
作者&投稿:储时 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Last week was a busy week for me.On Monday,I was on duty.After shcool,I cleaned the classroom with some of my classmates.On Tuesday,we had a basketball match with the students in Class Two.Although we did our best,we lost the game.All of us felt sad and we made up mind to train hard from then on.

The southern tip of Shandong Peninsula,Qingdao is located in an area of 10,654 square kilometers,with a total population of 6.99 million.Which the urban area of 1102 square km,population 2.24 million.Has jurisdiction over City South,City North,the Quartet,Licang,Laoshan,Shenyang City,Huangdao seven areas and Jimo,Jiaozhou,Jiaonan,roughness,Lacey five county-level cities.Mild climate,a temperate monsoon climate,annual average temperature of 12.2 degrees.

Last Saturday,our whole class went to People's Park at 8 o'clock.We met at the school gate and then went to the park by bus.When we arrived there,all of us were excited.We took many photos with the beautiful scenery.At the same time, we saw many animals such as elephants,monkeys,dolphins and lions.At the end ,we took the boat to go sightseeing.We went back at 3 o'clock.We all had a happy day!




去海边玩的作文如下:1、范文一 今天,我和家人一起去海边玩,度过了一个令人难忘的美好日子。我们早早出发,在阳光明媚的早晨驱车前往海边。一到达目的地,迎面而来的是绵延的金色沙滩和碧蓝的海水,令人心旷神怡。我迫不及待地脱下鞋袜,跑向沙滩。沙子温暖而柔软,踩在脚底下像是在按摩。我感受到...

我和家人去海边玩的一天 今天,我们一大早就早早起床,因为我们要去海边玩一天。我兴奋地穿上泳衣,准备好毛巾、防晒霜和沙滩玩具,和家人一起出发。到达海边后,我迫不及待地脱下鞋子冲进了沙滩。细软的沙子在我脚下蠕动,仿佛欢迎着我的到来。我踩着沙滩,尽情享受着沙滩的柔软和凉爽。海浪徐徐拍打...

海滩之旅:沐浴在阳光与海浪之间 海滩,是大自然赠予我们的一份礼物。它以宽广的胸怀拥抱我们,以温暖的阳光照亮我们的心情。在这个快节奏的社会中,我们时常被琐事困扰,遗忘生活的真谛。因此,一次海滩之旅成为了我生活中的一次重要体验。去年的夏天,我有幸到澳大利亚的黄金海岸游玩。那是我人生中第一...

of looking for shells like my little brother.It was great fun.At lunch time we had a picnic on the beach.We had fruit,bread with cheese,chicken wings,soft drinks and some ice-cream.After lunch we took a motorboat around the sea.I really liked the pretty view in the sea....

快乐的时光总是很短暂,这一天就在我们的欢声笑语中结束了。再会了,带给我们欢乐的金沙滩。 有关青岛金沙滩的优秀作文6 金沙是金子做的沙吗?这些想法常常在我梦里闪现着,可不知为什么,当我真正面对金沙滩时,却有一种独特的感觉。 走进金沙滩,它是那么地广阔,几乎都望不到边了。金黄的沙滩、湖蓝的大海、蔚蓝的...

海边游记初三作文600字篇1 周末,一家人去海边游玩。 当我们坐车到达海边时,夕阳正好落在海平面上,远远望去像一个巨大的火球,将大海染成了绚丽的金黄色。远处海面上,一艘艘归航下锚的渔船随着海浪的起伏轻轻摇晃,海水轻轻地拍打着船舷。 沙滩上,游玩的人们开心地在沙滩上奔跑着,到处是欢快的笑声。我看了兴奋不已,...


碌曲县17751826557: 一篇简单英语小作文写一个英语日记: 提示:上周六,5月2号,天气晴朗,你和小明去了沙滩,在那里,你们游泳,玩游戏,放风筝,你们玩的很开心.要... -
旁要肺力:[答案] Last Saturday was May 2nd. It was a nice day. The sun is shining. I went to the beach with my friend Xiao Ming. We left home ... First, we swam in the cold water, and played beach ball in the sea. It was fun. Then, we buit a sandcastle on the beach. That ...

碌曲县17751826557: 英语作文100 昨天是周末,我与父母一起去海边,在海边的活动,游泳,钓鱼,照相,父母交给我一些关于海洋生物的知识,我的感受,玩的很开心. 海洋馆 -
旁要肺力:[答案] Last weekend, I went to the beach to swim with my mother and father ,and fishing, photography, visit the aquarium. Parents told me something about marine biological knowledge. I have fun.

碌曲县17751826557: 汉译英!汉译英 我昨天度过了一个快乐的周末,我和我的家人去了沙滩,我们是搭公交车去的,天气很好.阳光灿烂,我们去水里游泳,水很凉爽,许多人躺... -
旁要肺力:[答案] I spent a nice weekend with my family yesterday.My family and I went to the beach by bus.It was a nice day and the sun was shinning high in the sky.We swam together and the water was quite cool.So many people were sleeping on the beach.We also ...

碌曲县17751826557: 英语日记 上周六,即5月2号,天气晴朗,你和jim去了海滩,在那里你们游泳,玩游戏,你们玩的很开心.初二的英语小作文词数60嗰左右符合日记格式 -
旁要肺力:[答案] sadurday.may.2nd 2010 sunnytaday it's sunny, i went to the beach with my best friend jim after finishing my homework.we swam in the ocean,i am not good at swimming,but jim is very skilled...

碌曲县17751826557: 英语作文,昨天是周末,你与父母一起去海边,在海边的活动:游泳 钓鱼 照相,参观海洋馆,你的感受. -
旁要肺力:[答案] Yesterday was saturday .My father and my my mother went to sea we swim shaw fish took picture we are very happy

碌曲县17751826557: 记叙一次外出活动的英语作文1.时间、地点:上周星期六,海边.2.活动内容:去时花了几个小时,到海边后搭帐篷(put up the tent),讲故事,唱歌,做游戏.... -
旁要肺力:[答案] It was last Saturday that we went to the seashore. As it is a long distance to the seashore,as a result,we spent several hours getting there.As soon as we arrived there,we were so happy that we could't help putting up the tent immediately.After that,we told ...

碌曲县17751826557: (英语作文):假设今天是星期六,你去了海边.请写一篇50词左右的日记...假设今天是星期六,你去了海边.请写一篇50词左右的日记,描写今天的天气、所... -
旁要肺力:[答案] Today is fine.Dawn is coming.I got up early to the seaside for the sunrise.Look,the sun is coming out soon.The sky around it has turned to red,just like fire.The sea water is dyed into bright red also.Gradually,the sun,which is like a huge egg,is popping out ...

碌曲县17751826557: 周末去海滨的英语作文 -
旁要肺力: 很简单的 It's a fine weather day with warm sunshine and soft wind in the biginning of the summer.On weekend,we had a vacation on the beach where there are a crowed of tourists and boats.We picked up many beautiful and unique shells on the ...

碌曲县17751826557: 急求英语作文要点1上周6去海滩边野营2我们带了食物、饮料,帐篷和暖和的衣服3到了营地爸爸开始支帐篷,我生火,然后姐姐为我们做晚饭4吃完饭了,我... -
旁要肺力:[答案] Last Sunday,we went camping at the beach. We brought food,drinks,tents and thick clothes with us.And in the early morning,...forward to going camping next time! 不知道我的这个回答字数够不够哦~算个参考吧~!我也当时练笔了,下次作文要自己...

碌曲县17751826557: 速求周末去海边的英语作文昨天是周末 游泳 钓鱼等 -
旁要肺力:[答案] Yesterday was sunday.I went to the beach with my friends.We were fishing and swimming there.And we were very happy .

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