
作者&投稿:字使 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ My father 我的爸爸 My father is forty-three years old. He is a teacher. He works very hard. He always wears a yellow coat and a pair of blue trousers. He like doing sports and he likes basketball best. My father loves me very much. He cheeks my homework every day. He often buys delicious food for me. On weekends we often go to the park with my mother. I love my father. 翻译: 我爸爸今年43岁,他是一名老师,他工作非常认真,他经常穿一件黄色的上衣和一条蓝色的裤子, 他非常喜欢运动,最喜欢的就是打篮球。 我的爸爸非常爱我,他每天都检查我的作业,他经常给我一些美味的食物。在周末,我们还有我妈妈经常一起去公园,我爱我的爸爸。 ---------------------------- 谢谢采纳哦 ~ My father英语作文 My father is a gentle manMy father has *** all eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long. He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently. 2.My father is a XX(填写职业),he works hard everyday.In my opinion,he is so tall that he can protect us from any trouble.He is always amiable to me.I have learnt very much from him.He is a hardworking man,he often helps my mother with housework.I love him very much.I think he is the best. 英语作文《My Father》怎么写? My FatherEveryone has a father. My father is of middle height. He is stout and severe looking, with keen expressive eyes. On first sight you may feel he is hard to approach. In fact he is very kind and considerate. Appearance is often misleading, so judge not by appearance.I believe my father is a talented man. He is decisive and efficient in doing things. By his own talents and efforts, he has secured for the family a good soclal position and a paratively rich life. People of all fields e to my house and, as a result, I gain lots of hard-earned social experiences and see more joys and sorrows of the world.But at home, he is a harsh parent. He has high expectations of me. When I am lazy and idling away my time, I can see that it hurts him deeply. When I am doing something great, such as writing a book, he is more than excited. With such a father I am always reminded to go on and on, never give up. 英语作文《My father》翻译 My father was born in 1940.He was a son of a teacher.He lived in Sichuan Province when he was young,Later he left for Xinjiang at the age of enty,and has lived there until now.Myfather is thin,not tall,and has a serious-looking face.Though he's sometimes bad=temered,he is a very good man at heart.He shows deep concern for others and often helps them out of their difficulties.For this reason his colleagues and our neighbours like him very much.They call him a man of Leifeng type.My father works as an engineer in a machinery plant.He immerses himself in his word all day long,always fetting to stop for a rest.So he is said to be "a tireless man".In the plant his main task is designing new machines and improving the old ones.some of the machines he has designed are being exported to foreign countries.The old machines he has improved operte well.My father is a qualified engineer.I was told that he will be promoted to be a chief engineer soon.I love my father.I wish him good luck. 以“My Father”为题,写一篇英语作文,字数40~50字 My father is forty-three years old. He is a teacher. He works very hard. He always wears a yellow coat and a pair of blue trousers. He like doing sports and he likes basketball best.My father loves me very much. He cheeks my homework every day. He often buys delicious food for me. On weekends we often go to the park with my mother. I love my father. myfather英语作文55个单词带翻译 My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much timeFrom: //hxen/englishwriting/chuzhongyingyuzuowen/2007-08-12/11871 求一篇关于:“my father”的英语作文,50个单词 My father this year 40 years old, he looks very handsome, and also very tall. Also a very excellent doctors.His favorite food is beef noodles, favourite sport is playing basketball, favorite instrument is a piano.My dad is very humor.He loves me, like I love him as well. my father 英语作文6句话 My father and I are good friends. We often talk to each other when we are free. My father can always give me good advice. " Like father like son". My father is generous and kind. I am very friendly to my clas *** ates,too. So I can always get on well with others. My father and I have the same interests. We both like traveling and seeing movies. We have been to many places, such as, Shanghai, Hongkong, Beijing and so on. On weekends, we often go to the movies. My father loves me and I love my father,too. 五年级英语作文《myfather》不超过六句,并写中文 My father is a handsome man .He is tall and medium build.He has short black hair and big eyes.My father works in a hospital.He is a doctor.He wears a uniform in the hospital.He drives his car go to work.He is a good doctor.He loves his job.He works hard.My father likes sports.He gets up at 6:00 clock every morning.Then he runs go out.In the afternoon,he plays basketball.Sometimeshe plays chess with my brother.My father also likes listening to music and watching TV.He likes 我的父亲是一个英俊的男人,他是高和中等身材,他有短的黑色的头发和大眼睛。 我的父亲在一家医院工作,他是一个医生,他在医院里穿一件制服,开车上班,他是一个好医生,他热爱他的工作,他工作很努力。 我的爸爸喜欢运动,他每天早上6:00钟起床。 然后他跑出去,下午,他打篮球,有时。 他和我弟弟一起下棋。 我父亲也喜欢听音乐和看电视,他喜欢听音乐。 转载请注明出处作文大全网 » my father英语作文,带翻译

1. 介绍关于我的家庭的英语作文 My Family I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are my parents,my grandparents, my sister,and I. My father and mother are busines *** en. And my grandparents are farmers. I'm a primary school student. My sister is four years old. She is lovely.I love my family. 我的家庭 我有一个幸福的家庭。有5人在我的家中。他们是我的父母,我的爷爷奶奶,我的妹妹,和我。我的父亲和母亲是商人。我的祖父母是农民。我是一名小学生。我妹妹是4岁。她很可爱.我爱我的家庭。 2. 有关介绍我的家庭的英语作文 1. My family I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. My mother is a teacher. She is very kind and nice, and she is thirty-seven. I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano. My father go to play basketball. Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family. Because I'm very happy to live with my parents together! 中文翻译: 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是是一名教师.她是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心。 3. 介绍我的家庭英语作文40字 Everyone has a family. So do I. I have a warm family, There are three persons in my family. My father,my mother and I. My mother is a shop assistant, she is always busy with her work. My father is an teacher, he often helps me do my maths problem. And they love me very much. I love them, too! 每个人都有家,我也不例外。 我有一个温暖的家庭,我们家有3人,我的爸爸,我的妈妈和我。我的妈妈是一个售货员,她总是很忙。 我的爸爸是一个老师,他经常帮助我解决数学上的难题。他们都很爱我,我也爱他们!My Family I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are my parents,my grandparents, my sister,and I. My father and mother are busines *** en. And my grandparents are farmers. I'm a primary school student. My sister is four years old. She is lovely.I love my family.我的家庭我有一个幸福的家庭。 有5人在我的家中。他们是我的父母,我的爷爷奶奶,我的妹妹,和我。 我的父亲和母亲是商人。我的祖父母是农民。 我是一名小学生。我妹妹是4岁。 她很可爱.我爱我的家庭。 4. 关于介绍家庭的英语作文写关于家庭英语作文:要求:1、复制不要 我有一个幸福美满的家庭,家里有爸爸、妈妈,弟弟,一个可爱的我.I have a happy family,home,and a father and mother,brother,a lovely of I.我的爸爸个子高高的,喜欢穿西装,他在我心目中是最帅的.My father is a tall,like to wear a suit,he is the most handsome in my mind.爸爸非常有爱心,他不但非常爱我,还很喜欢我们楼道里的其他小朋友.Father is very good-hearted,he not only to love me very much,also like other children we corridor.爸爸平时喜欢看报纸,连睡觉前都要看一会.Dad usually like to read newspaper,even before sleeping wanted to see for a while.妈妈瘦瘦的白白的,头发长长的.Mother is thin,white hair long.她不但是我的妈妈,还是我的知心朋友呢!She is not only my mother,or my bosom friend!我们还彼此给对方起了外号,妈妈叫“糊涂虫”,因为她有时候装糊涂,所以我就老喊她“糊涂虫”.We also each other to each other up the nickname,the mother call "idiot",because she sometimes playing dumb,so I be old to shout to her "idiot".妈妈就叫我“跟屁虫”,因为我老是喜欢跟在她的 *** 后面.Mom just call me "heels,because I always like to behind on her ass.我是家里最小的一员,眼睛长的大大的,小巧的鼻子,红红的嘴巴.I was a member of the youngest,big eyes,a *** all nose long red,red mouth。 十分可爱.Very lovely.我活泼开朗、待人热情,也像爸爸一样有爱心,喜欢帮助别人.I lively,cheerful,treat people hospitable,also like my father has the passion,likes to help others.这就是我的家庭,一个非常美满幸福的家庭.This is my family,a very happy happy family.。 5. 英语作文《介绍我的家庭》 1. My family I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. My mother is a teacher. She is very kind and nice, and she is thirty-seven. I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano. My father go to play basketball. Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family. Because I'm very happy to live with my parents together! 中文翻译: 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是是一名教师.她是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! 6. 用英语写一篇介绍自己的作文要求:(姓名,家庭成员,爱好)、自 My name is Liang Liu . I am 15 years old. (我叫刘亮,今年15岁)There are father ,mother and grandma in my family .I love them all .家里有爸爸妈妈和奶奶,我都爱他们.I like singing ,especially singing English songs ,just like ,etc. ,but My English is not such good , and I want to learn it better . 我喜欢唱歌,尤其唱英文歌,比如《月亮河》,《大海》等等,但我的英语不是很好,我想把它学得更好点.I hope my English teacher would encourage me more and help me more in English .我希望英语老师能多鼓励我些,更多地帮我学习英语.。





My father is a kind man.He is not very tall but he is a man of perseverance.He works very hard and his services are highly appreciated.My father is a man of devotion.Every morning he gets up the earliest to make breakfast for us.In the evening,he is always the late to ...

I have a great father.He is not very tall, there is short hair and small nose in he.我有一个伟大的爸爸,他不高,他有短头发和小鼻子。满意还望您采纳!

[ˈpɑ:pə]n.<儿>爸爸 复数: papas The little boy asked his papa to take him outside.小男孩让爸爸带他出去。5、Dada 英 [ˈdɑ:dɑ:] 美 ['dɑ:dɑ:]n.爸爸,达达主义 Dada supervision I write ink in half an hour.爸爸看我写了半个点时的钢笔字。

My father My father is a handsome man . He is tall and medium build. He has short black hair and big eyes.My father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. He wears a uniform in the hospital. He drives his car go to work. He is a good doctor. He loves his job.He ...

eating everywhere..." he laughs easily.我的爸爸今年42岁,是柏果镇土城村的村长,他长得英俊潇洒,个子高高的,身材超级棒,一双炯炯有神的眼睛,看上去很帅气,就是嘴巴有点大,偶尔有朋友开玩笑说他嘴巴大时,他会幽默地回敬道,“男人嘴大吃四方……”轻轻松松一笑而过。Dad is very serious...

爸爸,是一个神圣的称呼,它的爱是隐形的,但是它的爱又是最感人的!以下是我为大家准备的关于我的爸爸英语作文,欢迎大家前来参阅。介绍我的父亲的英语作文一 My father is a handsome man .He is tall and medium build.He has short black hair and big eyes.我的父亲是一个英俊的男人。他...



My dad My dad is an hard worker(工人 那种?).He always has a positive attitude towards his job. he has really big eyes, and a small mouth. His favorite color is blue, the color of the ocean at sunrise. My dad loves dumplings. It's a Chinese tradition to have dumplings...

写作思路:写出自己对于爸爸的印象,把爸爸的外貌特征和性格特点都写清楚。正文:My father has a pair of thick eyebrows, a pair of small eyes, he smiles on the eyes narrowed into a seam, very good-looking.我爸爸有一双浓浓的眉毛,一双小小的眼睛,他一笑起来眼睛就眯成一条缝,好看极...

神池县13272677007: 我爸爸喜欢打篮球(翻译成英文) -
并急尿多:[答案] my father like playing basketball

神池县13272677007: 我的爸爸的爱好是打篮球用英文怎么说 -
并急尿多: My father's hobby is playing basketball. My father loves to play basketball. 其实都可以

神池县13272677007: 我的爸爸的最喜欢的运动是打篮球用英语怎么说 -
并急尿多:[答案] My father's favourite sport is playing basketball.

神池县13272677007: 英语 My Family的作文怎么写 -
并急尿多: 题目:My family 我的家庭 I'm xxx.My English name is Wendy,I like it.I'm tall and thin.My eyes are big.My hair is short.I like reading, skating, drawing and English.I'm very clever.I'm the top student in my class.All the teachers and classmates like me ...

神池县13272677007: 用英文介绍爸爸的爱好 -
并急尿多: My father is interested in music/fishing/books …… 我的爸爸对音乐/钓鱼/阅读书籍... ... 感兴趣. be intrerested in 对什么感兴趣 My father likes music/fishing/books …… 我的爸爸喜欢音乐/钓鱼/阅读书籍... ... like 喜欢

神池县13272677007: 我的爸爸的最喜欢的运动是打篮球用英语怎么说 -
并急尿多: My father's favourite sport is playing basketball.

神池县13272677007: 英语练习题一、根据中文意思补充句子1.我的父亲下午经常打篮球 My father······2.我的父亲是个医生 My father······3.我的父亲喜欢运动 My ... -
并急尿多:[答案] 1.my father often playsbasketball in the afternoon 2.my father is a doctor. 3.my father likes doing sports 4.i am doing ... 14.will play football on the weekends 二、1. i have english classes and music classes on mondy 2 三、eats reads does takes washes ...

神池县13272677007: 关于爸爸的爱号是打篮球的英语作文60字 -
并急尿多: My father has many hobbies or I should say, habits. For hobbies, I know he is collecting old currency notes and stamps. For habits, he like to smoke cigarettes and drink beer. He also like to go night clubs to karaoke with girls.

神池县13272677007: 我爸爸喜欢的运动项目是篮球.(翻译成英语) -
并急尿多:[答案] My father likes playing basketball My father's favourate sport is basketball

神池县13272677007: 英语翻译要写作文.1.爸爸喜欢足球和篮球,因为他们使人兴奋激动.2.妈妈喜欢跑步,因为它能使人身体健康.3.哥哥喜欢乒乓球,因为它既有趣又非常流行.4.... -
并急尿多:[答案] 1.My father likes football and basketball,because they make people excited.2.My mother likes running,because it can make people be in good health.3.My brother likes pingpong,because it is interesting ...

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