
作者&投稿:寸国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Could you please provide some hotels information for my boss to choose, thanks!


I have already transfer all charges from account of cutomer A to account customer B
Now it is ready for closing account of customer A

You let me collect information, but wang didn't give me the others are to me. Please see below.

You let me collect information, but wang didn't give me the others are to me. Please see below. except Mr Wang,other people have given me the imformation that you wang me to collect.please see the following table! As for the information you asked me to collect, I have received from all people except Mr.Wang. Please refer the attached form.

As for the information you asked me to collect, I have received from all people except Mr.Wang. Please refer the attached form.

except Mr Wang,other people have given me the imformation that you wang me to collect.please see the following table!


firstly,it is convenient for us to study online by using computer or suffering the Internet,so that you can complete your studies at home.

Mr.li wants to talk about the bussiness of ABC company this week, would it be convenient for you to arrange a meeting for him.



第二组释放的氧都是氧18 (也就是标记了的),这一实验证明光和作用释放的氧气来自水。同位素标记法(也叫同位素示踪法),利用了同位素标记的化合物化学性质基本不变的原理,通过追踪的同位素标记的化合物,可以弄清化学反应的详细过程。详细的知识在高中一年级的生物书里有介绍。


不过实际上这里再用can't和don't表示否定是不对的,因为对不定式否定直接加not.所以我的意见在下面 2,整体来说这句话我建议改成 A young man and a young woman who sat behind him were talking too loudly to make him unable to hear the actors and enjoy the play.或者 A young man and...

求英语大神 帮我看看这句话有什么语法错误吗 有的话帮助改正一下


平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看一下这句话英文怎么说,谢谢 -
自娥桑麻: Mr Li will stay at the office in Shanghai from next Tuesday to Friday. He is planning to make dinner appoitment with you. Please confirm the proper time for you during this period.

平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看下这句话用英文怎么说?...
自娥桑麻: I have already reserved/booked the meeting room for the interview at 4 o'clock this afternoon.It's in the 2ed meeting room on the 10th floor.

平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看一下这句话英文怎么说?谢谢 -
自娥桑麻: Hong Kong's Ministry of Personnel has your name on the list of the training. Specific information that they will be sent to you immediately.

平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看一下这句英文怎么说,请好好参阅下面的邮件并请确认你是否能在这个时间参加这个会议/ -
自娥桑麻:[答案] Please carefully read through the email below and kindly confirm if you are able to attend the meeting at the given time.

平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看下这句话用英文怎么说?我已经为你订好了今天下午4:00的面试的会议室,是在十楼的2号会议室 -
自娥桑麻:[答案] I have already reserved/booked the meeting room for the interview at 4 o'clock this afternoon.It's in the 2ed meeting room on the 10th floor.

平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看一这句话用英文怎么说.谢谢 -
自娥桑麻: 王先生将会在4月24日与客户开会,他想订靠湖的但是不要太大的会议室,现在只有1号会议室符合这些条件.但是我看了一下,4月24日已经被行政部的同事预订了,请问是否可以与他们调换一下.谢谢 Mr Wang will be having a meeting with his ...

平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看一下这句英语对吗?谢谢I will confirm them that you will attend the meeting.中文是:我会和他们确认你会出席这个会议 -
自娥桑麻:[答案] 我会向他们证实/确定.

平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看一下这句英文怎么说,谢谢.因为前面一个会议改时间了,所以与王先生的会面改为11点开始. -
自娥桑麻:[答案] Because of the change of the previous meeting,the appointment with Mr.Wang will begin at 11:00 am

平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看一下,这句英文说得对吗?谢谢Could I help you order dinner?中文是:需要我帮你订晚餐的外卖吗?谢谢 -
自娥桑麻:[答案] Could I help you to order dinner? help sb to do sth.

平顶山市19293597173: 请帮我看一下我这句英文说得对吗?Please also confirm your attendance.中文是:请也确认一下你是否会来参加. -
自娥桑麻:[答案] 是的!也可以翻译为:请确认您是否会出席/到会

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