
作者&投稿:潘贝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

学生申请自初步建立数据库,数据已投入使用的项目和学生的学习活动。 One student used the data to assist in developing an algorithm for locating the iris of non-orthogonal iris images.一个学生使用的数据,以协助发展定位非正交虹膜图像虹膜的算法。 Another used the system to aid in developing an algorithm to enhance the search speed for iris matching.另一个采用了该系统在发展援助,以提高算法的虹膜匹配的搜索速度。 His results were presented at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research [8].他的研究结果发表在本科研究[8]全国会议。 The GUI was also used to demonstrate a system that uses real time video capture to seniors whose final projects required similar techniques.图形用户界面也被用来证明一个系统,采用实时视频采集到老年人的需要类似的技术最终的项目。 This aided their understanding of the requirements for real time data capture and manipulation.这个资助他们的实时数据采集和处理要求的理解。 Finally, we intend to integrate a similar GUI in future biometrics courses to provide an active-learning environment.最后,我们打算在未来的课程整合生物识别技术类似的图形用户界面提供了一个积极的学习环境。 One laboratory exercise will allow the students to capture their own fingerprint biometric data and have them to manipulate and identify unique features contained in the data.一名实验室工作将允许学生自己的指纹采集生物特征资料,让他们来操纵和确定在数据中的独特功能。

1 This is Gemma's childhood idol, he certainly knew. To this end he jumped into the toilet, only a signature.

2 Gemma did not answer directly to the audience his "help." The police questioned him, said: "I was five and daughter can answer this question, but you can not, how is it?" Everyone knows "the truth will conquer all," This is the standard answer, or that the official answer. Gemma does not know the reason, because he experienced the darkness of society, the truth is simply worthless.

3 Gemma know the answer is, unfortunately, his mother was killed in religious conflicts, which is India's religious, caste problem.

4, Gemma had been abducted when the bad guys love to hear that song, so he taught to sing the song of orphans who do not care. Poetry is beautiful, there are like sounds of nature.

5 Gemma returned to Mumbai, met in the underpass where the orphans were begging blind musicians. Gemma gave him 100 U.S. dollars. He not only told Gemma intelligence, also told him that hundred-dollar bills printed on the Benjamin Franklin, "you are saved, I'm not lucky, this is the only difference." Orphans, said the sentence is very shock.

6 revolver pointed at the enemy not only can, but also pointing brother. "Who Colt 45 who is in charge!" Under the gun to a lot of things.

7 Gemma work in call centers ... ...

8 Gemma did not answer, the host is attempting to mislead him, Gemma, though do not know the answer, but his experience of too many, intuition can not believe that before the host (probably he did not want to win), but perhaps this is the hit doomed! He chose d, winning 10 million rupees. The Carnival was over, he entered the police station on charges of cheating.

9 Although Gemma and She Limu elementary school textbooks is the "Three Musketeers", but not coincidentally is the day that he did not know who is the third, he can answer correctly, because It is written! (Here translated as "it is meant to be")

Holds room use rule 1, to enter the gymnasium, do not clamor loudly, in order to avoid affects other people. 2, please cherish the fitness facilities, carries on the operation according to the equipment operating instructions, if has the damage, compensates according to the set price. 3, please maintain the indoor environment do be clean, does not throw the sundry goods, the smoker welcome to the smoking region. 4, to protect the gymnasium ground, the approach please do put on the flat base athletic shoes, refuses to put on the hard bottom shoes approach apron. 5, is sure not to sway the equipment, time the use please carefully operate. 6, when runs the ambulacrum or the hoop are involved in any object is unable to stop immediately, is sure not to let the child stand plays nearby the radio station or the radio station, avoid danger. 7, please do not let the fitness equipment itself either any components approaches has the water area or sticks to any liquid. 8, the suitable practice, are sure not to show off power cause the strength to use up or overtired. If you in the use felt that any ill or has the unusual symptom, please immediately the stop motion and consult to yours doctor. 9th, the fitness practice time's length, should regard individual physical condition and the ordinary dynamic response decides. The suggestion maintains 10 minute movement time at least, lets your lungs inspiration full oxygen. When your physical condition permission may lengthen your movement time gradually, usually take 20 minutes to 30 minutes as good. 10. Before the health sports start, please first make several minute warm body movements, then increases your physiological load of exercise to enter the specific fitness training program slowly. 11. is achieves has the oxygen movement effect, a week of best movement 3-5 times, and after practice can have 24 hours at least to restore the physical strength fully the time. 12. The child non-guardian accompanies, do not enter gymnasium fitness region notice to enter the fitness center please fitness center please not to smoke after onstage show effective membership card the below the 16 year old the child please not to enter fitness region drinks wine please do not enter fitness region please to care that helps you the friend, cherishes the club equipment please not to throw falls the dumb bells and the barbell, like has violates, should compensate the instrument which according to the set price damages, the equipment and so on. if you could not control your movement, please reduce the use the weight, when after you chose the aggravation code, please carefully carry on in the weight lifting process in the training process, please do not shout loudly either too noisy please do not fitness the region to eat food or drink please do not place the drinking glass on the instrument or neighbor enters the fitness region to put on appropriate athletic shoes for other people's benefit, please do not want the long time to take the fitness equipment and fitness instrument the fitness centerIn fitness the goods which to any personnel in the region occurs to lose or the accident damage and so on does not give undertakes responsibility Caution Warning before training and like has the following symptom in the training process please not to carry on any exercise: Headache, dizziness, heart rhythm uneven, chest ill either ache, polypnoea or prostration. after the training excessively and will use the fitness instrument to cause not correctly injure severely the suggestion fitness will obtain doctor or the specialized fitness instruction authorization, to carry on health sports your friendship and cooperation to cause your and all members again obtains the good fitness environment, simultaneously has also guaranteed the fitness club operation. Regarding any violates above related guaranteed that your safety and the health stipulator, the gymnasium are authorized to deprive its membership.

The use of the rules of gymnastics room
1, into the gym, may not make much noise, so as not to affect other people. .
2, the Prevention of Cruelty to fitness facilities, and equipment used in accordance with the instructions and, if damaged, according to the compensation price.

3, Please keep the indoor environment clean, do not throw debris, smokers go to smoking areas.

4, in order to protect the gym floor, entry, please wear flat shoes, hard-wearing shoes is prohibited to enter the site.

5, Do not shake equipment operation when used with care.

6, as a result of wheel running or involved with any object can not immediately stop, Do not let children stand or desktop machine to play around and avoid the risk.

7, Do not let their own fitness equipment or any parts of water areas or near to any liquid viscosity.

8, appropriate exercises, overexert not lead to exhaustion or fatigue. If you feel any discomfort or unusual symptoms, stop exercising immediately to your doctor consultation.

9, the length of fitness to practice should be as individual physical condition and normal movement response. Recommendations at least 10 minutes of exercise time, so that your lungs full of oxygen inhalation. When your health can be gradually lengthened to allow the movement of your time, usually 20 minutes to 30 minutes is better.
10. Before the start of fitness exercise, please do a few minutes of warm-up, and then slowly increase your exercise and fitness into the specific training courses.

11. In order to achieve the effect of aerobic exercise, the best sports 3-5 times a week, and in practice at least 24 hours to have time to recuperate fully.

12. Children without their parents, not be allowed to enter the gym
Fitness Regional Information

Please enter the Fitness Center to move to Taiwan to produce a valid membership card

Do not smoke Fitness Center

Children under the age of 16 do not enter the fitness area

Do not drink to enter the fitness area

Please help your friends care about, love the club equipment

Do not throw throw dumbbells and barbells, if violated, should be according to the price of compensation for damage to equipment, equipment and so on.

If you do not control your actions, please reduce the use of the weight, when you increase the code selected, the process in weightlifting, please carefully

In the training process, please do not shout or too noisy

Fitness area, please do not eat food or drink

Please do not put glass on or near equipment

To enter the fitness area must wear suitable sports shoes

In order to benefit others, please do not prolonged occupation of fitness equipment and fitness equipment

Fitness Center fitness of any region in the goods took place, such as loss or accidental damage will not take responsibility

Warning alerts

Before and during training in the training process if the following symptoms, please do not carry out any exercise: headache, dizziness, arrhythmias, chest discomfort or pain, shortness of breath or collapse.

Over-training and proper use of fitness equipment will result in serious injury

The proposed access to a doctor or fitness professional fitness after the approval of the guidance of fitness

Your friendship and cooperation and I will give you all the good members of the fitness environment, but also to ensure that the operation of a health club. For any violation of the above to ensure your safety and health regulations, the right to cancel their gym membership.

Exercise room USES rules
1, into the gym, not loud, lest affect others. .
2, please take good care of fitness facilities, equipment used in accordance with the instructions, if there is liable for damage.

Three, please keep the room clean, no littering, smokers, please go to the smoking area.

4 for the protection of ground, gym, please wear low-heeled shoes arena, prohibit wearing hard bottom shoe the touchline.

Five, don't shake, please be careful when using equipment operation.

6 and because of running belt wheel involved in any object or unable to immediately stop, don't let the children stood near the play, or to avoid danger.

7 and do not let fitness equipment itself or any parts water area, or near to any liquid.

8 and proper exercise, not opposed to exhaustion and fatigue. If you feel any discomfort in use or abnormal symptoms, please stop movement and to your doctor.

9 and fitness exercises the length of time, should inspect personal health and common motion reaction. Suggestions for ten minutes at the time, let your lungs inhaled oxygen to fully. When your physical condition can be lengthened when allows one of your time, usually in 20 minutes to 30 minutes.
Before the start of the exercise, please do warm-up exercise in a few minutes, then slowly increase your exercise into specific fitness training courses.

11 to achieve the effect of aerobic exercise, a week best sport 3-5 times, and in practice there can at least 24 hours after full recovery time.

12 no parents accompanying children, must not enter the gym
Fitness regional guidelines

Please forward into the fitness center stage show your membership card

Please refrain from smoking fitness center

Children under the age of 16 area do not enter

After drinking the fitness area

Please pay attention to your friends, love the club's equipment

Do not throw off dumbbell and barbells, if has violated, which shall be liable for damages of equipment, equipment, etc.

If you can't control your actions, please reduce weight, when you use the chosen aggravating yards in weightlifting process, please be careful

In the training process, don't shout or too noisy

Please don't eat or drink area

Please do not put the instrument or glass will be near

Enter the appropriate area must wear shoes

In the interests of others, please don't long time takes exercise equipment and fitness equipment

Fitness center in fitness for any accidents loss or injury accident shall assume responsibility

P and Warning

In the training before and during the training process such as have the following symptoms: please don't make any exercise, dizziness, headache, chest pain or discomfort arrhythmia, shortness of breath or collapse.

Overtraining and not correctly using equipment will cause serious damage

The doctor suggested fitness professional fitness guidance or obtain approval after exercise

Your friendly cooperation will make you and all members get good fitness environment, but also ensure the fitness club operations. For any violation of the related to ensure your safety and health of the regulations, the gym is entitled to cancel its membership.

1. Don't make noise when you go into fitness room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~too much~~~~~~~~~
one word you have to use "fitness room".

The use of the rules of gymnastics room
1, into the gym, may not make much noise, so as not to affect other people. .
2, the Prevention of Cruelty to fitness facilities, and equipment used in accordance with the instructions and, if damaged, according to the compensation price.

3, Please keep the indoor environment clean, do not throw debris, smokers go to smoking areas.

4, in order to protect the gym floor, entry, please wear flat shoes, hard-wearing shoes is prohibited to enter the site.

5, Do not shake equipment operation when used with care.

6, as a result of wheel running or involved with any object can not immediately stop, Do not let children stand or desktop machine to play around and avoid the risk.

7, Do not let their own fitness equipment or any parts of water areas or near to any liquid viscosity.

8, appropriate exercises, overexert not lead to exhaustion or fatigue. If you feel any discomfort or unusual symptoms, stop exercising immediately to your doctor consultation.

9, the length of fitness to practice should be as individual physical condition and normal movement response. Recommendations at least 10 minutes of exercise time, so that your lungs full of oxygen inhalation. When your health can be gradually lengthened to allow the movement of your time, usually 20 minutes to 30 minutes is better.
10. Before the start of fitness exercise, please do a few minutes of warm-up, and then slowly increase your exercise and fitness into the specific training courses.

11. In order to achieve the effect of aerobic exercise, the best sports 3-5 times a week, and in practice at least 24 hours to have time to recuperate fully.

12. Children without their parents, not be allowed to enter the gym
Fitness Regional Information

Please enter the Fitness Center to move to Taiwan to produce a valid membership card

Do not smoke Fitness Center

Children under the age of 16 do not enter the fitness area

Do not drink to enter the fitness area

Please help your friends care about, love the club equipment

Do not throw throw dumbbells and barbells, if violated, should be according to the price of compensation for damage to equipment, equipment and so on.

If you do not control your actions, please reduce the use of the weight, when you increase the code selected, the process in weightlifting, please carefully

In the training process, please do not shout or too noisy

Fitness area, please do not eat food or drink

Please do not put glass on or near equipment

To enter the fitness area must wear suitable sports shoes

In order to benefit others, please do not prolonged occupation of fitness equipment and fitness equipment

Fitness Center fitness of any region in the goods took place, such as loss or accidental damage will not take responsibility

Warning alerts

Before and during training in the training process if the following symptoms, please do not carry out any exercise: headache, dizziness, arrhythmias, chest discomfort or pain, shortness of breath or collapse.

Over-training and proper use of fitness equipment will result in serious injury

The proposed access to a doctor or fitness professional fitness after the approval of the guidance of fitness

Your friendship and cooperation and I will give you all the good members of the fitness environment, but also to ensure that the operation of a health club. For any violation of the above to ensure your safety and health regulations, the right to cancel their gym membership.


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to solve problems.创造性思维不但可以增加人类知识的总量,而且也可以提高人类的认识能力。Creative think will increase the total amount of knowledge of mankind while enhancing our cognition.小生才疏学浅,英语专业八级,高级翻译学院在读研究生,如有不妥之处,请不吝赐教,相互学习,相互交流!

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书波益源: The excellent student class president of graduate party school in the XX semester in XX school.

四会市19838433262: 高分悬赏中译英,谢谢各位大大了,不要机器翻译哦.100分奉上.我最喜欢的运动是篮球,至于为什么,我想我很大多数人的原因一样,因为迈克尔乔丹.... -
书波益源:[答案] The sport I like most is the basketball. Why? It is because of Michael Jordan, which is the same reason for most people, I think. In 1998, when I was ten years old, I watched the Jordan playing in a g...

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书波益源:[答案] He was born in a remote village in the South of England at five o'clock on May 23rd,1992.

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