
作者&投稿:革民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The combination of classic and chic is so perfect ,just like the New Beetles Car.It combines the most talented craft and special identification ,which is still popolar nowadays ,like the Chanel N°5,each classical purfume has a unique affected story described by classical smell ,and ,which has inspired hearts of readers .It shows the deeply inner beauty and updated spiritual charm .



Online Translations of the 5-year-old, I said I love you.歪着脑袋you,眨着crystal eyes, doubts to ask me: "What is the meaning it?"
80-year-old when you say you love me.
I said nothing, because my tears, but it is my most happy days of life, because you finally tell the phrase "I - love - you."
Sitting on our rocking chair, wearing reading glasses, enjoyed 50 years ago, give me your love, we covered with wrinkled hands together, I said I love you, you looked at me with deep feeling, it is that you have wrinkles face face is still beautiful
60-year-old when I said I love you, you smiled and punched my fist: "Die old man! Grandchildren are so big, but also Garrulous!
50-year-old when I said I love you, you头也不抬wool banner: "true? Mind you are not anxious to die my son as soon as possible." And on the咯咯咯smile never stopped.
40 years old when I said I love you, you go clean up the side edge of murmured blankly forward to: "line, the line, and go to the homework review Children Go!
30-year-old when I said I love you, you said with a smile: "Yes you! If my true love, on the other下了班around, have, do not forget to tell you to buy my vegetables!"
20-year-old when I said I love you, you head on my shoulders, tightly挽住my arm, like I'll disappear as下一秒.
15-year-old when I said I love you, your blush火烧云as the first low-deep, and playing with a衣襟, if you laugh at
25 years old when I said I love you, you put breakfast on the table, running from scratch, then my nose, said: "know! Slackers, which gets up!"

When I was 5, I said: “I love you.”
Puzzled, you tilted your head and asked me with your shinning eyes blinking,
“What does that mean?”

When I was 15, I said “I love you.”
Your face turned red with a smile, you lowered your head and played with your front of cloth coyly.

When I was 20, I said “I love you.”
You rest your head against my shoulder and held my arms tightly,
as if I was an illusion about to disappear.

When I was 25, I said “I love you.”
You put breakfast down on the table, came over and took a gentle scrape at my noise and said “I knew that.
Time to get up, you lazy bum.”

When I was 30, I said “I love you.”
You snickered and said” If you really love me, then come straight home after work and don’t forget to pick up the grocery again.”

When I was 40, I said “I love you.”
You gathered up the dishes, and said with a blank expression, “OK, OK. Now go and help the children with their lessons.”

When I was 50, I said “I love you.”
Without raising your head from your knitting, you said: “Really ? In the back of your mind you are probably praying for my early death.” Then you burst into laughter.

When I was 60, I said “I love you.”
You hit me playfully and said “You old son of a gun! The children are all grown up now and you are still teasing me.”

When I was 70, we sat on our rocking chairs, put our reading classes on and reminisced over our 50 years old love letters.
Faced wrinkled, hands held tight, I said to you “I love you.”
You gazed at me with deep affection. Although your face was full of wrinkles,
you were as lovely to me as when I first laid eyes on you …
The kettle on the stove was gurgling and steaming; our home was fill with warmth and tenderness.
...... ......
When I was 80,
I was dumb-struck when,
with tears streaming down your checks , you said to me “I love you.”
That was the happiest moment of my life because you finally said
what I had been waiting a life time for.

Online Translations of the 5-year-old, I said I love you.you had doubts to ask me: "What is the meaning it?"
80-year-old when you say you love me.
I said nothing, because my tears, but it is my most happy days of life, because you finally tell the phrase "I - love - you."
Sitting on our rocking chair, wearing reading glasses, enjoyed 50 years ago, give me your love, we covered with wrinkled hands together, I said I love you, you looked at me with deep feeling, it is that you have wrinkles face face is still beautiful
60-year-old when I said I love you, you smiled and punched my fist: "Die old man! Grandchildren are so big, but also Garrulous!
50-year-old when I said I love you, you immediatly wool banner: "true? Mind you are not anxious to die my son as soon as possible." And on the "hehe" smile never stopped.
40 years old when I said I love you, you go clean up the side edge of murmured blankly forward to: "line, the line, and go to the homework review Children Go!
30-year-old when I said I love you, you said with a smile: "Yes you! If my true love, on the other after work around, have, do not forget to tell you to buy my vegetables!"
20-year-old when I said I love you, you head on my shoulders, tightly catched my arm, like I'll disappear as the next second.
15-year-old when I said I love you, your blush fireclound as the first low-deep, and playing with a cloth, if you laugh at
25 years old when I said I love you, you put breakfast on the table, running from scratch, then my nose, said: "know! Slackers, which gets up!"

Online Translations of the 5-year-old, I said I love you.crystal eyes, doubts to ask me: "What is the meaning it?"
80-year-old when you say you love me.
I said nothing, because my tears, but it is my most happy days of life, because you finally tell the phrase "I - love - you."
Sitting on our rocking chair, wearing reading glasses, enjoyed 50 years ago, give me your love, we covered with wrinkled hands together, I said I love you, you looked at me with deep feeling, it is that you have wrinkles face face is still beautiful
60-year-old when I said I love you, you smiled and punched my fist: "Die old man! Grandchildren are so big, but also Garrulous!
50-year-old when I said I love you, youwool banner: "true? Mind you are not anxious to die my son as soon as possible." And on thesmile never stopped.
40 years old when I said I love you, you go clean up the side edge of murmured blankly forward to: "line, the line, and go to the homework review Children Go!
30-year-old when I said I love you, you said with a smile: "Yes you! If my true love, on the otheraround, have, do not forget to tell you to buy my vegetables!"
20-year-old when I said I love you, you head on my shoulders, tightly挽住my arm, like I'll disappear as15-year-old when I said I love you, your blushas the first low-deep, and playing with a, if you laugh at
25 years old when I said I love you, you put breakfast on the table, running from scratch, then my nose, said: "know! Slackers, which gets up!"

1. our school a beautiful environment, fresh air, road is neat. The campus layout is very reasonable, various sports venues and laboratory goods are available in all varieties., facilities.2. schools in the implementation of quality education, people-oriented, so that students have ...

East or west, home is best.

能帮翻译下面这句话吗?谢谢 いつでも最スタートできるわよ大丈夫だ_百...

这是一句典型的中英套译,完整的表达是,One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 即,一个和尚挑水持,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。表达的意思是,不能齐心合力,人越多越难以办成。

第一句:你怎么去学校呢?第二句:我家很近,通常是步行去。第三句:有时我骑自行车,你呢?第四句:我通常坐公交车去。第五句:我们可以步行去车站。第六句:哪层楼?第七句:5楼,5A房间。第八句:(遇到)红灯停下。第九句:不算太远。短文:The traffic light are the same in every ...

1 ordinary people have to lose them all the time, they will be treasured by all.2 I have burned the retreat, but there are still coughing and headache.This plant only 3 years of history, products have entered the international market.4 as the antithesis of Health is dead, all...

你好,我尝试着翻译了一下,感觉这句汉语就比较有气势,所以在选词上下了点功夫,并且调换了一下语序,翻译时查阅并参考了有道词典中的相关例句 【译文】Flap your wings and soar in the blue sky,like an unfettered eagle 【参考例句】1.The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.老鹰无需...

The bird in a cage,without freedom,how can it has the rhythm of flying?Just let him fly,watch him flying and fly with him.

我们必须安静地上楼梯。 = We must tread quietly up the stares. We must be quiet when we go up the stares.Twins是香港出名的歌星。= Twins are famous singers in Honk Kong. Twins are famed singers of Hong Kong.玛丽的爸爸每天要开小汽车上班。= Mary's father goes to work by car...

求助?谁能帮俺翻译下面的句子 谢谢
就看你这种娃不好说!坏的很很。就不跟人好好说一下 雷盼 15:48:21 哈哈 雷盼 15:48:28 你只管说 雷盼 15:48:34 我没有意见 木木 15:47:49 给你说啊!我班里娃(同学)看不懂咱们俩的话!还以为是干嘛那!雷盼 15:49:47 哈哈,那就好 雷盼 15:50:02 好的很 木木 15:49:01 不...

钦北区17644001468: 帮忙翻译下下面的句子 谢谢啦"他看上去有些忧愁不安” -
储策东方:[答案] He looks a little worried.

钦北区17644001468: 有谁能帮我翻译一下下面这个句子?非常感谢.
储策东方: 他感觉他已经永远抛掉了这个世上的罪恶 困难和贫穷.应该是这样翻译的,希望可以帮助到您!

钦北区17644001468: 请帮忙翻译下面的句子(中译英),急用,谢谢
储策东方: I have filled in the form and sent it back by email, but didnt receive any feedback so far, could you please let me know if there is anything missing or to be changed? I plan to land in America on June 12th and will pay accommadation fees and other ...

钦北区17644001468: 谁能帮我翻译一下下面的句子,...
储策东方: Only when I arrived there did I find the big distance between the reality and dream.

钦北区17644001468: 求翻译下面的句子 感谢了!!! -
储策东方: 1、Remember, never use a question to fence with another one.2、It is behind the time asking a woman if she wants another child when she has just given birth the first time.3、If you set you target very high, even if you failed, your failure would still be...

钦北区17644001468: 英语,求高手帮忙翻译以下句子!万分感谢!
储策东方: Water is one of the most important ressourcen of the nature. No matter human being or other creature. without water, we can not live. But the useable water ressourcen is less and less, due to our destroy to the enviroment and too much waste. I hope ...

钦北区17644001468: 帮忙翻译下下面的句子.谢谢!现在总算是慢慢好起来了,有了新的目标,一步一步来吧!希望明年能达成所愿.也希望在5年以后有自己的事业!任重道远!... -
储策东方:[答案] Now things have turned to be better.With my new ambition,I might as well carry it out step by step.I hope my dream can come true next year.I am also desirous of my own business in 5 years.The job is c...

钦北区17644001468: 请帮我翻译下面的句子 谢谢 -
储策东方: 意译:在忙完今晚圣诞前夜的在教堂的服务之后, 他还要准备一个盛大的Tamaie晚宴. 可现在他却深陷于一个50人的长队中.

钦北区17644001468: 帮我翻译一下下面这个句子,英语!谢谢!
储策东方: 不管未来的路有多困难,我都要笑着把它走完!Regardless of how difficult way of the future, I will smile put it finished! 希望采纳

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