
作者&投稿:释卢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

First of all,thank you for giving me the opportunity.Now please allow me to introduce myself.

hello,everyone!my name is xxx,i‘m xx years old,i’m outgoing and active ,i ‘m helpful,i would like to help everyone。i’m planning to originized talant show,for example,we can hold a speaking contest,everyone can tell us who are you and how fast can you speak,of course,speaking fast is nothing like when we speak at other times;it's also important for us to play sports,we can hold a sports meeting,then we can keep speaking and health well at the same time。please support me,dear classmates,thanks very much。

Leaders, students: �

Good! �

I am honored to stand here and take part in student council election, and I support all of you to express my sincere gratitude. First of all, I introduce myself to you: I is for students in early * ** Department is responsible for one.

When I was small, his father said to me: you have to down-to-earth to do one step at a time. "So, I learned from last semester of an ordinary member of this sacred path to today's local, I am hard-won opportunities, the need to cherish it. It is because of this power, when I stand here, the more self-confidence.

Of course, self-confidence alone is not enough to have a certain capacity. And what will not be from a young age to an independent planning of activity today, never to be, from bad to good process, that is, by virtue of the self-confidence and an inquiring mind to seriously work to complete everything.

In this year's work, I consciously cultivated cooperation and coordination of my ability, I can sincerely cooperate with others, and students to coordinate the relationship between the bold courage of bad behavior management, pampering never, so , won the teachers and students at home. I have always from the perspective of the students to look at the issue of our class cadres. On Saturdays, Sundays and more talk with the students, communication, communication, understanding of their personality, thinking, loving, listen to their opinions, fully listen to their suggestions, advice. I also always try from their perspective to organize activities, such activities are always carried out the class was in full swing. However, "non-saints, Practice makes perfect without the" I am also committed mistakes, but I dare to face their own mistakes, from the students and the teacher's help with an open mind to accept the criticism and correct mistakes, and never allow ourselves the second fall times in the same place.


所以今天我很荣幸有机会站在这里,来竞选学生会的委员,首先我非常感谢老师和同学给我这次展示自我的机会,给我这次自我锻炼的机会。 在学生会纪检部一年的辛苦而又充满欢乐的工作中我学会了怎样为人处事,怎样解决一些矛盾,怎样处理好学习与工作之间的矛盾,这些使我的认识和能力有了很大的提高。服务同学是学生会的一大...

我叫xxx,来自xxxxx班,现为院学生会xx部的一员。作为一名普通的部员,我在学院学生会已经锻炼了一年多的时间。一年来,学生会的经历教会了我很多东西,我也渴望能继续留在学生会为学校做更多的服务。时值学生会换届,我郑重提出申请,竞选院学生会生活部副部长一职。 如果我当选生活部副部长,我会进一步完善自己,提高自...

我积极参加了其它会议活动,得到了些许锻炼,在领导和师兄、师姐的教导下,我的思想素质有了进步;工作能力有了进步;文化函养有了提升;实践能力了有增强学习是无止境的,我要奋力拼搏,尽我的最大努力往做到最出色。我真的很希望自己能够加入学生会,我也一定会做好。关于竞选学生会自我介绍篇二 我叫学习...

中学生学生会竞选演讲稿1 在座的各位学长、同学:大家晚上好,很荣幸能站在这里参加这次竞选。首先我做下自我介绍:我是来自12班的xx。平时的我喜欢听听音乐,写写博客;喜欢唱唱歌、弹弹吉他;喜欢和同学们一起打游戏,喜欢自信的迎接每一次挑战。竞选学生会对我来说可是说是一次不小的挑战,大家精彩...

在日常生活和工作中,我们都可能会用到演讲稿,相信很多朋友都对写演讲稿感到非常苦恼吧,下面是我整理的大学学生会干事竞选演讲稿,欢迎大家分享。 大学学生会干事竞选演讲稿1 各位同学:大家好! 我是xx部的xx,到部门已经快一年的时间了,对于时间是有一种感觉,真是很迅速,很多时候就带走了珍贵的东西,在xx部我工作...

学生会是学校联系广大同学的桥梁和纽带,服务同学的主要领域是学业发展、身心健康、社会融入、权益维护等。既然这样,那么你知道学生会竞选 演讲稿 该怎么写吗? 下面是我整理提供的学生会竞选演讲稿经典,欢迎阅读参考! 更多关于 “竞选” 的相关 文章 内容推荐【↓↓↓】 竞选团支书演讲稿6篇 大学学生会主席竞选演...



当你遇到困难时,我们学生会会给你们提供最大的帮助与服务,请大家相信我们! 一切为同学服务。这也是我来参加竞选的目的。 今天有机会站在这个舞台上,我要感谢这些辛勤培育我的老师,是你们的指点与鞭策让我能够在大学这条道路上走得更平稳更径直。我也要感谢校学生会的各位学长学姐还有我的这些最贴心的战友们,是...

临西县17171993274: 英语作文:竞选学生会主席,写一篇演讲稿, -
党骂咪唑: hello,everyone!my name is xxx,i'm xx years old,i'm outgoing and active ,i 'm helpful,i would like to help everyone.i'm planning to originized talant show,for example,we can hold a speaking contest,everyone can tell us who are you and how ...

临西县17171993274: 竞选学生会主席 英文发言稿 -
党骂咪唑: It is my great honor to be here show myself.Me,who is a outgoing boy/girl,always have a positive attitude to everything,even troubles or problems.I am helpful and have a great ability in managing many things.

临西县17171993274: 帮我写一篇关于竞选学生会主席演讲的英语作文.文笔要求不高只求原创.能者进来细看.
党骂咪唑: (用五个句子表达全部内容,开头已给,不计总数) First of all,thank you for giving me the opportunity.Now please allow me to introduce myself.

临西县17171993274: 帮我写一篇竞选学生会的英文演讲稿,谢谢 -
党骂咪唑: Dear fellow students,It's my great honor to have the chance to deliver a speech here and i'm grateful for it, Impressed as I am by the excellent speeches made by the previous candidates, I will prove myself to be the best one for the post of chairman of ...

临西县17171993274: 高中生竞选学生会主席演讲稿 -
党骂咪唑: 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们:大家下午好!首先,我很高兴也很荣幸能够参加这次学校学生会的竞选.来这儿的目的不是为了扬名,而是要为学校美好的明天贡献自己的一点微薄之力.我很珍惜这次机会,希望我有能够为同学们服务的幸运...

临西县17171993274: 竞选学生会主席的演讲稿 -
党骂咪唑: 原发布者:道宁整理国故 东北财经大学高等职业技术学院院团委学生会主席团竞选稿尊敬的领导、老师,亲爱的同学们:大家下午好!很高兴能够站在这个讲台上,参加院学生会主席团的竞选.在这里,首先我要感谢学院提供了这次机会,让我...

临西县17171993274: 关于竞选学生会学习部,的竞选演讲稿最好英文,中文也可,不超过三分钟,初中,英文要带翻译 -
党骂咪唑: About running for student union study department I will work hard For I will work hard for the student Union I will work hard for my classmates Please vote for me 关于竞选学生会学习部我将努力工作, 我将为学生会努力工作.我会为我的同学努力工作.请投我一票.

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