
作者&投稿:典翠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Civil War
Civil War, also called US the civil war (the American Civil War) is in the American history an only civil war, rencountre both sides for south the American federation and US the confederation, the war subject is a slavery.Implemented the slavery 11 south states to withdraw from the federation in 1861, in addition stood take Jefferson · Davies as “president” but the government, provoked the war, north Abraham · Lincoln President in order to unify joins battle with the south, in 1865, south the rebel army commanded Robert · Li to command west Urey to the federation Si · Simpson · Grant to surrender, the Civil War ended.
War cause
US abolishes the slave system influence enhancement, the American Republican Party person, Lincoln although is not liberates the black slave to initiate, but he thought gathers the slave not humanity, opposed expands gathers the slave, therefore south is hostile toward he.In 1860, his president-elect, speaking of the south, the not different federation to gathers the slave system to declare war, the South Carolina state in 1861 first announced the withdrawal federation, and will guard with the military force in there American army drives away, has fired the civil war first gun.Afterwards, other some south states also withdraw from the federation, founds south US the confederation, take Jefferson · Davies as president, a large-scale war start.
After the war process
war starts south to have the superiority, the south labor force majority is very quickly a black slave, therefore may build up the number astonishing Caucasian adult male within the extremely short time, also has brave Robert Lee is the commander in chief, why is this north although already highly industrialized, but from the very beginning retreated in defeat again and again actually at the war, but north received the international acknowledgment continuously, but in the war intermediate stage, north armed forces' economical strength finally might resist the south gradually the violent offensive, the general railway networks were in particular most essential, but Lincoln had not found remarkable general, afterwards had U. S. After Grant, the war has a new look only then gradually.
When 1863 Grant has already controlled the entire Mississippi river basin, south will sliver the thing two parts, in the strategy has a new look then starts from this time; Therefore Lee in order to reverse the circumstance, hoped taking advantage of by invades the Pennsylvania state to obtain on the international universal acknowledgment, then mediates this war, but this possibility vanishes actually because of Ge Cibao the defeat.
Note: On January 1, 1863, Lincoln has made the famous manifesto, declared liberates the black slave unconditionally, but by no means brings the change at the war north, at most causes armed forces' attack, has subjugates the rebel army meaning)
Afterwards Grant does not count the cost to oppress Lee the army, alone in June, 1864, his lost nearly is the Lee entire force (60000), but north the armed forces caused in strategic as well as the economical superiority April, 1865 Lee finally to give up south the alliance capital (Richmond), north the armed forces victory situation already extremely was obvious, Lee fell to the enemy in the latter week in Richmond to be captured.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.





大家帮我看看这个车险适用什么情况?不太懂,如果开车人和乘车人受伤,可 ...


大家帮我看看严重不?小交通事故 必采纳








公主岭市18151165463: 谁会看交通事故现场图 帮忙分析下原因 -
鱼肃氟康: 此图画的太不专业了,就算是草图也太草了.现场图的基本元素都不齐全.看不出来事故原因,没有方向,没有数据单位…… 但我看了你后面发的,这应该是个事故报告吧.但从这报告看,双方原因都有,但如果此案给我处理,我会定自行车主要责任,汽车次要责任.因为就造成此事故的原因来看,自行车不按规定穿过马路是造成此事故的主要原因. 当然我没看当事人询问笔录,这都是看这报告的结果.前提是报告没有错误.

公主岭市18151165463: 交通事故现场分析 急急急 -
鱼肃氟康: 拐弯让直行 但是非机动车上禁止车道 你的责任应该大些 机动车和非机动车发生事故 机动车责任肯定要大 我觉得是主次责任

公主岭市18151165463: 高手帮忙看一下这个交通事故图,小车责任有多大?... -
鱼肃氟康: 这个要看现场是否有明显车道分隔线的双向车道,以及小车有否超越车道分隔线与电动车相撞,电动车的人员有否受伤?如果小车没有上述特别的交通违法行为,那么小车应该认定为无责或者次责.

公主岭市18151165463: 出了场交通事故,请大家帮我分析分析,刮蹭事件
鱼肃氟康: 不要找对方了,找自己的保险公司处理掉算了,即便找到了你的责任不小,因为从图上看,对方相当于直行,你在对方车的左恻右拐要让行,一般来说你在准备右拐的情况下应该在该车右恻位置.

公主岭市18151165463: 急,急,急,请专家给我分析一下交通事故,在此万分感谢咯!
鱼肃氟康: 1、说实话,由于你们挪动了事故现场的车辆,这对责任的划分肯定不利. 2、如果对交通事故责任认定不服,待事故认定书下达后,可以向上一级交警部门申请复核. 3、如果对复核后的结果仍然不服,可以起诉到法院进行责任认定,以及由法院判决赔偿金额.

公主岭市18151165463: 交通事故,不知怎么解决?请各位网友帮我分析下 -
鱼肃氟康: 从你的描述来看的确有这个嫌疑,建议:1、看看能否提供事故现场的视频资料,这对判断对方车辆的意图很有帮忙;2、请当地保险协会核实对方车辆的保险理赔情况,看看是否有多次同样的事故;3、告知你的保险公司,让他们提供协助并一同核实,保险公司核实起来比你方便的多.一旦取得关键证据后即可向当地警方(经侦)报案.

公主岭市18151165463: 请大家帮我分析一下这个交通事故的责任划分.轿车是停在T行路口,刚 -
鱼肃氟康: 你说的右转让左转是说在路口,相对行驶车辆共同转到一个车道内的这种情况,你说的这个不算,面包车是在自己正常车道内行驶(右转车道)轿车是在人行道起步左转变道,这种情况应该适用 拐弯让直行,因为轿车在起步变道的时候没有做好观察、避让的义务,所以说是轿车全责.....

公主岭市18151165463: 交通事故,现场照片拍下来了,对方答应给我修车,没有叫交警看现场,现在对方不配合处理,再报案有效吗? -
鱼肃氟康: 当事人报案后,交警部门可以采取调取附近监控、走访目击证人等手段尽可能还原现场并出具责任划分意见书.如果不能根据现有抄材料划分责任,则只能通知当事人提供相关证据经法院处理.当事人在事发后未能及时报警处理,因此造成的不利后果,zhidao只能由双方当事人承担.至于报案后交警部门是否能有效处理,要由交警部门根据具体情况而定,不过,也有可能出现不予受理的情况!

公主岭市18151165463: 车辆事故处理请各位大哥帮我分析一下!!急·!!!! -
鱼肃氟康: 1、你左转弯,对方逆行,他的责任啊,对方不是逆行吗很好下责任啊!!!你描述的他笼统了我看不懂啊.你想说对方的车到在施工吗?所以对方要逆行才能通过路口吗?如果是这样那不好意思就是你的责任啊,转弯车让行直行车. 2、关于...

公主岭市18151165463: 请大家帮我分析这件交通事故?谢了!
鱼肃氟康: 是不能说QQ车主逃逸,情况现在要这样办:让交警做事故责任认定书,然后估算出受害方应得的赔偿数额(不会算可以找律师帮忙),经过交警向对方索要,如果对方不拿出来,交警部门应先从交强险基金里垫付,如果还是没有得到只好到法院

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