
作者&投稿:敏枯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Guangzhou is in the south and one of
the largest cities of China.The third longest river,Zhujiang River,runs
through the city.The Weather in Guangzhou is different from that of many
cities in the north.It is warm in winter and quite hot in summer with lot of
rains in spring and summer.There are many interesting places in the city worth
seeing,such as the statue of five goats,Guangzhou tower,Guangdong Museum and
Baiyun Mountain.The best part for tourist in Guangzhou is food.The cake of
Guangzhou is the most famous food in China.The people of Guangzhou are very
friendly and diligent,which you can see if you come to visit Guangzhou.


On the map of China, Guangzhou is in the south. It is really a big city. There are so many towns in it. Just in Panyu, there are seventeen towns.
I live in Panyu and I love it very much. There are many places we can enjoy ourselves. Bao Moyuan is one of the interesting places in Panyu. There are a lot of gold fish in the artificial lake. Some people sell fish food everywhere. You can spend five yuan buying one bag and feed the fish. That’s fun.There are also many big trees, colorful flowers. The nests of birds are on the big trees, they all enjoy themselves very much. Of course, I can have fun every time when I go there.
Another beautiful place I want to mention is Lotus mountain . That is a good place for praying.. The most important part of it is the tall statue of Guangying. Many people visit there and pray good luck for their families, their marriage, their career. You can also enjoy trees, flowers, waters, stones there. From the top of the mountain, you can also watch the pearl river. That’s really good.
My hometown is a beautiful and rich place. I like it very much. Warmly welcome to visit here.

Paris: The City of Romance
The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.
As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip.
The Tower Eiffel, which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889 for the centenary of the Revolution.
The Arc de Triomphe was finished in 1836. It’s a world famous building, too.
Old Notre-Dame attracts many foreign visitors since Victor Hugo wrote a novel named Notre-Dame de Paris.
Mussee du Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world.
Enjoy yourselves in Disneyland Paris, the first Disneyland in Europe, boys and girls! Meet Mickey, fly with Dumbo and lost yourselves in wonderland


作为广州为数不多的自然景观,白云山绝对是值得推崇的,它不仅是广州的绿肺,也是广州市区唯一的一个AAAAA级景点,而且在全国拥有极高的知名度。白云山并不高,也不算险峻,但里面的植被非常好,而且有很厚重的文化沉淀淀,还可以在山上俯瞰广州城噢,很适合拍照呢。3、百万葵园 百万葵园是中国首个将...

有10×8米彩色大屏幕等;游泳馆造型简洁,建筑面积2.17万平方米,环形走廊可作展览大厅,观众席3200多个座位。三个场馆设备先进,功能齐全。1987年9月对外开放后,每年游客平均达180万人次以上。中山纪念堂 中山纪念堂是广东省重点文物保护单位,是广州人民和海外华侨为了纪念伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生而...



以下是我推荐的广州和佛山的三大必去景点: 广州塔:作为广州的标志性建筑,广州塔以其独特的设计和高度成为了游客们的拍照打卡圣地。在这里,你可以享受到城市的繁华与美丽,同时也可以通过观光电梯到达塔顶,俯瞰整个城市的美景。 佛山祖庙:佛山祖庙是佛山最著名的旅游景点之一,也是岭南文化的重要代表。这里保存了明清时期...

中山纪念堂 越秀山上的五层楼




崇仁县15265983669: 写广州里的三大著名建筑英语作文 -
匡会西乐: Paris: The City of Romance The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city...

崇仁县15265983669: 描写广州景点的英语作文,要分开写,三个景点. -
匡会西乐:[答案] 白云山 People often use "Baiyun Zhuhai" to refer to Guangzhou,the "white" refers to the Baiyun Mountain. Baiyun ... 这里可以说是广州最有意思的地方,这里在鸦片战争后曾被割让给英法列强,因此这里的许多建筑都带有明显的欧洲风格,位于岛...

崇仁县15265983669: 描写广州景点的英语作文,要分开写,三个景点.急!!! -
匡会西乐: 白云山 People often use "Baiyun Zhuhai" to refer to Guangzhou, the "white" refers to the Baiyun Mountain. Baiyun Mountain scenic area in the northern city of Guangzhou, about 17 kilometers away from downtown, is nine mountains in the ...

崇仁县15265983669: 英语作文 你是亚运志愿者介绍广州新电视塔 -
匡会西乐: Located on the bank of the Pearl River, the 600-meter high Guangzhou New TV Tower covers an area of 84,000 square meters. Its construction started in September 2004 and was completed in December 2009. The Tower is now one of the tallest buildings in the wo

崇仁县15265983669: 有关hometown的英语作文(广州)100字 -
匡会西乐: My hometown is Guangzhou. Guangzhou is a very beautiful and rich city. It has its own civilization and history. Every year many tourists visit here, and they are very interested in Guangzhou. Guangzhou has attracted many migrant workers and its ...

崇仁县15265983669: 介绍广州景点的英语作文100字 -
匡会西乐: The Great Wall of China is a Chinese fortification built from the 5th century BC until the beginning of the 17th century,in order to protect the various dynasties from raids by Hunnic,Mongol,Turkic,and other nomadic tribes coming from areas in modern...

崇仁县15265983669: 急需1篇介绍广州某一个旅游景点的英语作文 -
匡会西乐: 1.广州是广东省的省会城市 2.广州位于中国的南部.(lie in位于southeinpart of...的南部. 3.广州一年四季不太冷也不太热. 4.广州的美食全世界闻名. 5.广州还有很多名胜,如越秀公园,陈家...等. 6.广州的交通还很利(convenien)从一个地方到另一个地方,你可以乘公交车或地铁,还可以打的,但是很多人会搭摩托车,因为它能在车流中穿梭更快. 7.广州人是勤劳善良,以及好客的.如果你来广州,你一定会爱热烈的欢迎的.

崇仁县15265983669: 谁帮我写一篇关于我和朋友去广州塔观光的英语作文?立刻要 -
匡会西乐: Early in the today is a great year 4, the sun smiled, my parents and I went to guangzhou tourism, to visit the new landmark of guangzhou, guangzhou tower.On the way back to the 2010 guangzhou Asian games opening ceremony in guangzhou ...

崇仁县15265983669: 你的英语老师刚从英国回来,请你简单向她介绍广州的地理位置、气候、特色食物、著名建筑等.(不少于5句话)
匡会西乐:您好,老师.广州是中国最大的城市之一.它在珠江三角洲北部.广州的天气很好.它冬天不会很冷和从来不下雪.广州最有特色的食物就是汤和点心等等,被称之为“粤菜”.广州的著名建筑有五羊雕塑和广州电视塔.我热爱广州,你呢? ...

崇仁县15265983669: 急需一篇英语作文 -
匡会西乐: I Love Guangzhou (英语作文) I Like Guangzhou On the map of China, Guangzhou is in the south. It is really a big city. There are so many towns in it. Just in Panyu, there are seventeen towns. I live in Panyu and I love it very much. There are many ...

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