also a good athlete.

to do everything is equal to doing nothing.

first of all, work fills most of the day.

after being released from the jail, simon decided not to steal any more.

walking is a good way for both the young and the old to exercise.



Not only Liu is handsome,clever,but also he is a good athlete.

我不理解这句的中文- -

At first,time is filled up with working everyday

Simon decide not to steal when he was released from prison

It's a good way of sports to walk for people.(这句很难- -.我不知道对不对)

The historical ruins vestige is the humanity the historical traces which, the ruins, the relic stays behind in the developing process, was the ancient times people adapts the nature, the use nature and the transformation natural result, was the human history carrier and the testimony,...

1.Mobile phones, e-mail, phone, fax, is the most common means of communication. 2. If there is air and water on the Moon, you will have life. 3. now you want to find a full play to its not going to be easy. 4. the words the more you know, the more you'll ...

NO.15# XinYingBackStreet,DaTong district ,DaTong city ,Shanxi Prov,China

所有的所有,都因为我们是中国人。在我的印象中,2008是多灾多难,但又难忘的中国年。让2008永远的印在我们的心中,而我们,要带着我们的坚强,团结,勇敢,不畏艰险走向2009,走向未来。上面的文,翻成英文。。不要网上自动生成翻译的那种。。哪个都是语病。。麻烦了。。英语达人。。~ 展开  我来答 ...

1.你是在找我麻烦麽? Are you troubling me?2.请你先搞清楚状况再来跟我讲!Please make things clear before you come and talk to me.3.你为什么总是找我的茬?Why are you always picking a hole in me?4.既然那么不耐烦那就别来烦我啊!Do not bother me since you are so impatient...

As an Avenger, Tong Yu, Li-fan.both of you are the target of my revenge.我的绝对精准,强调你们“都是”,一个我都不会放过,而且最后强调“复仇”望楼主采纳!! 并且行动成功!!!

请英语达人帮帮忙,把这些翻译成英语 1.大学新生是一个特殊的群体,他们...
1. The freshmen are of a special group, their university faces various kinds of interpersonal relationship questions easily so affect its life, learning, etc. This paper will NLP skills to improve students' interpersonal relationship, help them out of the heart error, solve their ...

我只是一位歌手的歌曲,简单 我不是一个真正的政治文 我可以观看有线电视,但我不能肯定我能 告诉你不同的是伊拉克和伊朗 但我知道耶稣和我谈上帝 我记得从我小时候 信仰,希望和爱心的一些好东西 他给我们 而且,最大的是爱 你在哪里当世界停止谈到这9天 教学一类充满了无辜的孩子 或拉低有些冷州...

税收减免:特别费或者,排位赛 退休储蓄可以扣除“特殊 从收入税津贴“。这通常是多 工人有利比平均水平高 收益。储蓄率,帽子等,是与同 补贴的情况。表3显示了最大taxdeductible 私人退休储蓄的贡献 帐户。表1-3所示,为补贴私人 老年正在分阶段提供相当缓慢。再加上投资计划,这限制 已经导致了里斯特...

没有悬赏的啊?不过还是帮你一下吧(绝对的手写版):大家好,今天我为大家讲一些关于电脑的知识。Hello,every body!Today I will tell you some knowledge about the computer.首先自我介绍一下,我是一个电脑爱好者,我平时喜欢用电脑听音乐、看电影、玩网络游戏。我认为电脑在我们的生活中充当了一个...

湖里区14741637152: 麻烦各位英语高手帮我翻译一下:1. 对不起.这个我不太清楚,请你去咨询台(imformation counter)咨询吧!2. 在这个馆对着的正下方3. 在这个馆对着的正上... -
谈秆强腰:[答案] 1.Sorry,I dont know about that.Pls consult at the information counter.2.3.4.Pls go down the first floor.5.Pls go up the third floor.6.In the district A.7.In the district C.8.You can go to the Service ...

湖里区14741637152: 麻烦英语达人帮我翻译一下这一小段话,谢谢 -
谈秆强腰: The reason why I choose the accounting major is because I am steady and delicated person with strong-minded persistence.Meanwhile, I am optimistic and easy going to get along well with person as well as the sense of responsibility and could be endured pressure.希望对你有帮助.

湖里区14741637152: 麻烦英文达人帮忙翻译一下. -
谈秆强腰: 公益助学,感谢有你Those who support learning with public welfare, thank you!Thank you to those who support learning with public welfare!

湖里区14741637152: 麻烦~!英文达人,翻译下,谢拉
谈秆强腰: I have a heart but no strength , because you ignore this

湖里区14741637152: 麻烦各位,帮我用(英语)翻译一下 -
谈秆强腰: 1.Mary read the letter from Tom to me yesterday. 2.The next train is coming to Shanghai in two hours.3.Mr Wang has taught English in this school since 1969. 4.I will go on a vacation in July. 5.Tom slipped down the stairs injured in his feet. 6.Since he can't stand up, I want to call a doctor for him.

湖里区14741637152: 麻烦哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下! 谢谢! -
谈秆强腰: The row is the living room floor tiles. The size of the tile i...

湖里区14741637152: 麻烦各位英语高手~帮我翻译这句话~~ -
谈秆强腰: Our company, established for over thirty years in import and export trade, have both well-experienced staff and young and aggresive young ones. We have built trade relationship with customers in more than twenty countries and regions.We aslo have our own production base and sufficient material supply.

湖里区14741637152: 麻烦各位英语高手帮我翻译以下的中文!谢谢了
谈秆强腰: 1. About the English evening About tourism 2. 3. About my birthday yesterday 4. About teenagers of the dangers of smoking 5. Last summer and parents go to the farm, taste of food, food is delicious

湖里区14741637152: 请英文达人帮我翻译成中文,谢谢. -
谈秆强腰: 他是表达歉意,说“有时候没法儿进到你的花园去帮忙”.他意思是有时候想去帮忙,但系统或网路平台有些问题,所以进去不了.要回他就这么说“不要紧,还是一样谢谢你.” 英语是: Don't worry about it. Thank you all the same.

湖里区14741637152: 麻烦英语高手帮我翻译下 -
谈秆强腰: Beijing shi shang di xinxi lu chuangye dasha 11 ceng 1120 shi 邮编:100085

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