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Elizabeth Bennet: I thought you were in London.


Mr. Darcy: No... No. I'm not.


Jane Bennet: Yes. A thousand times yes.


Caroline Bingley: I can't help thinking that at some point someone is going to produce a piglet and we'll all have to chase it.


Caroline Bingley: Goodness, did you walk here Miss Bennet?


Elizabeth Bennet: I did.


Caroline Bingley: Charles. You cannot be serious.


Jane Bennet: He is just what a young man ought to be.


Charlotte Lucas: Mr. Collins and I are engaged.


Elizabeth Bennet: Engaged?


Charlotte Lucas: Yes.


Elizabeth Bennet: To be married?


Charlotte Lucas: Yes, Lizzie, what other kind of engaged is there? Oh, for heaven's sake, Lizzie, don't look at me like that. There is no earthly reason why I shouldn't be as happy with him as any other.


Elizabeth Bennet: But he's ridiculous.


Charlotte Lucas: Oh hush.


Mr. Darcy: I love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honor of accepting my hand.


Elizabeth Bennet: Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. Believe me, it was unconsciously done.


Mr. Darcy: Is this your reply?


Elizabeth Bennet: Yes, sir.


Mr. Darcy: Are you... are you laughing at me?


Elizabeth Bennet: No.


Mr. Darcy: Are you *rejecting* me?


Elizabeth Bennet: I'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me have hindered your regard, will help you in overcoming it.


Mr. Darcy: Might I ask why, with so little endeavor at civility, I am thus repulsed?


Elizabeth Bennet: And I might as well enquire why, with so evident a design of insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your better judgment.



Film Subtitles of “Pride and Prejudice”
00:02:14,600 --> 00:02:16,556 Lydia! Kitty!
00:02:51,560 --> 00:02:54,233 My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard?
00:02:54,400 --> 00:02:58,916 Netherfield Park is let at last. Do you not want to know who has taken it?
00:02:59,120 --> 00:03:04,877 As you wish to tell me, my dear, I doubt I have any choice in the matter.
00:03:10,360 --> 00:03:13,397 Kitty, what have I told you about listening at the door?
00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:16,273 There's a Mr Bingley arrived from the North.
00:03:16,440 --> 00:03:19,557 - Five thousand a year! - Really?
00:03:19,720 --> 00:03:21,278 - He's single!- Who's single?
00:03:21,480 --> 00:03:24,040 A Mr Bingley, apparently. Kitty!
00:03:24,200 --> 00:03:25,997 How can that possibly affect them?
00:03:26,200 --> 00:03:28,236 Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome?
00:03:28,400 --> 00:03:30,675 You know he must marry one of them.
00:03:30,840 --> 00:03:32,796 That is his design in settling here?
00:03:33,000 --> 00:03:35,116 You must go and visit him at once.
00:03:35,320 --> 00:03:38,118 Good heavens. People.
00:03:40,480 --> 00:03:44,393 For we may not visit if you do not, as you well know, Mr Bennet.
00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:48,599 - Are you listening? You never listen. - You must, Papa! At once!
00:03:48,760 --> 00:03:51,194 There's no need. I already have.
00:03:51,920 --> 00:03:53,717 - You have? - When?
00:03:53,880 --> 00:03:57,316 Oh, Mr Bennet, how can you tease me so?
00:03:57,520 --> 00:03:59,795 Have you no compassion for my poor nerves?
00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:03,436 You mistake me, my dear. I have the highest respect for them.
00:04:03,640 --> 00:04:06,757 They've been my constant companions these twenty years.
00:04:06,920 --> 00:04:07,875 Papa!
00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:09,274 - Is he amiable? - Who?
00:04:09,440 --> 00:04:11,715 - Is he handsome? - He's sure to be.
00:04:11,920 --> 00:04:14,957 With 5,000 a year, it would not matter if he had warts.
00:04:15,120 --> 00:04:16,439 Who's got warts?
00:04:16,600 --> 00:04:19,717 I will consent to his marrying whichever girl he chooses.
00:04:19,920 --> 00:04:23,959 - So will he come to the ball tomorrow? - I believe so.
00:04:25,160 --> 00:04:28,835 -Mr Bennet!- I have to have your muslin!
00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:31,719 - I'll lend you my green slippers!- They were mine.
00:04:31,880 --> 00:04:35,475 - I'll do your mending for a week.- I'll retrim your new bonnet.
00:04:35,680 --> 00:04:37,318 Two weeks I'll do it for.
00:05:14,160 --> 00:05:17,197 It's not the same!It's not the same.
00:05:26,880 --> 00:05:28,757 I can't breathe.
00:05:31,480 --> 00:05:34,074 I think one of my toes just came off.
00:05:41,880 --> 00:05:44,758 If every man does not end the evening in love with you,
00:05:44,920 --> 00:05:46,638 then I'm no judge of beauty.
00:05:46,840 --> 00:05:49,718 -Or men.- No, they are far too easy to judge.
00:05:49,880 --> 00:05:51,359 They're not all bad.
00:05:51,520 --> 00:05:54,273 Humourless poppycocks, in my limited experience.
00:05:54,440 --> 00:05:56,635 One day, someone will catch your eye,
00:05:56,840 --> 00:05:59,115 and then you'll have to watch your tongue.
00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:20,674 How good of you to come.
00:06:20,840 --> 00:06:23,400 Which of the painted peacocks is our Mr Bingley?
00:06:23,560 --> 00:06:26,199 He's on the right. On the left is his sister.
00:06:26,360 --> 00:06:31,195 -The person with the quizzical brow?- That is his good friend, Mr Darcy.
00:06:31,400 --> 00:06:35,598 -He looks miserable, poor soul.- He may be, but poor he is not.
00:06:35,760 --> 00:06:36,715 Tell me.
00:06:36,920 --> 00:06:39,559 10,000 a year, and he owns half of Derbyshire.
00:06:39,720 --> 00:06:41,676 The miserable half.
00:07:07,960 --> 00:07:12,636 Mr Bennet, you must introduce him to the girls immediately.
00:07:13,520 --> 00:07:15,238 Smile at Mr Bingley. Smile.
00:07:31,120 --> 00:07:32,075 Mary.
00:07:32,280 --> 00:07:35,078 Mr Bingley, my eldest daughter you know.
00:07:36,160 --> 00:07:40,438 Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet, Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet.
00:07:40,600 --> 00:07:44,195 It is a pleasure. I have two others, but they're already dancing.
00:07:44,360 --> 00:07:46,635 I'm delighted to make your acquaintance.
00:07:46,840 --> 00:07:51,914 And may I introduce Mr Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire.
00:08:10,760 --> 00:08:12,876 How do you like it here in Hertfordshire?
00:08:13,080 --> 00:08:14,957 Very much.
00:08:15,120 --> 00:08:18,317 The library at Netherfield, I've heard, is one of the finest.
00:08:18,480 --> 00:08:22,758 It fills me with guilt. I'm not a good reader. I prefer being out of doors.
00:08:22,960 --> 00:08:25,394 Oh, I mean, I can read, of course.
00:08:25,600 --> 00:08:28,876 And I'm not suggesting you can't read out of doors.
00:08:29,040 --> 00:08:32,635 I wish I read more, but there eem to be so many other things to do.
00:08:32,800 --> 00:08:34,995 That's exactly what I meant.
00:08:38,000 --> 00:08:41,754 Mama, Mama! You will never, ever believe what we're about to tell you.
00:08:41,920 --> 00:08:44,434 -Tell me!- She's going to take the veil.
00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:46,875 -The regiment are coming!- Officers?
00:08:47,040 --> 00:08:50,157 They're going to be stationed the whole winter, right here.
00:08:50,320 --> 00:08:52,754 -Officers?- As far as the eye can see.
00:08:58,960 --> 00:09:02,714 Oh, look. Jane's dancing with Mr Bingley.
00:09:02,880 --> 00:09:04,313 Mr Bennet.
00:09:17,920 --> 00:09:21,833 -Do you dance, Mr Darcy?- Not if I can help it.
00:09:39,960 --> 00:09:42,918 I didn't know you were coming to see me. What's the matter?
00:09:43,120 --> 00:09:48,558 We are a long way from Grosvenor Square, are we not, Mr Darcy?
00:09:48,720 --> 00:09:50,836 I've never seen so many pretty girls.
00:09:51,040 --> 00:09:53,395 You were dancing with the only handsome girl.
00:09:53,560 --> 00:09:56,438 She is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld.
00:09:56,600 --> 00:10:00,798 -But her sister Elizabeth is agreeable.- Perfectly tolerable.
00:10:00,960 --> 00:10:05,078 Not handsome enough to tempt me. Return to your partner and enjoy her smiles.
00:10:05,240 --> 00:10:07,595 You're wasting your time with me.
00:10:11,400 --> 00:10:15,757 Count your blessings, Lizzie. If he liked you, you'd have to talk to him.
00:10:15,960 --> 00:10:17,154 Precisely.
00:10:17,360 --> 00:10:19,954 I wouldn't dance with him for all of Derbyshire,
00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:22,395 let alone the miserable half.
00:11:22,480 --> 00:11:23,879 Wait!
00:11:40,120 --> 00:11:45,399 -I enjoyed that so much, Miss Lucas.- How well you dance, Mr Bingley.
00:11:45,560 --> 00:11:47,755 I've never enjoyed a dance so much.
00:11:47,960 --> 00:11:50,679 My daughter Jane is a splendid dancer, is she not?
00:11:50,840 --> 00:11:52,717 She is indeed.
00:11:53,640 --> 00:11:56,757 Your friend Miss Lucas is a most amusing young woman.
00:11:56,920 --> 00:11:58,558 Oh, yes, I adore her.
00:11:58,720 --> 00:12:02,713 -It is a pity she's not more handsome.- Mama!
00:12:02,880 --> 00:12:06,236 Oh, but Lizzie would never admit that she's plain.
00:12:06,400 --> 00:12:10,473 Of course, it's my Jane who's considered the beauty of the county.
00:12:10,640 --> 00:12:11,595 Mama, please!
00:12:11,800 --> 00:12:14,758 When she was 15, a gentleman was so much in love with her,
00:12:14,920 --> 00:12:17,036 I was sure he would make her an offer.
00:12:17,200 --> 00:12:20,636 However, he did write her some very pretty verses.
00:12:20,800 --> 00:12:21,994 And that put paid to it.
00:12:22,160 --> 00:12:25,436 I wonder who discovered the power of poetry in driving away love.
00:12:25,640 --> 00:12:28,837 -I thought poetry was the food of love.- Of a fine, stout love.
00:12:29,000 --> 00:12:32,356 But if it is only a vague inclination, one poor sonnet will kill it.
00:12:32,560 --> 00:12:35,438 So, what do you recommend to encourage affection?
00:12:36,360 --> 00:12:42,117 Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable.
00:13:03,640 --> 00:13:06,996 Mr Bingley is just what a young man ought to be.
00:13:07,160 --> 00:13:10,516 -Sensible, good-humored...- Handsome, conveniently rich...
00:13:10,680 --> 00:13:13,399 Marriage should not be driven by thoughts of money.
00:13:13,560 --> 00:13:15,676 Only deep love will persuade me to marry.
00:13:15,880 --> 00:13:20,317 -Which is why I'll end up an old maid.- Do you really believe he liked me?
00:13:20,480 --> 00:13:23,836 He danced with you most of the night, and stared at you the rest.
00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:26,878 I give you leave to like him. You've liked many stupider.
00:13:27,080 --> 00:13:30,197 You're a great deal too apt to like people in general.
00:13:30,360 --> 00:13:32,237 All the world is good in your eyes.
00:13:32,440 --> 00:13:35,557 Not his friend. I still can't believe what he said about you.
00:13:35,760 --> 00:13:38,035 Mr Darcy?
00:13:38,200 --> 00:13:42,796 I'd more easily forgive his vanity had he not wounded mine.
00:13:42,960 --> 00:13:45,633 But no matter. I doubt we shall ever speak again.
00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:17,916 He danced with Miss Lucas.
00:14:18,080 --> 00:14:19,877 We were all there, dear.
00:14:20,040 --> 00:14:22,076 It is a shame she's not more handsome.
00:14:22,240 --> 00:14:24,879 There's a spinster in the making and no mistake.
00:14:25,040 --> 00:14:27,600 The fourth with a Miss King of little standing,
00:14:27,760 --> 00:14:29,796 and the fifth again with Jane.
00:14:30,000 --> 00:14:33,117 If he had any compassion, he would've sprained his ankle.
00:14:33,280 --> 00:14:34,395 The way you carry on,
00:14:34,560 --> 00:14:37,518 you'd think our girls look forward to a grand inheritance.
00:14:37,680 --> 00:14:39,875 When you die, which may be very soon,
00:14:40,040 --> 00:14:44,397 they will be left without a roof over their head nor a penny to their name.
00:14:44,560 --> 00:14:47,996 -Please, it's ten in the morning.- A letter to Miss Bennet, ma'am.
00:14:48,160 --> 00:14:51,516 From Netherfield Hall.
00:14:51,720 --> 00:14:55,235 Praise the Lord. We are saved!
00:14:55,440 --> 00:15:00,195 Make haste, Jane, make haste. Oh, happy day!
00:15:01,640 --> 00:15:04,074 It is from Caroline Bingley.
00:15:04,280 --> 00:15:08,796 She has invited me to dine with her.
00:15:08,960 --> 00:15:11,918 -Her brother will be dining out.- Dining out?
00:15:12,080 --> 00:15:13,957 -Can I take the carriage?- Let me see.
00:15:14,160 --> 00:15:17,675 -It is too far to walk.- This is unaccountable of him.
00:15:17,880 --> 00:15:19,677 Mama, the carriage for Jane?
00:15:21,720 --> 00:15:25,156 Certainly not. She'll go on horseback.
00:15:25,880 --> 00:15:28,075 Horseback!
00:15:42,840 --> 00:15:44,558 Lizzie.
00:15:44,760 --> 00:15:47,957 Now she'll have to stay the night, exactly as I predicted.
00:15:48,120 --> 00:15:51,157 Good grief, woman, your skills in the art of matchmaking
00:15:51,320 --> 00:15:53,117 are positively occult.
00:15:53,280 --> 00:15:57,717 Though I don't think, Mama, you can take credit for making it rain.
00:16:02,400 --> 00:16:05,756 "My friends will not hear of me returning home until I am better.
00:16:05,920 --> 00:16:09,833 Excepting a sore throat, a fever and a headache, nothing is wrong with me."
00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:14,994 If Jane does die it will be a comfort to know it was in pursuit of Mr Bingley.
00:16:15,200 --> 00:16:17,395 People do not die of colds.
00:16:17,560 --> 00:16:20,836 But she may perish with the shame of having such a mother.
00:16:21,920 --> 00:16:24,559 I must go to Netherfield at once.
00:16:37,120 --> 00:16:41,955 Lady Bathurst is redecorating her ballroom in the French style.
00:16:42,160 --> 00:16:45,197 A little unpatriotic, don't you think?
00:16:47,560 --> 00:16:50,438 Miss Elizabeth Bennet.
00:17:03,600 --> 00:17:05,716 Good Lord, did you walk here?
00:17:06,440 --> 00:17:07,839 I did.
00:17:14,680 --> 00:17:18,753 -I'm so sorry. How is my sister?- She's upstairs.
00:17:20,880 --> 00:17:22,757 Thank you.
00:17:31,880 --> 00:17:36,556 My goodness, did yousee her hem ? Six inches deep in mud.
00:17:36,760 --> 00:17:38,796 She looked positively mediaeval.
00:17:38,960 --> 00:17:43,317 I feel such a terrible imposition. They're being so kind to me.
00:17:43,480 --> 00:17:48,838 I don't know who is more pleased at your being here, Mama or Mr Bingley.
00:17:53,720 --> 00:17:56,154 Thank you for tending to my sister so diligently.
00:17:56,360 --> 00:17:58,555 She's in far better comfort than at home.
00:17:58,720 --> 00:18:00,358 It's a pleasure.
00:18:00,560 --> 00:18:04,235 I mean, it's not a pleasure that she's ill. Of course not.


谁有《傲慢与偏见》里面的各人物介绍 越详细越好
受到这样的鼓舞,达西再次向伊丽莎白求了婚,这次态度谦卑、得体,被愉快地接受了。已经嫁出三个女儿后,班纳特太太满怀喜悦,班纳特先生则十分明达地等待再有求婚者上门。 奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》,正如她自己所说,是在两寸象牙上细细的雕刻,它是奥斯汀的代表作.这部反映婚姻问题的小说是作者作品中最受欢迎的一部,也是她...

求《傲慢与偏见》的一段经典英语台词,我们要上课的时候做话剧表演,大 ...
Lizzie:It's what my father calls my mother when he's cross.Darcy:What endearments am I allowed?Lizzie:Well,let me think. Lizzie for every day.My pearl for sundays.And...Goddess Divine,but only on very special occasions.Darcy:And what shall I call you when I'm cross?

傲慢与偏见 的经典段落


在《傲慢与偏见》中,奥斯丁还写了伊丽莎白的几个姐妹和女友的婚事,这些都是陪衬,用来与女主人公理想的婚姻相对照。如夏绿蒂和柯林斯尽管婚后过着舒适的物质生活,但他们之间没有爱情,这种婚姻实际上是掩盖在华丽外衣下的社会悲剧。 该影片中另一个感动的情景那就是伊丽莎白和她父亲的对话。班纳特先生并没有象她的妻...


豆瓣9.2分《傲慢与偏见》: 洞见简.奥斯汀对“爱”的坚守
简.奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》讲述了19世纪初期英国乡绅之女伊丽莎白.班内特五姐妹的爱情与择偶的故事。 作为一部以婚姻、爱情为剧情推进线索的小说,作者简奥斯汀在作品中着墨较多的有两段爱情故事:一是简与宾利,一是伊丽莎白与达西。这两段爱情故事最后都以幸福美满的结局收尾,但即便是美好的爱情,也曾历经坎坷,有个人...

问题一:《傲慢与偏见》中的傲慢和偏见指什么意思? 傲慢就是达西的性格比较高傲目空一切 偏见就是伊丽莎白对达西的偏见 就是这个意思. 附带人物关系表: 班德那先生 班德那太太 (夫妇 有五个女儿) 简(大女儿) 宾格兰先生(富少,后与简结婚) 伊丽莎白(二女儿) 达西先生(富少,后与伊丽莎白结婚) 莉...



内黄县13067682458: 《傲慢与偏见》中的经典英文对白 -
秘功络活: Elizabeth Bennet: I thought you were in London.伊丽莎白:我原以为你在伦敦.Mr. Darcy: No... No. I'm not.达西:不...不,我不在那.Jane Bennet: Yes. A thousand times yes.简:是的,一千次说是的.Caroline Bingley: I can't help thinking...

内黄县13067682458: 帮忙翻《傲慢与偏见》台词的英文 “偏见让你无法接受我 傲慢让我无法爱你” -
秘功络活: Prejudice let you can't accept me, pride let me can't love you

内黄县13067682458: 跪求《傲慢与偏见》中的英文台词~
秘功络活: Filmnbsp;Subtitlesnbsp;ofnbsp;“Pridenbsp;andnbsp;Prejudice”nbsp;00:02:14,600nbsp;--amp;gt;nbsp;00:02:16,556nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lydia!nbsp;Kitty!00:02:51,560nbsp;--amp;gt;nbsp;00:02:54,233nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mynbsp;dearnbsp;Mrnbsp;...

内黄县13067682458: 傲慢与偏见经典台词 -
秘功络活: Darcy:How are you this evening,my dear? Lizzie:Very well.Only I wish you would not call me "my dear". Darcy:Why? 我把最后一幕的台词都给你吧. Lizzie:It's what my father calls my mother when he's cross. Darcy:What endearments am I allowed?...

内黄县13067682458: 求《傲慢与偏见》英文经典语句 -
秘功络活: 这段精彩对白发生在雨中,伊丽莎白听说姐姐---简的婚事被破坏了,冒雨外出以发泄情绪,达西随后追出,在石亭中,达西抛开世俗向伊丽莎白表露心迹,但是伊丽莎白认为达西破坏了姐姐的婚礼,怀着怒火拒绝了达西,虽然她也同样爱着达西...

内黄县13067682458: 傲慢与偏见中的优美句子 英文 -
秘功络活:[答案] 下面是《傲慢与偏见》里面经常被人所引用的句子:Quotes from:PRIDE AND PREJUDICEby: Jane AustenIt is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want o...

内黄县13067682458: 求大量傲慢与偏见英文名句 -
秘功络活: 在傲慢与偏见的贴吧里有征集过网友提供的名言帖子,里面有许多网友搜集而来的傲慢与偏见的名言(包括英文原文) 地址在这里: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=94411473 希望对你有帮助 参考资料: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=94411473

内黄县13067682458: Pride and Prejudice英文版《傲慢与偏见中的精美语句 -
秘功络活: 伊利莎白拒绝达西的那一段.(达西第一次在牧师府向她求婚的时候) 描写彭伯利庄园的那一段. 这两段都是令我印象极深的,很好很好的.原文我就不帮你打上去了.

内黄县13067682458: 《傲慢与偏见》中英文对照台词
秘功络活: http://ewteacher.blog.sohu.com/84006899.html 由于非常长,我找来个链接,是全的中英对照,希望帮助到你

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