
作者&投稿:暨春 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


而且打篮球并不是一个人的运动,它需要团队合作,需要身体的对抗,需要敢于挑战,需要大家的配合,在篮球场上你良好的球 德可以让你交到好多朋友。帮你成为一个豁达的人。

篮球场上汗流浃背的会让你的身体得到充分的伸展,使你血液流通,精神百倍.打篮球对人的身体好处很多例如:打篮球可以锻炼人的腿部肌肉,腹部肌肉,上肢肌肉,总之打篮球对人的肌肉锻炼很有帮助。打篮球真的可以使人长高的,由于打篮球对人的小腿肌肉锻炼很有帮助,所以可以提高人的弹跳力。打篮球同样可以锻炼人的协调能力,因为很多篮球基本动作对人的协调性有很大的要求。打篮球对锻炼人的反应能力也很有帮助,所以说打篮球对人的好处很多,但是我们还是要注意保护自己,很多动作做不到位也很容易受伤的。 打篮球可以排出废物,出汗是由气温或体内温度升高,引起汗线分泌。运动时身体产生的热量会急剧增加,运动员主要借助排汗来调节体内温度的平衡,还可以同时排出一些废物


增强体魄、促进新陈代谢、训练肌肉、增加活动量、加强反射力、有团队精神、不会学坏、不易生病、认识新朋友、可以交到一个不错的女朋友 1、通过运动可以改善视力






1、 ”iverson:i love this game “
3、"I don't care how high the starting point is, the most important thing is the ending point."
4、“We just want to be that group of wolves. I am the first wolf, but all wolves need to be deployed, attacked and defended together.”
5、“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney
6、“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe
7、“True love basketball, just to know what is defeated”
8、”Life is like playing basketball, there are too many fake action“

The sport of basketball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old. Basketball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with friends and possibly make some new ones. I love to watch and play the game, basketball is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone. Basketball has many negative and positive things about it based on my opinion. Basketball is known as a good pastime in many people’s eyes but can also be seen as a passion for many others.

Basketball in my opinion the best thing I can do with my friends to have fun while burning a few calories. I see basketball as a fun and easy way to have fun rather than sitting on the couch all day playing video games or watching television. One reason I love basketball is because you need only yourself to play the game or, you can play with teammates. I prefer to have others to play with rather than just playing alone. To me there is not only one word that I can describe basketball. You meet tons of people and you are able to play with your friends for hours without getting one thought of boredom. One thing I love about basketball is that people have many different styles of play. There are styles such as a passer, playmaker, shooter, defensive player, and dunker or highflyer. When you play basketball you feel much more confident and makes you not care much about how others think about you. When I possess the ball in basketball I have the mentality of being the best and no one could stop me. Many people have creative ideas and find new ways to trick the opposing players. Playing Basketball is very entertaining since there are endless ideas you can think of just with a hoop and a basketball. There are many reasons why I love to play the game of Basketball but I also love to watch the game also.

Basketball to me is overall the best sport out of all of the other sports such as baseball, soccer, and football. I also believe out of all these sports basketball is the best sport to watch on television. Basketball is very fun to watch on television because when you watch it you can take the moves you see the professional’s perform and add them to your style of play. I take many of my moves from professional basketball players and make them my own because they expand my arsenal of tricks. There are a variety of tricks the players perform during games it makes the games much more enjoyable to be watching. My favorite player to watch is Kobe Bryant. He makes basketball seem as a mere game for little kids. He is an all around athlete is still going strong at 30 years old. He is a big role model to many kids who enjoy playing this sport. Kobe can do anything he is a very versatile player and could get anywhere around the court in a blink of an eye. Bryant is the definition of all-around in my book. He knows how to play both sides of the game offense and defense. I look at Kobe Bryant as the ultimate weapon. I want to play like him as I continue to get better and better every time I play basketball. Kobe makes the game much more enjoyable to watch because of his acrobatic shots and stunning defense. Basketball is my favorite sport of all-time. There are just endless possibilities when it comes to the thought of basketball.

Basketball is a great way to get your mind off things and is also a great way to express yourself. It is a sport that can work your whole body. It’s a great pastime for any one and is a great way to bond with family members and friends. I see in my eyes that basketball is very addicting and makes you want to play more and more of it. Basketball is known as a good pastime in many people’s eyes but can also be seen as a passion for many others.

What is the advantage of basketball to you

球类运动对身体有哪些的好处2 1、安全 由于乒乓球是隔网对抗,所以它比足球、篮球等有身体接触的体育项目更有安全性,乒乓球台多数在室内,可以全天候的打球,不会因为下雨、刮风而影响比赛和球手的人身安全,适合于喜欢健身的儿童、少年、青年、中老年人爱好者。 2、强身 乒乓球运动能全面锻炼人的身体,使人体的呼...

打篮球的好处 打篮球的好处 打篮球的好处 一、有效预防心血管病 一、预防心血管病 一、降低心血管病风险 二、增强心脏功能 二、提升心脏功能 二、加强心脏性能 三、消除烦恼 三、缓解压力 三、释放负面情绪 四、控制体重与改变体形 四、体重管理 ...




1. 提升篮球水平:国家级赛事将为村BA提供更高水平的竞争平台和更高质量的比赛机会。这将促使球员们提升自己的技术水平、战术意识和竞争能力。通过与其他省级队伍的交流和对抗,球员们可以学习借鉴他们的经验,提高自身的篮球水平。2. 增加关注度和资源投入:国家级赛事的升级可能会吸引更多的关注和媒体报道...



打篮球的人普遍情商高,从运动的角度上来看 篮球既锻炼手脚 又开发大脑 在场上你需要思考判断 从情感上来看 打球需要自己经营人脉圈 需要社交,需要沟通 并且打球会让你经历挫折,失败,喜悦和愤怒 可以说磨练人的心性 生活中跟爱打篮球的人交流 会发现聊得很顺畅,不会尴尬。(5)具有时尚性 球服,...

打篮球给我们带来的好处 打篮球给我们带来的好处,说起篮球那可是男生们的最爱,而且现在篮球是现在很多人都喜欢的一种运动,但是我们在打篮球也是需要知道一些知识的,以下分享打篮球给我们带来的好处 打篮球给我们带来的好处1 一、有效预防心血管病 篮球运动时,由于肌肉的紧张活动,心脏工作增加,心肌的血液供应和代谢加...

秦皇岛市15883989876: 打篮球好处英文作文 -
亓莉柴胡: 最近我在打篮球,我觉得打篮球很好玩.而且篮球不止是好玩,还有很多好处呢!第一,可以让自己长得更高;第二,能锻炼身体,不容易生病;第三,多出点汗,还可以减肥呢……看吧,篮球是一种极好的运动.我们班的教练姓郭,他可辛苦...

秦皇岛市15883989876: 请给我一篇关于打篮球的好处的小报告,用英语翻译出来的,要初2学生看起很清楚的那种
亓莉柴胡: 1)增高 long high 2)减肥 Losing weight 3)培养体育精神 Raise sports spirit 4)加强心肺功能 Strengthens the cardiopulmonary function 5)提升体能 Promotion physical ability 6)减压 Reduced pressure 7)学习与人相处 Get along with people 8)认识更多朋友 Recognizing more friends 9)提高自我形象 Improve self-image 10)加强自信心 Enhance self-confidence

秦皇岛市15883989876: 英语翻译1·你为什么喜欢篮球?因为篮球能使我的身体更加强壮.2·你是科比的球迷吗?是的我是,我非常喜欢科比.3·运动给你带来了什么?给我带来了... -
亓莉柴胡:[答案] 1·你为什么喜欢篮球?Why do you like basketball? 因为篮球能使我的身体更加强壮.Because basketball can make me stronger. 2·你是科比的球迷吗?Are you one of Corby's fans 是的我是,我非常喜欢科比.Yes,I am.I like Corby very much. 3·运动...

秦皇岛市15883989876: 打篮球能使你长高用英语 -
亓莉柴胡: 你好! 打篮球能使你长高 Playing basketball can make you grow taller

秦皇岛市15883989876: 英语作文我的爱好 -
亓莉柴胡: My HobbiesI have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, and keeping a diary. In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one's health, and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running in the morning, and ...

秦皇岛市15883989876: 用英文讲打篮球的好处和坏处 -
亓莉柴胡: good way :it is good for your body and eyes dad way : may be hurt

秦皇岛市15883989876: 篮球的好处! -
亓莉柴胡: 起码可以增高,减肥,练习弹跳力因为打篮球可以出汗,消耗很多卡路里! 1、通过运动可以改善视力 眼睛的运动使得视觉产生,但是它是持续不断的很小的活动.因为这些很小的运动就像在风中被轻轻摇动的一个蜗牛,因此我们称它为“飞快...

秦皇岛市15883989876: 英语翻译我最喜欢的运动每个人都拥有一项自己所喜欢的运动,这项运动能给你带来快乐,锻炼你的身体,也能给你带来友谊.我喜欢篮球,虽然我身材不高,... -
亓莉柴胡:[答案] My favourite sportEverybody has a sport he loves,which can bring you happiness,exercise your body and give you friendship.I love basketball,though I am not tall,which can't be the reason that I should...

秦皇岛市15883989876: 假设你是李华,你最喜欢的运动是篮球.请以My favourite sport 为题用英语描述以下内容:1.你为什么喜欢篮球这项运动;2.你最喜欢的篮球运动员;3.你最喜... -
亓莉柴胡:[答案] 这中英文作文很简单,只要不将这些放进句子中,加点别的,读得顺就行,想高分些长点.一般不少于及格分

秦皇岛市15883989876: 汉译英,中学英语1.篮球像拥有魔力般吸引着我.2.尽管我在打篮球时经常受伤,但这并不能阻挡我对篮球的热情.3.如果要让我对篮球说一句话,我会说:"我... -
亓莉柴胡:[答案] 1.Basketball attracts me magically.2.I often get hurt when playing basketball, but it could not stop my fervor for basketball.3.If one word should be spoken to basketball, I would say:"I love you". If...

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