帮我做几道七年级 下册 英语题 (人教版)

作者&投稿:字庭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




1. What size bowl of noodles would he like?


3.My brother don't like muttou or , onions at all.

4.what kind of dumplings would Kate like ?
翻译:Kate 喜欢吃什么种类的饺子?

5.What size bowl would your sister like ?




丰城市13175467200: 几道七年级下英语练习题一.根据汉语填入正确单词.1.Some of the students don't like wearing school______.(制服)二.按要求改写句子.2.The exchange ... -
阎嵇悦康:[答案] uniform where will the exchange students go tomorrow? The zoo is in the north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. It's easy to walk from . D

丰城市13175467200: 求各位朋友帮我做英语题目,初一下的.直接写答案就行.对画线部分提问我用的是括号.用适当的介词填空,使短文通顺.这些是介词:in, on, under, next to, in ... -
阎嵇悦康:[答案] in ;in front of ;on ;on ;under ;near ;next to; 2.look after 3.writer to 4.tell about 5Where is your 6How many 7Let's 8No,there isn't 9what doing 10in countryside;live with sb;every month;look for 11.B 12.B 13A 14C

丰城市13175467200: 帮我做几道七年级 下册 英语题 (人教版) -
阎嵇悦康: 这是答案:1. What size bowl of noodles would he like?翻译:他喜欢吃什么大小的碗的面?2.略.(我也不知道)3.My brother don't like muttou or , onions at all. 翻译:我的兄弟不喜欢吃羊肉和洋葱.4.what kind of dumplings would Kate like ?翻译:Kate 喜欢吃什么种类的饺子?5.What size bowl would your sister like ?翻译:你的姐姐喜欢吃什么大小的碗的面?我也是七年级下册的,上面几道题都是我做的,第二题,我也不知道做,所以对不起了,但至少我尽力了.

丰城市13175467200: 求20道七年级下的英语测试题,越难越好!!!
阎嵇悦康: 下面这些题是按照你的要求找的:(后面有答案)1. After he gave a report about the school, Mr White____ the visitors around it. A. went on to show B. went on showing C. went on with showing D. kept on showing 2. -- Tom works hard at English.?...

丰城市13175467200: 给我出几道七年级的英语题出“句型转换”类型的题明天英语要考试,恰好在这方面不是很熟悉,所以帮我出几道练习练习.七年级第一学月的话题【1——2... -
阎嵇悦康:[答案] 1.none of the workers is for the new work timetable(原意不变)all the workers ____ _______ the new work timetable.2.he gave them all the information about radium(该否定句)he _____ give them _______ i...

丰城市13175467200: 十道小题,七年级下册英语 -
阎嵇悦康: 11 Be quiet12 Where is; from13 What is; doing14 Those children are15 I don't like this movie because it's too scary.16 go to (看不清图)17 No swimming18 an elephant19 is eating (看不清图)20 is reading a newspaper

丰城市13175467200: 解几道英语(七年级下) -
阎嵇悦康: 楼主,您好! 以下是在下的回答: 第一题选D 二.1.It takes ten minutes from my home to my school by bus. 2.Every year millons of foreign tourists travel to China.(注:楼主,请您相信我吧,楼上几位最后一题错了,应该是travel,而不是trip,因为trip是名词. 如果您对在下的回答表示满意的话,请不要忘记把在下的回答采纳为最佳答案哦!

丰城市13175467200: 七年级下册英语的填空题 -
阎嵇悦康: 1.had 2.did3.about4.too 5.look6.Did7.went8.saw9.played10.don't

丰城市13175467200: 七年级下册英语题.
阎嵇悦康: 1.Turn right from scool,go across the bridge,then turn right,go up,last turn right.

丰城市13175467200: 谁帮我找5道较难的初一(下)的英语题?
阎嵇悦康: 1.Lily practices ( )(speak)English every day. 2.The news made him( )(feel)sad. 3. People enjoy( )(listen)to the songs. 4.I didn't underdtand what you ( )(say). 5.Some girls are good at ( )(sing).

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