
作者&投稿:衷倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

broken, was broken

a ten-minute rest

purpose of seeing

go fishing instead

by the time是完成时的啊,这句话意思是,Kate在他9岁之前就学了一些日语,第二个空应填was,要发生在过去的过去,则为had learned,选B

wait·ress ['weitrəs]
(plural wait·ress·es )
woman who brings food to tables
a woman employed to bring food or drink to people, usually in a restaurant


英语试题:单选题3We invited him to the party the next weekend,but...
1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.D 13..B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C,1,英语试题:单选题3 We invited him to the party the next weekend,but he ___ the invitation.A:refused B:returned C:declined D:threw back Unwise d...

1. 答案:A.2. 其他错误如下:1)B.Do you know where does Eizabeth live?改正:where does Elizabeth live改成where Elizabeth lives 解释:宾语从句必须采用“疑问词+陈述句”的句序 2)C.l've got no idea how to do with it.改正:how to do with it改成what to do with it或how ...

你好,这个英语问题的答案是第三人称单数。在英语your brother是指你的哥哥,是属于第三人称单数。名词的单复数形式可以看中心词的单复数来确定。

所以,别在这里问人什么考试技巧了,记住一句话,也算是技巧吧:Practice makes perfect. 熟能生窍!要说纯技巧,有的单选题还真有,尤其是两空以上的单选题。比如我刚才看到的一题:They stopped ___ and ___out to play when they ___ the bell ring A working;went;heard B work;to ...

副词specially:1. in a special manner 同义词:especially 2. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common 同义词:particularly, peculiarly, especially 副词especially:1. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common 同义词:particularly, peculiarly, specially 2. in a...

1.The person was willing to help.The person to which he talked was willing to help.The person with whom he came was willing to help.2.The room was dusty.The room in which he was staying was dusty.The room to which he was assigned was dusty.3.The time was very pleasant....

英语选择题占总分比例很大,区区一择,易如反掌,然稍一不慎,则可能让痛失很多分数。 故令莘莘学子实在不敢等闲视之。不过,要做对高考选择题也决非易事一桩,这是高考的选拔性质所决定的。 题目大多为专家所编,考生作题时着实需要动一番脑筋,调及一切已有的认知结构,运用各种思维方法,从抽 象判断到逻辑推理,...

英语中,be动词选用单数还是复数,要由主语来定,主语是单数,就用单数,反之用复数。◆ 句中含有be动词时:肯定句: 主语+be + 其他 否定句: 主语+ be + not + 其他 一般疑问句: Be +主语+其他 +?特殊疑问句: 疑问词(what \/ who \/ when \/ where) + be +主语 +...

初一英语上册的知识是重要的,大家一定认真学习。接下来是我为大家带来的关于初一英语上册的Unit1单元试题,希望会对大家有所帮助。 初一英语上册Unit1单元测试题 听力词汇 A) 听力。(20分)(本部分配有磁带) (1) 听 句子 ,选择与所听句子意思相符的图片。(每个句子读两遍,你有10秒钟答题时间) (5分) 1. ...

简单的英语智力题 要有答案,而且要快! 10分钟以内回答的,再加5分...
1.Which two words have thousands of letters in them?Post Office 邮局有很多信(letters)2.What letter can make Mr White turn into Mrs White?答 :S ,Mr 加S就是Mrs 3.How many letters are there in “English”?答案:seven,english这个单词有7个字母.4.What time is it when a ...

石景山区17785163448: 一些简单的英语题 -
茆滢金络: 1. don't,any 2.(1)Yellow river is one of the longest rivers in China. (2)His handwriting is best in our school.最高级 His hadwriting is better than any others in our school.比较级 (3)Russian is more difficult than English.

石景山区17785163448: 几道简单的英语题.
茆滢金络: 1.The panda is from China. 2.Is your friend English? 3. I have no boxes here.望采纳,谢谢

石景山区17785163448: 几题简单的英语练习题 -
茆滢金络: 仅供参考 一.填入下列对话中的所缺单词. Is he ___an____English boy? Yes.His sister is____a____Chinese girl. 二.根据例句,把下列句子变成复数. Example:This woman is very hard-working. These women are very hard-working. 1.is that coat ...

石景山区17785163448: [一些极为简单的英语题] -
茆滢金络: 1.---Excuse me.Are these your shoes? ---Yes. A:What B:Why C:Yes D:Bye 2. ---That's a nice kite!Do you_OK.Thanks. A:like it B:think that C:want to go D:f...

石景山区17785163448: 几道简单的英语题 -
茆滢金络: 1.went off.1.A strange thing happended to her last night.2.What about waiting for them for another day.3.We had learned four books by the end of 2008.

石景山区17785163448: 简单的英语题 -
茆滢金络: C. is going to be 这是there be结构的将来时,在there be中间加入be going to,be的形式与主语a meeting一致.

石景山区17785163448: 几道简单的英语题 -
茆滢金络: 应填第一个 800-meter-long 解释:long 是adj(形容词) 意思是:长的 length 是noun(名词)意思是:长度 long转换为名词就是length在此题中应填一个形容词 故选第一个 希望对你有帮助~(*^__^*)

石景山区17785163448: 几个简单的英语题
茆滢金络: be different from on vacation Our sports meeing is coming soon. They have a good/wonderful/nice/great time at the party. 最后一个句子,也可以说成:They have fun at the party.

石景山区17785163448: 简单的英语题 -
茆滢金络: 1.-I want to see a film.Would you like to go with me?-I'd love to,but i have ___B____ time.A.don't some B.no C.not2.she washes her face ___A____getting up in the morning...

石景山区17785163448: 简单的英语题
茆滢金络: 应该是这样的:He wrote at his desk at four o'clock today. 答案分别选择B、D. 今天四点钟的时候他在桌旁写字. 我看了上面的答案,对于后一空大家答案一致,因为在几点钟要用介词at. 这句话是在叙事,叙述过去的某个时间点某人在做某...

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