冰与火之歌卷Ⅰ:权力的游戏中英文双语同步对照版 第2篇 CATELYN

作者&投稿:纵采 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


   Catelyn had never liked this godswood.


   She had been born a Tully, at Riverrun farto the south, on the Red Fork of the Trident. The godswood there was a garden,bright and airy, where tall redwoods spread dappled shadows across tinklingstreams, birds sang from hidden nests, and the air was spicy with the scent offlowers.


   The gods of Winterfell kept a different sortof wood. It was a dark, primal place, three acres of old forest untouched forten thousand years as the gloomy castle rose around it. It smelled of moistearth and decay. No redwoods grew here. This was a wood of stubborn sentineltrees armored in grey-green needles, of mighty oaks, of ironwoods as old as therealm itself. Here thick black trunks crowded close together while twistedbranches wove a dense canopy overhead and misshappen roots wrestled beneath thesoil. This was a place of deep silence and brooding shadows, and the gods wholived here had no names.


   But she knew she would find her husband heretonight. Whenever he took a man’s life, afterward he would seek the quiet ofthe godswood.


   Catelyn had been anointed with the sevenoils and named in the rainbow of light that filled the sept of Riverrun. Shewas of the Faith, like her father and grandfather and his father before him.Her gods had names, and their faces were as familiar as the faces of her parents.Worship was a septon with a censer, the smell of incense, a seven-sided crystalalive with light, voices raised in song. The Tullys kept a godswood, as all thegreat houses did, but it was only a place to walk or read or lie in the sun.Worship was for the sept.


   For her sake, Ned had built a small septwhere she might sing to the seven faces of god, but the blood of the First Menstill flowed in the veins of the Starks, and his own gods were the old ones,the nameless, faceless gods of the greenwood they shared with the vanishedchildren of the forest.


   At the center of the grove an ancientweirwood brooded over a small pool where the waters were black and cold. “Theheart tree,” Ned called it. The weirwood’s bark was white as bone, its leavesdark red, like a thousand bloodstained hands. A face had been carved in thetrunk of the great tree, its features long and melancholy, the deep-cut eyesred with dried sap and strangely watchful. They were old, those eyes; olderthan Winterfell itself. They had seen Brandon the Builder set the first stone,if the tales were true; they had watched the castle’s granite walls rise aroundthem. It was said that the children of the forest had carved the faces in thetrees during the dawn centuries before the coming of the First Men across thenarrow sea.


   In the south the last weirwoods had been cutdown or burned out a thousand years ago, except on the Isle of Faces where thegreen men kept their silent watch. Up here it was different. Here every castlehad its godswood, and every godswood had its heart tree, and every heart treeits face.


   Catelyn found her husband beneath theweirwood, seated on a moss-covered stone. The greatsword Ice was across his lap,and he was cleaning the blade in those waters black as night. A thousand yearsof humus lay thick upon the godswood floor, swallowing the sound of her feet,but the red eyes of the weirwood seemed to follow her as she came. “Ned,” shecalled softly.


   He lifted his head to look at her.“Catelyn,” he said. His voice was distant and formal. “Where are the children?”


   He would always ask her that. “In thekitchen, arguing about names for the wolf pups.” She spread her cloak on theforest floor and sat beside the pool, her back to the weirwood. She could feelthe eyes watching her, but she did her best to ignore them. “Arya is already inlove, and Sansa is charmed and gracious, but Rickon is not quite sure.”


   “Is he afraid?” Ned asked.


   “A little,” she admitted. “He is onlythree.”


   Ned frowned. “He must learn to face hisfears. He will not be three forever. And winter is coming.”


   “Yes,” Catelyn agreed. The words gave her achill, as they always did. The Stark words. Every noble house had its words.Family mottoes, touchstones, prayers of sorts, they boasted of honor and glory,promised loyalty and truth, swore faith and courage. All but the Starks. Winteris coming, said the Stark words. Not for the first time, she reflected on whata strange people these northerners were.


   “The man died well, I’ll give him that,” Nedsaid. He had a swatch of oiled leather in one hand. He ran it lightly up thegreatsword as he spoke, polishing the metal to a dark glow. “I was glad forBran’s sake. You would have been proud of Bran.”


   “I am always proud of Bran,” Catelynreplied, watching the sword as he stroked it. She could see the rippling deepwithin the steel, where the metal had been folded back on itself a hundredtimes in the forging. Catelyn had no love for swords, but she could not denythat Ice had its own beauty. It had been forged in Valyria, before the Doom hadcome to the old Freehold, when the ironsmiths had worked their metal withspells as well as hammers. Four hundred years old it was, and as sharp as theday it was forged. The name it bore was older still, a legacy from the age ofheroes, when the Starks were Kings in the North.


   “He was the fourth this year,” Ned saidgrimly. “The poor man was half-mad. Something had put a fear in him so deepthat my words could not reach him.” He sighed. “Ben writes that the strength ofthe Night’s Watch is down below a thousand. It’s not only desertions. They arelosing men on rangings as well.”


   “Is it the wildlings?” she asked.


   “Who else?” Ned lifted Ice, looked down thecool steel length of it. “And it will only grow worse. The day may come when Iwill have no choice but to call the banners and ride north to deal with thisKing-beyond-the-Wall for good and all.”


   “Beyond the Wall?” The thought made Catelynshudder.


   Ned saw the dread on her face. “Mance Rayderis nothing for us to fear.”


   “There are darker things beyond the Wall.”She glanced behind her at the heart tree, the pale bark and red eyes, watching,listening, thinking its long slow thoughts.


   His smile was gentle. “You listen to toomany of Old Nan’s stories. The Others are as dead as the children of theforest, gone eight thousand years. Maester Luwin will tell you they never livedat all. No living man has ever seen one.”


   “Until this morning, no living man had everseen a direwolf either,” Catelyn reminded him.


   “I ought to know better than to argue with aTully,” he said with a rueful smile. He slid Ice back into its sheath. “You didnot come here to tell me crib tales. I know how little you like this place.What is it, my lady?”


   Catelyn took her husband’s hand. “There wasgrievous news today, my lord. I did not wish to trouble you until you hadcleansed yourself.” There was no way to soften the blow, so she told him straight.“I am so sorry, my love. Jon Arryn is dead.”


 Hiseyes found hers, and she could see how hard it took him, as she had known itwould. In his youth, Ned had fostered at the Eyrie, and the childless LordArryn had become a second father to him and his fellow ward, Robert Baratheon.When the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen had demanded their heads, the Lord of theEyrie had raised his moon-and-falcon banners in revolt rather than give upthose he had pledged to protect.


   And one day fifteen years ago, this secondfather had become a brother as well, as he and Ned stood together in the septat Riverrun to wed two sisters, the daughters of Lord Hoster Tully.


   “Jon?.?.?.?” he said. “Is this newscertain?”


   “Itwas the king’s seal, and the letter is in Robert’s own hand. I saved it foryou. He said Lord Arryn was taken quickly. Even Maester Pycelle was helpless,but he brought the milk of the poppy, so Jon did not linger long in pain.”


   “That is some small mercy, I suppose,” hesaid. She could see the grief on his face, but even then he thought first ofher. “Your sister,” he said. “And Jon’s boy. What word of them?”


   “The message said only that they were well,and had returned to the Eyrie,” Catelyn said. “I wish they had gone to Riverruninstead. The Eyrie is high and lonely, and it was ever her husband’s place, nothers. Lord Jon’s memory will haunt each stone. I know my sister. She needs thecomfort of family and friends around her.”


   “Your uncle waits in the Vale, does he not?Jon named him Knight of the Gate, I’d heard.”


   Catelyn nodded. “Brynden will do what he canfor her, and for the boy. That is some comfort, but still?.?.?.?”


   “Go toher,” Ned urged. “Take the children. Fill her halls with noise and shouts andlaughter. That boy of hers needs other children about him, and Lysa should notbe alone in her grief.”


   “Would that I could,” Catelyn said. “Theletter had other tidings. The king is riding to Winterfell to seek you out.”


   It took Ned a moment to comprehend her words,but when the understanding came, the darkness left his eyes. “Robert is cominghere?” When she nodded, a smile broke across his face.

   Catelyn wished she could share his joy. Butshe had heard the talk in the yards; a direwolf dead in the snow, a brokenantler in its throat. Dread coiled within her like a snake, but she forcedherself to smile at this man she loved, this man who put no faith in signs. “Iknew that would please you,” she said. “We should send word to your brother onthe Wall.”


 “Yes, of course,” he agreed. “Ben will want to be here. I shall tellMaester Luwin to send his swiftest bird.” Ned rose and pulled her to her feet.“Damnation, how many years has it been? And he gives us no more notice thanthis? How many in his party, did the message say?”



   “I should think a hundred knights, at theleast, with all their retainers, and half again as many freeriders. Cersei andthe children travel with them.”


   “Robert will keep an easy pace for theirsakes,” he said. “It is just as well. That will give us more time to prepare.”


   “The queen’s brothers are also in theparty,” she told him.


   Ned grimaced at that. There was small lovebetween him and the queen’s family, Catelyn knew. The Lannisters of CasterlyRock had come late to Robert’s cause, when victory was all but certain, and hehad never forgiven them. “Well, if the price for Robert’s company is an infestationof Lannisters, so be it. It sounds as though Robert is bringing half hiscourt.”


   “Where the king goes, the realm follows,”she said.


   “It will be good to see the children. Theyoungest was still sucking at the Lannister woman’s teat the last time I sawhim. He must be, what, five by now?”


   “Prince Tommen is seven,” she told him. “Thesame age as Bran. Please, Ned, guard your tongue. The Lannister woman is ourqueen, and her pride is said to grow with every passing year.”


   Ned squeezed her hand. “There must be afeast, of course, with singers, and Robert will want to hunt. I shall send Jorysouth with an honor guard to meet them on the kingsroad and escort them back.Gods, how are we going to feed them all? On his way already, you said? Damn theman. Damn his royal hide.”



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