
作者&投稿:段干狱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我是去年考的,只要好好看就没问题的,英语就只看三级的那部分就行。有一本是基础知识,很厚,这一本看一遍就行了,考的不多。还有一本好像是黄色的来,挺薄的,主要讲实务操作(书借给别人了,记不清书名了),这本很重要,一定要看透,那些主要条目最好记住,因为试卷上留的答题空间挺小的,答上主要条目差不多就满了。应该还有一本书,是考试指南,这本书当时我们是在书店另订的,这个很重要,上面有基本的练习题,看后会对题型有一些了解,以及明白应从哪几方面答题。最后一定要掌握好应用文的写作式,我们考的是写一封邮件。喔 还有一件事 我目前上的ABC天卞英语的教师和我提到,就是想征服英语应该是不费力地。必须具有好的学习空间跟进修口语对象 这取决于外教资质 最好欧美母语 口语纯正很重要,坚持每天口语沟通,1&1家教式教学才能有非常.好.的进步效率;上完课还要重复复习录音文档 帮助加强记忆..如果真的没有人可以指导的情况,可以上可可或爱思获取课外学习资料学习,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 一下子口语会进步许多,学习成效是绝对达成目标的;希望能给你一些帮助。



A. Listening Test

Ⅰ. Directions: True or false. (5 questions, 2 marks each question, 10 marks altogether.) Put  for the true or X for the false in the bracket in front of each question. On the tape you will hear a telephone conversation between a hotel guest and the receptionist at the hotel. The tape will be played twice. 判断对错。在每题前面的括号中画(对)或X(错)。下面你将听到酒店顾客和接待员间的对话,录音将播放两遍。(每题2分,共10分)

[ ] 1. Mr. Smith is booking 20 rooms on the phone in the same hotel.
[ ] 2. The woman is really sorry because they have only 8 rooms available.
[ ] 3. The woman is a shop assistant.
[ ] 4. Mr. Smith is not angry because he gets the rooms needed.
[ ] 5. Mr. Smith refuses the hotel’s arrangements.

Ⅱ. Directions: In this question you will hear a conversation. The tape will be played once for you to get used to it and then again for you to write down what you hear. Complete the sentences according to what you hear. You MAY need to write down MORE THAN ONE word if necessary. After the tape has been played the second time you will be given two more minutes to finish writing the dialogue and to check spelling, grammar and neatness. (2 marks each, 10 marks altogether)请根据听到的内容填空,如果需要,一个空可能填写不止一个单词。(每题2分,共10分)

1. This is one of the man’s ________ London restaurants.
2. She works for a big _________, in their market-research department.
3. Then they use the ________ to get information about what people think of the product, how often they buy it, where they buy it, why they buy it and ________.
4. Last year, she went to America, Singapore, South Africa and ________.

B. Written Test
Ⅰ. Directions: Please put the correct word or expression in the blank space for each question (2 marks each question, 6 questions, 12 marks altogether). 运用所学知识,在每题的空格中填写恰当的词,每空一词。(每题2分,共12分)

Susan Lee has come (1) _________ Manchester for a trade fair. She arrived this evening, Monday, June (2) ________ second, and is staying (3) ________ three days. She has a (4) _________ for a double room with a bath (5) ________the Grand, a big hotel in the center of Manchester. Maria is from Argentina in South America, and she lives and works in Buenos Aires (6) _________ she is the managing director of Luxa Glasware Limited.

Ⅱ. Directions: Vocabulary: Please put the right answer (A, B, C or D) in the blank space for each question. (1 mark each question, 8 questions, 8 marks altogether). 词汇:请选择正确的答案填在横线上( A, B, C 或 D,每题只有一个正确答案)。(每题1分,共8分)
1. He would like you to reserve a room for conference for the period of his ______.
(A) stay (B) staying
(C) to stay (D) having stayed
2. We should be greatly ________ if you would let us have your current prices including service charges.
(A) thank you (B) gratitude
(C) appreciate it (D)obliged
3. How long does it usually ______ you to make delivery?
(A) cost (B) take
(C) spend (D) expend
4. Here are our FOB price lists. All the prices in the lists are subject ______ our confirmation.
(A) to (B) in
(C) with (D) at
5. Since we are old friends, I suppose D/P or D/A should be adopted this time as the ______ of payment.
(A) model (B) mode
(C) ways (D) module
6. L/C ________ sight is normal for our exports to your country, so we can hardly make any exception.
(A) at (B) in
(C) by (D) from
7. Can I have a ______ with Mr. Smith please?
(A) call (B) say
(C) word (D) speech
8. During the World Youth Contest, the contestants all put on their national __________. (A) clothes (B) costumes
(C) clothing (D) dresses
III. Reading Comprehension: 阅读理解
Section A. Directions: True or False questions, fill in T for True or F for False in the bracket. (2 marks each question, 5 questions, 10 marks altogether). 判断对错。在括号中对的填T,错的填F(每题2分,共10分)。

Problems may arise when your boss is away, and you must decide what action to take. Should you deal with them yourself? Contact your boss by cable or telephone? Get in touch with his deputy or partner or another member of the board of directors? Or simply leave them unsolved until your boss returns? Experience and common sense will help you to decide; no one can lay down hard and fast rules to cover all situations. A word of caution might come in useful at this stage. While initiative and enterprise are the necessary attributes of a good secretary, so are good judgment and awareness of one’s limitations. Be clear in your own mind just how far your authority goes; get your facts straight; where possible, seek a second opinion. Then when you decide on a course of action, see it through hard, if it should misfire, be ready to take the consequences.

[ ] 1. When problems arise and the boss is away, the secretary doesn’t have to decide what action to take.
[ ] 2. When problems arise, you should always deal with them yourself.
[ ] 3. Experience and what you learned from school can help you to decide what you should do.
[ ] 4. Good judgment and awareness of one’s limitations are necessary attributes of a good secretary instead of initiative and enterprise. .
[ ] 5. Be clear in your own mind how much authority you get.

Section B:
Directions: Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate sentences from the list to make it whole meaningful article. Note that there are more sentences than the blanks in the passage. (2 points each question, 10 marks altogether) 要求:选择正确选项,将其前面字母填入文章空白处。注意:给出的选项多于文章中的空格。(每题2分,共10分)

Paperless Office

Despite advances in data-storage technology, huge hard-disk drives and computer faxes, the volume of paper in the average office has continued to grow. It may be that the final copy needs to be on paper, but the first five drafts should not be.

While the younger generations are comfortable working on screen, (1) ______________. There used to be good reason for this.

(2) _________________ and you simply had to see a draft copy. This draft would then need to be corrected for layout several times.

This led to more copies, until the computer software finally produced a satisfactory document. Those days are now long gone.

Word processing programs today are capable of showing, on screen, exactly what the output will look like, (3) _________________spreadsheets, etc. But, even though they don’t need to print out document.nbspany more, people still want copies “for the file”.

But, (4) _________________they miss the point, because the document.nbspis already on file. Of course, you need to know exactly where everything is filed so you can easily find it again.

On the other hand, (5) __________________that they are a much better way of storing data.

(A) so that hard-copy drafts are generally not required for document.
(B) printing it out wasteful laser cartridges and paper are both very expensive
(C) disk drives are now big and cheap enough
(D) a lot of older people are not happy with a document.nbspdraft unless they have a printed copy of it
(E) in doing so,
(F) Older computer programs were generally not capable of producing screen previews of what to be printed,

IV. Translation. (4 marks each question, 5 questions, 20 marks altogether) 翻译。(每题4分,共20分)

1. It is now over seven months since we placed the above order with you and we are still waiting for the Linton filing cabinets.
2. I should like to remind you that we have already paid for these cabinets. We really must insist, therefore, that you deliver them immediately or refund our money.
3. We really must apologize for the delay in delivering these cabinets. As I said in my letter of 24 February, this is as a result of problems at our supplier’s factory.
4. 如果我们没有得到足够的赔偿,我就不得不给当地的报纸写信了。
Ⅴ. Writing (20 marks). 写作(20分)
You are the secretary of your company. Your boss wants the sales figures for last month and will present them at a shareholder’s meeting.你是公司的秘书,老板要上个月的销售数据,在股东会上汇报。
Write an e-mail to the sales manager, Ting.请给销售经理写一封邮件,内容如下:
 Telling him to prepare the sales figures
 Explaining why you need them
 Saying when and where he should send them.

A. Listening Test
I. (5 questions, 2 marks each question, 10 marks altogether)(5道题,每题2分,共10分)

1. X 2. X 3. X 4.  5. X

II. (每题2分,共10分)
1. favorite 2. multinational 3. questionnaires, so on
4. Ireland

B. Written Test

I. (2 marks each question, 6 questions, 12 marks altogether).每题2分,共10分。

1. to 2. the 3. for 4. reservation 5.at 6. where

II. Vocabulary (1 mark each question, 8 questions, 8 marks altogether). 选择题,每题1分,共8分

1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B

III. Reading Comprehension
Section A: (2 marks each question, 5 questions, 10 marks altogether每题2分,共10分).
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
Section B: (2 marks each question, 5 questions, 10 marks altogether每题2分,共10分).
1.D 2. F 3.A 4. E 5.C

IV.. Translation Test. (4 marks each question, 5 questions, 20 marks altogether) Please translate sentence 1, 2 and 3 into Chinese and translate sentence 4 and 5 into English. 翻译。每题4分,共20分


2. 我想提醒你方,我们已经付清所订购橱柜的货款。(2分)因此我们必须坚持你方及时发货,不然退还我方货款。(2分)


4. If we do not receive adequate compensation,(2分) I will be forced to write to the local newspaper. (2分)

5. The quality of the food in the hotels was terrible(2分) and everybody in our group was sick most of the time. (2分)

Ⅴ. Writing (20 marks). 写作(20分)You are the secretary of your company. Your boss wants the sales figures for last month and will present them at a shareholder’s meeting.你是公司的秘书,老板要上个月的销售数据,在股东会上汇报.
Write an e-mail to the sales manager, Ting.请给销售经理写一封邮件,内容如下:
 Telling him to prepare the sales figures,
 Explaining why you need them,
 Saying when and where he should send them.

PETS 3是中间级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语已达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业本科毕业水平或符合普通高校非英语专业本科毕业的要求,基本符合企事业单位行政秘书、经理助理、初级科技人员、外企职员的工作,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。该级考生应能在生活和工作的多数情景中进行对话,不仅能够...



一、高级涉外文秘专业特点及培养要求 本专业以英语专业知识为中介工具。本专业学生要求具有英语语言文学基本理论、基础知识、较强的语言表达能力、写作表达能力、协调管理能力,掌握现代化文字信息处理的基本技能,能在行政机关、企事业单位、新闻文艺出版部门从事涉外文秘、宣传、管理等方面语言文字工作。二、...



Hi Dear;To work to as foreign company's deputy's secretary\/assistent must have:Determination, hard work willing, always challenging herself to up-grade her knowledge, never uses no as answer, and the most important at all: to have vision to project her future either as employee ...

秘书资格认证考试时间一般为每年的5月和11月第三个周末,考试前一个半月结束报名。 国家秘书职业资格证书 由国家劳动和社会保障部推出。考试内容分秘书(涉外)、秘书(普通)两个种类,每个种类分国家职业资格五级、四级、三级和二级共四个级别。其中,秘书(涉外)专业外语考核设英语、日语、俄语3个语种,报考人员可根据自己...


其中,秘书(涉外)专业外语考核设英语、日语、俄语3个语种,报考人员可根据自己的专业语种,任选一种语言应试。 秘书考试一年两次,上半年5月份考试,下半年11月份考试,具体考试时间每年略有不同 二 涉外秘书资格证书 好多问题额。一一回答啦。 1,涉外秘书考什么?通过率大概有多少? 涉外秘书考秘书基础知识、X级(你报几...

东莞市15010463991: 涉外秘书资格考试
湛径参芪: 不难考 英语四级水平就足够了 除了这些 稍微掌握一些专业词汇!我刚考过,中级涉外秘书! 希望你用的到! -------------------1、出口方面的词汇---------------------- 出口信贷 export credit 出口津贴 export subsidy 商品倾销 dumping 外汇倾销 ...

东莞市15010463991: 四级英语词汇 -
湛径参芪: 四级单词有3933个,高频单词有2175个,四级听力高频单词有687个.统计数据来自知米背单词app四级词汇表,希望对你有帮助.如果你想背单词,可以和我一样用知米背单词.

东莞市15010463991: 四级涉外秘书证考试难不难?主要考什么内容? -
湛径参芪: 有复习,有学秘书知识的话就不难.考知识、技能和英语.知识是选择题,第一部分考职业道德,第二部分考秘书基本知识,包括秘书的所有需要掌握的知识;技能第一部分是录像题,考录像中秘书做法的错误,第二部分考写作能力,给你一个条件,让你写出通知、便条、意向书等,是写作技能和基础知识的相结合;英语就跟平时的英语考试差不多,只是考的内容与秘书有关,听力、单选、翻译、作文(大概就这些,具体就忘了).国家职业技能鉴定那一套教材基本上都会有,但是没有重点,考点也细,建议找全真题来做,因为考卷上会有重复往年的考题.

东莞市15010463991: 英语四级写作常用单词
湛径参芪: 四级资料总结——写作常用词汇短语 1.校园生活类: 1)大学学习类: application from 申请表 assignment 作业 instructor辅导老师 assessment (对学生的学习情况)评估 course arrangement 课程安排 credit 学分 dean 导师 enrolment\register ...

东莞市15010463991: 英语专业四级词汇表 -
湛径参芪: 词汇要求:(a)能灵活正确运用教学大纲语法结构表一级至四级的全部内容.(b)熟练掌握教学大纲词汇表对一级至四级规定的5000--6000个认识词汇中的2000--2500个词汇及其最基本的搭配.英语专业四级考试(TEM-4,Test for English Majors...

东莞市15010463991: 如何准备涉外秘书证考试 -
湛径参芪: 首先是了解考试的内容,然后进行有目的的复习.考试内容:(一)秘书职业考核的内容以《秘书国家职业标准》和《秘书国家职业资格培训教程》为依据.(二)秘书职业考核的内容包括职业道德、基础业务素质、案例分析、工作实务等四个基本内容.(三)涉外秘书增加外语考核部分,秘书职业资格二级增加业绩评估部分.考试方式:1、考试内容:以《涉外秘书英语培训教程》为依据.2、考试时间:90分钟.3、试卷分值:总分为100分,得60分及以上为及格.

东莞市15010463991: 涉外秘书和四级秘书的区别? -
湛径参芪: 你是大专的同学吧,四级秘书证呢是大专能考的最高级的了.(下面说的初是五级,中是四级,高是三级) 秘书/涉外秘书 报考对象:凡从事或准备从事秘书工作的人员,均可参加全国秘书职业资格相应级别的考试. 报考条件(具备以下条件之一...

东莞市15010463991: 涉外秘书考什么? -
湛径参芪: 我考的是涉外三级,只要好好看就没问题的,英语就只看三级的那部分就行.建议你报涉外的,因为是一样的钱,如果英语不过还是可以发普通的三级证书,没有影响.有一本是基础知识,很厚,这一本看一遍就行了,考的不多.还有一本好像...

东莞市15010463991: 涉外秘书证的英语考试和四级比起来哪个难 -
湛径参芪: 两个我都参加过...涉外秘书的英语不是很难,其实大学四级和涉外的侧重点不一样,没什么可比性啦

东莞市15010463991: 英语四级词汇
湛径参芪: 四级的所有词汇不可能在这里一一列举给你.即使按照大纲写,在考试中还有可能出现超纲的词汇呢. 所以建议你去世面上看看这方面的书籍是很多的.还有一个最简单的办法,也很经济.就是你大学期间学的那4本书后面全部词汇表,都学会了,四级肯定OK!另外,词汇是一方面,多做真题,包你有大收获!祝你好运

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