
作者&投稿:荀博 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Daniel doesn't watch TV every evening.
Do you do homework every day?No, I don't.
Does she like milk and bread.Yes, she does,
做三题鼓励一下你,这是学英语的基础,请培养好学习的兴趣找到学习英语的快乐。不能为了完成功课而去做功课。学到了懂的通过自己的理解去运用,吸收然后懂的输出 才是自己的财富

1My past life
2Creator of
3the name of your first teacher
4what about
5be friendly to
6in a small village
7in the province of liaolin
8on the east cost
9have many things to do
10a living room with a 1.television
11posters of
12a big garden with mang trees
13a big ponf with much fish
14it's very good to do
15i'm there this time
16some day/for one day
17return/go back
18do what the teacher tell him to do
19ask us about our life

His scenes are very spectacular, very beautiful picture. He shot in the beautiful New Zealand, the scenes of the beautiful scenes he impressed me. At the same time, the staff behind the scene, have to pay a lot of effort. "The Lord of the Rings" doomed the big screen it well. Magazine critic said: "Directed by Peter seriously so often record the film - the shear rate of 150:1, actors sometimes have to rework a scene more than 30 times, more than 10,000 pieces of costumes, all equipment, and weapons in the pursuit of ancient and distinctive feel, are the most primitive manner, by a wide variety of artisan hand-made, is unique Hobbit big feet, we must give the actors put on an hour ... ... "behind the scenes work so fine , the future is also a very dedicated actor. In order to achieve the best results the film, many actors have repeatedly injured.

The story is very attractive. Occurred late in a magical world of Middle-Earth atmosphere, in order to destroy Lord of the Rings nine envoys of different races, of mankind as a whole in order to avoid the destruction of Middle Earth Lord of the Rings and the composition of the expedition team, after the resurrection of the Solon location - Mo is moving ... ...

"The Lord of the Rings" has brought more than my visual shock, as well as the pulsating heart. Their friendship, their courage, and so many other virtues, he is deeply moving to me. He lets me know, no matter how great the difficulties encountered, as long as we have to unite to deal with the spirit of perseverance, we will prevail.

1、 满城风雨【解释】:城里到处刮风下雨。原形容重阳节前的雨景。后比喻某一事件传播很广,到处议论纷纷。2、 信手拈来【解释】:信手:随手;拈:用手指捏取东西。随手拿来。3、 防患未然【解释】:患:灾祸;未然:没有这样,指尚未形成。防止事故或祸害于尚未发生之前。4、 入木三分【解释】...

1. I my mine me 2. she her hers her 3. you your yours

方兴未艾:方:正在;兴:起始,兴起;艾:停止,完结。事物正在发展,还没有停止。多形容革命形势新生事物正在蓬勃发展。 大放厥词 : 厥:其,他的;词:文辞,言辞,或作“辞”。原指铺张词藻或畅所欲言。现用来指大发议论(今多含贬义)。 不绝如缕:绝:断;缕:细线。多形容局面危急或声音...

这个句子是一个强调句:It is+强调部分+that+其它部分.正常语序应为”I didn't have any idea what a spaceship was like until quite recently."那变成强调句就容易多了,不是吗?强调句应为”It wasn't until quite recently that I had any idea what a spaceship was like."正确答案:选...

句型there is no point in doing sth. 做某事有意义(记得这是我高二时学的)4.考查翻译疑问句 规则一:含有主语从句、宾语从句、定语从句、状语从句的主从复合句后面的附加疑问句应与主句中的主、谓语一致。例如本句,是由that引导的宾语从句。规则二:“I think\/suppose\/except\/believe\/imagine或I'...


1.大家好!今天由我来教大家英语.Hello everyone, I will be your english teacher today.我觉得这里突出的是“我”而不是“教”所以用这种方法。2.大家跟我读一遍.Please read with me.3.先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。Believe yourself first, and then other people will believe in you.4...

1、A 翻译:我不知道史密斯先生下周是否会回来。如果他回来了,我会告诉你的。if 引导宾语从句,通常翻译成:是否。从句的时态根据具体语境判断,如果引导条件状语从句,通常翻译成:如果。使用一般现在时代替将来时。第一个空是宾语从句,第二个空是条件状语从句,参考翻译。2、B 翻译:他们以1万元的...

你可以使用引用或指针类型的参数,问题就解决了 另外,循环体里面应该有个getchar()的 程序修改如下:include <stdio.h> void Statistics(int &en,int &t,int &n,int &s,int &q){ char ch;while ((ch=getchar())!='\\n'){ if(ch<='Z'&&ch>='A') en++;else if(ch<='z'&&ch>...

语文作业 高手们帮帮忙 急用!
自言自语:在路口经常可以看到一个老人,坐在那里自言自语。 千钧一发:就在要撞车的千钧一发的时候,司机紧急刹住了汽车。 雨后春笋:改革开放以来,工厂如雨后春笋般地不断涌现 。. 一心一意:他一心一意把工作做好 为所欲为:他可以为所欲为 瞒天过海:你别想瞒天过海 琳琅满目:那里展出的...

新余市18366771892: 英语高手帮帮忙啊~~把下面的全部都翻译一下额.1.孩子们削了铅笔吗?2.我奶奶前天晚上听了收音机.3.你爸爸昨天傍晚什么时候到家的?4.你的妈妈今天早餐... -
郗骅咳特:[答案] 1.Do the children cut the pencils?2.My grandmother listened to the radio last night.3.When did your fathrer get home last night?4.Did your mother cook an egg for you this morning?My mother didn't.5.Di...

新余市18366771892: 英语高手们帮帮忙啊,这句怎么翻译啊~看不懂啊~1. The primary issue worthy of further exploration in terms of cognitive presence relates to the progressive ... -
郗骅咳特:[答案] 在认知方面值得进一步探讨的首要问题涉及网上学习环境调查的不断发展.认知方面被定义在一实际调查循环周期,参加者通过探索,整体化并实际应用来摆脱了解的问题或事.这个问题透露在研究成果中显示,调查总是很难超过探索阶段.

新余市18366771892: 英语高手们,帮帮忙啊 -
郗骅咳特: 实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb). vbl就是系动词

新余市18366771892: 各位英语高手们帮帮忙啊.我的作业啊,明天要交啊. -
郗骅咳特: 1. without any payment2. which were given3. As soon as4. a visit given 5. to be watered6. not as heavy as 7. was lucky enough8. found her homework difficult

新余市18366771892: 英语高手帮帮忙啊 急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
郗骅咳特: I'll remember this day forever. Happy birthday

新余市18366771892: 同胞们,帮帮忙啊 这里有6道英语题 高手们帮帮忙1.I want ( ) A.apple B.two apples C.a apple2.We are going to go to bed ( )ten. A.at B.in C.an3.We are ( )the ... -
郗骅咳特:[答案] 1、B apple的第一个字母是元音,所以不是C,apple为可数名词,所以不是A 2、A 表示时间,这里用at 3、A在超市内,所以用in 4、Cm不是元音,所以是C 5、B 如果是trying的话.try to do sth 6、B book 后面有s,所以用复数形式.而且这儿他不是主...

新余市18366771892: 小学六年级英语题,急急急~ 高手们帮忙啊—Have you got any trouble with Chinese when you are in Beijing,Tom?Tom:No,I don't.But the Chinese do!1、请翻译... -
郗骅咳特:[答案] 1.汤姆,你在北京的时候,说汉语遇到麻烦没? 汤姆:没有,但是中国人遇到麻烦了! 2.T

新余市18366771892: 各位英语高手帮帮忙啊! Nancy often goes to school late .(同义句)回答是:Nancy ( ) ( )( )for school.打的对有分! -
郗骅咳特:[答案] Nancy (is ) (often )( late )for school ……late=be late

新余市18366771892: 各位英语高手帮帮忙呐、
郗骅咳特: you said that i would be your wife. crazy是疯狂的意思

新余市18366771892: 急,英语问题.英语高手帮忙啊~~~~~~ -
郗骅咳特: 有这个说法,不过语序不对,应该是Everyone knows what I am doing.

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