
作者&投稿:左丘待 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
把这一段话翻译成英文 急 谢谢啊!~

I've found an appartment near Renmin Road and Zhongshan Road, which is at the 5th floor. Around it there is a supermarket and a hospital. Also there is a bus stop nearby, which is convenient for you to take the bus. Your appartment lies in the south with two bedrooms, one kitchen, one parlour and one bathroom. The rental is not very expensive. Hope you will be satisfied with it and enjoy your life here.

这个房子离学校比较近 如果你坐公交车很快就到了
It is not far away from the school. It won't take you long to get to school by bus.

Police: the speed limit road 40, you are exceeding the speed limit, your speed is 60! Husband: not 60, is 50. Wife: I see, is 80. Police: you haven't a seat belt, license revoked a month. Husband: I department, please come over, I just released. Wife: what time do you have in your seat belt? Husband: shut your mouth! Police: your husband usually always use this tone of speaking to you? Wife: no, he was drunk just so.

The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole people to meet different color, race, religion and culture, the different parts of the world, they will become the college culture, world universiade culture and Chinese culture. Zhu, love and attention in zhu, service institutions, zhu is shenzhen teenagers glorious historical mission and reality. For youth and vigor 4 shoot the universiade, youth for the universiade and colorful. However, a good host, light enthusiasm is far from enough

World University Games is a global gathering of young people, said Professor Yang, Shenzhen Dayun youth will be inspired by the ideal, young big operation carried out extensive activities, to meet together with people of different skin colors, different races, different faiths, different cultures, different regions of the countries on behalf of university students, they will become the Universiade culture, world culture and heritage of Chinese culture are. Dayun concern, Dayun love to participate in Dayun, service operation, is a glorious mission, Shenzhen youth responsibility and reality. Universiade young and vibrant, youthful and colorful because of the Universiade. However, it is necessary to being a good host, having a passion is not enough.

您好 翻译为:It's my pleasure to recommend you a book I like. My favorite book is biography of famous people by Roman Rowland. Here are my reasons for recommending this book.First of all, this book tells about three famous people in the world: Beethoven, Michelangelo, Tolstoy,...

第一段翻译为:Within 90 days overdue (including 90 days), or more than 90 days past due but not paid the amount of the price due to one-fifth of the total price: to be paid from the agreed expiry date until the actual day full payment should be the date of payment, buy...

这段话用英语翻译:On the new journey of your life, I feel it necessary to remind everyone that entering the university is the result of your efforts yesterday. In the next four years, I hope you can make full use of the rich resources needed for the success of the comprehensi...

我热情、自信、阳光、善言!I am enthusiastic,confident,positive and eloquent.能与迅速与他人建立良好的关系,开朗阳光、充满热情;I can build up a nice relationship with others really soon.My life is full of hope and optimism.对工作充满热情,敢于吃苦、拼博。And I have a zeal for my ...

attend a good high school. I know it's very difficult. I will study harder than before, especially for English, I must put more efforts. I don't want to disapoint my parents and teachers. I also want to have a good future for myself. That's it.手工翻译的!不难。

文段中的专有名词三楼没有译出,需要特此说明,请精明的楼主鉴定。千利休 Sen no Rikyu 京都 Kyoto 天皇 the Mikado 风神秀吉 Aeolus Hideyoshi 文武百官 Civil And Military Officials 古时候日本有位很有名的艺术家叫千利休。京都的人都知道他家种满了牵牛花,每年都开得非常的好。In ancient times ...

I gained much knowledge from 金太阳. I met naughty boys, lovely girls. We learn and play together, we progress together and help eachother. I have also met my amiable English teacher and math teacher.This is my happy life at 金太阳.“金太阳”翻译成英文是Golden Sun。但是因为听来...

帮我把这段话翻译成英文。 学生会对100名学生进行幸福观的调查,每个...
英【译】The students will have a survey of 100 students, each of which has different views on happiness. Thirty-two percent of the students believe that wealth is happiness, the reason is that you can buy everything you want; forty-five percent of the students believe that ...

Teachers and students:Hello everybody! Another year of spring grass green. In this sunny morning, and I am honored to stand under the flag speech.Coming Youth Day, the festival is all of us young people, flowers in May reflected a vibrant smile each. At this time only the ...

Good morning\/afternoon\/evening, ladies and gentlemen!I'm quite interested in English. And I'm eager to be the Representative of English Course so that I can both do more for my classmates and encourage myself to study harder. I hope you'll let me do it, as it is not ...

营口市15369152670: 把这一段话翻译成英语
笪谭灵诺: August 10th, 2009 Today I played with my classmate Yu Bo. We had a very happy time. We played for three hours and then I went home. I'm very glad today. And I hope I could be happy in the future.

营口市15369152670: 帮我把这一段话翻译成英文,谢谢.薰衣草的花语是等待爱情,我手捧一株薰衣草,静静地凝视着那忧伤的紫,我要等待我的幸福,只属于我一个人的幸福,... -
笪谭灵诺:[答案] The flower language of lavender is to wait for love, The my hand holds one stub lavender, Stare at that sadness quietly of purple, I want to wait for my happiness, Happiness that belongs to my a person, No matter how long it is, I will wait for, Have been ...

营口市15369152670: 谁能把这一段话翻译成英语:这个故事讲了一头小象有很多问题,经常被打,它出去问鳄鱼结果被鳄鱼咬了鼻子,然后就有了长鼻子. -
笪谭灵诺:[答案] A little elephant has a lot of problems,often beaten,it asked the crocodilewas the crocodile on the nose,and then there will be a long nose.

营口市15369152670: 帮我把这一段话译成英语
笪谭灵诺: i hurted you at the same time i hurted myself.i don`t ask you to forgive me,because i don`t dare

营口市15369152670: 谁能帮我把这一段话翻译成英语
笪谭灵诺: 手工翻的 在下雨天我为你撑伞 In a rainy day I held an embrella for you记得那次我湿了右肩 I remenber my shoulder got wet that time把你护在我心跳的这一边 to protect you on the side where my heart beats对的时间在对的地点 at the right time and ...

营口市15369152670: 帮忙 把这一段话翻译成英文 -
笪谭灵诺: I want to give it to my friend for her eighteen years old birthday present, she is also your fans, like you very much. And each will celebrate for you on your birthday, I hope you can give her blessing.

营口市15369152670: 帮我把这一段话翻译成英文,谢谢... -
笪谭灵诺: The flower language of lavender is to wait for love, The my hand holds one stub lavender, Stare at that sadness quietly of purple, I want to wait for my happiness, Happiness that belongs to my a person, No matter how long it is, I will wait for, Have been waiting for ……

营口市15369152670: 帮我把这一段话翻译成英文
笪谭灵诺: She said: He has changed. Why did you obey him so much? If he really loves you, he won't leave. It is hard to find one who cares you so much. Why don't I work hard? For you, I am willing to get away from the life in the past. I try my best to change myself. What I want is to be your groom.

营口市15369152670: 求帮我把一段话翻译成英文
笪谭灵诺:我们相隔在地球的两边 We were on opposite sides of the globe 识你、而已不认识硪 Know you don't know me, only 其中的一个 seal 尽管这样、硪还是那么的想念你 Even so, i still miss you so 来、已经成了一种习惯 Come and have become a habit 硪不奢求什么 I don't need any 只要能跟你在一天、真实的看你一眼就够了 As long as i can tell you in a day, true to see you just enough

营口市15369152670: “你答应过我的,你食言了,”把这一段话用英语翻译出来! -
笪谭灵诺:[答案] you promise me ,but you break your promise,isn't it

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