
作者&投稿:秘才 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to jiuhuashan
by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jane, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happ

1.— ____ is this in English?
—It’s a pen.
A.What B.How C.Where
2.—火警电话是 。
A.one one zero B. one one nine C. one two zero
—How much is the T-shirt?
—It is ( ) (fourty / forty)yuan.
Meimei has two ( )(小刀).

课时1 Module 4 unit1 Do you want some rice? 基础知识训练 1.Look and match.美食大秀场(选择对应的图片连连线。) ⑴rice ⑸chocolate ⑵dumplings (6) Milk ⑶Fish ⑺noodles ⑷ flower ⑻tomato
2.Look and choose.(选出下列单词中不同类的一项。) ( )⑴A. tomato B. potato C. food ( )⑵A. at B. on C. And ( )⑶A. run B.see C. Playing ( )⑷A. English B. Chinese C. China ( )⑸ A. milk B. juice C. Noodles 综合培优训练 *3.Look and fill in the blanks.(看图,填单词,补全对话。) ⑴—Do you
? —No,

. ⑵—Do you want some
? —Yes,

趣味乐园 国外风俗:英美国家的人们经常将鸡蛋和牛奶等作为breakfast。lunch比较简单,在外面吃快餐较多,比如面包、汉堡包、三明治。美国人没有下午四五点喝下午茶的习惯,但英国人有,下午茶除了咖啡或奶茶,再加点小糕点。dinner是最重要的一顿饭。

课时2 基础知识训练 4.Look and choose.(看一看,选一选。) ⑴ Do you want some_________ ? ⑵ Have you got some_________ ? ⑶ What are_________doing? ⑷ But chopsticks _________ difficult. ⑸ Are you_________ a cake?

5.Read and match.快乐对对碰。(把下列问句与其相应的答语连线。) ⑴Do you want some rice? No, I don’t. ⑵What is Amy doing? Yes, I am. ⑶Have you got fast food in England? No,Thank you! ⑷Are you hungry? She is making a cake. ⑸Do you like fish? Yes.I have. 综合培优训练 6.Choose and write.(选择合适的词或词组填空。) —What are you Daming? —I’m making . —Do you some? —No, . thank you dumpings doing want rices noodle noodlese you your is are make making rices

课时3 Module 4 unit2 How much is it? 基础知识训练 1.Look and write.(把下面的单词宝宝补全。) ( )⑴ d ____ mpling A.a B. o C. u ( )⑵ ju____ ce A.a B. i C. m ( )⑶ tom____ to A.u B. e C. a ( )⑷ flo____ er A.n B. w C. t ( )⑸ p ____ tato A.o B. a C. E 2.Judge and draw.(判断下列图片与所给句子是否相符,对的打“√”错的打“×”。) ( ) ⑴They are doing taijiquan.. ( )⑵The boys are playing basketball. ( )⑶They are playing chess. ( )⑷I want some noodles. 综合培优训练 *3.Fill in the blanks.(根据汉语意思补全下列对话。) ⑴ 大明,你正在干什么?
are you
,Daming? ⑵ 你想吃些大米吗? Do you
? ⑶ 我正在做一些中式快餐。 I’m
some Chinese

Ⅱ. 完形填空。
Johnny is a middle school student. He has a sister
and a brother. They are Julie and Joe. They are

but they can 1
Chinese. Johnny has a
new 2 . He can play the guitar well. But Julie
3 . Julie doesnt like music 4
sports. She
likes playing chess because she thinks its 5 .
Johnny cant play chess. So Julie often 6
how to play it. Joe plays chess well. He 7
basketball well. He often plays it with his classmates
the weekend. He wants to join the school
basketball 9 . Then he can play basketball and
new friends there.

1. A. tell
B. talk
C. say
D. speak

2. A. volleyball
B. chess
C. guitar
D. violin

3. A. does
B. doesnt
C. can
D. cant

4. A. for
B. but
C. or
D. so

5. A. interesting
B. difficult
C. boring
D. free

6. A. helps
B. teaches
C. needs
D. writes

7. A. also
B. too
C. always
D. only

8. A. on
B. in
C. with
D. about

9. A. home
B. club
C. room
D. library

10. A. find
B. want
C. take
D. make
Ⅲ. 阅读理解。
Teachers Wanted
Are you good with students

We need two teachers to
teach English in our school. Were Red Stare School. Call
Mr. Li at 7905713.
Dancers Wanted
Can you dance well

Our working time is always from
4 pm to 6 pm on weekends. You can either email us at
danceclub@ 163.com or call us at 7901459.
Come and join us

Chinese Chess Club
Do you like playing Chinese chess

In our club

can play chess with Mr. Liu. He gets the first place in
Chinese chess games this year. His telephone number is
English Club
Can you speak English well

Ms. Green can teach you
to speak English

and she can also teach you to write in
English. You can read English storybooks

too. Call us at

1. Jeff wants to be an English teacher. He can
call .
A. 5677914
B. 7905713
C. 7327983
D. 7901459

2. Dancing club teaches people to dance
hours on weekends.
A. 3
B. 2
C. 7
D. 10

3. Joe cant play chess well. Who can he call
for help

A. Mr. Li.
B. Ms. Green.
C. Mr. Liu.
D. Mr. Green.

4. Where does Mr. Li work

A. In English Club.
B. In Red Stare School.
C. In New River School.
D. In Chinese Chess Club.

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碾子山区19452968939: 七年级下册英语学习之友? -
刀纯消咳: 大概是读小学的时候吧,有一种小学生之友的读物,应该可以算是一种报刊吧.我没听过英语学习之友.

碾子山区19452968939: 七年级吴忠英语下册学习之友51页作文怎么写 -
刀纯消咳: Today is sunday . I am in hainan with my friends now. I had a good time here. We went to visit Sanya. Sanya is a very beautiful city. It was very hot today. So we went there by bus. Sitting on a bus we can watch the seesight in the street. The street is ...

碾子山区19452968939: 七年级下册英语学习之友51页阅读理解翻译 -
刀纯消咳: story time 故事时间. story 英 [?st?:ri] 美 [?st?ri, ?stori] n. 故事,传说;历史,沿革;内情;传记 vt. 用历史故事画装饰;讲…的故事;把…作为故事讲述 vi. 说谎 I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits. 我要给你讲一个4只小兔子的故事.文章要发上哦

碾子山区19452968939: 七年级人教版英语学习之友所有作文
刀纯消咳: rytrjf bdtys

碾子山区19452968939: 七年级下册英语学习之友第六单元作文 -
刀纯消咳: 七年级下册英语学习之友7~12单元答案

碾子山区19452968939: 宁夏初一到初三的学习之友收费吗? -
刀纯消咳: 免费的,免费由自治区提供

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刀纯消咳: 1 2013 版新目标七年级英语 Unit 1- Unit 12 下册期末复习重点 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ? 1 、 can+ 动词原形,它不随主语和数而变化. (1) 含有 can 的肯定句:主语 +can+ 谓语动词的原形 + 其他. (2) 变一般疑问句时,把 can 提前: Can...

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刀纯消咳:[答案] 1.他轻轻走出教室,因为他惟恐打扰了他人. He went out of the classroom quietly __________________________________... in the hallways just now. 15.连续学习三个多小时后,Amy停下来休息. After_______________________________________...

碾子山区19452968939: 学习之友初一英语书面表达39页
刀纯消咳: Sam went to the shop to buy a shirt yesterday. In the shop, he loved the bule one very much. But it was too long. At last, he bought a green one, and it was 100 yuan.


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