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电视剧 teleplay
连续剧 sitcom
肥皂剧 soap opera

When TV came near, a number of soap makers found that the use of TV to sell their products more effective than other ads. However, over time, dry the ad not only fail to attract an audience, and even points of view are tired. These soap makers are unwilling to give up TV advertising, so come up with a new tactics to give TV stations a large amount of money, let out the love story of high-priced hired writers to prepare a very strong plot and moving script, and then constitute a multi-set TV series, day by day in the television broadcast. Play the process, the soap advertisement and then subtly added to the list. In this way, the audience enjoy the television series at the same time also see the ads.
Since the middle of this drama soap ads, so people called it "soap opera."

“电视连续剧”英文为TV play series,然而很多国家称之为“肥皂剧”(soap opera)。这还得从广告(advertisement)说起。  当电视问世不久,一些肥皂厂商发现利用电视宣传、推销其产品比其他广告更有效。但是时间一长,干巴巴的广告不仅不能吸引观众,甚至使观点感到厌烦。而这些肥皂厂商又不愿放弃电视广告,于是想出个新招,给电视台一笔重金,让其出高价聘请剧作家编写故事情很强、情节动人的剧本,然后构成多集电视剧,逐日在电视节目中播放。播放过程中,把肥皂广告再巧妙地加进去。这样,观众在欣赏电视连续剧的同时也看到了广告。由于这种电视剧中间有肥皂广告,于是人们就叫它“肥皂剧”。

A soap opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on television or radio. Programs described as soap operas have existed as an entertainment long enough for audiences to recognize them simply by the term soap. The name "soap opera" stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers such as Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, and Lever Brothers as sponsors [1] and producers[2]. These early radio serials were broadcast in weekday daytime slots when mostly housewives would be available to listen; thus the shows were aimed at and consumed by a predominantly female audience.[1]The term soap opera has at times been generally applied to any romantic serial,[1] but it is also used to describe the more naturalistic, unglamorous UK primetime drama serials such as Coronation Street.[3] What differentiates a soap from other television drama programs is the open-ended nature of the narrative with stories spanning several episodes. The defining feature that makes a program a soap opera, according to Albert Moran, is "that form of television that works with a continuous open narrative. Each episode ends with a promise that the storyline is to be continued in another episode".[4]Soap opera stories run concurrently, intersect and lead into further developments. An individual episode of a soap opera will generally switch between several different concurrent story threads that may at times interconnect and affect one another or may run entirely independent of each other. Each episode may feature some of the show's current storylines but not always all of them. There is some rotation of both storylines and actors so any given storyline or actor will appear in some but usually not all of a week's worth of episodes. Soap operas rarely "wrap things up" storywise and generally avoid bringing all the current storylines to a conclusion at the same time. When one storyline ends there are always several other story threads at differing stages of development. Soap opera episodes typically end on some sort of cliffhanger.In 1976, Time magazine described American daytime television as "TV's richest market," noting the loyalty of the soap opera fan base and the expansion of several half-hour series to a full hour in order to maximize ad revenues.[5] The article explained that at that time, many prime time series lost money, while daytime serials earned profits several times more than their production costs.[5] The issue's cover notably featured its first daytime soap stars, Bill Hayes and Susan Seaforth Hayes of Days of our Lives,[6][7] a couple whose onscreen and real-life romance was widely covered by both the soap opera magazines and the mainstream press.[8] Though American soap opera ratings have declined over the last 30 years, the Latin American version of soap opera — called a telenovela — remains the most-watched genre of television program in the world, with at least two billion viewers worldwide.[9]Evening soap operas sometimes differ from this general format and are more likely to feature the entire cast in each episode and to represent all current storylines in each episode. Additionally, evening soap operas and other serials that run for only part of the year tend to bring things to a dramatic end-of-season cliffhanger. 这详细的不行了

Radio or TV serial drama dealing with the events and problems of the characters' daily lives, often in a sentimental way (电台或电视)连续剧 A TV diet of soap opera 冗长而乏味的电视连续剧 This drama serial are very popular.这部连续剧很受欢迎。They are nuts about TV serials.他们...


英语 的连续剧怎么说?

电视剧 \/ 连续剧 英语怎么说?
肥皂剧(英语:soap opera)是从英语传至中文的外来词汇,通常指一出连续很长时间的、虚构的电视剧节目,每周安排为多集连续播出,因此又称系列电视连续剧(但“连续剧”一词可以泛指一切剧情连续的电视节目)。 剧情:Story 电视剧:Dramas TV serialshttp:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/17544811.html?si=2 hzsmfl | 发...

电视剧 \/ 连续剧 英语翻译:Teleplay\/Series 单词分析:1、teleplay,英 ['teləpleɪ] 美 ['teləˌpleɪ]释义:n.电视剧 例句:I watch three times of the teleplay 《 evolution 》 today.我今天看了三遍电视剧《进化》。2、series,英 [ˈsɪ&#...

英文中 "电视剧" 怎么翻译啊
4,TV serial为短语,表示电视连续剧,因为serial 做形容词表示连续的;连载的意思,做名词表示连载小说;电视连续剧;定期刊物。例句如Shortly after the TV serial was first aired, it shot to the top of the ratings.这部电视连续剧开播后不久,收视率便跃居首位。5,TV show是英语国家中比较口语化...

当提到"电视剧"的英语表达,我们有多种术语可以选择,如TV drama program、teleplay、television play、teledrama、或更直接地称为television drama。这些词汇都用于描述通过电视播出的连续剧集,常常探讨各种情节和故事线。最近,关于离婚题材的电视剧在电视上显得尤为频繁,"There has been a surfeit of ...

sitcom,也叫situation comedy,指情景喜剧 也有TV series,还有soap opera 参考资料:http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/11319263.html?si=4

英语作文 电视连续剧为何称作肥皂剧,用英语解释原因

电视剧 \/ 连续剧 英语翻译:Teleplay\/Series 单词分析:1、teleplay,英 ['teləpleɪ] 美 ['teləˌpleɪ]释义:n.电视剧 例句:I watch three times of the teleplay 《 evolution 》 today.我今天看了三遍电视剧《进化》。2、series,英 [ˈsɪ&#...

东兰县14785212893: 英语作文电视连续剧为何称作肥皂剧,用英语解释原因 -
蔡茂硝酸:[答案] When TV came near, a number of soap makers found that the use of TV to sell their products more effective than other ads. ... 这样,观众在欣赏电视连续剧的同时也看到了广告.由于这种电视剧中间有肥皂广告,于是人们就叫它“肥皂剧”.

东兰县14785212893: 知道外国为什么常称电视连续剧为肥皂剧吗?
蔡茂硝酸: 在美国,称连续剧为 肥皂剧是因为这种节目的主要赞助者一直是肥皂和洗涤剂生产厂家!!! 是吧!

东兰县14785212893: 为什么外国人把电视剧叫作“肥皂剧”? -
蔡茂硝酸: 肥皂剧有一个很形象的名字,叫soap opera,它是指“以家庭问题为题材的广播或电视连续剧”,主要以家庭妇女为主要观众,以家庭日用品商家为赞助商,以普通家庭生活环境为舞台……有些人以为soap opera这个名字是因为这类连续剧非常...

东兰县14785212893: 为什么外国人把电视剧叫作“肥皂剧”?
蔡茂硝酸: 我们英语老师说的,因为放那类型的电视中间基本上都是些肥皂广告

东兰县14785212893: 肥皂剧因何而得名,什么样的电视剧称之为肥皂剧! -
蔡茂硝酸: 肥皂剧(soap opera)是从英语传至中文的外来词汇,通常指一出连续很长时间的、虚构的电视剧节目,每周安排为多集连续播出,因此又称系列电视连续剧(但“连续剧”一词可以泛指一切剧情连续的电视节目). [编辑本段]肥皂剧起源源于...

东兰县14785212893: 外国常称电视连续剧为“肥皂剧”是因为它( ) -
蔡茂硝酸: 1、人物的卡通化倾向.人物以平面、简单、直观、滑稽的特征出现.2、闲聊式的语言和夸张的表演更会令人忍俊不禁.3、场景集中.一般都是搭景(两三堂景即可)、多机拍摄、现场合成.每一集像一出舞台剧转播.因此,今制作成本可以降低,制作周期加快.符合电视剧制作特性.4、打破了影视作品给予人的幻觉特征.叫观众时时处于“看戏”状态.这种观赏幻觉的打破,是通过间离效果的运用来实现的.电视画面外观众的阵阵笑声,插入拍摄花絮、演职人员的准备工作、手持入场券的观众进入演出现场的情景,结尾处演员和观众合影签名.........这一切,都在提醒人们,这只是看一台节目而已,一切都是表演.凡此种种,无一不体现着编创者愉悦观众的态度.

东兰县14785212893: 为什么外国把电视剧称作“肥皂剧”? -
蔡茂硝酸: 肥皂剧一词起源于早期的欧美电视,原因是在晚间 ,电视台会播放一些搞笑的短片 ,没有深度 ,只求一笑,在这些断片里经常会夹杂着一些肥皂的广告.久而久之,大家都以肥皂剧来称呼这些断片. 再接下来, 短片不断的拍摄 , 形成连续剧...

东兰县14785212893: 肥皂剧为什么叫肥皂剧.怎么来的 -
蔡茂硝酸: 肥皂剧(soap opera)是从英语传至中文的外来词汇,通常指一出连续很长时间的、虚构的电视剧节目,每周安排为多集连续播出,因此又称连续剧(但中文中的“连续剧”可以泛指一切剧情连续的电视节目). 来源 肥皂剧于1920年代在美国...

东兰县14785212893: 为什么把连续剧叫做肥皂剧?
蔡茂硝酸: 肥皂剧源于西方,现在一般指的是家庭妇女一边做家务,一边心不在焉地收看的罗里罗嗦讲述家长里短的长篇连续剧.它作为西方社会大众文化的重要内容,早已经引起了越来越多研究者的兴趣.在英美等西方发达国家,每周都会有固定的播出时间给几部持续几年甚至数十年的肥皂剧(《老友记》(friends), (《欲望城市》(sex&city)), (《加冕街》)(coronation street))等等, 欣赏的观众层次也由最先的家庭主妇扩充到 “雅皮士”(西方城市职业阶层中的年轻人士) 阶层.

东兰县14785212893: 为什么电视剧会被成为肥皂剧?
蔡茂硝酸: 因为最初播放的时候中间掺杂了肥皂水的广告

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