there ______ any people in the theater.请问这句是选isn't 还是 aren't啊?

作者&投稿:封复 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
可数名词用there aren't any~~~~,不可数名词用there isn;t any~~~~这句话对不对。(前提是否定回答)~

1. There aren't any + 复数可数名词,如:
There aren't any chairs in the classroom. (一般来说,教室会有不止一张椅子,因此用复数)
2. There isn't a +单数可数名词,如:
There isn't an apple in the bag. (这句话是就“书包里会否有一个苹果”进行说明,因此用单数)
3. There isn't any +不可数名词(本身只有单数),如:
There isn't any water in the glass.

1、holding a book(holding 现在分词作后置定语,修饰男孩的状态)
2、The name of school
3、There is/are/... no 或 There isn't any 例子:There is no book on the desk.或There isn't any book on the desk.
4、Is/are... there ...? 例子:Are there any books on the desk?

is there any?表达是不可数名词的单数时使用。is there a?表达的是可数名词的单数。are there any?表达是可数名词复数时的用法。






吉安市18327541392: there is any是什么意思 -
父种枫蓼: there is any是有任何……的意思.例如 If there is any need, we'd like to supply you with a loan at the most favourable rate.如果需要,我们愿意以最优惠的利率向你们提供贷款. If there is any trouble, do let me know.如遇到麻烦,务必告诉我. any ...

吉安市18327541392: there are 中some和any的区别及用法 -
父种枫蓼: there are中some和any的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下: 一、there are中意思不同 1.some意思:一些;若干 2.any意思:任何的 二、there are中用法不同 1.some用法:some用于肯定句,作“一些”“一点”解时,用于肯...

吉安市18327541392: there什么anyhotdogs是填is还是are -
父种枫蓼: There isn't any..后面应该加不可数名词;There aren't any..后面应该加可数名词复数.望君采纳,谢谢!

吉安市18327541392: there be any和there be many 的区别 -
父种枫蓼: 一般情况下,are there any 是问这里是否有什么,在不清楚究竟有没有;而are there many是倒桩语序,一般情况下是不会用的 any 一般用于否定句或者疑问句,there be any一般只会用在从句中,而many 前面如果要加be动词,一般是用are(were),因为many只用于修饰可数名词,不可数名词要用much修饰,这个时候be动词要用is(was)

吉安市18327541392: there什么any bieds in the tree -
父种枫蓼: 因为birds(鸟的复数),所以谓语动词用are.又因为这里修饰的词是any,所以可以知道这是个否定句.所以正确的填入应该是:There aren't any birds in the tree.翻译:树上没有鸟.

吉安市18327541392: there isn't any -
父种枫蓼: There is not any table 用法是有的,其意为“没有任何一个桌子” There're no tables 等同于There aren't any tables,其意为“没有桌子” There is not any table 与There're no tables 意思不同,无法等同补充: There be 句型 There are some n.(...

吉安市18327541392: same和any在there be句型中的用法 -
父种枫蓼: 是some和any吧?some表示一些 any可以修饰不可数名词 也可表达“任意一个”的意思 两个都是一些的意思 some 用肯定句 也用表示婉转意思疑问句 any用于否定句和疑问句

吉安市18327541392: there isn't any rice.there aren't any hamburgers.there isn't any coke. -
父种枫蓼:[答案] there isn't any rice.对 there aren't any hamburgers.对 there isn't any cokes.不对,要用 aren't

吉安市18327541392: there aren't是any还是some biscuits -
父种枫蓼: biscuits['bɪskɪts]n.饼干( biscuit的名词复数 ); 软烤饼; 松饼(食用时常佐以肉汁); 如果是否定句,修饰词为:any. 原句意思是:这里没有饼干.

吉安市18327541392: there isn't any……?? -
父种枫蓼: 对的【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

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