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  College of Science and Engineering

  At the College of Science and Engineering, we work to understand the world we live in, to do research that is relevant to global needs and to help create the emerging technologies of the 21st century. Study with us, and you can benefit from the expertise of our world-leading academics and gain a degree with the accreditation you need for a successful career.In addition to our research institute, Neuroscience and Psychology, we have the following Schools:



  School of Chemistry

  The School of Chemistry has a long history of excellence in both research and teaching and we are committed to continuing that tradition.ur range of undergraduate degree programmes is wide and varied, and our flexible entry system allows those choosing to study at the University of Glasgow to benefit from the opportunity to explore a range of subjects in addition to Chemistry before specialisation.



  The School has a superb research environment with world leading research groups and facilities, a large and vibrant PhD programme with a wide variety of research topics. Our research covers all aspects of Chemistry, as well as the interfaces with biology, materials science and physics, and we are part of WestCHEM, the joint Research School in Chemistry with the University of Strathclyde.

  化学学院有世界领先的研究团队和研究设备,有涵盖诸多研究课题的多个博士学习项目。我们的研究涵盖化学学科的所有方面,同时与生物学、材料科学、物理学等学科的研究有重叠。化学学院是 WestCHEM的一部分,后者是格拉斯哥大学与斯特拉斯克莱德大学建立的化学联合研究学院。

  School of Computing Science

  Since 1957, when it became the first university in Scotland to have an electronic computer, Glasgow has built a reputation for the excellence of its Computing Science research and its graduates. Today, we are rated in the UK’s top 10 for research, according to the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise.



  The School of Computing Science, renowned for its friendliness, offers a high quality learning environment in which world-class research informs course content and delivery. If you study with us, you can also benefit from our strong links with industry and graduate well-placed for a career with a range of companies across the UK, Europe and the world.The School is part of the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA).


  School of Engineering

  We have been delivering world-class engineering education and research for more than 150 years and are the oldest School of Engineering in the UK.



  We offer an exciting range of undergraduate degree programmes that include not only the core engineering disciplines (Aeronautics, Civil, Electronics & Electrical and Mechanical Engineering) but also unique specialist degree programmes, such as Biomedical Engineering, Product Design Engineering, Electronics with Music and Civil Engineering with Architecture.We also offer a broad range of postgraduate degrees that provide continuing professional development in response to global industrial and governmental needs.


  The School provides a superb research environment with world leading research groups and facilities, with a vibrant PhD programme and a wide variety of research topics. Our research covers a broad range of Engineering subjects, as well as the interfaces with biology, chemistry, computer sciences, medicine and physics. We are part of the Glasgow Research Partnership in Engineering (GRPE). By continuing to invest in internationally excellent research and by providing an outstanding learning environment for talented students from all backgrounds our aim is not only to maintain this position, but to improve upon it, thereby retaining our status as one of the select number of institutions which are regarded as being the best in the world.


  School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

  The School of Geographical and Earth Sciences brings together internationally-leading research and teaching in physical and human geography, earth science/geology, and geomatics. Our collaboration with the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC) gives us access to cutting edge equipment and specialist expertise, and our degree programmes are informed by our strong research base.




  School of Mathematics and Statistics

  The School of Mathematics & Statistics combines world-leading research expertise in pure and applied mathematics and statistics. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise the majority of our submission was judged 4* (world-leading) and 3* (internationally excellent), with statistics achieving the highest 4* rating in Scotland.



  If you study with us you can benefit from our excellent teaching standards and supportive learning environment – an impressive 97% of our final year undergraduate students rate themselves as satisfied with their overall experience, according to the 2011 National Student Survey, rating us as 1st in Scotland and 2nd in the UK.The School offers a vibrant, dynamic and supportive environment for both staff and students.


  School of Physics and Astronomy

  Studying with the School of Physics and Astronomy offers you a fundamental understanding of the way the Universe works, brings you to the forefront of technology, and provides the opportunity to work in world-leading research groups. Our highly rated undergraduate programmes are accredited by the Institute of Physics.



  The School is highly rated by the UK government for its research, and our research groups are internationally renowned for their work. The strong links with other institutions in SUPA, as well as across the UK and internationally in major research collaborations contribute to an excellent environment for top quality research. Our postgraduate research opportunities make it an excellent place to study for a PhD and our undergraduate courses offer the chance to get involved in research projects in cutting edge science.


  School of Psychology

  Our School of Psychology brings together world-leading expertise in experimental psychology, cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience in order to advance the understanding of behaviour. Psychology at the University of Glasgow is rated very highly for research and teaching. Today, we are rated in the UK’s top 10 for research. If you study with us, our supportive learning environment can help you to gain an in-depth knowledge of Psychology, while developing skills that can be transferred to the workplace.




  College of Social Sciences

  Our College of Social Sciences brings together the study of business, education, law, social and political science. Building upon the tradition of Adam Smith our world-leading research and teaching addresses local and global challenges. If you study here, you’ll benefit from our network of national and international links and be able to choose from a range of ground-breaking degree programmes including those at our Dumfries Campus.



  Adam Smith Business School

  If you work or study with the University of Glasgow Adam Smith Business School, we can help you to develop your career or transform your organisation. We specialise in the areas of: Accounting, Economics, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Finance, Financial Economics, International Business, Marketing, and Strategic Management.



  With more than 1400 postgraduate students studying in 36 master and 6 PhD programmes, we are the largest Business School in Scotland and the second largest in the UK. Our range of accredited degree programmes will help to prepare you for a promising future career, and the ability to contribute to organisations at the highest level.


  School of Education

  The School of Education is ranked 2nd in Scotland and in the top 15 in the UK for the volume of world-leading and internationally excellent research in education.We offer undergraduate programmes in childhood practice, community development, music Bed, primary education, religious & philosophical education and technological education.In addition to a wide range of postgraduate taught degrees, our research and knowledge transfer strands are:



  Creativity, culture and faith

  Interdisciplinary science education, technologies and learning

  Professional learning and leadership

  Pedagogy, policy and practice

  Social justice, place and lifelong learning






  School of Interdisciplinary Studies

  We bring high quality research and teaching to students in the southwest of Scotland, the School of Interdisciplinary Studies offers a carefully crafted selection of undergraduate, postgraduate and research programmes.



  Based on a unique partnership campus two hours from Glasgow in the Scottish university town of Dumfries, we provide small group teaching, excellent facilities, and the prestige of a University of Glasgow degree programme delivered in a beautiful and friendly setting.


  School of Law

  The study of law in Glasgow has a long and illustrious history. Distinguished alumni include eminent judges, politicians and scholars, as well as many others. Today, we remain one of Scotland’s leading law schools, with just over 1,000 students and over 40 academic staff.



  The School of Law provides a welcoming and intellectually stimulating environment for students. Our range of LL.B degree programmes allows students to study a very wide choice of law subjects, either alone or in combination with courses from other disciplines. We also have extensive exchange agreements with foreign universities, which enable many students to complete part of their degree abroad. Our graduates have an excellent record of finding employment, both within the Scottish legal profession and in many other walks of life.We offer a variety of taught postgraduate degrees and staff are able to supervise research degress across a very wide range of legal subjects.


  School of Social and Political Sciences

  The School of Social and Political Sciences provides world-leading expertise in research and teaching across the following areas:

  Central and East European Studies

  Economics & Social History



  Urban Studies



  Our multi-disciplinary approach means that if you study with us, you can benefit from a unique combination of degree programmes taught by scholars at the forefront of academic and policy thinking.







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格拉斯哥大学的商科回国就业形式如何 最好是有亲身体会的 不要百度来...
细分每个行业对能力的要又求各不一样,比如管理营销运营更注重经验,你大学毕业,或者干脆是一年的Master镀金,没任何工作经验,对不起,很困难,先从广告公司做AE开始吧。金融财务工作更注重技术(如果你是进研究部门,有没有证?想在外资者投行或四大,Master degree,CFA至少二级以上,ACCA拿到手再说工作...

格拉斯哥大学成立于1451年,全英国校龄第四的一所久负盛名的公立综合性大学,历年被英国《泰晤士报》及美国U.S. News 评选的全球前80名最优秀的大学之一。该校的科研和教学在国际上享有盛誉,并在英国的文化和商业生活中发挥着举足轻重的作用。同时,它也是是国际大学组织Universitas 21的缔造者之一 ,...


格拉斯哥大学硕士国内认可度高 格拉斯哥大学以其高质量、灵活性和注重每一个学生的不同需求而著名,在格拉斯哥大学,你可以学到你最想学的东西,合理的安排时间、高度的自控能力等等不一而足。英国一直以来对教育方面都非常重视,学校普遍教学质量高,格拉斯哥大学更是在接近600年的光阴中积累了相当浓厚的学术...

甘井子区18742914851: 想问下格拉斯哥大学的强势专业有哪些 -
不张苏欣: 格拉斯哥大学建立于1451年,是继牛津大学、剑桥大学、圣安德鲁大学后的全英第四所古老的大学.格拉斯哥市是苏格兰最大的城市,被誉为欧洲的文化城、建筑与设计之城,人口约175万,环境优美,交通便利.格拉斯哥大学位于格...

甘井子区18742914851: 请问你对英国的格拉斯哥大学了解吗?专业是international business & entrepreneurship -
不张苏欣: 格拉斯哥大学本来还不错,属于英国古典大学之一,但是由于地处苏格兰,所以受到了地理位置的客观影响.学校还是不错的,专业的话属于比较大众化的专业,应该中国人会很多.

甘井子区18742914851: 格拉斯哥大学的金融管理专业如何呢?
不张苏欣: 格拉斯哥大学成立于1451年,是英语第四古老的大学(前三名依次是牛津大学、剑桥大学和圣安德鲁斯大学).作为英国最古老、最有名气的全日制综合性大学之一,格拉...

甘井子区18742914851: 英国格拉斯哥大学哪些专业录取呢?
不张苏欣: 英国格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)将关闭以下3个专业2013年的录取: MSc International Financial Economics 国际金融经济 MSc Cardiovascular Practice 心血管...

甘井子区18742914851: 格拉斯哥大学选择什么专业好? -
不张苏欣: 格拉斯哥艺术学院是英国最古老的,也是现存为数不多的独立艺术院校之一.学院下属3个学院,分别为设计学院、美术学院以及麦金托什建筑学院.设计学院下属的服装设计专业也是该学院历史悠久并且极其吸引人的专业.欢迎了解英国艺术留学格拉斯哥艺术学院的相关情况.

甘井子区18742914851: 英国大学以及其代表性专业有哪些?
不张苏欣: 牛津大学,建校于1167年.位于英国的牛津大学具有世界声誉,它在英国社会和高等教育系统中具有极其重要的地位,有着世界性的影响.英国和世界很多的青年学子们都...

甘井子区18742914851: 格拉斯哥大学的MRes Accounting & Finance 硕士专业的相关介绍?
不张苏欣: 国家: 英国 学校名称: 格拉斯哥大学 专业英文: MRes Accounting & Finance 专业中文: 会计与金融(研究式) 隶属院系: 格拉斯哥大学商学院 语言要求: 雅思7.0,单项是6.5 学术要求: 英国2.1以上学位,中国大学均分80%,专业要求是:会计或金融专业学生.目的 是为了读博士目的. 开学日期: 10月 学制期间: ·12个月 学校网站: http://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/business/ 留学总费用: 20万-25万

甘井子区18742914851: 英国大学留学哪些学校好 -
不张苏欣: 1.曼彻斯特大学曼彻斯特大学是英国老牌院校,是一所门类齐全、科系众多的综合性大学,是英国著名的红砖大学之一,也是英国最有名和最受欢迎的学校之一.曼大不仅商科和理工科在全世界享有较高的知名度,作为一所综合性的大学,曼...

甘井子区18742914851: 格拉斯哥大学金融专业好吗 -
不张苏欣: 格拉斯哥大学的会计金融专业在英国RAE评估中获得五星,师资力量非常雄厚,有ACCA协会副会长.格拉斯哥大学的金融专业一直都是很多国外学生选择就读的专业,并且格大的金融专业排名非常的高,2013的TIMES专业排名在第六位,所以说很受学生关注.

甘井子区18742914851: 英国留学最受关注大学及专业有哪些?
不张苏欣: NO.1 巴斯大学的会计与金融专业(Accounting and Finance) 会计与金融专业一直是申请人数最多的英国大学专业,巴斯大学的会计与金融专业在《TIMES》里的专业排...

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