
作者&投稿:庞杨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


To the Chinese, Mid-Autumn Festival means family reunion and peace. The festival is celebrated when the moon is believed to be the biggest and fullest. To the Chinese, a full moon is a symbol of prosperity, happiness, and family reunion.



Many traditional and meaningful celebrations are held in most households in China, and China's neighboring countries. The main traditions and celebrations include eating mooncakes, having dinner with family, gazing at and worshipping the moon, and lighting lanterns.



The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

mooncake 月饼

appreciating the moon 赏月

fire dragon dances火龙舞

Chang-E 嫦娥

jade rabbit / hare 玉兔

sky lantern孔明灯

cassia wine 桂花酒

the Chinese lunar calendar 中国农历

lantern riddles 灯谜

中秋节,又称月夕、秋节、仲秋节、八月节、八月会、追月节、玩月节、拜月节、女儿节或团圆节。下面是我为大家收集关于,欢迎借鉴参考。一 A great man said: "forget the past means betrayal!" Let u *** ove along the time tunnel, to feel this extraordinary history.Since the founding of...

手抄报英文内容 "Zhong Qiu Jie", which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, ...

中秋节的由来用英语介绍如下:Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China. It used to be as important as Spring Festival is usually celebrated in September or October.This festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon light. To some extent, it is ...

范文:Mid Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival, moonlight birthday, moon Eve, autumn festival, Mid Autumn Festival, moon worship Festival, yueniang Festival, Moon Festival and reunion festival, is a traditional festival among Chinese people.The Mid Autumn Festival originated from...

求一篇关于中秋节的英语小短文 60词左右 谢谢
The Moon Festival is full of legendary stories. Legend says that Chang Er flew to the moon, where she has lived ever since. You might see her dancing on the moon during the Moon Festival. The Moon Festival is also an occasion for family reunions. When the full moon rises, ...

Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, August Festival, August Festival, Chasing Moon Festival, Moon Festival, Moon Festival, Daughter's Day or Reunion Festival.翻译:中秋节,又称月夕、秋节、仲秋节、八月节、八月会、追月节、玩月节...

The Mid-Autumn Festival to the moon round meanders reunion, as sustenance missing home, missing loved ones, hope for harvest, happiness, become a rich and colorful, precious cultural heritage.中秋节,又称祭月节、月光诞、月夕、秋节、仲秋节、拜月节、月娘节、月亮节、团圆节等,是中国...

关于中秋节的英语作文,80词左右, 内容:中秋节的日期,为什么过中秋节,如 ...
中秋节的由来.农历八月十五是我国的秋节。由于这一天居秋季之半,所以叫中秋节,民间俗称八月节,这就是中秋节的由来。The origin of the Mid-Autumn festival. The Chinese autumn festival on the 15th day of the. Due to the half of the day in the autumn, so called the Mid-Autumn ...

中秋节英文介绍:The Mid-Autumn Festival is traditionally celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon.人们在每年中国农历的八月十五庆祝中秋节。在这天,每个家庭都团聚...

【 #英语资源# 导语】中秋节,又称祭月节、月光诞、月夕、秋节、仲秋节、拜月节、月娘节、月亮节、团圆节等,是中国民间的传统节日。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.难忘的中秋节英语作文范文 Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. I got up early. Today, my family will go to grandm...

银州区19448542248: 用英文介绍中秋节!40个词左右 -
赵武复方:[答案] Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four major traditional festivals.中秋节是中国四大传统节日之一.There are evening meal, people who work outside the home have to come back happy. After dinner, ...

银州区19448542248: 求!用英文介绍中秋节!60个词左右 -
赵武复方:[答案] Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four major traditional festivals.中秋节是中国四大传统节日之一. There are evening meal,people who work outside the home have to come back happy.After dinner,people lit lanterns,usually red lanterns round....

银州区19448542248: 中秋节的介绍(要英文的,短一点)少于30个单词 -
赵武复方:[答案] 30个单词也太少了..The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house...

银州区19448542248: 用英语介绍中秋节的短文20词 -
赵武复方:[答案] Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China.Almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day.Most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival.A saying go...

银州区19448542248: 用英语介绍中秋节用英语介绍一下中秋节,不多于6句话,假如介绍不了中秋节可以介绍别的节日,最好带有中文翻译! -
赵武复方:[答案] The Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn is a traditional festival in Chinese.It's also called Autumn festive,August festival or Reunion festival and so on.It's often on August 15th in lunar calendar every ...

银州区19448542248: 中秋节英文介绍中秋节英文简介(100词)六年级水平和译文 -
赵武复方:[答案] 你自己选择!~ 第一种 Mid-autumn Day Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese festival. It usually comes in September or October .On ... which aids the digestion. 中秋节吃月饼就像西方人圣诞节吃百果馅饼一样,是必不可少的.圆圆的月饼中通常包有香甜的莲子...

银州区19448542248: 请问``用英文来简单地介绍中秋节..,麻烦各位了``!用英文来简单地介绍中秋节,最好是初一水平,简单点就行了, -
赵武复方:[答案] Mid-autumn Day I think Mid-Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in Chi-na.Everybody likes it because it's a family get-together.You see> it is called"Mid-Autumn Day",so it often comes in Septembe...

银州区19448542248: 介绍中秋节的英语作文少一点,大概五句话,不要抄袭,是六年级范围内的, -
赵武复方:[答案] Every year lunar calendar in August 15 is Mid-autumn Festival,at this time the people always eat the moon cake,to enjoy ... 这时人们都会吃月饼,赏月亮,家人们团聚在一起,因为这天月亮是最圆的.有很多关于中秋的美丽传说,我很期待享受今年的中...

银州区19448542248: 请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇100字左右的短文介绍中国的传统节日---中秋节(The Mid - Autumn Festival). Date on the 15th day of August of the lunar ... -
赵武复方:[答案] 参考范文:The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals in China, which is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. The festival dates back t...

银州区19448542248: 用英语表达中秋 介绍 -
赵武复方:[答案] mid-autumn可表达中秋. mid-autumn festival(day)就是指中秋节.

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