
作者&投稿:卞娇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Today, the world belongs to many different nationalities and races. Different races have different cultures and thus causing a cultural difference. For example, in China, the dragon is a symbol of power. In the past, emperors wore clothes patterned with dragons. However, in European countries, the dragon represents evil. This is what we call cultural difference. Regarding cultural difference, we should learn and understand because only then we can become more knowledgeable and well-informed.

during the rush hour,in the busy route,the people who just get on the doubel-decker do not know that the uper-floor is full or not.So can we use the mirror or vidicon which can vision the circs about the uper-floor? That also can make the function about watching that floor,reduce the rate of bad behavior .

In 1922, the United States Ivan scientists found that male fertility decline in rats, female rats and the lack of a easy to abortion-related fat-soluble substances. In 1938, the Swiss chemist synthesized karaoke This substance, called tocopherol, or vitamin E. Tocopherol can promote secretion of sex hormones to improve fertility, prevent miscarriage, male infertility can also be used for prevention and treatment, burns, frostbite, capillary bleeding, menopausal syndrome, beauty and so on.
Vitamin E in the human body the role of the most widely than any of the nutrients are large, it is "security ambassadors" known. In the body has a good anti-oxidation, that is, to reduce cell aging. To maintain the integrity of red blood cells, promoting cell synthesis, anti-pollution, anti-fertility effect.
A lack of vitamin E, will lead to atherosclerosis, the blood concentration of anemia, cancer, cataracts and other diseases of old age diseases legs and so on .

In 1922, the United States Ivan scientists found that male fertility decline in rats, female rats and the lack of a easy to abortion-related fat-soluble substances. In 1938, the Swiss chemist synthesized karaoke This substance, called tocopherol, or vitamin E. Tocopherol can promote secretion of sex hormones to improve fertility, prevent miscarriage, male infertility can also be used for prevention and treatment, burns, frostbite, capillary bleeding, menopausal syndrome, beauty and so on.
Vitamin E in the human body the role of the most widely than any of the nutrients are large, it is "security ambassadors" known. In the body has a good anti-oxidation, that is, to reduce cell aging. To maintain the integrity of red blood cells, promoting cell synthesis, anti-pollution, anti-fertility effect.
A lack of vitamin E, will lead to atherosclerosis, the blood concentration of anemia, cancer, cataracts and other diseases of old age diseases legs and so on 。

谁能把下面的步骤帮我讲解一下啊 小白实在看不懂
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The five professors will be invited to be the judges. Top 10 winners will receive prizes, as a little encouragement. Welcome to cheer at the appointed time.

I wonder if you have seen a film named Léon.(这个杀手不太冷的原名)When Mathilda's whole family were killed, she went to the front door of Léon's house appealing for help with a bottle of milk on her hand. At this exact moment, Leon's killer life had came to an end...

A man who always anticipates his income can never save or become rich.总是预支工资, 寅吃卯粮的人, 永远不能储蓄或成为富人。He tried to anticipate all my needs.他设法将我需要的东西预先准备好。anticipate[An5tisipeit]vi.预测; 预言; 预感anticipatedadj.预先的; 预期的anticipate[ An5...

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请帮我把下面的一段话翻译成英语,语言要优美一点哦,先谢谢啦!_百度知 ...

products. I think this is the most interesting first report, you can always think with their own creative things go, so we also spent a lot of time trying to do this report.你想象力很丰富啊!注明一下:"Li Qingqing"是我根据拼音翻译出来的,"Doraemon"是“多拉A梦”的日文名。


3.相声是大家喜闻乐见的节目 幽默的语言、夸张的表情会把我们带进开心世界。 请出由xxx系的xxx为您合说相声《废话趣谈》 5.下面这个精彩的节目是xx系的xxx和她的搭档们带来的舞蹈《绿光》 这个节目曾经获得我校“青春歌舞大赛”的一等奖。让我们一起来欣赏。 6.金秋十月霞满天,那是咱勤劳朴实的xx人对家乡的...


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纳雍县18562925490: 谁能帮我写一篇关于“人的生活需要营养”的文章 -
集狐罗每: 人的生命必须通过饮食来维持,人的生命质量和精神心理与饮食营养有极大的关系,人的智力、体力、学习能力、运动能力、防病能力、康复能力、生殖能力、寿命、身高、体重也都与营养饮食有不可分割的联系.营养素摄入不平衡将引起很多...

纳雍县18562925490: 大家帮我找下烹饪工艺与营养方面的文章 -
集狐罗每: 中国人历来讲究饮食文化,烹饪技巧之博大精深举世无双.如何让烹饪工艺和营养保健有机的结合,服务百姓、造福世界,是我们关心和研究的重要课题.科学的烹饪可以提高食物的感观性质,增加人们的食欲,促进营养物质的吸收.合理膳食...

纳雍县18562925490: 帮我....找几篇有关生物合理营养的文章 -
集狐罗每: 呵呵!不好意思!那不大知道!那我就告诉你几个不能混吃的食物吧!希望对你也有帮助!20种坚决不能混吃的食物 1. 猪肉*菱角——肚子痛 2. 牛肉*栗子——引起呕吐 3. 羊肉*西瓜——伤元气 4. 狗肉*绿豆——会中毒 5. 兔肉*芹菜——脱发 6. 鸡...

纳雍县18562925490: 营养学知识我急需一个关于大学生一周营养食谱的小论文,希望大家帮我
集狐罗每: 给你一个大学生一周食谱,希望可以帮到你. 食谱一 早餐:牛奶250ml、面包(面粉200克)、煮鸡蛋50克. 午餐:米饭(粳米200克)、蘑菇炒肉片(鲜蘑菇50克、猪肉...

纳雍县18562925490: 谁可以帮我写一个关于营养的演讲稿?5——7分钟的演讲稿 主要内容关于营养 饮食 要求语言精练 内容丰富 急要 -
集狐罗每:[答案] 大家好,感谢大家的支持.我希望今天我要讲的内容能给大家的生活带来大的改 变,并且希望今天是你生命中的一个转折点.今天我要谈谈我们与生具有的权利, 和如何享有它. 健康是我们的生得权,我希望你们知道它是什么,并且享有它,那就是 — ...

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集狐罗每:[答案] Common cold is a kind of familiar disease and people in all countries all tallied up some traditional food methods which ease ... 在这个感冒流行的季节里,大家不妨借鉴一下. 在美国,热鸡汤被称为“液体青霉素”,感冒时经常喝它.热鸡汤的营养成分...

纳雍县18562925490: 有人帮我找一篇关于“膳食宝塔的意义”之类的文章吗?谢了 -
集狐罗每: 第一次回答可获2分,答案被采纳可获衡膳食宝塔是根据中国居民膳食指南,结合中国居民的膳食把平衡膳食的原则转化成各类食物的重量,便于大家在日常生活中实行. 平衡膳食宝塔提出了一个营养上比较理想的膳食模式.它所建议的食物...

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集狐罗每: 今天我终于狠心买了一瓶营养快线尝尝,能喝上营养快线一直是我的梦想 每当我在大街上看到喝营养快线的人 ,我都会偷偷瞄一眼, 真羡慕那些有钱人 前几天我开了工资 , 在经过激烈的思想斗争之后 ,我终于下定决心明天去买瓶营养快线喝...

纳雍县18562925490: 关于食物的作文,最好是400字以上 -
集狐罗每: 我们的食物 书上我们口中的食物,我们每一天都要吃,吃了可以给我带来一种特殊的滋味. 像蜂蝶从花丛飞过,像瀑布流经山谷.我们每忆及少年代,就禁不住涌起愉之情.在少年时代读书时全世界最重要的.读书生活恰是一幅流光溢彩的画...

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