
作者&投稿:咎桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Key Chain/Key Ring
gaze/glance at each other
internal affair; the interior

从...取得... get...from
与某人分享... share..with
为某人提供某物 provide...for
没地方住 nowhere to live
停止做...stop doing sth.
饮用水 drinking water
曾经看见过... have ever seen
曾经去过... have ever been
与...相同... the same...as
3/4 three quarters
去观光 go sightseeing
风猛烈地吹 blow fiercely
一个...另一个 one...,the other
把...用作... use...for(use...to)
练习做... practise doing sth.
到达某地 get to
离开去某地 leave for
宁愿做... rather than
5年后 in five years
一些...另一些 some...,others
小心 be careful
树叶轻轻地吹 the leaves blow slightly
喜欢做... enjoy doing sth
...之一 one of
已在某地呆了... stay ...for
失踪者 lost people
筹钱 raise money for
告诉某人去做... tell sb. to do sth.
称他为John call him John
考虑做... think about
想要做... want to do sth.
邀请某人去... invite...to..
比...更喜欢 like better...than..(prefer...to..)
一个紧急电话 an important phone
使某人安全 keep sb.safe
撞进 break into
去开会go to attend a meeting

状态(指人) state
评价 evaluation
逃课 play truant
主持人 host/hostess
百佳 Park'n Shop
顽疾 chronic disease
要点 important point/essential
统计(专业) statistics
一副(扑克) a set of (playing cards)
没有过多的留恋 not much reluctant to leave
内务 content
憔悴的 gaunt
现场没有气氛 cold atmosphere

公仔(钥匙扣那种):doll 进步不少:good advance 吃自助餐:have Buffet 变冷(指天气):become cold 女生形象大赛:female images show 思想道德与法律基础(课程名称):Moral Education and Basics of Law 对望:see each other 意图:intention 轻(对应重量,名词):light 打牌(指扑克):play poker 全...

这个你不如直接来一句中文,因为同一个中文短语可以用不同英文表达,以下常用的供你参考:1、井井有条(be arranged in good order)2、从事不同的职业(engaged in different occupations)3、涉及、卷入(be involved in)4、对···有很大的影响(have great influence on\/have a big impact on...

4.跑的快 4.Run quick 5.跳得远 5.Jump far 6.小心的行走 6.Run about carefully 7.非常喜欢 7.Like very much 8.正确地回答问题 8.Answer a question with accuracy 9.一个正确地答案 9.An is with accuracy the answer 10.努力工作 10.Diligent work 11.一个勤奋...

帮忙翻译一下几个短语 中译英~~!!
1. A penny 2. A penny 3. 6 pence 4. 3 pounds 75 pence 5. 1 U.S. dollar 25 cents 6. Four five-dollar bill 7. 3000 U.S. dollars in cash 8. Two thousand dollars in checks 9. 500 U.S. dollars in coins 10. A coin one point 11. A fifth of the coin 12. A ...

go climbing 11.去我朋友家 go to my friend's home 12.玩得高兴 have a good time 13.给我寄一张明信片(写出两个)send me a postcard \/ send a postcard to me 14.给我看你的照片(写出两个)show me your photos \/ show your photos to me 15.暑假计划 summer holiday plan ...

谁给我翻译一下下列的短语(中译英)初三学的 要准确
get sb to do sth,帮做某人做某事 help sb to do sth ,使某人做某事 make sb do sth ,想要做某事 want to do sth ,一遍又一遍 again and again ,有较少的工作去做 have little work to do ,...的首脑 leader of ,...中之一 one of ,好得多 much better than ...

1.在我回家的路上 on my way home 2.最糟糕的是 the most terrible thing is that 3.过时的 outdated 4.密码 code 5.做鬼脸 make a face 6.面对面 face to face 7.省钱省时 economical and time-saving

英译中 和中译英 中译英的需要用到上一句英语句子中画出来的短语
She worked as an English teacher in an University 2) 无论她多么想准时, 她工作总是迟到 She was always fail to complete her job, no matter how hard she worked.3) 莎拉, 我无法忍受你工作总是迟到 I can't stand his bad habit.4) 我不是故意的 No matter how tired in work,...

3.成形 take shape 或 take form 4

来访事由 reason for the visit,是否协议来访whether the visit is by agreement,是否需要院领导或国家领导人会见 whether have to meet with ministrial leaders or country leaders,访问地点visiting place(s),访问路线 visiting route,是否顺访其他单位whether will stopover in other units ,是否到...

江都市13037106778: 问几个汉译英词组1.起重要作用2.英语是本族语言的人3.移居到4.拥有最多的 5.不那么像6.更像7.更靠近 -
葛郝德路:[答案] 1.起重要作用 - plays an important role, has an important effect on2.英语是本族语言的人 - native speaker3.移居到 - immigrate to4.拥有最多的 - have the most5.不那么像 - don't resemble6.更像 - more simi...

江都市13037106778: 汉译英的几个短语几个短语 -
葛郝德路:[答案] with the money sound(s) like (be) not sure

江都市13037106778: 问几个英文短语的中文1、A harmful substance that can kill.2、A large animal to rich.3、Not dry.4、Empty spaces.5、Whatyou walk on in house.6、Said to ... -
葛郝德路:[答案] 1 poison毒药 2 (不知道) 3 wet 湿 4 blank 空白 5 floor 地板 6 (不知道) 7 dead死亡的 8 timber(木材)或者 forest(森林)——Wood有两种意思,看你学的那单元是什麽 9 tin(罐头) 10 baker 面包师

江都市13037106778: 汉译英短语急 -
葛郝德路: 1 at the conner 2 erect 3 take care 4 cast 5 towards向.ask 要,要求 6 check the name 7 on time

江都市13037106778: 问几个中译英的单词
葛郝德路: 1.Die, 2, earthquake 3 money, 4 tree,

江都市13037106778: 问几个英汉互译短语
葛郝德路: 1.从……得到 2.be interested in 3.too boring 4.a little dangerous 5.同3 6.work hard 7.find out

江都市13037106778: 英汉互译,帮忙翻译几个单词和短语,谢谢!
葛郝德路: 一.汉译英:1没有(限两个单词)there isn't... 2以前这儿是一家工厂It used to be a factory. 3怀念...think of... 4更关注...pay more attention to... 二.英译汉:1custom 风俗 2Germany 德国 3Britain 英国 4shake hand 握手 5back背 6ready 就绪 7horseshoe 马掌 8worth 值得 9nearby 附近 10pennies便士 11dropped掉落 12eaten 吃掉 13bend 弯 14cannot 不能 15deeply 深深地 16Chaplain 冠军 film 电影

江都市13037106778: 问几个英语问题(词组汉译英)
葛郝德路: 1: final; finally 2: a mistake to 3: brittle enough 4: the origin of the potato 5: of the salty enough 6: fried potatoes article 7: spreading a lot of salt 8: to make a person happy

江都市13037106778: 三个短语中译英 -
葛郝德路: User-defined title The topic I issued The topic I took part in

江都市13037106778: 几个英语中译英,单词 -
葛郝德路: 1.粗心地careless 2.下结论conclude

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