
作者&投稿:舒勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Those who has you to accompany but already in the past night.I naive thank I have everything!


GE的CEO韦尔奇Jack Welch花至少一半的时间用于对雇员的业绩评估。他通过一个动态的评估表,让每个人都知道自己所处的位置。第一类占10%,他们是顶尖人才;次一些的是第二类,占15%;第三类是中等水平的员工,占50%,他们的变动弹性最大;接下来是占15%的第四类,需要对他们敲响警钟,督促他们上进;第五类是最差的,占10%,我们只能辞退他们。

第一类员工会得到股票期权,第二类中的大约90%和第三类中的50%会得到股票期权,第四类员工没有奖励。图表是最好的工具,哪些人应该得到奖励,哪些人应该打道回府,一目了然。 通过激励机制调动一般员工的积极性,让他们明白他们有上升到第一或第二类的可能,他们有机会选择何去何从,他们中最好的那些人才会得到股票期权的奖励。

1. Cautioned staff not to be willing to do nothing, the staff has such ideas and find another job should be to promote its.
Let them understand that this company should not be willing to do nothing to encourage them to display their courage to talk about their own views, for her boss. Told them: "If GE can not let you change the feeling useless, you should find another job." GE will allow employees who quit have such mentality of the manager and those who should not mingle with the staff manager.
2. Continuously improve staff quality, and enhance the good, the dismissal of the poor.
3. Through to the division staff of each department to assess staff performance.
GE's CEO Jack Welch Jack Welch spent at least half the time for performance evaluation of employees. Him through a dynamic evaluation form, so that everyone knows their own position. The first category accounts for 10%, they are top talent; meeting some of the second category, accounting for 15%; The third category is the middle level employees, accounting for 50 percent, their biggest change in flexibility; followed by 15% of The fourth category, the need for them to sound the alarm and urge them to improve themselves; fifth category is the worst, accounting for 10%, we can only dismiss them.
Based on performance assessment, each employee will know what kind they are, so no one will complain about lack of recognition.
4. Do not give too many employees to develop goals, and to encourage them to give full play to their potential and creativity.
So that employees realize that they have the potential of continuous improvement is more important than setting goals. The company the fastest development is our goal, GE hope that staff can play initiative, plans to promote the company's development.

5. Not only the need to provide spiritual encouragement, but also to give material reward.
His assessment will determine whether to grant their employees stock options as an incentive
The first category of staff will receive stock options, the second category of approximately 90% and the third category of 50 percent will be stock options, the staff does not have a fourth category. Chart is the best tool, which should be rewarded and who should be home at a glance. Through the incentive mechanism to mobilize the enthusiasm of the general staff by letting them know that they have risen to the first or second category may be, they have the opportunity to choose what course to follow them the best of those talents will be incentive stock options.
GE has about 85,000 professional employees, has annual 10000-12000 will be rewards, frequent changes in staff selection. So far, about 29,000 have access to stock options, accounting for one third of the total number.

Since entering China in 1992 since the establishment of Beijing Office, Microsoft in China, the total number of employees has increased to more than 900, has headquarters in Beijing, in Shanghai, with branch offices in Guangzhou framework. Microsoft in China had passed through the three stages of development.
From 1992 to 1995 is Microsoft in the first phase of China's development. At this stage, Microsoft is the development of its own marketing and sales channels.
From 1995 to 1999 is Microsoft in the second phase of China's development. At this stage, Microsoft have set up in China, Microsoft China Research and Development Center, Microsoft Global Technical Support Center and Microsoft Research Asia these three world-class scientific research, product development and technical support services, Microsoft Microsoft in the United States for China to become a total outside the Department of the most complete subsidiary functions.
From 2000 to date, Microsoft has entered the third phase of China's development. This phase of the Microsoft China and Chinese software industry will be common progress and common development, increase investment in China's software industry and cooperation, in their own development, to promote IT industry development in China's own intellectual property rights. This is not only in China to identify Microsoft's long-term development strategies, shows that Microsoft "the most advanced electronic information technology to the Chinese, the Chinese computer industry and common progress" of a solemn promise.
Microsoft China is fully aware of its success can not be separated from the support of government departments, industry partners and the general confidence in the user's love. Looking ahead, Microsoft is willing to join hands with China's information industry, to continue its efforts to move towards a more brilliant together twenty-first century.
Microsoft's charities in China
Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd. announced that donations to the earthquake-stricken area one million yuan to assist disaster-affected people; and at the first site to create an internal relief, quickly issued a call to their staff, tries to bring us a helping hand for donations. At the same time, China has also set up Microsoft customer support operations group and approached the affected areas to provide technical support to Microsoft customers to help customers affected by the IT system rehabilitation.

Microsoft condition in Chinese: Self enters China in 1992 since setting up Beijing Representative Office , the employee of Microsoft in China sum already increases to more than 900 people , already have taken form taking Beijing as general headquarter, sets up in Shanghai , Guangzhou to frame having branch company. Microsoft has stridden over also already three in China developing a stage greatly. Be a Microsoft the first developing in Chinese stage from 1992 to 1995. Be to have developed self marketplace and the marketing channel mainly in this one stage , Microsoft. Be a Microsoft second developing in Chinese stage from 1995 to 1999. Scientific research , product having set up China of Microsoft consecutively studying this three macrocosm level developing centre , Microsoft whole world technology hold out centre and Microsoft Asia research institute in Chinese develops and the technology supports be most complete subcompany of function to serve organization , China of Microsoft becoming Microsoft outside USA general headquarter in this one stage , Microsoft. From Y2K, so far, Microsoft has entered the third developing in Chinese stage. This China of one stage Microsoft will take that the software estate improves commonly and develops side by side with China as target , will enlarge by an investment and cooperation to Chinese software estate, while oneself develops, boost Chinese IT estate developing self having intellectual property rights. This has ascertained Microsoft strategy developing in Chinese long range not only , has indicated Microsoft bringing the most advanced electronic information technology to China, common progressive " solemn promises that with Chinese computer estate. The Chinese of Microsoft company is fully aware of self successful support being unable to be seprated from government departments , trust of buddy of industry and great kindness of extensive consumer. Raise the head and look future , Microsoft I wish IT industry continues effort hand in hand with China, march toward especially splendid twenty-first century commonly. Microsoft charities in Chinese: Ltd. announces Microsoft (Chinese), to 1 million yuan of earthquake-stricken area contribution RMB, aid disaster area people; And time has established the inside in the first relieving the people in stricken areas covering a station as with a net, send out call upon to whose employee , mobilize everybody to reach out aid , enthusiastic prompt contribution. Meanwhile, China of Microsoft has set up a customer supporting an action group , having been that the customer of the disaster-affected are Microsoft provides the technology hold out on self's own initiative , has helped the customer who is affected to provide IT system recovery reconstruction.

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请大神帮忙翻译成藏文 态度 ,命运, 刘一凡。

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日语版:卵を破るは外から、食べ物を、内からは生命があり。人生、外からは圧力があり、内からは成长があり 英语版:Egg from breaking, is food; from the break, is life. Life, from the outside to break, is the pressure from the break, is growing.日英混合版:egg破るはwaiか...

弋阳县15711399206: 救命啊! 帮忙翻译一段英文? -
席相盐酸: 这个吗 很经典哦 呵呵 翻译过来就是 从现在开始,你只许疼我一个人,要宠我,不能骗我,答应我的每一件事都要做到,对我讲得每一句话都要真心,不许欺负我,骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我,我开心了,你就要陪着我开心,我不开心了,你就要哄我开心,永远都要觉得我是最漂亮的,梦里也要见到我,在你的心里面只有我 大概意思就这样了

弋阳县15711399206: 各位男侠女侠救命啊.帮忙翻译成英文呢.小弟谢过了啊! -
席相盐酸: 摘要应该是abstract,不是summary

弋阳县15711399206: 帮助用英文怎么说?
席相盐酸: help在英语中是救命的意思,一般不能直接说.可以说成May you help me?你能帮我吗?或Please give me a hand.请帮我一把

弋阳县15711399206: 帮忙英文翻译,不要是翻译工具啊,人工翻译的最好.拜托各位了. -
席相盐酸: I collected data from school library, and search for related data on the internet. I stored these valuable data on my notebook, and tried my best to make these data complete. accurate and effective. Then I analyzed the data in detail and categorized ...

弋阳县15711399206: 救命啊!帮忙把下列句子翻译成英语,急急急!
席相盐酸: 注意注意!很多过去时的 1.上周末他们很高兴They were so happy last weekend 2.上周六我们不是很忙We weren't busy last Saturday 3.昨天天气不是很热It wasn't very hot yesterday 4.昨天这条街上没有很多人There weren't many people in the street yesterday 5.昨天早晨他没读英语He didn't read English yesterday morning.

弋阳县15711399206: 救命啊,翻译 -
席相盐酸: 翻译:我将数三百下,并且你们中没有一个人会移动一下.选择A and连接了两个独立的主语和谓语,所以后面的动词要根据主语ONE OF YOU来选择,你们中的一个是单数,所以选择is,后面有一个move,两个动词不能同时在一起,所以只能用不定式to move而不能用move.

弋阳县15711399206: 帮忙翻译一篇英语作文!!!救命啊!!要求原创~不用翻译器!
席相盐酸: Today I come out from the bedroom on late to study by oneself, result on road's time discovered suddenly on the street has many people to encircle in the same place, my curiosity tendency I move toward go, by now, I only then discovered a father's ...

弋阳县15711399206: 英语翻译~!~!救命啊~! 希望高手们自己翻译~!~急~~~~
席相盐酸: C: What about here? AB: OK A: Let's sit there, I like the seat next to the window.C:OK. D: Hello, sir.What can I do for you? C: Oh, yes. Please give us three cups of cock-cola. D: Ok. wait for a moment please.他们好多都是在线翻译的,相信我的吧,我英语过了专八 没找到你整篇的问题

弋阳县15711399206: 英语翻译~!~!救命啊~!~! 希望高手们自己翻译~!~!急~~~~
席相盐酸: a where are you going c I just back from the " lesson competition" award ab oh, how was the result, did you get any prize? c second place ab: wow b: should we celebrate it? c: og yes, let go ab: let's go

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