
作者&投稿:沙怡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
btog 、ctog、ctob电子商务网站有哪些啊?代表性的有什么?~

依顺利,代表性的有 京东商城,淘宝网,国内任何形式的电子商务网站制作一个平台,需要建立自己的购物商城,和其他平台数据的统一管理,建鹊互联,在这方面有十年的经验啦

Classification according to the traditional e-commerce, e-commerce can be divided into five categories: business-to-business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), business to government agencies (B2G), consumer to consumer (C2C), consumer government agencies (C2G) e-commerce.
1.B2B e-commerce. Business to business (also known as business-to-business or business organization to business organizations, namely Business to Business, BtoB short or B2B) e-commerce is business to business exchange through the Internet products, services and information. The current rate of development of Internet-based B2B rapidly.
Not just build an online B2B trading by groups, it is also a strategic cooperation between enterprises provides a foundation. Any enterprise, not only it has a lot of powerful technical strength or good business strategy, in order to achieve alone B2B is completely impossible, to establish alliances between enterprises gradually become a trend.
2.B2C of e-commerce. Also known as business-to-consumer businesses to individual customers or businesses to consumers, namely Business to Consumer, referred BtoC or B2C. Corporate transactions is largely consumer electronics retail. With the emergence of online retail Web and rapid development, now has tens of thousands of shopping on the Internet, providing a variety of consumer goods. In the long run, B2C allows businesses to enhance communication with customers, to provide customers with more choices, provide a more personalized service, and these are the traditional mode of operation can not be achieved.
3.B2G e-commerce. Business-to-government agencies, also known as e-commerce business-to-government, namely Business to Government, referred BtoG or B2G. E-commerce business-to-government agencies, including transaction processing all transactions between businesses and government agencies. Such as government agencies purchase information can be posted online, all companies can participate in the transaction. In addition, the Government can deal with customs and tax services business by way of an electronic exchange.
4.C2C e-commerce. Consumer to consumer e-commerce, namely Consumer to Consumer, referred CtoC or C2C. Traditionally classified ads, collection goods exhibition, old things for sale and flea market trading premises such, or through auction houses, such as local distributors intermediary business. Such a market fragmented, inefficient, difficult to C2C trade. Nevertheless, the United States market, including auctions, classified ads and collection development, including traditional C2C transactions from 1997 sales of $ 100 million increased $ 3.8 billion in 2000. eBay has been and will continue to be huge in this rapidly developing market leader.
5.C2G e-commerce. Consumer e-commerce to government agencies, namely the Consumer to Government, referred CtoG or C2G. Consumers in the form of government agencies have not really realized, but government agencies to improve the efficiency and quality of service, will gradually follow the business service model, personal taxes, insurance and other social welfare payments through the Internet to carry out.

Third, the current development situation of foreign e-commerce

E-commerce development in the United States and Canada, the overall situation:
First, enterprises use the Internet to conduct business (B2B) the size of the United States and Canada are increasing, this form of B2B, including use of the Internet as follows:
Coordination (a) between the enterprise and its suppliers procurement matters; operational coordination (2) personnel and material planning, warehousing, transport its products between companies; coordination (3) sales organization and its product wholesalers, retailers; (4) customer service; daily operational activities (5) the company, internal staff exchanges.
Second, the business-to-business sales and service individual consumers (B2C) areas continue to expand, these form the most prominent is selling intangible goods and service products, such as: computer software, entertainment, consumer products, ticketing, payment, information service, etc. These products and services are no longer needed some form of substance and specific packaging, online electronic form sent directly to the customer, highlights the advantages of online sales, so strong vitality.
Third, tangible goods sales growth further accelerated, online sales of goods progressively expanded in a two years ago, most people just buy computer hardware and software or book online products, now has been extended to all kinds of goods, in addition to online sales of branded products have been standardized for the consumer generally accepted outside, clothing, medicines and food, toys, beverages, footwear, furniture, household goods and other general everyday more and more Internet sales and the emergence of a number of new online store.
Fourth, the level of e-commerce in traditional industries and improve the process and achieve exciting results in the traditional enterprise to the network economy in transition, DELL, CISCO, GE and other high-tech companies ROI over 250%, per capita sales of more than $ 650,000.
Fifth, use the opportunity provided by the network economy, enhance corporate competitiveness has become the new mainstream business e-commerce development. As the network of economic changes brought about and not just a concept or an operational means of e-commerce E of the subject is the economy as a whole, is a challenge faced by all industries to be. For this reason, the use of the Internet economy growth opportunities offered by the market, under the new economic conditions improve enterprise competitiveness in a new corporate identity for the majority and become a mainstream business e-commerce development.

Fourth, the status quo "enterprise e-commerce," the development of analysis

China first introduced the concept of e-commerce in 1993, its first online transactions occurred in 1996, as of 2005, the market size of e-commerce to reach 680 billion yuan, an increase of 41.7% in 2004, as of October 2005 , more than 2300 million SMEs in China more than 300 million will only use the Internet to do business, more than only one percent of the total, which paid in the form of e-commerce through the online trading business more only a few more than 30 million, accounting for 1.3% of the total. Overall, the main business of e-commerce development in our country is still emerging e-commerce, traditional companies, especially small and medium enterprises is a serious shortage of traditional e-commerce applications. Needless to say, the development of e-commerce companies is definitely a benefit, the key is how the majority of small and medium enterprises with their own conditions, consider the costs and benefits of principle, the use of a more efficient way to cut e-commerce, rather than blindly follow the trend, and to build a website not e-commerce, e-commerce really work continuing operations also rely on the backend. To better carry out e-commerce, we must learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries, read a lot of first-hand information on e-commerce in English, therefore, to have a certain knowledge of English is very important.

Fifth, the development prospects of e-commerce in SMEs

In general, the global Internet-based commerce is beyond the borders of the business activities, the Internet brings a new efficiency model is a new social, economic operation mode. E-commerce brings the greatest benefit producers and consumers is the ability to easily and cost-effectively into the global market for production companies, through e-commerce can effectively shorten lead time and production cycles, simplify the order process, reduce inventory , and direct communication between producers and consumers will make the relationship more closely, the traditional trading importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers and other aspects will become meaningless. Low-cost and low-threshold to enter the transaction, making large enterprises and small and medium enterprises have equal opportunity to participate in e-commerce (In this sense, the development of e-commerce is to support the growth of SMEs more effective tools), which can effectively change and improving the organizational structure and market competition structure, making economic efficiency improved significantly. The Chinese government attaches great importance to information technology, information industry and information technology, in order to strengthen the unified leadership of the state of information technology work to accelerate the process of China, the State Council on the basis of the former Ministry of Posts, former Ministry of Electronics on the formation of the Ministry of Information Industry, to promoting economic and social development of information technology. put a lot of

  C2G(Consumer to Government,消费者与政府机构间的电子商务),不以营利为目的,主要包括政府采购、网上报关、报税等,对整个电子商务行业不会产生大的影响。这类活动虽然还没有达到真正的报税电子化,但是,它已经具备了消费者对行政机构电子商务的雏形。政府随着商业机构对消费者、商业机构对行政机构的电子商务的发展,将会对社会的个人实施更为全面的电子方式服务。政府各部门向社会纳税人提供的各种服务,例如社会福利金的支付等,将来都会在网上进行。



原平市18837299549: CtoG模式的电子商务网站有那些???
无股安灭: 电子商务模式的一种. B是Business,即企业; C是Customer,即客户. B TO B —— 商业模式:从企业到企业,买卖双方都是企业,如阿里巴巴网站. C TO C —— 商业模式:从客户到客户,买卖双方都是个人,就是个人与个人间的直接交易,如一些拍卖网站,如淘宝网,当然上面也有网店,网店属于B to C. B TO C —— 企业对客户,卖方是公司,买方是个人,主要指零售业务,如joyo,当当都是.

原平市18837299549: 电子商务应用在哪些方面 -
无股安灭: 电子商务,简称电商,是指在互联网(Internet)、内部网(Intranet)和增值网(VAN,Value Added Network)上以电子交易方式进行交易活动和相关服务活动,使传统商业活动各环节的电子化、网络化.电子商务包括电子货币交换、供应链管...

原平市18837299549: 简答题 1、电子商务在企业竞争中有什么作用? 2、生产企业电子商务主要应用在哪些方面? -
无股安灭: 展开全部1.电子商务能够对企业竞争优势产生较明显的作用.首先,电子商务可以节约企业经营成本,成为企业成本优势的重要来源.其次,电子商务通过积极的产品和市场创新,加强了企业标歧立异的能力,使企业保持创新优势,是企业歧异...

原平市18837299549: 电子商务的应用有哪些? -
无股安灭: 电子商务可提供网上交易和管理等全过程的服务,应用于广告宣传、咨询洽谈、网上定购、网上支付、电子账户、服务传递、意见征询、交易管理等方面. 1、广告宣传 电子商务可凭借企业的 Web 服务器和客户的浏览,在 Internet 上发布各类...

原平市18837299549: 电子商务的应用领域有哪些? -
无股安灭: 企业使用电子商务的应用主要是以下方面: 1. 获得潜在客户 2. 品牌认知 3. 增进与客户的联系 4. 增加网站流量 5. 向已有客户进行促销 6. 培育客户 7. 内容发布 8. 事件促销 9. 客户支持 10. 产品销售 11. 合作对象培育 12. 对公司有利信息的传播

原平市18837299549: 电子商务主要应用在哪些领域? -
无股安灭: 电子商务系统作为信息流、资金流、物流的实现手段,应用极其广泛,尤其适于以下领域: 1.国际旅游和各国旅行服务行业,例如旅店、宾馆、饭店、机场、车站的订票、订房间、信息发布等一系列服务; 2.传统的出版社和电子书刊、音像出版...

原平市18837299549: 电子商务有哪些运用 -
无股安灭: 电子商务可以: 1.网络销售2.网站推广3.网站建设4.网络营销5.网站运营 电子商务的特性可归结为以下几点:商务性、服务性、集成性、可扩展性、安全性、协调性. (1)商务性 电子商务电子商务最基本的特性为商务性,即提供买、卖交易的服务...

原平市18837299549: 电子商务是什么工作,有那些方面的? -
无股安灭: 电子商务是指在互联网开放的网络环境下,基于客户和服务的应用模式,买卖双方面对面地开展各种商务和贸易活动;包括的方面有:电子化、网络化、信息化、以互联网为媒介的商业行为. 电子商务主要通过信息网络技术,以商品交易为中心...

原平市18837299549: 电子商务主要有哪几个管理应用 -
无股安灭: 电子商务主要有以下三方面管理应用:一、售前服务 INTERNET作为一个新媒体,具有"即时互动、跨越时空和多媒体展示"等特性,它强调了互动性,而且广告资料更新较快,比传统媒体的广告费用低廉.企业可利用网上主页(Homepage)...

原平市18837299549: 评估一种电子商务模式通常可以通过哪几个方面? -
无股安灭: 评估一种电子商务模式通常可以通过以下几个方面:1.按照交易对象评估.(1)企业与消费者之间的电子商务,即B2C(Business to Consumer).(2)企业与企业之间的电子商务,即B2B(Business to Business). (3)消费者与消费者之间的电子...

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