
作者&投稿:闻宁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Imperial Summer Villa of Chengde


The Imperial Summer Villa, located in the city of Chengde in northeastern Hebei province, is China’s largest imperial garden. Twice the size of Beijing’s Summer Palace, construction spanned nearly ninety years, beginning under Emperor Kangxi in 1703 and lasting through the greater part of Emperor Qianlong’s reign. The Imperial Summer Villa often saw use as a de facto second capital as Kangxi set a precedent followed by Qianlong and a succession of other Qing emperors of spending much of the year at the garden. In 1994, the Imperial Summer Villa became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The Imperial Summer Villa covers some 564 hectares featuring well-manicured gardens and over 110 architectural structures surrounded by a 10-km-long outer wall that rises and falls with the surrounding hills. The Imperial Summer Villa can be divided into two sections: a palace section and a garden section.

Palace Section

The palace section is where Qing emperors would dispose of state affairs and live during their stays at the Imperial Summer Villa.

A plaque inscribed with four characters by Emperor Kangxi hangs above the vermilion front gate. Bi Shu Shan Zhuang it reads, or “Mountain Villa to Flee the Summer Heat”. Walking through the gateway, Danbomingcheng comes into view, or the “Hall of Simplicity and Reverence”. The name comes from an ancient Chinese saying roughly translated as, “Only a simple lifestyle can help one realize his true life-goal.” Also known as Nanmu Hall, because it was built with nanny, a fragrant, fine-grained hardwood unique to China, the hall was used by the emperor to carry out official state business.

Behind Danbomingcheng, stands Yanbozhishuang Hall, or “Cool on a Misty Lake” Hall, which was used as the emperor’s living quarters. Today, most of the hall has become a museum with Qing relics and artwork on exhibit. Visitors are rewarded with a glimpse into the lifestyle of Qing royalty. Other famous halls in the palace section include Wanhesongfeng, which stands by the lakeside, encircled by pine trees, and was used as an imperial study, and Songhezhai, which housed the emperor’s mother as well as his concubines.

Garden Section

The garden section can be further divided into a lake section, plains section, and mountain section.

Lake Section

The lake section is north of the palace section and covers about 80 hectares. Unlike the Summer Palace’s Kunming Lake, which is an open expanse of water, the lakes here are smaller, more-complicated, interconnected affairs, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes and feature islets, causeways, bridges, pavilions, etc. One of the most beautiful sites in the lake section is the “Moon Color and River Sound” Islet. When night falls, the surrounding waters shimmer with moonlight. It is so peaceful and picturesque. The lakeside buildings were designed in the style of southern Chinese architecture, and look transplanted from Jiangsu or Zhejiang.

Flatland Section

The flatlands north of the lake section are covered with both grassland and forest. There are no buildings here with the exception of a few Mongolian yurts. The southwest corner of this section was devoted to horse riding. Emperor Qianlong often entertained Mongolian princes here, with barbeque dinners, wrestling, horse racing, and archery. He also hosted grand banquets here for such distinguished guests as the sixth Panchen Lama and envoys from foreign countries.

Mountain Section

Four-fifths of the Imperial Summer Villa is mountainous, sloping down from the northwest to the southeast. The mountain section is merely the most mountainous area. Sites to visit here include the Qingchui Sunset Glow Pavilion, which offers gorgeous views of Qingchui Peak at sunset, which glows under the golden rays of the setting sun. The most breathtaking pavilion of the entire garden is perhaps the Snow Covered South Mountain Pavilion. Located high on a mountain in the garden, it offers panoramic views that include the entire Imperial Summer Villa, much of the surrounding countryside, and downtown Chengde. ( Text by Han Yueling and Allen Chai)


The Imperial Summer Villa, located in the city of Chengde in northeastern Hebei province, is China’s largest imperial garden. Twice the size of Beijing’s Summer Palace, construction spanned nearly ninety years, beginning under Emperor Kangxi in 1703 and lasting through the greater part of Emperor Qianlong’s reign. The Imperial Summer Villa often saw use as a de facto second capital as Kangxi set a precedent followed by Qianlong and a succession of other Qing emperors of spending much of the year at the garden. In 1994, the Imperial Summer Villa became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Chengde Summer Resort

Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde City, Hebei Province. Chengde Imperial Palace, also known as the Rehe Palace, is within the resort. The palace, covering an area of 5.64 million square meters and including 110 buildings with a combined floor space of 100,000 square meters, was where Qing emperors spent their summer days. Work on the palace began in 1703 and was completed in 1792. With a 10-kilometer-long zigzag palace wall, the resort is the largest intact imperial garden and palace in China. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1994.

The Summer Resort has a simple and elegant layout. It was built by the natural mountains and rivers and copying the landscape from southern Jiangsu Province and outside of the Shanhaiguan. The palaces in this large-scale imperial garden were built in a style of quadruple courtyards, with blue bricks and tiles.

There are two parts to the summer resort-the palace itself and a scenic area. The palace was where the emperor lived, handled state affairs and held celebrations or ceremonies. It is made up of the Front Palace(1), the Pine Crane Temple(2), the Pine-Soughing Valleys(3) and the East Palace(4). The scenic area includes a Lake District, a District of Plains and a Mountainous District. The Lake District reflects the landscape of the fish-and-rice villages in southern Jiangsu Province. The Rehe Springs are located in the northeast corner. The western part of the Plain District illustrates a grassland scene from Inner Mongolia while in the eastern part there are ancient trees like the forests of Greater Xingan Mountain. The densely forested mountainous area is on an undulating landscape.

To the northeast of the Summer Resort is a monumental temple complex composed of eight outer temples which were built from 1713to 1789. The temples are Furen Temple(5), Pule Temple(6), Anyuan Tempel(7), Puning Temple(8), Xumi Fushou Temple(9), Putuo Zongcheng Temple(10) and Shuxiang Temple(11). They were built in Han palace style and drew on the architectural styles of ethnic groups such as Mongolian, Tibetan and Ugyur.

The Pule, Puning and Xumi Fushou temples are the main structures of the complex. The Hall of Brightness in the Pule Temple which has a double-eave and doom roof is similar to the Hall of Prayer for Bountiful Harvests at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. In the Hall of the Bodhisattva of the Puning Temple there is a 22.23-meter-high Bodhisattva which has 1,000 armsand 1,000 eyes. The statue weighs 110 tonsandis

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Chengde mountain resort is located in hebei province double QiaoOu chengde city, is the largest imperial gardens.Was founded in 1703, after the qing emperor kangxi and qianlong emperor yongzheng, 3 face, time-consuming was completed in eighty-nine. Covering an area of 5.64 million ...

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承德避暑山庄游玩攻略 承德避暑山庄游玩攻略及门票
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雷度伤湿: 承德避暑山庄,大佛寺,小布达拉宫,棒槌上,双塔山,还有木兰围场,我是在承德学习了三年,对那里有很深厚的感情呢承德市1998年底被国家旅游局列入首批中国优秀旅游城市,有“紫塞明珠”之称.我国现存最大的皇家园林--——避暑...

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雷度伤湿: 游承德避暑山庄有感 [ 2006-2-23 21:49:56 | By: 古铜色 ] 0 推荐访古探幽老山庄,塞北江南别一样.雕梁画柱依山起,水翠烟寒心波荡.赫赫功名几代王,皆随鹿鸣俱过往.成败枯荣转瞬过,留与后人论短长.

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雷度伤湿: (1)承德避暑山庄 今年我去了龙辉旅行社组织的“小脚走世界系列之我到草原去牧歌”夏令营.七月二十七日范导、姜老师就带着我们去了承德避暑山庄.范导首先介绍说:避暑山庄是清朝历代皇帝夏天避暑修养的地方.这里山青水秀,夏季凉...

丹棱县13555971280: 承德有什么好玩的地方?
雷度伤湿: 市里有避暑山庄和外八庙,罄锤峰,僧冠峰,元宝山,双塔山等,因为承德是山区,所以很多景点跟山有关系,承德下属八县三区除双桥双栾外还有很多不错的地方,围场的坝上草原很不错,当然,来承德,避暑山庄是首选啊.门票120.旅途愉快!

丹棱县13555971280: 承德避暑山庄观后感5000字论文 -
雷度伤湿: 避暑山庄、外八庙集中国传统文化之大成,所形成的“大避暑山庄文化”,超越万里长城之实用功能,彰显了康乾超越历代帝王治世的至高选择:结束了中华民族长达几千年来南、北文化的对峙,同胞间血火弓刀的悲残格杀和文明的毁灭与重建;实现了在封建专政体制下的民族大融合、大团结;大中国的“康乾盛世”由此而驰名世界,夏都—承德可称是中华民族大家庭团结、和睦、进步的高度象征.

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雷度伤湿: 避暑山庄:位于河北省承德市北部,俗称承德离宫,原名热河行宫,始建于清朝康熙四十二年始建,至乾隆五十五年最后完工,历时八十七年,建楼、台、殿、阁、轩、斋、亭、榭、庙、塔、廊、桥一百二十余处,尤以康、乾御题七十二景昭著...

丹棱县13555971280: 跪求游承德避暑山庄感想
雷度伤湿: 游承德避暑山庄感想:1、山庄宏伟大气,在山庄内游览最好坐游览车(好像40元),千万不要自己行走,地方太大很累人.2、找个地方坐下长时间的休息一下,好好感受一下山庄的风,凉爽清新,出了山庄就完全不同,这都是因为山庄处于群山环抱的缘故.3、山庄内的景点很有讲究的,要注意听导游的介绍,感受先皇建山庄和享受的思想.4、出了山庄的游览项目要注意,不要被忽悠了,时刻提高警惕,捂紧钱袋子,对导游、景点讲解员的引导要逐机应变,原则就是不要往外掏大钱就行了.这点请千万记住.

丹棱县13555971280: 求承德避暑山庄旅游攻略 -
雷度伤湿: 你好. 以下是景区门票价格.景 点 名 价格 涵盖范围避暑山庄景区 120元 避暑山庄景区、博物馆门票布达拉宫·行宫景区 80元 布达拉、行宫门票(普陀宗乘之庙、须弥福寿之庙)普宁寺景区 80元 普宁寺、普佑寺门票磬锤峰景区 50元 磬...

丹棱县13555971280: 承德避暑山庄旅游攻略 -
雷度伤湿: 避暑山庄位于河北省承德市,是中国四大名园之一,世界文化遗产,是全国最大的一座皇家园林,在承德汽车东站或承德火车站乘坐公交车29路就能到达.门票145元(含山庄博物馆),学生票半价,这个价格不包含景区内车、船票.如果想去...

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