
作者&投稿:真和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
中译英,句子 翻译~

1, he asked me whether I like pop music
2, there is a period of time the children tired of dancing.
3, I want to know is it right? Marie intentionally break the plate.
4, Lili doesn't work here, because she was going to study in the United states.

They started to make a fire to keep warm.
解释:start to do,开始做。
make a fire,生火。
keep warm,取暖。

Don't come home again!
Don't be back home again!
Don't return home again!
home 是副词,不能用作介词宾语。
I'd not like to see you another time!(不愿意)
I don't want to see/meet you once omre!(不需要)
I am in no mood for seeing you again.(没心情)
Disappear out of sight of me!(消失在...视线之外。)
Don't be/appear within sight of me!(出现在...视线之内)
Don't show yourself in sight of me!(在我的视线之内露面)
I've never fed you up.(喂养)
I've never brought you up.(带...成长)
I've never saised you.(抚养,养育)

1、Do not return to the home
3、In my field of vision in the disappearance of
4、I have never raised your

Don't come home again!
Don't be back home again!
Don't return home again!
home 是副词,不能用作介词宾语。
I'd not like to see you another time!(不愿意)
I don't want to see/meet you once omre!(不需要)
I am in no mood for seeing you again.(没心情)
Disappear out of sight of me!(消失在...视线之外。)
Don't be/appear within sight of me!(出现在...视线之内)
Don't show yourself in sight of me!(在我的视线之内露面)
I've never fed you up.(喂养)
I've never brought you up.(带...成长)
I've never saised you.(抚养,养育)

1.Don't return to this(/the) home!

2.I don't want to see you again!

3.Disappear from my eyesight!/Disappear in my field of vision !

4. Never have I raised you!


1.Do not come back to this house!
2. I do not want to see you!
3. In my view disappeared!
4. I have never raised you!

1:Don't go back to the house any more !
2:I don't want to see you again !
3:disappeare in my view !
4:I have never raised you !


1.在那个时候的中国的第一家电影院是怎样的?How about the first cinema built in China at that time?2.你的第一位老师对你要求严格吗?Was your first teacher strict to you?3.1980年以前我们镇没有公园。There were no parks in our town before 1980.4.那时候,有一个有着许多树的大...

1.在动物园里我们可以看到各种各样的动物。2.下课后,老师和同学们一起做游戏。3.单纯去想一件事与马上去做这件事之间有很大区别。4.对他的答案不满意,老师又问了一遍。5.美国有约二百年的历史。1 in the zoo, we can see all kinds of animals.2 after the class, the teacher and ...

1.他们已经到了必须分手的地步。They must have reached the point of breaking up 2.你还记得我们在青岛过暑假的日子吗?Do you still remember we have been in Qingdao this summer day?3.你还记得我们在青岛度过的日子吗?Do you remember our days spent in Qingdao it?4.这就是昨晚窗子被...

This book is about the history of china.There are a few tall building near ou school.there are lots of famous places to visit in Hangzhou China is in the east of Asia.You shouldn't spit everywhere。

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1.沿着这条街往前走,在第一个十字路口左转,再向前走200米就到了。Go along this street, turn left at the first crossroad and then go ahead 200 meters,you will get it.2.我们正要回家,突然下起了大雨。It suddenly rained heavily when we were going home.3.过去有些人设想像鸟儿...

1.我决定要作一名中学教师,那是我小时的梦想。I decide to become a high school teacher, because it is a dream since I was a child.2.我认为和孩子们相处是快乐和幸福的。I consider that is happy to stay with children.3.但是目前想当教师的人并不多。However, there are few people ...

1 金融风暴离中国远吗?Is financial crisis far from China?2 经济全球化使得中国与外部环境难脱干系 The globalization of economy makes it unlikely for China to disconnect from external environment.3 在各国推出经济刺激计划的同时,中国市场上关于推出经济刺激计划的呼声也日益增高 While various ...

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中译英 一句小句子
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