
作者&投稿:赧图 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


world history啊...


The assassination of the heir to which country's throne sparked the events that triggered World War I? (Points: 1)


the assassination Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by Bosnian independence warrior in 1914 in the city of Sara Jevo has triggered Austria to announced war to Serbia - which was suspected to be the sponsor of Bosnian independent movement. The ally of Serbia later joined the war to support Serbia against Austria, which provoked the ally of Austria - Germany and Italy to side with Austria to fight against Russia, later Britain and France as Russian alliance also sided with Russia and started the First World War.

3. During World War I, which countries were members of the Triple Alliance (also called the Central Powers)? (Points: 1)

Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire

The Triple Alliance - Known as the Central Powers was form in late 1800s by the military assistance agreement between Germany, Italy and the Austro-Hungary Empire (Austria). Ottoman Turkish has later joined the Triple Alliance for the purpose of competing with Russia in the Balkans.

4. Which Balkan country was a constant worry for Austria-Hungary and was at the center of the events that started World War I? (Points: 1)


Serbia rose as a national state and slowly becoming powerful ever since its independence from Ottoman Turkey. But as Turkey was weaken in the Balkan, Austria intended to replace Turkey as the dominating power of the Balkan, the biggest obstacle for Austria was the rising power of Serbia which blocked Austria from further expanding southward. Since Austria was a traditional military power in Europe, Serbia - the nation on the way of Austrian expansion is in the constant worry of Austrian attack.

5. During World War I, which countries made up the Allies (also called the Triple Entente)? (Points: 1)

Britain, France, Russia

the allies were formed in late 1800s intended to restrict German and Austrian expansion. And all three nations agreed to unconditionally join the war that fought be each individual nation, which led to the escalation of the First World War.

6. During World War I, which German war policy angered Americans the most? (Points: 1)

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

During the later stage of the war, both the Entente and the Alliance force could not defeat each others, thus both sides has implanted the economic sanction upon the opposing forces, Germany has invented the submarine known as the Undersee Boaten (the U-Boat), which could not be seen by most Entente warships. And caused Britain to be severely blockaded as many munition supply from British colonies were destroyed by German U-Boat. On May 7th 1915, German U-Boat has sunken British owned ship Lusitania in suspicion of the ship was carrying munition supply to Britain, and killed 7 USA citizens. Such incident has angered US public and shifted the attitude of USA from neutral to against Germany. 2 years later in 1917, after it has got its army ready for war, USA has declared war on Germany and the Alliance Power in the justification of revenging for the sinking of Lusitania by the U Boat.

7. The sinking of which ship by a German submarine shocked and angered Americans? (Points: 1)

The Lusitania

Read the last part the the explanation above.

8. Which groups had more job opportunities because the increased need for workers during World War I? (Points: 1)

both A and B

Since coloured man and women were not allow to join the army during the First World War, and most white man in North America were drafted into the army to fight in Europe, what is left were women and African Americans who stay in homeland and the government had no other ways other than employing women and Black Americans to recover the work force shortage, which has created job opportunities for woman and black man.




中国古代朝代顺序排列:夏、商、周、秦、西汉、新朝、玄汉、东汉、三国时期、晋、南北朝、北朝、隋、唐、五代、十国、北汉、宋、辽、西夏、金、元、明、清 夏朝:约公元前2029年-约公元前1559年,共计:471年 商朝:约公元前1559年-约公元前1046年,共计:438年 周朝:约公元前1046年-公元前...







禹会区19595352856: 美国历史 - 搜狗百科
计查麝香: 美国是从英国独立出来的,所以英美本是一家.先是独立出来,然后从法国手里买了个州、又从俄国那里买了阿拉斯加、又从印地安人那里掠夺了大量土地,并杀害了90%的印地安人,再从墨西哥那里掠夺了几百万平方公里的土地.美国,就这样在地球上“强大”起来了

禹会区19595352856: 美国的历史?
计查麝香: 到今年是226年.1775年美国独立战争爆发,到1783年美国获得独立,华盛顿当选首届总统,1787年制定宪法正式确立了"美利坚合众国"的国名.

禹会区19595352856: 美国历史重大事件美国有那些历史大事件? -
计查麝香:[答案] 颁布《独立宣言》 建立“美利坚合众国” 南北统一战争 解放黑奴 参加第二次世界大战 水门事件 .

禹会区19595352856: 美国历史重大事件 -
计查麝香:[答案] 1770年3月5日,波士顿市民与英国驻军发生冲突,英国驻军向北美平民开枪,造成举世瞩目的波士顿惨案. 1773年12月16... 1992年比尔·克林顿上台后,得益于数字革命和互联网带来的巨大机遇,美国经济迎来了其历史上持续时间最长的增长.反映...

禹会区19595352856: 美国历史 -
计查麝香: 1607年起,英国人开始在北美大陆建立殖民地.13个英国殖民地逐渐形成.1776年5月第二次大陆会议,发表《独立宣言》,正式拉开独立战争序幕.1783年9月3日,英国正式承认美国独立.1850-1869南北战争,北方获...

禹会区19595352856: 美国历史是什么样的
计查麝香: 232年的历史 美国是一个非常年轻的国家.15世纪末叶欧洲人探险新大陆之前,美国只有土著居民.1619年,殖民地代表召开弗吉尼亚议会,1620年五月花协议,体现了一种平等协作精神,在随后的百多年中,英语逐渐成为通用语言,共同的心态和语言促成了美利坚民族意识的产生.1773年波士顿倾茶事件,促成了殖民地人民自由自尊意识大爆发,1774年,第一届大陆会议在费城召开,通过"权利法案".弗吉尼亚代表生命中声称"我们都是美国人",意味着美利坚民族意识的形成.1776年,殖民地代表通过独立宣言,美国诞生.

禹会区19595352856: 美国的历史 -
计查麝香:殖民时期以前 在四万多年前,有一批来自亚洲的流浪者,经由北美到中南美洲,这些人就是...

禹会区19595352856: 美国是当今世界第一大强国,了解并研究它的历史具有重大意义.写出你所知道的美国历史上的重要史实(写出事件的时间、主要人物、事件名称等),并谈... -
计查麝香:[答案] 史实;只要写出美国历史上的两个事件或史实即可.如:1775—1783年华盛顿领导独立战争,1861 ----1865年美国内战,第.二次世界大战后,美国成为资本主义世界头号强国等. 启发或收获:有压迫就有反抗;科学技术是促进经济发展的动力等.

禹会区19595352856: 美国的历史是从什么时候开始的,
计查麝香: 美国是一个非常年轻的国家.15世纪末叶欧洲人探险新大陆之前,美国只有土著居民.1619年,殖民地代表召开弗吉尼亚议会,1620年五月花协议,体现了一种平等协作精神,在随后的百多年中,英语逐渐成为通用语言,共同的心态和语言促成了美利坚民族意识的产生.1773年波士顿倾茶事件,促成了殖民地人民自由自尊意识大爆发,1774年,第一届大陆会议在费城召开,通过"权利法案".弗吉尼亚代表生命中声称"我们都是美国人",意味着美利坚民族意识的形成.1776年,殖民地代表通过独立宣言,美国诞生.

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