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作者&投稿:干毕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
My ideal party 作文~

Last Sunday ,Wendy celebrated my ninth birthday.my mother threw a birthday party for me .On that moring ,She woke up early to help her mother prepare the food and drinks for the party .Then I waited eagerly for the guests to arrive.At eleven o’clock,her friends finally arrive.Each of them gave her a beautifully wrapped present and merrily wished her "Happy brithday".After everyone had arrived,they tucked into the delicious food.After eating ,they played a game of" blind man's buff" It was a very fun and exciting game.By evening time ,the guest had to leave.she bade everyone farewell and thanked them for the presents.It was truly a wonderful and fun day.

Yesterday was my fifteenth birthday. I had a wonderful party. 
       My friends came to my home with many presents . Each of them gave me a card. I like these presents very much. My parents bought a lot of food and drinks for us. We sat around the birthday cake. I made a silent with before me blew the candles out. We ate many delicious food. Li Ming performed magic tricks for me. We are 
danced, sang and played funny games. 
      Today, I had a good birthday party. And you?

My ideal party

Nowadays,more and more people tend to take part in some entertaining parties to get to know somebody else or just want to have fun and relax.So an ideal party will be dreamed of by those people who would like to enjoy themselves and thirst for amusement. As for me,I also want a big party with the most joyful atmosphere to cheer up myself.


To hold a party,I'll invite a lot of my friends and ask them also invite their friends,then the party can be big enough to make the party alive.The place where the party is going to be held should be my own home because guests can play freely,just being at ease. Of couse,I will decorate my house,cooking delicious food,snacks and drinks and making a plan of entertaining programs.After all these preparations,I'll just need to wait in my home for the guests to come.


When all of them arrive,I will play some CD.We can talk,sing,or dance as we listen to the music.Some guests can play card as they eat the snacks,while some can watch the television as they chat with each other.If everybody can dance together,that will be very cheerful.After all those entertaining programs,we will have a big dinner.If my house has a large garden,we can have barbecue.All of us will enjoy the process of cooking something by ourselves. During the dinner,everybody should tell a joke or some story,that shall be fine.


When party is over,several guests can help me with the cleaning work.I'll be very glad to keep them stay and suggest them to go home on the next day.That's the end of my ideal party,full of active parts and interesting events.



My Ideal Party
It is quite often that people hold a party nowadays.When people want to see their formal classmates,they hold a party ;when people want to have a good talk and big meal with their close friends,then a party will be the best choice.Businessman would like to treat their clients at a party.Some children invite their parents to a party to show their respect to them,particularly on Thanksgiving Day.We can say party has become part of our life.Hower not all the parties are appreciated.Some people think the more costly a party is,the more fun they will have.But this is not true of me.To my mind,an ideal party must be the one that is cheap and makes everyone happy with a warm and romantic air.In such a party,people can do what they like,talking and laughing.They come with pleasure and leave with pleasure.


党啊- -

Reading Teachers College, I would think: a person should not be the only time in his life on the road mediocrity Yong-ping, doing nothing, but should make a contribution to society on the human person. At that time, Hou, I reach the party is still in a period of time, it so happens, I would like to good a partner to join the Communist Party of China at this time, prepared to become a party member. To get along with her at a later day, I suddenly feel that they grow up and start of particular concern to the people and things around. I've always thought that life does not need to do some trivial thing, it is necessary to be done all events, now I understand, "So why not a house sweeping the world" the truth. , To do great things for the party, of course, to start small, step-by-step way, and will be successful! So, I began to study the Party Constitution

I was also studying the party constitution. Now, I still remember the first constitution, following paragraph: "The Chinese Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class in China and at the same time the Chinese people and the vanguard of the Chinese nation is the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the core of leadership, on behalf of China's advanced productive forces the requirements of the development on behalf of China's advanced culture and the direction of majority of the Chinese people's fundamental interests. the party's highest ideal and ultimate goal is to realize communism. the Communist Party of China takes Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the 'Three Represents' important thinking as its guide to action. I understand the case of such intention to this theory as a guide for my actions, and consciously to strengthen the ideological transformation, clear-headed thinking of the Central African proletariat, and strive to transform their subjective world, bearing in mind the party wholeheartedly the purpose of serving the people, down-to-earth to establish the idea of serving the people.
At the same time I do a good job down. Both later became head of the political history and geography Research Group, in charge of Communist Youth League or publicity, whether in politics, history teaching, I have a high degree of responsibility and the spirit of professionalism and dedication to do a good job, not a quick profit, but also they do not care about personal gain or loss; overcome pompous, floating vanity's work style, so honest, and do the old practical, pragmatic work, and 10 in 2001, held in the county on three teaching skills won a Class Two award-wing competition.

In their own efforts and the help of comrades of party members, I participated in March 2003 the Chinese Communist Party Tongchang amateur Yi Rural Committee Party School of the second phase of the training study, in June the same year I became a preparatory members, so I一步步向moving party.

To join the party, I always to the standards of party members to set strict demands on themselves.
I further strengthen political study and improve the theoretical level, and further firm belief in communism. Because I know that if I do not study, can not be politically mature, it is impossible to consciously transform their subjective world, not very good transform their world outlook, outlook on life will not have a clear understanding of clear and not will accurately understand and reflect the value of life. Therefore, any time, I have to be to their own charge, and continuously enrich themselves. In this way, to continually improve my ability to think and theoretical level, so that their communism more profound understanding of right and wrong so that they can more clearly, not guilty of some foolish mistakes. At the same time, can make their own political study of the Chinese Communist Party and communism and by the simple, emotional awareness into a deep, rational understanding of their faith more firm.

I should be teaching as teachers, role models. In words, to the state's social responsibility towards our students and the community have different views, we can not Daihatsu students tried to mislead students; in the manner and requiring students to do their own to do, so that the socialist ethics, culture in campus, the students spread.
Further improve the level of the teaching business. I have a serious and responsible work of teaching, students like to think that radical by radical students, step by step the knowledge to their students. To enable students to better grasp the knowledge, I have carefully following each step. Serious research materials brick outline, familiar with the materials, determined in accordance with the actual student teaching goals and learning requirements, write the teaching of operational plans; careful preparation, we prepared teaching materials, and prepare students, not only preparation of teaching and preparation of the study of law; adhere to the class teacher-led, student-centered, training principles of the main line to target a comprehensive education to capacity-building as the core, to stimulate enthusiasm for learning the premise of a knowledge-based structure, using a variety of ways and means of approach, fully mobilize the students to participate actively in teaching a variety of sensory activities, classroom teaching in order to achieve optimum efficiency;operations design, content selection, the appropriate title of the volume, level of difficulty appropriate, give prominence to typical, representative and comprehensive; timely detection, students grasp the situation, timely feedback to improve teaching and effective promotion of quality education. In the above work, this year's achievements have made education a good place.

My ideal party has to include the following things - good location, good music, good food and drink and as many friends as possible.
The most important of the four above is probably the friends. Without people to talk to and enjoy my time with, it wouldn't feel like a party at all. Good food and drink are important to keep the part alive and give everyone the energy to enjoy themselves to the max. Of course, the music will help on this point too. The right music will create the right atmoshpere so the DJ is of great importance. However, saying that, if the location is not good, all of the above will fail. The space has got to be adequate and it has to be located in a place not too far away from transportation so everyone can get to and back conviniently.
If all of the above conditions are met, any party will rock!

Today is my birthday. It seems to get older and older. Still in the office, type in front of the computer, listening to the music, sometimes I am thinking, if the computer is not existent,Really enjoy the free life style, in the weekends, no disturbance, no msn chatting,only read books and go walking with my parents, very comfortable, I like that feeling. Anyway I have established a very ambitious goal in the near future. Needs persistence, hard working, strong belief, patience, and even at the expenses of entertainment and rest, but really high-demanding and hard-to-achieve, anyway, try my best to conquer, needless to think excessively, ,needless to think how strong your opponent is, needless to think how others have abundant time to strive, only keep on working. Because Cindy is unique in this world. hope the bright future belongs to me......It was a happy britherday

socialism with Chinese characteristics, the core of leadership, on behalf of China's advanced productive forces the requirements of the development on behalf of China's advanced culture and the direction of majority of the Chinese people's fundamental interests. the party's highest ideal and ultimate goal is to realize communism. the Communist Party of China takes Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the 'Three Represents' important thinking as its guide to action. I understand the case of such intention to this theory as a guide for my actions, and consciously to strengthen the ideological transformation, clear-headed thinking of the Central African proletariat, and strive to transform their subjective world, bearing in mind the party wholeheartedly the purpose of serving the people, down-to-earth to establish the idea of serving the people.
At the same time I do a good job down. Both later became head of the political history and geography Research Group, in charge of Communist Youth League or publicity, whether in politics, history teaching, I have a high degree of responsibility and the spirit of professionalism and dedication to do a good job, not a quick profit, but also they do not care about personal gain or loss; overcome pompous, floating vanity's work style, so honest, and do the old practical, pragmatic work, and 10 in 2001, held in the county on three teaching skills won a Class Two award-wing competition.

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