Seasonal depression

作者&投稿:詹骅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ As darker days approach, it's time to take seasonal depression seriously


"Melancholy occurs in autumn, whereas mania in summer," wrote the Greek philosopher Posidonius around 100BC. The ancient Greeks were well aware of the toll that winter darkness could take on mood, as were ancient Chinese and Indian societies.

大约在公元前 100 年,希腊哲学家波西多尼写道,“秋日忧郁,夏日狂躁”。古希腊人很清楚冬天的黑暗会影响人的情绪,古代中国和印度社会亦如此。

Though seasonal affective disorder (Sad) was only named in the 1980s, the effects on mood of "hideous winter" — Shakespeare wasn't much of a fan either — long predate it.

虽然季节性抑郁症(简称 Sad)在上世纪 80 年代才被正式命名,但是“狰狞的冬天”——莎士比亚也不怎么喜欢冬天——对情绪的影响早就存在了。

Anyone who gets Sad, or the winter blues, will be familiar with the dread that the change in seasons can bring. It comes around annually like clockwork, but this year presents extra challenges.


"Sad is a huge problem at the best of times, and this is not the best of times," said Norman Rosenthal, the doctor who named the disorder. He is concerned that people already suffering from the effects of a pandemic that has had a dire effect on mental health will find their unhappiness amplified during the coming shorter, darker days.


There are of course things we can all do to mitigate a lack of sunlight, from diet and exercise to spending as much time outdoors as possible. And it's recommended that people with Sad make their homes as light and airy as possible, when so many people live in dark, cramped housing with small windows that hardly open and no outdoor space.


Society needs a radical shift if we are to tackle many of the structural reasons for poor mental health. But we can start by taking Sad seriously. It may be a long cold lonely winter, but the ice will melt, and the sun will come.***






take sth. seriously


搭配短语:to take life seriously

例句:The kid takes himself too seriously.



n. 忧郁,忧伤

英文释义:sadness that lasts for a long period of time, often without any obvious reason

例句:A mood of melancholy descended on me.

词性拓展:melancholy(adj. 忧郁的,忧伤的)

搭配短语:a melancholy piece of music



conj. 但是,尽管

例句:Lala is a morning person, whereas I am a night owl.



n. 狂躁,躁狂症;痴迷,狂热

近义词:obsession(n. 着迷)

例句:She has a mania for Lego.


例句:She has Legomania.



n. 损失,破坏

搭配短语:to take its toll on sth. / sb.

例句:Extreme pressure could take its toll on one's health.



adj. 令人厌恶的,极丑的

英文释义:very ugly or unpleasant

搭配短语:a hideous dress

文化补充:For never-resting time leads summer on / To hideous winter and confounds him there.(选自莎士比亚的第五首十四行诗 Sonnet V。其中,莎翁把人的一生比作四季,在夏天绚烂绽放,在冬季凋零。)



v. 早于……存在(或发生)

相关词汇:date(n. 日期)


例句:Bicycle is a mode of transportation that predates the car.



n. 恐惧,畏惧

例句:The thought of going back to work filled me with dread.

词性拓展:dread(v. 害怕,畏惧)

搭配短语:to dread doing sth.

例句:I was dreading going back to work.

come around

(亦作 come round)定期发生,像往常一样来临

英文释义:to happen at its usual time

例句:The end of the year comes around so quickly!

like clockwork


相关词汇:clockwork(n. 上发条的装置)

相关搭配:as regular as clockwork

例句:The subway in Shanghai runs like clockwork.

at the best of times


文化补充:It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.(节选自狄更斯的小说《双城记》的开头,大意是:这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代。)

英文释义:even when everything is going well

例句:He's never very happy at the best of times.



n. 大流行病

词义辨析:pandemic, epidemic

二者都可以表示“传染病,流行病”,但是传播的范围不同。简单来说,如果一个地区的 epidemic 蔓延到了世界各地,就成了 pandemic,意思是这场流行病已经到了全球性暴发的程度。



adj. 极其严重的

搭配短语:dire consequences

搭配短语:to be in dire need of sth.



v. 扩大,增强


搭配短语:to amplify one's voice(扩大)

搭配短语:to amplify a signal(增强)

搭配短语:to amplify a point(强调)



v. 缓和,缓解

搭配短语:to mitigate poverty

搭配短语:to mitigate the effects of sth.



adj. 宽敞通风的

相关词汇:air(n. 空气)

搭配短语:to put the food in a cool and airy place



adj. 狭小的,拥挤的;(时间)紧张的

相关词汇:cramp(v. 限制……发展)

搭配短语:to cramp personal growth

例句:With so much furniture, the room seems cramped.

搭配短语:a cramped schedule



adj. 彻底的,根本的;激进的,极端的

搭配短语:a radical innovation

搭配短语:radical views



v. 对付,处理

英文释义:to try to deal with something or someone

例句:There are many ways of tackling the problems in our life.

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