“勇敢的心”为题 用英语写一篇作文怎么写?

作者&投稿:劳爬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
“勇敢的心”为题 用英语写一篇作文怎么写?~

首先,这部电影和大部分战争题材影片一样发生在动荡的年代,人民最根本的利益得不到保障,【一些事情的发生都是这个社会到一定程度以后的必然产物。比如中国近代史的黄麻起义。】。没有自己的民主,最广大人民的根本利益的得不到保障,肯定是会采取一定措施应对的,他们选择了起义。【“三个代表”中最后一条就是:表最广大人民的根本利益。市场经济一样,一种经营模式长期占有市场没有活力和新鲜血液就会势必会被另一种新的经营模式所取代。这是几千年来不变的定律“分久必合,合久必分”。】 梅尔。吉布森饰演的华莱士则是这个起义的代表,他的父亲是在战争中牺牲,从小就对英格兰统治的的仇恨在心中发芽,而他爱的女人死在英格兰近卫军的刀下更是仇恨的爆发点。和大多有血性的男人一样他选择了反抗,而且他唤起了苏格兰人民的渴望自由的心。【市场经济中要站在消费者的角度来换位思考,才能够有常驻的发展。和本片一样,消费者都希望有一个能替人民说话的“领袖”,所以中国才会有3。15。不赢得民心,势必会被经济浪潮淘汰】!通过几次会战他的军队逐渐壮大。一些小的部落也加盟进来。【模式形成规模就不必在担心货源和市场,重点是管理,怎么样收买人心】再一次会战中应为前期没有周详的考虑和盟军的出卖导致战败,军队骤减。【预则立,不预则废。投资前一定要有市场的评估,看这个市场对你所能做的行业有多大需求,不能盲目的看到眼前的蝇头小利而使自己元气大伤!!商业圈里只有永恒的利益,没有永恒的朋友。这点是非常重要的,经验的积累是需要付出一定代价,但是代价太大就没那个必要了。】给他地位和物质,他都表现出了不屑,而是继续为他心目中的理想生活奋斗,最终被英格兰所杀【做人要有原则这我展成,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。生意场上的原则我就是什么都要把住底线,一切事情是能变通的。每个人都有目标,太远大了实现不了,太小又没挑战性,我们那是理想不是幻想。欲望心越强的人越可怕。】他死后,还有人继承他的位置带领军队和人民完成了民族解放。【长期垄断市场,不加以新鲜的想法和产品,被淘汰只是时间问题。目光短浅、思想保守是不会有什么成就的。大胆创新,开拓视野,会看到另一面,但前提是必须有一个夯实的基础作保障】



William Wallace is in the child, his father, Wallace, Scottish hero maso the British in the struggle with the expense. Father of his young friends, under the guidance of the learning culture and martial arts.光阴似箭, King Edward in order to consolidate the rule in Scotland, issued a decree to allow the British aristocracy in Scotland to enjoy the right to marry the girl's初夜, so that the aristocracy loyal to the royal family. Prince Princess Isabella is a decision of the talented woman, she knew this Act intends to give the British aristocracy in Scotland, but more will be aroused against the people of Scotland. Wallace, the youngest students to return home to marry him mellen beautiful girls are willing to observe a law-abiding people who have. Unreasonable, however mellen snatched by the British and was killed, Wallace finally broke out. In the majority of the villagers shouted "after the hero," cries, they rise in rebellion, killing British soldiers announced that the uprising.

Scotland wants to become a Scottish aristocrat Lord Robert, in his father's instigation Dobbs, the hypocrisy and the Wallace Union. Wallace, who杀败British attack, the Scottish Parliament him for the aristocracy, Sir, he was appointed to protect the country and the public in Scotland. Wallace has found that the Scottish nobles to consider only their own interests, does not in any way for the people and worry about the future of the country. Edward in order to ease the situation and to send Isabella went to the peace talks. However, because King did not consider the people's freedom and equality, just want to buy Wallace for the conditions of peace talks failed. Isabella back after it was found that under the pretext of peace talks, the convergence of the Irish King's Army and the French co-Wallace Scottish army surrounded, she rushed to the Wallace messenger. Hand force, the nobles who fear a ball, play领兵Wallace, a melee, close combat, he had an accident and found Rob King collusion, one can not help much against. Isabella of pride for the dumping of Wallace, the resident came to pour out to him his true feelings, the two revel in the bliss of love. King talks again. Wallace knew it was the trap, but for peace sake, he still agreed to go. Booth in the Edinburgh plot designed to seize the Wallace and took him to the King. Rob on his father's machinations are furious, Wallace was sentenced to death. Isabella plea is not, in the dying King, King told her she was pregnant with the prince of the blood is not, and this child will soon become the new king.

Sentence Wallace shouted "freedom" all shocked. A few weeks after the closures, the Robert Wallace, before shouting the slogan of revenge, heroic Wallace inherited the British legacy of confrontation.

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窦舍德特:[答案] This historic film is about Scotsman fought against the ruler of English,and William Wallace led them to acquire freedom.正好20个单词 楼主可以借鉴一下~

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