
作者&投稿:诗朱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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What is your dream?

Notice for boating:
In order to ensure your and others' safety, please comform to the following issues:
1、Adults should accompany seniors who over sixty and children who under ten-year-old, and also bear a responsiblity for their guardianship while boating.
2、Patients who carry with heart diseases, dyspnea, infectious diseases and any other diseases that will threate boating's safty, pregnant women and those who are seriously seasick are forbidden.
3、Please standing in lines, boarding under the instructions of our workers. Watch out steps.For fear of being drowned, please take care while boating.
4、when you are boating,please sit steadily, hold tightly and conform to our workers' instructions. If you are uncomfort,please keep our workers informed.
5、Walking arbitrarily, jumping and running on the boat are forbidden.
6、Throwing litters into water or boats are forbidden.
7、No pets.
8、No flammable, explosive, corrosive and any other dangerous objects on the boat.
9、Please take care of your cell phones, cameras ,VCRs and any other valuables.
10、Passengers who violated any above issue or didn't follow our workers' order shall burden the responsibilities by themsleves for the accidents,.Pay the full price for the damaged boats.
11、Our workers' have the right to cancel the boating in the event of bad weather, emergency, incidents. Money will returned according to time conversion.
12、Inquiry, complaint, emergency call:
13、The final interpretation is reserved by PanAnHu wetland park management office.

Fertilizing the soil in northern China there is imbalance in fertilizer application, the distribution of unreasonable, do not pay attention to scientific fertilization, the proportion of non-conforming fertilizer nutrients, fertilizers, varieties of structure is irrational, improper fertilization, the decline in the proportion of organic fertilizer problem. This will certainly have the physical and chemical properties of soil are affected, especially in soil nutrient status will change a lot, thereby affecting the normal growth and development of plants. Of certain broad-leaved species of leaf mineral nutrient analysis conducted to determine their nutritional status, has become a broad-leaved species to improve the nutritional environment and the key application is to improve the quality of the species one of the important ways.
In this paper, in Shenyang City for five tree nurseries and the ratio of nutrient elements, select the down elm leaves, which are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrition diagnosis, and physical and chemical properties of soil and plant biomass were analyzed, synthesis method to diagnose fertilization (DRIS) and the profit and loss index (PLI) is applied to the leaves of the nutrition diagnosis, determination of this species leaves the balance of mineral nutrient content and nutritional adequacy ratio parameter threshold is designed to guide the key to timely fertilization period of broad-leaved species provide a reference balanced fertilization. To carry out this study, it will fall into the nutritional balance during the broad-leaved species of guiding significance for fertilization.

North fertilize soil exist fertilizers imbalance, unreasonable distribution, pay no attention to scientific fertilization, fertilizer nutrients in harmonious proportions, the structure unreasonable, the varieties of fertilizer, organic fertilizer fertilization method of the decline of the scale. This will make the soil physical and chemical properties of soil, particularly affected by the nutrient status great changes will occur, then affects the normal growth and development of the plant. For some species of the blade was analyzed, the mineral nutrients nutrition status, has become a hardwood species to improve nutritional environment and the key is to improve fertilizer, one of the important ways to trees. This thesis in shenyang five pieces of nutrient elements in trees cleft proportion problems, the selection of vertical elm to leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content analysis, and nutrition diagnosis of soil physical and chemical properties and plant biomass relevant analysis will be diagnosed DRIS) and fertilizer synthesis (breakeven index method (PLI) applied to leaf nutrition diagnosis, this tree leaf mineral content of nutrient balance and ratio and oerflowing-with-milk-and-honey threshold for timely guidance to fertilize the key period of hardwood species of balanced fertilization. This study, will fall into the nutrition such period of balanced fertilization significance.


There are problems of fertilizing imbalance,distributing improperly,negelecting scientific fertilizer,coordinating unreasonable proportion and structure of category,as well as the utility of fertilizer,along with the decreasing proportion of organic fertilizer ever existed in the process of fertilizing.
It is inevitable to influent the physical and chemical properties of the earth,especially to its nutrient conditions that will further hinder the normal growth.It is one of the significant methods to enhance the quality of the seeds and the key of improving the nutrient environment as well as fertilizing to analyze the mineral nutrition and judge its nutrient conditions of certain leaves from broad-leaved species. This thesis is analyzing the elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassiumin based on the issues of nutrient proportion in five tree nurseries in Shenyang.Meanwhile,make a linear analysis on the physical and chemical properties and plant biomass.Diagnosing fertilization (DRIS) and the profit and loss index (PLI) should be applied to the diagnosis of nutrions so as to measure the balance of mineral nutrient content and nutritional adequacy ratio parameter as well as provide reference for timely fertilization period of broad-leaved species.This study will guide the balanced fertilization of broad-leaved species during the nutrion transforming period in the autumn.

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邴昏蔗糖: Fertilizing the soil in northern China there is imbalance in fertilizer application, the distribution of unreasonable, do not pay attention to scientific fertilization, the proportion of non-conforming fertilizer nutrients, fertilizers, varieties of structure is ...

社旗县19124914509: 帮我翻译一些文章片段,翻译成英文.Thanks a lot!
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