
作者&投稿:滕包 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

短语:1 保持做。。。(keep doing...)
2 设法做。。。(try to do...)
3 保持充满生气 (keep vitality enough)
句子:1. Stella is interested in writing poem
2. Bamboo is panda's main food
3. Damon lost the chance to win you, because he broke the rules.
4. Everyone who from the class was shouting loudly for the athletes' name of their class
5. Even though he is a deaf person, he is trying to make his life more vitality.

在丛林 In the jungle
在草原 In the prairie
吃草和叶子 Grass and leaves
一只澳洲袋鼠 An Australian Kangaroo

1.Lesson 3
2.12 o'clock
3.eight twenty-five
4.a quarter to eleven
5.Romm 306
6.a quarter
7.the fifth floor
8.6 thousand people
9.on August the eighth,two thousand and eight
10.one fifth

1 the third lesson
2 twelve o'clock
3 eight twenty-five
4 ten forty-five
5 room 306
6 a quarter
7 the fifth floor
8 six thousand people
9 on August eight two thousand and eight
10 One-fifth of

翻译词组 在线
1、一个观光的好地方 a good place for sightseeing 2、许多游客 lots of tourist 3、随身携带···take sth with sb 4、给我看你的照片 show your photos to me 5、回到学校 get back to school 6、回到家 get back home 7、运动野营 sports camp 8、动身去香港 leave for Hong Kong 9...

1 三个代表理论 Three Represents Theory 或者Three Delegates Theory 2 小康社会 Well-off Society 3 假唱Lip Sing 或者lip-synch 4 追星族 star fan或者 groupie也可以使用idolater 5 条形码 bar code 6 与时俱进 Going with the Times或者advance with the times 7 素质教育Quality Education或者...

1.走向 go to 2.少于 Less than 3.吃一顿健康的饭菜 eat a healthy food.4.一周三到六次 Three to six times a week 5.一袋盐 A bag of salt 6.感觉更好 Feel better 7.两公斤肉 two meet 8.一点也不 Is not 9.在...的前面 10.不再 No longer ...

英语四级翻译词组及短语1 rise to the challenge 接受挑战,迎战 take a chance 冒险;投机 take charge of 管理,接管 lay a claim 要求;主张,自以为 set up a claim to sth. 提出对某事物的要求 combination with 与……结合 seek comfort in 在……中寻找安慰 take comfort in 在……中得到...

1.In the wet and dirty walked down the street 2.Fly around the flowers 3.A picnic in the park 4.A diligent ants 5.Live in the forest 6.Sitting in the sun 7.Happy to sing 8.always 9.In the underground made the house 10.Gather food 11.Brought into 12.Hard work 13.Of...

回答:一 1 be similar to 4 sound like

a salt-free diet 无盐餐 a trouble-free journey 无忧之旅 duty-free 免税 rent-free 免租

翻译词组啊,急 初中的
起床 get uo 穿衣 get dressed 刷牙 brush one's teeth 洗淋浴 have \/ take a shower 吃早餐 have breakfast 去上学 go to school 吃午餐 have lunch 做运动 do exercise \/ do sport 回家 go home 吃晚餐 have supper \/ have dinner 做作业 do one's homework...

1. careless,翻译为:你真粗心,你在考试中烦了这么多错误。2.abilities,翻译为:不同人有不同的技能。3.helping,翻译为:丹尼尔加入了一个助人为乐的社团。望采纳……

节能检测,power conservation detection 实验教学,experimental teaching 荣誉证书,certificate of honor 客户系统,customer system 资料下载 information\/data download

汉阳区13951065967: 翻译词组 -
天荷溶芯: 1.两人互相合作工作2.现在轮到你了3.请你举起你的手

汉阳区13951065967: 翻译词组!!!快!!! -
天荷溶芯: 1--get out2--take off3--run away4--be in the waiting room5--be willing to do sth6--take place7--pass to8--should be9--first of all10--do well in11--be healthy

汉阳区13951065967: 翻译词组~~~帮帮~~~~ -
天荷溶芯: 1.speak English2.speak in English3.score for their team4.talk about football players with my father 5.start to do6.know those questions' answers7.at class

汉阳区13951065967: 用英语翻译词组 10个 -
天荷溶芯: 1.long and beautiful hair 2.turn off the light 3.politness and kind person 4.take away them 5.three English girls 6.five chinese cars 7.one light green bag 8.a lot of old pictures 9.a lot of beautiful red suit 10.a little yellow dog

汉阳区13951065967: 翻译10个词组
天荷溶芯: 1.take out 或 come up with; 2.walk around; 3.chase after 或 quicken one's pace to catch up; 4.wear bracelet; 5.have the leisure; 6.there be no dispute 或 as a matter of course; 7.find sth/sb out; 8.be concerned about 或 show solicitude for 或 show loving care for 或 care about; 9.at that time; 10.on the other side of.

汉阳区13951065967: 翻译英语词组
天荷溶芯: play with the elevator bustling with noise and excitement

汉阳区13951065967: 英语翻译词组
天荷溶芯: 1.欢迎到阳光镇来(welcome to the Sunshine Town) 2.住在一个现代化的城市(living in a moderate city) 3.乘地铁去北京中心(take a subway to beijing downtown) 4.最少的空气污染(the least air pollution) 5.我们中的大多数(most of us) ...

汉阳区13951065967: 翻译词组~~~~~~~~~ -
天荷溶芯: 1.work for 2 the latest member 3 look happy 4 a member of the computer club 5 score in 6 football player. 7 my favourite football player 8 watch football match 9 tall and strong 10 read the books on football 11. sports news 12 in the school football ...

汉阳区13951065967: 英语翻译词组 -
天荷溶芯: 1, for ball games2, singing English songs3 for the elderly, story-telling4, in the work of a university5, the elderly welfare6, to help them do the laundry7, the first day of the week8, in the computer room Internet access9, learn from each other10, started Morning Reading

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