
作者&投稿:相哲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

eat .[i:t] 意特

Have you eaten?

Have you eaten

have you had food

Don't give two bowls Don't give two bowls of rice, the rice word omitted

饭的英文是什么 饭的英语单词怎么写
饭的英语单词怎么写 1、饭的英语单词是meal,英[mi:l]、美[mil]。2、n.餐,饭;进餐(时间);〈英〉一次挤奶量;谷物粗粉(用作饲料或加工面粉)。3、vi.进餐。4、例句:Its rare that I have an evening meal with my children.我难得跟孩子们一起吃晚饭。

I'm full.Thanks 表示你吃饱了,不要了

你好,爱应用-WPer【L_F】为您解答: My mom is ill. I have nothing to eat.。爱应用旗下资深团队为您解答,如果对你有所帮助,记得采纳哦

...饭量不大。没有。 上面这句话用英语怎么写?
你好,我叫曹佳庆,今年12岁。我是个女孩。爱吃苹果。饭量不大。没有。这句话用英语写是:Hello, my name is Cao Jiaqing.I am 12 years old.I am a girl.I love apples.There is not much appetite.No.

Man is iron, steel, a meal is not to eat the hungry 哈哈,我记得有专门的谚语来着,但记不清了~就用有道了一下,结果出来个这结果,哈哈

3. He's in a hurry, so he doesn't have time to sit down and eat a meal.(他很匆忙,所以没有时间坐下来吃一顿饭。)4. We had a delicious meal at the wedding reception.(我们在婚宴上吃了一顿美味的饭菜。)六、常见短语:- have breakfast\/lunch\/dinner - 吃早餐\/午餐\/晚餐 ...

你多久没吃饭了? 用英语怎么说\/.\/
How long is it since you ate?这里实际是用到It is + 时间断 +since +从句的用法,当since后面是瞬间动词时,表示那个动作结束了有多长时间,比如:It is three years since he smoked.就是他上次吸烟的动作结束到现在已经3年了,换言之就是:他戒烟已经有3年了。

Honey,Don't forget have dinner whatever how busy.you must love yourself when i am not your side,you know?

whenever at the end of a meal ...whenever finishing a meal ...every time after a meal ...

济源市15696504568: 吃饭没?英文怎么说? -
封伯重组: Did you eat already? 如有疑问或是需要更多帮助请追问

济源市15696504568: 用英语怎么说?吃过饭了吗?吃饭没有?用英语怎么说? -
封伯重组:[答案] do you have dinner?吃晚饭了吗? 早餐、中餐类推

济源市15696504568: 吃饭没用英语怎么说 -
封伯重组: eat

济源市15696504568: 英语吃饭了没怎么说呀 -
封伯重组:[答案] Have you had your meal? Have you eaten already? 或者直接说:Are you hungry?(你饿吗?)

济源市15696504568: 吃饭没,用英语怎么说 -
封伯重组: 英语与中文不一样,他们都会分开问 吃早餐了吗? Do you have breakfast? 吃中餐 了吗?Do you have lunch? 吃晚餐了吗?Do you have supper?望采纳!

济源市15696504568: 吃饭没有?用英语怎么说 -
封伯重组: 早餐: Did you have your breakfast? 午餐: Did you have your lunch? 晚餐: Did you have your dinner? 希望亲喜欢.. :D Did you have

济源市15696504568: 吃了没,用英语怎么说??? -
封伯重组: Have you had breakfast/lunch/supper yet?三餐根据具体情况选择.

济源市15696504568: 中午吃了午饭没?用英文怎么说
封伯重组: Did you have lunch yet? 午餐吃了没? Did you eat yet? 吃饭了吗? (早餐午餐晚餐都能用)

济源市15696504568: 你会英语么 Have you eaten [原文]吃饭没 怎么说 -
封伯重组: 见过有亚洲人这么说,但是老外一般说Have u had lunch/dinner/any food

济源市15696504568: 英语吃饭了没怎么说呀 -
封伯重组: Have you had your meal?Have you eaten already?或者直接说:Are you hungry? (你饿吗?) 希望采纳

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