
作者&投稿:蒸裘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Suffering from the overwhelming sorrow and disappointed tears, she was so desperate that she broken down both physically and mentally. She was full of resentment.
2.She(或I..这里一定要加个主语)could neither go to the Elysium nor go to hell, but only could wander alone.
3.It seems to be doomed, so I won't blame you any more. Time has effaced my feelings, or rather, paralyzed my feelings. Please don't touch me again. Leave me some space so that I can shed tears for myself there.
4.I have to succumb to the fate out of the reason that I loved you so much, even to the extent of pettiness and lowliness.

1、今天的课主要讲如何写新闻总结。(focus on;summary)
Today's class was focused on how to write news summary
The teacher let us underline the difficult words and look them up in the dictionary.
3、我想我将用到一篇关于农民们让自己的土地远离化肥的报告。( of;chemical fertilizers)
I think I'll use a report about farmers keep their land free of chemical fertilizers
4、使用过多的化肥导致了严重的问题。(lead to)
The use of excessive chemical fertilizers leads to serious problems


1. 幸福的青鸟..将来的梦在何处(哪里)?
Lucky Blue Bird... where is my dream of the future?

2. 大家怀念的 其实不是记忆,回不去的童年,儿时长大的伙伴和点点滴滴的感动.
What we really miss is not just those memories of the childhood we cannot go back. We also miss those pals we grew up with and those little touching stories.

Hey, come on. Let's erase all those memories. Maybe I'm feeling more blue than you, but I always have happiness to share with you.

绘画者: painter, paint artist, sketcher(画铅笔画的人)

the bird that's fortunate,where are your dream in the future?

你的第二句没有主语- -,我视为我们.这句很长- -.我翻得也乱.
what we really missed isn't memories or the childhood that's we can't bring back,but we spent together all the time,and it's getting me moved.
我们真正记得的(miss是动词,以上两位都错),不是记忆或是童年,而是我们在一起渡过的时光,而且这些时光让我感动- -.

Hey!come on,let's fogert everything.Though I am grief-stricken,I always share my happeness with you

1.The happy Bule Bird, Where is the future dream??
2.What we miss is not memory the gone chilhood , the partners who witnessed we of more and more maturity in addtion to the unforgettable that sense of moving.( 你这句话中文好像说得不是很清楚)
3.hey, Come on, Let's do this together!Further, Forget what we have experienced,Maybe i have more distress than you, in contrast, i am always full of pleasure which will to be shared with you.

不知道翻译得怎么样.,希望可以帮到你 呵呵

1 the messenger bird of happiness,where is my coming dream ?

2 what we yearn isn't the memory but the childhood where we can't go through again,the buddy who grew up with us and the sensation in the life.

3 hey,join in us and forget everything.maybe i have more desolation than you ,but i also have lots of happiness to share with you .


还有,你写的这几个句子 真美。

1 happy Blue Bird,do you know what will be your destiny?'s not the memory we treasure most It's the childhood which we can't go back to,buddies with whom we grow up and shared all the joys and sadnesses together,that we treasure most.
3 come on everyone, forget everything that has been past. There might be more reasons for me to mourn than you do,but sharing the happiess is always the thing i want to do with you together

I'm a 19-year-old gril.I went abroad since I was in grade 4 in primary school.I have been to several countries and cities across Europe,Asia,Africa and America.I can speak three languages,they are Chinese ,English and French .As for this chance,I hope I can hold it to ...

Decade Hanchuang 10 years studying Jinbangdiming Li Lu fame Main-Zong-yao Wedding One passer-by ghosts dredging Haishishanmeng Evaporate This life

求英文翻译几个词 风平浪静 福满堂 前程似锦 兴旺图 少年与海 春风得意...
风平浪静=Dead calm 福满堂=Home is full of good fortune 前程似锦=Infinitely bright future 兴旺图=Picture of flourishment 少年与海=The young and the sea 春风得意=ride on the crest of success

The manager 经理 Vice manager 副经理 secretary 书记 Of discipline 纪委书记 Trade union chairman 工会主席 Production vice manager 生产副经理 Marketing vice manager 营销副经理 DiaoYanYuan 调研员 Party branch secretary 党支部书记 ^o^

求英文翻译, 求高手,在线等啊
The only country where the infrastructures were not obviously broken in the war was Aamerica.The America entered the war a little later than any European country and the loss it got was limited.

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side kick = 侧踢 turning kick = 横踢\/ 转踢 front snap kick = 前踢 back kick = 后踢\/ 背踢 twisting kick = 内摆腿 crescent kick = 外摆腿 hook kick = 钩踢 rising kick = 上踢 side rising kick = 侧身上踢 pushing kick= 前推腿 double chop kick = 双飞踢 cut down kick ...

高分求 英文翻译几个地名阿,谢谢各位了
Zhangjiang Tomson Tropicana Garden Zhangjiang Tomson Tropicana Garden Shanghai, China postdoctoral apartment Pudong Software Park Yang Zhen Village The eastern outskirts Garden Oriental Garden Tao Garden East Sunrise Court Xiang Nan Village Long East Garden The eastern outskirts of Monte Vista ...

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谯侮黄藤: 1. 幸福的青鸟..将来的梦在何处(哪里)? Lucky Blue Bird... where is my dream of the future?2. 大家怀念的 其实不是记忆,回不去的童年,儿时长大的伙伴和点点滴滴的感动. What we really miss is not just those memories of the childhood we ...

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阆中市13398017346: 在线等....帮忙翻译几句英文...... -
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