
作者&投稿:水例 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Butterfly--Jason mraz
[ar:jason mraz]
[al:we sing, we dance, we steal things]
jason mraz - butterfly

i'm taking a moment just imaginin' that i'm dancin' with you
i'm your pole and all you're wearing is your shoes
you got soul, you know what to do to turn me on
until i write a song about you
and you have your own engaging style
and you've got the knack to vivify
and you make my slacks a little tight,
you may unfasten them if you like
that's if you crash and spend the night

but you don't fold, you don't fade
you've got everything you need, especially me
sister you've got it all
you make the call to make my day
in your message say my name
your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all

curl your upper lip up and let me look around
ride your tongue along your bottom lip and bite down
and bend your back and ask those hips if i can touch
because they're the perfect jumping off point of getting closer to your

well you float on by
oh kiss me with your eyelashes tonight
or eskimo your nose real close to mine
and let's mood the lights and finally make it right
but you don't fold, you don't fade,
you've got everything you need
especially me
sister you've got it all

you make the call to make my day
in you message say my name
your talk is all the talk sister you've got it all
you've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all (2x)

doll i need to see you pull your knee socks up
let me feel you up side, down slide, in slide, out slide, over here
climb in my mouth now child

butterfly, well you landed on my mind
dammit you landed on my ear and then you crawled inside
now i see you perfectly behind closed eyes
i wanna fly with you and i don't wanna lie to you
cause i, cause i can't recall a better days
i'm coming to shine on the occasion

you're an open minded lady
you've got it all
and i never forget a face
if i'm making my own
i have my days
let's face the fact here, it's you that's got it all

you know that fortune favors the brave
well let me get paid while i make you breakfast
the rest is up to you, you make the call

you make the call to make my day
in your message say my name
your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all

cause i can't recall a better day
i'm coming to shine on the occasion
you're a sophisticated lady, oh you've got it all

you've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all (3x)
you've got it all, you've got it all….

butterfly, baby, well you've got it all

Where's my samurai 我的勇士在那里(注:samurai是日本古时的武士阶层,这里翻译为勇士或者武士)
I've been searching for a man 我一直在找一个人
All across Japan 穿过整个日本
Just to find,to find my samurai 只为找到,找到我的勇士
Someone who is strong 那个人很强壮
But still a little shy 还有点害羞
Yes I need, I need my samurai 是的我需要,我需要我的勇士
Ay,Ay,Ay, Ay,Ay,Ay
I'm your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶
Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝
make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色
Ay,Ay,Ay Ay,Ay,Ay
I'm your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶
Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝
make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色
I've been searching to the woods 我一直在森林中寻找
And high upon the hills 并且爬上高山
Just to find,to find my samurai 只为找到,找到我的勇士
Someone who won't regret 那个人不会遗憾
to keep me in his net 把我困在他的网中
Yes I need, I need my samurai 是的我需要,我需要我的勇士
Ay,Ay,Ay, Ay,Ay,Ay
I'm your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶
Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝
make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色
Ay,Ay,Ay Ay,Ay,Ay
I'm your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶
Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝
make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色
Where's my samurai 我的勇士在那里

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一日,恒突然收到一个电邮,是关于一个名为「Club_utterfly」的换妻组织。夫妇二人最后是否抛开一切道德枷锁,听随身体对原始欲求的呼唤,享受片刻欢愉,寻求刹那慰藉,甚至在欲海横流的世界中慢慢迷失沉溺沿苏州河而行·循声|在苏河湾沉淀对历史和当下的思考 陈鑫培 沿苏州河而行到达苏河湾的那个下午,火伞高张,滚烫的...

butterfly love是什么意思
butterfly love译为蝴蝶之爱,即“梁祝”。越州上虞县有一女子祝英台,喜欢吟读诗书,一心想出外求学,但是当时的女子不能在外抛头露面,于是就和丫头银心乔装成男子,前往越州城读书。二人在半途遇见了也要前往越州念书的鄞县书生梁山伯及书僮士久,梁山伯和祝英台二人一见如故,遂义结金兰,一同...

キミボシ バランス违いの 二人の足音 远くに闻こえてくる 冬の音に重なる 绮丽に并んだ 影法师ふたつ 出会った春の日から 少し伸びた君の背 同じ今を分かち合う仆ら 违う明日を梦见てしまった 「それでもいい」と微笑んだ 君の笑颜が切なすぎて 夸れるほど 何もできなくて た...

十大健康食物排行榜 : ·第一名 番茄
·第二名 菠菜
·第三名 坚果
·第四名 椰菜花
·第五名 燕麦
·第六名 鲑鱼
·第七名 大蒜
·第八名 蓝莓
·第九名 绿茶
·第十名 红酒

十大健康水果排行榜 : ·第一名 苹果
·第二名 杏
·第三名 香蕉
·第四名 黑莓
·第五名 蓝莓
·第六名 甜瓜
·第七名 樱桃
·第八名 越橘
·第九名 葡萄柚
·第十名 紫葡萄

孟津县18513761717: butterfly - 搜狗百科
老建诺邦: butterfly 1.蝴蝶 2.蝶泳

孟津县18513761717: 蝴蝶用英语怎么说 -
老建诺邦:[答案] butterfly

孟津县18513761717: butterfly什么意思 别跟我说蝴蝶 -
老建诺邦: 1、butterfly一词源自古英文buterfleoge,由butere(butter)加fleoge(flying creature)构成. 2、有一种流传比较久远的说法,因为蝴蝶喜欢偷吃奶油和牛奶,人们把它说成是长着彩色翅膀、喜欢偷吃奶油的精灵,所以叫它butterfly.以上传说也反映在...

孟津县18513761717: butterfly怎么读 -
老建诺邦: butterfly[英]['bʌtəflaɪ] [美][ˈbʌtɚˌflaɪ] 生词本 简明释义 n.蝴蝶;蝶泳;轻浮的人;游手好闲的人 v.切开摊平 复数:butterflies第三人称单数:butterflies过去式:butterflied过去分词:butterflied现在分词:butterflying易混淆的单词:Butterfly...

孟津县18513761717: butterfly的正确读音?butterfly此单词的正确读音,在线等候!谢谢 -
老建诺邦:[答案] 这有读音

孟津县18513761717: 求教,butterfly是什么意思,我知道翻译过来 -
老建诺邦: butterfly:蝴蝶 butterfly 英 [ˈbʌtəflaɪ] 美 [ˈbʌtərflaɪ] n.蝴蝶;蝶泳;轻浮的人;游手好闲的人 v.切开摊平 第三人称单数: butterflies 复数: butterflies 现在分词: butterflying 过去式: butterflied 过去分词: butterflied 例句:It is a very pretty butterfly, with a 2 inch wing span 这是一只非常美丽的蝴蝶,翼展2英寸. 望采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢

孟津县18513761717: 世界的蝴蝶有多少种? -
老建诺邦:[答案] 全球有记录的蝴蝶总数有17000种 蝴蝶 蝴蝶(Rhopalocera;butterflies)鳞翅目的锤角亚目,俗名蝴蝶.也作“胡蝶”.旧时以... 斑蝶科:中型或大型的种类,体多黑色,头部和腹部有白色的小点,翅膀多色彩艳丽有群栖习性. 蝴蝶之所以叫butterfly的原...

孟津县18513761717: butterfly是什么意思吖
老建诺邦: butterfly 1. 蝴蝶;蝶形物;节气门 石油词汇英语翻译(B28篇) - 奇迹商业... butterfly 蝴蝶;蝶形物;节气门 http://www.51wonder.c... 2. 蝶泳 关于奥运的英语词汇 - 邓宁的日志 - 网... butterfly 蝶泳 http://whc8839217.blo... 3. 感觉奇妙无比像 一夜情学英文(下) - 达达的王国 - 新... 感觉奇妙无比像butterfly

孟津县18513761717: Butterfly是什麽意思?
老建诺邦: 蝴蝶 是一个运动品牌

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