
作者&投稿:赖全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


What is happiness? You’re having fish and I’m eating meat while what others can do is gnawing bones. That is happiness.
Everyone knows that money is an evil thing but all of us are keeping gathering it.
Everybody believes that beatiful girls are dangerous when everyone chase after them. Everyone tries best to get higher while knowing that it’s not always fine in a high place.
Although money is to blame for all the evils, it still can make a future for you and your family.
You can get through the hardships with money, offering peaceful lives for your parents and education for your children, and a comfortable life for yourself.
It is the first form that your wealth shows. Still, wealth can open up a gate leading to happiness for you
Money can support you with more space to make a choice, and it will disappear if you waste it up.
It is an excuse of people who is lazy and without dreams to say that money cannot bring you happiness, of cause I agree with the idea that money is not the only way to create happiness.
Money is the most original motivate to accumulate wealth, make rich men and promote the development of productive forces
In a such society of commercial economy, in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied, money brings the motivate to promote the society,as well as happiness


As a short stories of the Tang and Song dynasties , Shen Cong Wen flicker in the literature long river , in the 40's's cutting edge in the 30's, is quiet, to such an extent even about 80 age "Shen Cong Wen are hot ", the dramaticism life is experience the feelings not affecting the attitude that the writer creates with mental consciousness, and to the hometown and sad.
Shen Cong Wen is style-rization to the rural area depicting , is a beautiful but sad countryside pastoral song. Shen Cong Wen has the feelings bewailing the times and pitying the people to antiquited home village in breaking down in course of going bad, but, he always takes a kind of looks on attitude to rural area and the peasant , primitive being really is ideal , ideal being really is fine but. What author speaks "beauty always makes people sad, but feel comfortable " exactly as. , meet the eye on every side in any case, in that country has been disintegrated in the grey wound , tyranny of government , big dripping with blood giant earthquakes and landslides times, beautiful so delicate Shen Cong Wen characters, we also feel that to one kind of hurt while being intoxicated and lingering on without any thought of leaving , one kind, hope for and expect that , think deeply that and probe.


As a legend, Shen Congwen drags in the literature perpetual flow, the 30s's point, the 40s's dreariness, down to 80-90 ages “Shen Congwen is hot”, the theatrical life experiences has not affected the manner which and consciousness the writer creates, as well as to hometown mood and sad. Shen Congwen regarding the countryside description is the style, is beautiful and the sad countryside madrigal. Shen Congwen regarding is being collapsed ancient local to have the bemoaning the state of the universe mood, but, he always adopts one kind of onlooking regarding the countryside and the farmer the manner, primitive is ideal, but ideal is happy. Just like the author said “beautiful always sad, however also enjoys”. But, in that mountains and rivers stave, everywhere dark green yi, lead the beastly food person, the dripping with blood in the earth-shattering great time, Shen Congwen is so fine the beautiful writing, we while immerse which and is reluctant to part with forgets to return also to realize one kind of grief, one kind of hope and anticipation, ponder and exploration. 希望能帮到你

must就是必须,最强烈的表达,例如学校的规章制度之类的.have to 是不得不,没有办法,不情愿但还是要做的事情 be sure就是肯定 I am sure he will come.That man can't be Mr.Liu.You have to learn English.You will like her.(很多时候一定并不是要翻译成以上几种的,像这里will就能表达"一...

You will do XXX, won't you?或者you must doXX, needn't you?

clear glass bar直译为透明玻璃条\/棒,不知专业术语是什么。Attached find confirmation of change of name。意思是请你查看附件以确认名称变更。应该你是改了什么名称他让你确认一下。

1、理解句子的意思。2、根据意思选择句子结构,搭起基本框架;选择适当的词汇和表达手段,特别要按英语的表达逻辑来调整语句。如“虽然…但是”,在译成英文时不能译成Although…but…而只能译成Although he is poor he is well contented他虽穷却能知足常乐。3、最后审校。这是不可缺少的一个重要环节...

protection, to help prevent the occurrence of environmental damage behavior;保护地球,人人有责!只要我们人人都遵守,相信未来我们的地球一定会生机盎然!Is everyone's duty to protect the earth! As long as we all abide by, I believe the future of our earth will be alive!

帮忙把 提货卡 译成英文,一定要准确,先谢了
Picking Card 更好更地道



英语四级卷面总分为710分,作文及翻译各占15%,也就是各106.5分,一般能达到90分以上。作文能按照考试要求,用词准确,逻辑连贯,语法正确,那分值大概在满分的85%左右,也就是90.5分左右。英语四级总分:710分,由以下几个部分组成:一、英语四级作文:写作部分占整套试卷的15% =106.5分,在这...

急急急!!帮我译成英文就ok,一定要翻译对,翻译好的100分都ok 关于介绍林...
I like JJ Lin ,not because of his songs and charm ,but the story under him.In 2005.11.16,he accidentde down .And something wrong happened to his voice in 2006.4.30 .One year later,he got hurt when making the MV ,however,he just smiled:"it's nothing more than the ...

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景学达菲: Recently, my parents and I back to visit relatives, found their life has changed significantly. In her hometown, people go out and more convenient with a car. And the new house also everywhere. Live in their new home feeling and urban house nothing...

阿拉善盟17569574257: 急!!中译英——纯人工翻译,英语翻译高手速进! -
景学达菲: 1.我们停下来在一家 乡村小酒馆吃午饭. We stopped and had lunch at a village inn. 2.(你)车开得这么快是危险的. It's very dangerous for you to drive so fast. 3.他解出这道数学题是不可能的. It's impossible for him to solve the math ...

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景学达菲: People all live on the earth. There are alway communications between people, which results in all kinds of interpersonal relationship. And when people get along well with others, friendship occures.Because of friendship, people help each other; ...

阿拉善盟17569574257: 几句中文翻译成英文(必须人工翻译拒绝网络翻译)
景学达菲: 1. Here is the gift to you. 2. Where can I buy xxx? 3. Where can I do my laundry? 4. Where can I dry my clothes? 5. Where to put the silverwares? 6. Can I help you with cleaning the dishes? 7. Where to do iron. 8. When should I get to the school? 9. ...

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景学达菲: 1、目前还没有理想的整体翻译软件;要想翻译质量高,必须人工翻译.2、虽然论文有雷同,但翻译过程中,不同论文的差异还是很大的,也就是工作量还是很大的.3、英文翻译成中文还好说,要是中文翻译成英文,难度大,工作量也大.4、真正某个行业或领域学术高手,根本没有时间网上翻译一些资料.一些英文水平还可以的翻译人员,对行业和领域不是很熟,翻译内容只能用“通用”形容.5、一切取决于对论文质量的要求,要是质量要求不高,在网上找个“闲人”倒还可以.以上不是对LZ问题的解决,而只是一个思路和建议,希望对LZ问题有所帮助.

阿拉善盟17569574257: 在线等英语人工翻译高手,急~不要在线翻译器, -
景学达菲: Dear Mike,Here I got some questions and I your help,recently,one of the cultivating centers in my city opened up a course named Instant Accent English which promised that the trainees would be able to speak English standard and fluently in one ...

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景学达菲:[答案] In order to make better use of study materials,we advocate that students of Senior Grade Three donate the books,newspaper and magazines which were used to jonior students before graduation.Through the activity ,friendship can be promoted and the ...

阿拉善盟17569574257: 求英文高手帮翻译以下这段话,一定要人工翻译!谢谢 -
景学达菲: 标题:致即将分别的同事 很开心在这个酷热的六月和大家在这里相识,我知道你们大部分都是在校的学生,而且成绩出类拔萃;都是很懂事的孩子,懂的利用假期来赚取自己的学费,我很欣赏你们.到现在已经和你们相处了差不多两个月的时间...

阿拉善盟17569574257: 英语翻译请高手人工翻译英语,One day King Henry the Fourth of France hunted in a large forest.Towards evening he told his men to ride home by the main ... -
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