
作者&投稿:巢逃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

摘 要

From the investment decision-making, optimize the design, control changes, building materials selection, etc. Analysis of the construction project cost control.

Good day to all the judges: today I will be talking about the influences of western culture on my life.

首先,就从“吃”上说一说,大概十年以前,我们大多数人恐怕连“fast food”都没有听过,
Firstly, let's begin with the topic of "food", a decade ago, I'm afraid that most of us have not even heard of the term "fast food".

But today it is becoming increasingly popular, signboards for KFC and McDonald's can be seen everywhere, despite knowing that fried food is harmful to health, people still flock to these restarauts.

Furthermore, soybean milk and youtiao (油条没的翻) used to be the traditional breakfast fare for the Chinese, but bread and milk have slowly crept up onto people's dining tables without our knowledge.

Let's now talk about Western festivals that have had the largest impact on us in recent years.

Valentine's day, Christmas are seen to be more festive than Chinese New Year, shopping malls also introduce very attractive sales on these occasions.

Not only these, even Halloween, Thanksgiving are becoming increasingly popular.

Of course, I am not for such behaviour, a moderate level of reference to Western culture is acceptable, but we must not borrow them over wholesale, or they will undermine our own Chinese culture.

西方文化对人们交往习惯影响也是巨大的,以前如果受到夸奖,我会很谦虚的说:“这没什么。”但是现在我会很自然的说:“thank you!”
Western culture has also had a huge impact on social habits, before, I would humbly reply: "this is nothing" when complimented. But now I would reply naturely with "thank you!"

除此之外,我们还习惯了当面拆开礼物,give me five等西方人常用的肢体语言。
Besides these, we have also learnt to unwrap presents in present of others, and other body gestures like "give me five".

As far as these habits are concerned I do like them.

There are strengths and weaknesses to every culture, and our job is to decern between them, make use of the good ones, and discard the bad.

Thank you!

today i want to talk about how west culture influent us.
first ,let's start with "eat habits",about a decade ago, i'm afraid most of us even havent hear about "fast food",but nowadays.it is become more and more popular between us,we can see KFC, MCDONALD all around the street,even we all know fried food is harmful to our body,but peopel just like it.what's more ,soybean milk and deep-fried fluffy dough sticks always are our traditional breakfast,but now,milk and bread had take over out traditional food's place.
then,let's talk about the westen festival that affect us,for some young people, Valentine's Day and Christmas was even popular than Spring festival,during this days,super market will be at discount.besides,halloween ,thanks giving day is becoming more and more popular.of course,i dont approve this,we can learn from it,at the same time,we should remenber we have a splendid long history.
west culture also have a huge influence on our social habits,at the old times,when i got a praise i will said in a humble way suck as"it's nothing worthy for a praise".but nowadays,i may answer in a natural way like"thank you".what's more,we get used to open a gift at the same when we receive it(at the old time,we will cosider it's a symbol of unpolite). some body language such as "hey man ,give me five"are also become a part of our life. i like this habits anyway
Every culture had their advantage and disadvantage,what should we do is to tell it,learn form the advantage ,abandon the disadvantage.thank you.

水平有限,见谅。有的地方私自加了点东西 个人觉得会好点。仅供楼主参考

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管城回族区15336679041: 高分悬赏英语翻译高手,帮忙翻译一下,在线等 -
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厉露乳杆: 1,聚会上所有的英国朋友都很享受美味的中餐.2,周末时间学生们也可以在计算机服务中心工作.3,现代图书馆也有计算机服务.4,这位修理工很擅长修理电话.5,去...

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管城回族区15336679041: 高分求英语达人翻译以下句子!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
厉露乳杆: 当我跟你在一起时,一小时就像一秒钟一样快,当我们分开时,一天就像一年一样慢!

管城回族区15336679041: 英语达人帮忙翻译下 高分
厉露乳杆: Left body. Your taste An exclamation point exclamation points are not afraid of the journey Your smile like the sun-like and is so brightFlash make my eyes could not openGood plays has just been staged You will be my focus there is many people for you to choose I will always look at you until you breaking the end

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厉露乳杆: 嘿...匿名的伙计, 你真可笑! Hey, anonymous guy, you're so ridiculous! 你信誓旦旦的样子真像个小丑! You're like a clown when making the vow. “噢~~宝贝 我爱你!” "Oh, sweetheart! I love you!" 你在这里乱叫什么? 请问你是罗密欧么...

管城回族区15336679041: 请英语达人帮忙翻译 -
厉露乳杆: She had been tough on me these last few weeks and hopefully it would pay off today.过去几星期里她都对我很严格,希望今天能得到回报.

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