The Responsibility of Youth(演讲题目)

作者&投稿:郑眉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
这道题的解题过程是?_____ the youth ____~


As teenagers, we are going through the most beautiful period of our lifetime. Yet youth is not merely a period of time, but a state of mind. If we compare our childhood to the spring of a year, then youth must be the most energetic season-----summer. For all of us, every minute and second counts in this wonderful season. And while we enjoy ourselves, we should bear in mind the responsibility of youth.

Firstly, we should remember that honesty is always the most important character throughout our lifetime. If we choose to make friends with liars, we will have to live life in the endless darkness of crime and guilt. On the contrary, if we stick to honesty and always keep our promise, we will live a bright life in the warm sunshine of happiness and eudemonia. So be honest to your friends as well as the strangers, and enjoy the fragrance of trust.

Secondly, kindness is also among treasurable characters for all of us. Whether we are living a rich or poor life, we should be grateful for all we possess. Maybe we do not have large houses to live in; neither do we have enough money to buy the delicious food. But thank goodness, we have beloved family. We have lovely pets. And we have truly friendship. Remember that money is something, but not everything. As long as we have a kind heart and a grateful attitude towards life, we will live with no regret, regardless of our wealth or reputation. So be kind-hearted to all the creatures, and you’ll live life to the fullest.

Thirdly, the responsibility of youth is to let our dream fly high. We are learning and growing up not only for the good of ourselves, but also for the development of the whole society. We have inherited wonderful cultures and heritages from our ancestors. And now it is our turn to carry on making progress to match the glorious past. It's a tough job, but it is worthy that we devote ourselves to this great improvement.

Most importantly, the responsibility of youth is to ensure that we have grown powerful enough to be responsible for ourselves and for the world.

There are many responsibility of youth. Youth is responsible to build the nation. Youth is responsible to make the society good and noble . Youth can improve the community and culture of society . If youth understands his responsibility , a large number of crime may reduce with in one day. In India we need responsible youth . We do not need careless youth . We do not need drunken youth . We do not need indifferent youth . We do not need reckless youth . Because these type of youth weaks our country. A responsible youth is better than 100 careless youth . Careless youth do not understand his responsibility . He is not entitled for any credit . Youth's responsibility makes youth perfect if he perform his responsibility . Many people need the help of youth but youth do not care of this and after this so many mishappening is happen on carelessness of youth .

I am here giving the main responsibilities of youth .

1. Value of time →

It is the responsibility of youths to identify the value of time . Because every moment of youth is very costly . Youth should be punctual for doing every work.

2. Stick to high ideals →

Our saints have fixed good ideals for human being. It is the responsibility of youth that he has to stick all high ideals .

3. Discipline →

It is responsibility of youth to maintain discipline because youth have passion . They misuse their passion by creating indiscipline. With indiscipline we can not make our country great . So , youth must understand the importance of discipline.

4. Tolerance →

I often saw that youths are so hurry to get result of his work . It is the responsibility of youth to do every work with tolerance . They should wait and they should present as a example of patience for others . They should learn tolerance from shri Ram Chandra when his father order him to go to forest for 14 years . He accepted this order patiently and wait 14 years for returning back to home . His responsibility is also an example for all youths .

5. Think before action →

Youths have stopped thinking . But he should know that this is main responsibility to think before action . With doing this youths can make thoughtful society . They can create original thinking . Thinking is differ from cramming . Thinking develop the mind of society but cramming ceases to be capable of original thinking.

6. Defend the freedom of country →

We are the citizens of free India . We got this freedom 62 years back . Countless freedom fighters struggled for achieving it . They sacrificed themselves so that we may hold our head high in respectful manner . It is the responsibility of youths of India to defend this freedom at every cost .


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恽静红花: salt of the earth很有用的俚语.盐在古代就被看得很贵重,被认为是尊贵的象征.The salt of the earth出自《新约·马太福音》:耶稣对他的门徒说:“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? ”(你们是世上的盐,盐若失了味,如何才能再咸呢?)这里的意思就是“中坚力量,精英,高尚的人”.

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