丽江田园旅游景点介绍英语 丽江旅游介绍英语作文

作者&投稿:房泉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My home town Lijiang,is a magical and beautiful place Lijiang sun light White clouds through the city with the stream Four seasons of normally open flowers culture of lijiang is dressed up.
Lijiang each season is like a picture,is so beautiful and unique.
In the early spring,all things recovery,the roadside farmland green up gradually,rape also quietly out of head,peach blossom pear flower can't wait to show their beauty,the breath of spring overflow in warm in lijiang city Willow trees by the river slowly pours out new bud,the cherry blossom is busy airtime,grass small wildflowers are crazy dance,catkin is flying in the air,is full of thick the awaken of spring.


"The city in water, with the city in the water is the biggest characteristic of lijiang. The bridge and the water is therefore become part of the city residents (1997).
Located in northwest yunnan naxi counties of lijiang, is the naxi residences. Here, a famous mountains and majestic river tiger-leaping best-know and beauty, etc. Founded in southern city You treasure in the first year (A.D.), 1253 qing yuan to toast house. Is the naxi Cultural relics in Ming and qing dynasties, more than yours, building and urban still keep the traditional architectural style naxi.
Reform and opening up, the ancient three years of lijiang in the blending of the traditional and modern spicy charm.
From lijiang in 1986 was identified as the national famous historical and cultural city, By 1996, the earthquake on February 3 people rebuild lijiang, lijiang muster Until December 4, 1997, lijiang every won the UNESCO officially awarded "the world cultural heritage" To on October 15, 2003, the city of lijiang in hieroglyphs collection of ancient writing lives, listed by UNESCO world memory list ", And on July 2, 2003, nw epimedii mountains of nujiang river, and the shoulder pentium lancang rivers flow ", "reserve on world natural heritage list, From a little-known once lijiang became has three southwest out on the world heritage of the magic.
Reform and opening up 30 years of spring, contributed to the lijiang, three years of lijiang footprints of reform and opening up a great achievement.
中文: “城依水存,水随城在”是丽江古城最大的特色。桥与水也因此成了古城居民生活中的一部分(1997年摄)。 


Guanyin Gorge Scenic Area is located in Lijiang Bazi three pass "Yulong"
mark, difficult terrain, beautiful scenery, is a to the landscape of the natural
landscape and cultural landscape as a whole, known as the first view of Lijiang.
Guanyin gorge is a set of landscapes, lakes, canyons, forests and other natural
landscape and the tea horse ancient streets, Naxi village, folk customs,
religious customs cultural landscape is one of the scenic area, the Lord Reiko
Toshiki had this with customs and barracks, ad 1639 in January 25, our great
traveller Xu Xiake should toast wood invitation this entry, and leave the "Wu
disc ash, Tianchou ring Yan......" "Lijiang first key words of praise, so it is
called" Lijiang first king ".
Guanyin Gorge Scenic Area is located in Lijiang Bazi three pass "Yulong"
mark, difficult terrain, beautiful scenery, is a to the landscape of the natural
landscape and cultural landscape as a whole, known as the first view of Lijiang.
Guanyin gorge is a set of landscapes, lakes, canyons, forests and other natural
landscape and the tea horse ancient streets, Naxi village, folk customs,
religious customs cultural landscape is one of the scenic area, the Lord Reiko
Toshiki had this with customs and barracks, ad 1639 in January 25, our great
traveller Xu Xiake should toast wood invitation this entry, and leave the "Wu
disc ash, Tianchou ring Yan......" "Lijiang first key words of praise, so it is
called" Lijiang first king ".


 Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the "Roof of the World". It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation.
Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the "Matriarchy" of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang. Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"—— "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town's location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.
The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the "Dong Ba Culture" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.
All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China.
1. Lijiang 丽江
2. Roof of the World 世界屋脊
3. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山
4. Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡
5. Lugu Lake 泸沽湖
6. Dayan Town 大研镇

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桐庐县17149854607: 英文版的丽江旅游景点介绍 -
其震垂体: 你好: 丽江古城 the old town of lijiang 虎跳峡tiger leaping gorge 拉市海lashihai 束河古镇beam river 白沙村pak sha tsuen 泸沽湖lugu lake 木府wood house 万古楼vanguard house 这些都是谷歌上翻译的 祝你旅游愉快!!! 丽江自助游:丽江越野者户外俱乐部

桐庐县17149854607: 丽江景点大全(丽江旅游必去景点)
其震垂体: 1、在丽江古城这里,最不值钱的就是阳光,所以想不通的话,就在阳光下洗个澡吧... 所以跟着讲解走,了解幕府的历史背景更有意义.本文,丽江景点大全,丽江旅游必...

桐庐县17149854607: 急求关于 丽江 简单的景点介绍(英文) -
其震垂体: 故宫,意为过去的皇宫,就是过去人们常说的紫禁城,位于北京市中心. 故宫建成于明永乐十八年(1420年),占地72万平方米,建筑面积16万平方米,有宫殿建筑9000多间,是中国乃至世界现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群. imperial ...

桐庐县17149854607: 丽江旅游景点? -
其震垂体: 1、玉龙雪山:距离丽江古城30公里,进山费80元,古城维护费80元(一星期有效),大索道费175元,可以包车去,包车费是100-120元往返,可以乘坐6人,可以委托客栈安排同行的客人一起去,车费均分.包车费包括前往周边景点车费. ...

桐庐县17149854607: 丽江景点介绍 -
其震垂体:云南丽江著名的景点有:丽江古城、四方街、大研古镇、白沙古镇、束河古镇、玉水寨、黑龙潭、玉龙雪山、云杉坪、甘海子、白水河、等等,感受小桥,流水,人家的江南水乡特色.丽江有东方威尼斯的美称,晚上逛逛丽江的酒吧,还可以听听纳西古乐,欣赏丽水金沙歌舞晚会. 丽江旅游线路,丽江旅游景点介绍,丽江旅游www.ynly667.com 昆明康辉带您玩转魅力丽江,

桐庐县17149854607: 丽江旅游景点推荐?
其震垂体: 丽江主要景点:玉龙雪山,束河古镇,东巴大峡谷,黑龙潭,丽江古城,稍远点就是长江第一湾,茶马古道,虎跳峡,大理.我认为昆明石林、大理、丽江、香格里拉.我把云南国旅戴美玉导游电话给你:0871-63581481这个小姑娘给我们安排的很好!很热情!其实我们也是云南工商部门同事推荐.也祝你们云南旅游愉快!

桐庐县17149854607: 丽江旅游景点的详细介绍,谁有?
其震垂体: 丽江旅游景点门票价格: 丽江古城维护费:80元 玉龙雪山进山费:80元 玉龙雪山大索道:162元 云杉坪索道:42元 牦牛坪索道:62元 东巴王国:35元 木府:35元 万古楼:15元 黑龙潭:60元(现已免费) 玉峰寺:25元 白沙壁画:30元 东巴博物馆:30元 玉柱擎天:25元 东巴神园:15元 玉水寨:50元 老君山:80元 束河古镇:50元(现已免费) 东巴谷:25元 泸沽湖景区:78元 摩梭家访:20元 观音峡:40元 虎跳峡:50元

桐庐县17149854607: 丽江旅游景点这个季节有什么好的景点? -
其震垂体: 很多人向往丽江是因为一米阳光 在一个幽静的小镇中自由行走 尽情享受着丽江最柔软的时光 又或是来寻找那份不期及遇的爱情 这是一片不容忽视的阳光 清晨在这片阳光下行走 这是一种城市所缺少的温暖 有人,在这里邂逅. 有人,在这里疗伤...

桐庐县17149854607: 丽江旅游景点推荐以及攻略 -
其震垂体: 具有800多年历史的丽江古城,座落在丽江坝子中部,面积约3.8平方公里,始建于南宋末年.是元代丽江路宣抚司,明代丽江军民府和清代丽江府驻地.丽江古城选址独特,布局上充分利用山川地形及周围自然环境,北依象山、金虹山,西忱猴...

桐庐县17149854607: 到丽江旅游,有那些著名的景点? -
其震垂体: ★关于玩★ 1. 古城内有大大小小各式店铺几千家,女人们趿个拖鞋,逛几天也不会倦.当然如果有耐性,男人们也能在那儿淘到宝.晚上可以去四方街打跳或到酒吧街纵情放歌,那种感觉真是前所未有的,一定要亲自去体验! 2.时间充裕的朋...

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