
作者&投稿:吴畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

如果你非要用那些,我写了一句:Hi,everyone!To my greeting for judge,teacher , student and you。

Dear judge, teachers and classmates, good evening!
Dear exporters and judges尊敬的各位专家、评委们

Nice to meet you all here, distinguished referees and teachers!!!

Each appraisal committee fellow teachers everybody is good

Hello, every judge and every teacher

The judges, dear teachers, everybody!

“各位评委”翻译成英语是:“judges”。各位评委下午好翻译成英语是:You judge good afternoon ; Judges members good afternoon。例句:Good evening, honorable judges, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, today the topic of my speech is "Devote my youth to YPC".翻译:尊敬的各位评委,亲...

“各位评委”用英语应该是”The judges“,不过我建议开头说”各位先生女生,各位评委大家好“,这个翻译是”Ladies and gentlemen, all the judges are good“,这样可能更好一点。

That is me, would you like to be my friends?

请各位英语大侠能帮我翻译一下下面这篇文章(翻译成英语) 各位评委老师...

各位评委老师好 我是来自山东济宁的 田倩。 我的身高是 173. 体重50KG 我特别喜欢在空中飞翔的感觉。所以很希望能在贵校的空乘专业有所成就。 我很有意愿报考贵校。 请老师给我一次机会。 祝各位老师身体健康 万事如意。疑问:You judge a good teacher I come from Shandong Jining Qian Tian...

their own dreams, stubbornly waiting, sincerely look forward to. The so-called "chance favors only the prepared person", I have fully prepared to meet this challenge. I sincerely hope judges can give me a chance, give me a show of self, dream germination stage, thank you!

现在是纽约时间晚上9点。是端午节的前一天晚上。但是在美国没有端午节,因此今晚像其他任何一天的晚上一样。父亲正在看球赛 母亲正在给小孩们读故事。朱辉正在干什么 ?他正在给深圳的堂弟打电话。朱辉思念他的家人并且希望吃到妈妈做的美味的粽子。朱辉喜欢他的寄宿家庭,但是“没有比家更好的地方”


问题在这一句:也被认为是苏格兰的重要标志之一 共有两个问题:1 对原文的理解稍欠透彻,can also be... 应当译为“也可以。。。”2 翻译严重错误。an important National icon怎可译为“。。。重要标志之一”?修正如下,供参考:也可以看作是一个重要的国家标志。

the elder sister andthe younger brother all have also become others' parents, they hadfinally understood life helpless has known parents' difficulties, alsotherefore no longer waited for the peacock spreads the tail. Quietlycenter, they as if turned own parents' appearance. Such passed ...

宣威市13960011304: "尊敬的各位评委老师大家好"翻成英语怎么说 -
晋阀清脂: "尊敬的各位评委老师大家好" Greetings, honored teachers and judges~美国有这种说法的.

宣威市13960011304: 各位评委老师翻译成英语 -
晋阀清脂: all teacher and judges

宣威市13960011304: 急谁能用英语翻译:各位评委老师:: -
晋阀清脂: Dear judges:Good morning, everyone! I am ..., my English name is Jerry, I'm 9 years old, and I come from Class E Grade Four, Shengli Huanghe Bilingual School. I'm a boy with lots of hobbies, I like drawing, playing Chinese chess and English when...

宣威市13960011304: 英语翻译各位评委老师,你们好!我是来自XX市四中的高一学生XXX!今天,我来到这个舞台是为了实现自己心往已久的梦想.因为以前的我是一个腼腆、沉... -
晋阀清脂:[答案] The judges teacher, hello! I'm from four high student XXX in the XX city! Today, I came to this stage is to reach your heart already a long time dream. Because I am a shy and quiet girl, such a character makes me roaming in the sea all day, the students ...

宣威市13960011304: 这句话用英语怎么翻译:尊敬的各位评委、老师、同学大家晚上好!大家帮帮忙翻译下,拜托了! -
晋阀清脂:[答案] well-beloved judges, teachers and schoolmats, good evening!

宣威市13960011304: 英语翻译各位评委老师你们好!我叫***我的名字来自于我父母的祝愿,他们希望我能平凡潇洒地生活.在班上我是班长,你知道,班长是一个很辛苦的职务,... -
晋阀清脂:[答案] Honourable judges, good day. I am xxx. My name is originated from my parents' wish. They wish that I have a simple life. In the class, I am the class monitor. You know, class monitor is a difficult appointment. He needs to help in the teacher's errands. ...

宣威市13960011304: 各位评委老师,早上好 翻译成英文 -
晋阀清脂:[答案] 各位评委老师,早上好 !! Honorable judges and my dear teachers, Good morning!

宣威市13960011304: 英语翻译各位评委老师好.我来自美丽的包头,我的临时编号是xx.我身高164公分.体重42公斤.毕业于包钢实验军校.我的特长是写作与跑步.我带来的才艺是琵琶... -
晋阀清脂:[答案] You judge a good teacher. I am from the beautiful Baotou, temporary number I is xx. My height is 164 cm. Weight 42 kg. Graduated from the Military Academy at Baotou Steel experiment. I am good at writ...

宣威市13960011304: 英语翻译尊敬的各位评委老师:你们好!我叫xxx,来自xxx,就读于xxx中学,身高1米64,体重50公斤.我平时最喜欢做的事情就是细心照顾各种各样的小动... -
晋阀清脂:[答案] Respect every appraisal committee teacher: hello! My name is XXX, from XXX, studying in the XXX middle school, height 1 meter 64cm, 50 kilograms of weight. I most like to do is take care of a variety ...

宣威市13960011304: 英语翻译尊敬的各位评委老师,大家下午好,很高兴也很紧张的站在这里……事实还有好多,如果你木事,就请找我吧2690513234 -
晋阀清脂:[答案] my dear judges and teachers, good afternoon,first,i'm honored to stand here, also nervous

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