
作者&投稿:以田 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Notre-Dame de Paris


"Notre Dame DE Paris" the feeling after reading

"Notre Dame DE Paris" is Hugo first romantic fiction. Write a case in the 15th century French story: love silk beauty pull da is a beautiful and kind gipsy moth girl, a respectable Notre Dame DE Paris, Chloe's deputy bishop because they aren't her love and hate her, persecute her. True ugly, kind-hearted of bell ringers were card seamus more for save girl Romans 6:3-6 Matthew 26:26-30. Novels by comparing gimmick, revealed religious hypocrisy, declared bankrupt and asceticism praises the lower labor people's kindness, love, reflects Hugo's humanism.
"Notre Dame DE Paris" let me understand what is truth, beauty and goodness, what is false, ugly, evil, I as if through a spiritual baptism


Let me impressive scene is the author's construction, those who was the symbol of luxury of power church, people still don't know can have their own thoughts, as well as to their desire to do something, all pretense of divine religions, all pretense of sacred church to show, show architect aesthetics, also is the individual talent, or show their abilities, I think that people, the humanity is deeply implanted in a sacred religious coat, the typical character is below vice bishops -- Chloe. From the many intricate skip buildings, we see not, then what is the heart of the people, and how those manic depression from underground everywhere like the church spires, is the soul of distortion in the people to the heaven do this silent howl!

Inside the church is so macabre, this lets a person associate to block in the religious, social is dirty and corruption, the beauty of religion and religious bloody incident, formed the manufacture of sensory stimuli. In this -- is conducted under the control of the mind, let a person feel out of the deep, confusion, and disturbing confusion, if there is a sword, and you will do your utmost to prick the layer in the society, the clouds above the clouds are evil,
You full of anger and despised, like those homeless in the book society crazy revenge. But you can't, because if you want to prick the evil, you first will represent the goodness of god, that is in the ground down how cruel things! There is more than one loses nature of sorrow!

The impression is that few people, representing beauty docile girl -- esmeralda. She not only attractive appearance, is more a lily-white kind hearts from her, treat the goat, save the minor poet, to hurt his card together, the more water and compassion, love, etc, the sacrifice we see she is beautiful, her heart, she is no dirt not contaminated. However, such as an angel, how the girl treat? In the most dirty, the environment is the so-called life, society, was playing rejection and irony, abandoned, was framed by the threat, finally, thoroughly sacrifice.

Book describes a society, and in the social life of the various characters, such as the ratio of numbness, Florida, bottom as the implicit rat5 hole, crazy nun, vice bishop to resist the ugly card together, the more and more bishop's mo formed in human contrast, also fell in love with the beautiful girl, also rejected, they love is so warm, sincere, however, is a possession, a dedication, has for the purpose of, can achieve purpose when he thought is destroyed, destroy others, With dedication for the purpose of, when cannot offer, the thought is destroyed, and destroy them.

I think this is the real charm, he let people see is not a simple story, he profoundly reveals the human heart, no matter in what some activities, the common people what society, there is on the yearning, for the good of the pursuit of good praise, who is an angel and the devil, and people's experience without the same, i.e., the society itself will not let all people enjoy equal treatment, the different treatment, make many people's inner lost balance and lost to beautiful pursuit! The whims of dirty,
Filled with our eyes, with our mind, our oscillating?

Victor Hugo wrote, "Notre Dame de Paris"

Victor Hugo wrote, "Notre Dame de Paris",

Hugo wrote "Notre Dame DE Paris"



很大程度上,小说《巴黎圣母院》中三男一女的主题本来就是雨果在现实中混乱困境的折射,这几个男人形象又分别代表了作家的几重人格。 雨果多么希望自己能像卡西莫多那样单纯,卡西莫多对爱丝美拉达的爱是不计回报的,他的心中没有妒忌和欲望,...


维克多·雨果写《巴黎圣母院》是为了艺术地再现了法王路易十一统治时期的真实历史,再现宫廷与教会如何狼狈为奸压迫人民群众,人民群众怎样同两股势力英勇斗争。 简介: 巴黎圣母院(港译钟楼驼侠,台译钟楼怪人)是法国文学家维克多·雨果所著,在1831年1月14日出版的小说。故事的场景设定在1482年的巴黎圣母院,内容环绕一...


有一天,雨果在巴黎圣母院的北钟楼暗角里,发现墙上刻着一个希腊单词:命运。这个单词触动了他的灵魂,激发了他的灵感,于是他写下了《巴黎圣母院》这部包含着历史、建 筑艺术、神权、宗教、爱情和暴动等诸多内容的,并且与这座教堂一样不朽的著作。《巴黎圣母院》写于法国风云变幻、阶级斗争激烈的年代。

《巴黎圣母院》的写作背景 1828年,雨果与书商戈斯兰签订协议,答应为他写一部沃尔特•司各特式的小说。作者为此查阅了大量的历史文献和书籍,看过巴黎一些旧址遗迹,并从历史的角度考察了15世纪的巴黎。一天,雨果在巴黎圣母院的北钟楼暗角里,发现墙上刻着一个希腊单词:命运。这个单词触动了他...

《欧那尼》写的是16世纪西班牙一个贵族出身的强盗欧那尼反抗国王的故事,雨果赞美了强盗的侠义和高尚,表现了强烈的反封建倾向。 1830年7月,法国发生了“七月革命”,封建复辟王朝被推翻了。雨果热情赞扬革命,歌颂那些革命者,写诗哀悼那些在巷战中牺牲的英雄。 1831年发表的《巴黎圣母院》是雨果最富有浪漫主义小说。小...

《巴黎圣母院》是雨果第一部大型的浪漫主义长篇小说。作品集中描写爱斯梅拉尔达、克罗德·佛罗洛和加西莫多三个人物以及他们之间的关系,体现了雨果的善、恶、美、丑的观点,同时无情地揭露了天主教会和封建统治的罪恶。 《悲惨世界》一书中,雨果以卓越的艺术魅力展示了资本主义社会奴役劳动人民、逼良为娼的残酷现实...

上杭县13239446446: 想要巴黎圣母院书名的英文版和作者雨果的英文形式如题, -

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应尚那宁:《巴黎圣母院》THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME ------维克多·雨果 Hugo, Victor 《巴黎圣母院》英文简介 《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic f...

上杭县13239446446: 想要巴黎圣母院书名的英文版和作者雨果的英文形式 -

上杭县13239446446: 《巴黎圣母院》、《悲惨世界》、《九三年》的英文怎么说?
应尚那宁: "Notre Dame Cathedral", "Les Miserables", "93 Years"

上杭县13239446446: 急求巴黎圣母院的精彩段落(英文) -
应尚那宁: 雨果的英文原文 see Book II, VII. A Wedding Night “Oh, love,” she said, and her voice vibrated and her eyes shone, “that is to be two and yet only one—a man and a woman blending into an angel—it is heaven!” (“喔!爱情,”她说道,声音颤抖,目光炯炯.“那是两个人却又只有一个人.一个男人和一个女人融合为一个天使.那就是天堂!

上杭县13239446446: 谁知道《巴黎圣母院》英文主要内容
应尚那宁: The story begins during the Renaissance in 1482, the day of the Festival of Fools in Paris. Quasimodo, the deformed bell ringer, is introduced by his crowning as Pope of Fools. Esméralda, a beautiful 16-year-old gypsy with a kind and generous ...

上杭县13239446446: 求雨果名言英文原文(巴黎圣母院) -
应尚那宁: Ugly in beauty, beautiful, beside deformity near behind hidden in the lofty vulgar, evil and good coexist, dark and light together.

上杭县13239446446: 谁能帮我把以下这段话译成英文?...
应尚那宁: 部分为直译,希望你能满意,谢谢! "Notre Dame DE Paris" is Hugo's romantic fiction masterpiece in the 15th century, one of the Paris as the background, describing a beauty and goodness, lively gypsy girl love, delighting merasgar theocratic ...

上杭县13239446446: 把以下这段话译成英文.谢谢.急用!
应尚那宁: "Notre Dame DE Paris" is Hugo's romantic fiction masterpiece in the 15th century, one of the Paris as the background, describing a beauty and goodness, lively gypsy girl love, delighting merasgar theocratic and kingship of dual persecution and ...

上杭县13239446446: 把这段话译成英文
应尚那宁: "Notre Dame de Paris"is Hugo's masterpiece of romantic novels to 15th century Paris as the background, description of a beautiful, kind, lively gypsy ai si mei da by the divine power and royal persecution by the double Hanged, tragic story. Novel ...

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