
作者&投稿:粱待 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

good afternoon everyone, my name is AAA from class08204672 and numbered 13. the topic I chose titled ‘do you like your specidityand why’.
My najor is chemstryart projection which is a conventional major.chemistry could be found everywhere in our daily life and is connected with our life necessarily.I like my major, because learning chemistry could not only obtain the work aquirriation but also gives explaination to some phenomenon to our life!
today I wanna to say that since you choose the major of chemistry,although you discover you are not so fond of the major before ,but we should never give up and let it go, learning chemisty is our choice, we should insist on it, the work is shaped in pefection within hard work, we can achieve what we want undoubtedly in hard work!



. Child Lock Indicator will turn off and beep twice.
When Child lock Indicator is OFF, you can dispense Hot water.
TO dispense Cold water:
After 40 minutes, press cold water selector button and push the water dispensing lever.
TO dispense Hot water:
After 40 minutes, press hot water selector button and push the water dispensing lever.
6. operation precautions
6. 注意事项
● In the event power supply is interrupted, turn the power switch on
● 如果发生电源中断,(在恢复供电后)重新合上电源开关
● When the unit is not used for extended periods of three (3) days or more, please drain water form the water storage tank.
● 如果机子长期(三天以上)不用,请将水箱里的水排干。
● Drain and clean the water storage tank once in a month to maintain good quality of water
● 为保持水质优良,每月进行一次排储水箱排水、清洁。
Replacement of fuse:
The fuse is located next to the main power switch.
Fuse burn-out is an indication of some fault in the unit.
Open the fuse cover and remove the fuse.
After inserting a new fuse 250v/7Amp, replace the fuse cover.
If the leak indicator light is blinking, turn off main power switch, close water supply valve and call your service provider.
If aleak has been detected, all operations must be stopped prior to powering the system on again.
7. Replacement period of each filters
7. 滤网更换周期
● Replacement period mentioned here is the recommended period only and not a warranty of the unit because the replacement period will vary based on inlet water quality and amount of water used.
● 此处更换周期仅为参考,具体周期依据内部水质及用水量而变化。
● The recommended period is based in typical consumption
● 建议周期以常见用水量为基础。
The filter replacement period is not covered as part of the warranty.
The replacement period is a recommended period only and actual replacement time will depend on the quality of inlet water and amount of water used.
9. Warranty of Unit
9. 产品质保期
● The warranty issued through Enstar Co.,Ltd does not apply to the appearance of the unit.
The warranty applies only if your unit fails to function properly under normal use within the manufacturer′s specifications.
● Enstar有限公司发布的质保期不适用于产品外观,质保期仅适用于在制造商出具的说明范围内正常使用下的产品功能障碍
● Under no circumstances will the following be include as warranty coverage.
● 以下情形者,均不视为质保范围:
—. Any unit not operated in accordance to the instructions contained in the owner′s manual.
—. 任何不按使用说明进行操作的产品
—. Damage due to an act of nature.
—. 自然力造成的损害
—. Any unit which, in our strict judgement, has been repaired, altered, oe modified by facility or personnel not authorized by Enstar Co.,Ltd.
Or our authorized distributor.
—. 经过严格检查,任何被认为未经Enstar公司或授权经销商授权而经过工具或人为修理,更换或改造的产品
● Term of Warranty
● 质保条例
Warranty issued by Enstar Co.,Ltd. to the owner valid for a period of 2 years commencing from the date of purchase.

品牌开启智慧 quality reveals wit
梦想在前进 dreams never stop their steps
在机遇中创造梦想 we create dreams in the chances
有梦想是美好的,只有梦想是可悲的 dreams are wonderful, but only dreams are woeful
执行 效应 价值
Execution action and value

顾影自怜 不如同舟共济
Unity is better than Self-pity
It’s worthless in day dreams
Face to the difficulties, though we lost the wings , we could still soar
Model the way, feel free to all the turbulence of the world
Opportunity falls on those who prepare for it
踏实做事 诚实对人
To be hard to work, to be honest to people
That’s the direction of dreams
We should always have a ordinary heart, unless extremes would be happened
Study is the key of wit, the key could open the door of dreams
In appropriate time , make the correctly choice


没怎么分大小写 呵呵 见笑了哈

Open brand of wisdom
Dream in progress
In the face of opportunities to create a dream
There is a beautiful dream, only dream is sad
Effect of the value of the implementation of

The same boat as顾影自怜
100 years of fantasy, not worth 1 cent
The face of difficulties, even if the wings broken heart to fly
Set an example for all the world the face of changes Tairan
Opportunity to prepare the minds of preference
Down-to-earth honest people to work
The direction of the dream
Balanced treatment of an accident, or extremes meet
The dream of learning to build the key to wisdom
At the right time to do what is appropriate to choose

网页翻译由提供 各国语言互译 向热心网友求助 即划即译已启用

Open brand of wisdom
Dream in progress
In the face of opportunities to create a dream
There is a beautiful dream, only dream is sad
Effect of the value of the implementation of

执行 效应 价值

Brands unlock wisdom
Dream is advancing
Create dreams while in good fortune
Having dreans is happiness, only dream itself is lamentable
Execution result value

顾影自怜 不如同舟共济

Instead of being self-pity one may as well stick together through thick and thin
Building castles in the air is worthless
Face difficulties squarely,even if the wings have been snapped, the mind is still wanting to fly

踏实做事 诚实对人

Set a good example by one's conduct
And face all the changes of the affairs of human life calmly
Opportunities have a soft spot for brains which are prepared and ready
Doing things with your feet on the ground,and treat people with honesty


The direction of dream
Be level-headed in dealing with things
Learning is for the making of the key of wisdom
At the appropriate time, make the appropriate selections


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watch doesn't work,does it?b:yes,you are perfectly right.the watch doesn't work now.the clock in the kitch is three quarters past six.and "Today's News" on CCTV 2 is going to start a quarter later.i'd love to watch it.a:Me,too.纯手工翻译,绝对可信。我是高二学生 ...

Abstract The system-wide classes as students and performance management system. According to the development requirements, which are mainly used in all the achievements of students of all courses in the management and working classes. The development of student selection and performance ...

1. Academic 2. Subject 3. The first year 4. Second Year 5. The Third Year The first semester of the second semester 6 7 8 school Comments 1. Politics 2. Language 3. Chinese 4. Mathematics 5. Foreign (English) language 6. Physics 7. Chemistry 8. History 9. Geography 10....

我在等习惯失望成为自然 用英语怎么说
I'm waiting for habits become nature.I'm waiting for habits become disappointed.哥们,以后遇到翻译的问题,你可以到百度上打汉译英在线翻译,输入上 就可以了!!!

翻译 中译英 我一直在等待
I have been waiting all along Till the point where my tears fell Even if we separate now You are still just as cute.英语是我的第一语~:D


night, one more night, reality hit Cappuccino tiramisu Association, integration with the classic Italian style, the sweet call 起错综复杂的效果,继续等待泡沫破灭,再次重生,苦涩着回味无穷. From the complex effects, continue to wait for the bubble burst, reborn again, a bitter taste ...

鹤山区15235652529: 汉译英翻译一个句子在线等答案
木儿久芝: I was having a will lose gamble, the loss of my life sentiment still

鹤山区15235652529: 汉译英,在线翻译勿扰~绝对追加高分,在线等!急~! -
木儿久芝: 手译,专业词汇请再次核对.

鹤山区15235652529: 英汉互译(在线等待回答)
木儿久芝: 向....看_________ look into 搬动________ carry 塑料袋________ plastic bag 最有趣的_______ the most interesting 想起_________ think of 实现_________ realize 由于_________ because of 保护环境_______protect the environment 骄傲_______be proud of/take pride in 阻止_________ prevent/stop/keep...from...

鹤山区15235652529: 英汉互译(在线等待回答) -
木儿久芝: 土豆potato 学校医务室school clinic 差异difference 邮票stamp 学校图书馆school library 鱼肉fish 姨妈aunt 西方人westerner 愿望wish

鹤山区15235652529: 汉译英 句子 在线等
木儿久芝: 1、In the long term, our main concern should be how to deal with the current financial crisis. 2、The autumn is the ideal season to harveste for the farmers around the world. 3. He has not experienced any hardship except for childhood in his life. 4....

鹤山区15235652529: 〈高分〉汉译英!在线等 -
木儿久芝: 1. We should draw lessons from failure, it is very important 2. She fried two eggs for breakfast 3. My last play at the club when the club lost 4. His fish in the lake for tourists to enjoy 5. When they talk about computers, I will lose interest in

鹤山区15235652529: 中译英 高手解答~! 在线等答案1. 他坚持要求我旅游,坚持认为旅行使人思想开阔.(insist, expand)2. 在行使权利的同时,我们还必须履行义务.(rights, ... -
木儿久芝:[答案] 1. 他坚持要求我旅游,坚持认为旅行使人思想开阔.(insist, expand) He insisted that I go travelling, believing that it could ... 6. 他的回答根本不能令人满意,所以我要求他告诉我真相.(demand) His answer was far from satisfactory, so I demanded ...

鹤山区15235652529: 【高分悬赏在线等】翻译句子【汉译英】
木儿久芝: 1.这个小偷手绑在后面被带了进来.The thief was brought in with hands tied behind the back. 2.我有那么多盘子要洗,不能出去了.With so many plates to wash, I can not go out. 3.所有事情准备好之后我们开始工作.We will get down to work ...

鹤山区15235652529: 翻译几句话:汉译英.在线等答案! -
木儿久芝: Thank you for your letter,I like your being honest to me ,I'll be honest to you too. I think life's short that we should enjoy everyday. I'm a very traditional Chinese woman , I enjoy my family life,love taking care of children .And always put my family at first ...

鹤山区15235652529: 翻译句子、(汉译英)、急求、在线等、
木儿久芝: If today is the end of my life,I will visit to all the person who love me and I love,travel to the place I aspired,buy my favourite things,eat and do my favourite things,then waiting for the close of this day .

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