what is the difference between ALTHOUGH and THOUGH?

作者&投稿:雪奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
What is the difference between here and there?脑筋急转弯~


key: a monkey can have flea, but a flea can't have monkey.

THOUGH [ðəu; ðə]

adv. 可是,然而,不过
conj. 尽管,虽然
prep. 但.

ALTHOUGH [ɔ:l'ðəu]

conj. 尽管,虽然




I'd quite like to go out, (al)though it is a bit late. 我很想外出,虽然为时稍晚。

Although it was snowing, it was not very cold. 虽然下着雪,但并不很冷。

2.用though 时,可将强调的词前置,但although 不能。as也有此种倒装结构。如:

Poor though / as he is , he is happy.虽然他穷,但过得很愉快。

Child though / as she was, the actress was drawing a crowd. 尽管还是个孩子,这个女演员却引起了人们的注目。(child前无冠词a)

3. although 引导从句常指事实,而though 引导的句子可表假设。如:

Let's start as arranged though it rains tomorrow. 即使明天下雨,咱们也按预定的计划出发吧。(假设)

He was not unhappy although he had to live alone. 虽然得一个人生活,他毫无不快之感。(事实)

4.although 只用作连词,而though 除作连词外,还可用作副词,常置句末,句子较长时,也置于句中。如:

It's hard work, I enjoy it though. 这是苦差事,可我干得颇有乐趣。

There's no excuse, though , for hurting her feelings. 伤到她的感情一事,还是不可原谅。

5.though 可用于even though, as though 等结构,although则不能。如:

Even though I fail, I'll keep on trying. 我纵然失败,仍会继续尝试下去。

You look as though (=as if ) you know each other. 看起来你们好像彼此认识。

6. although 和 though 用作连词时不能和but连用,但可跟yet, still 等连用。如:

Although he lives alone, yet he is happy. = He lives alone, but he is happy. 他虽然单独生活,但很愉快。

7.though 常用于省略句。如:Though (he is) alone, he is happy.

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芒康县17051706528: What'is the price of?什么意思 -
衡宇乳癖: 答案:【What'is the price of?】 翻译;价格/价钱是什么?解析;the price of翻译为...的价格.不懂再问,在线为你解答 【帮到你望及时采纳,你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】

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衡宇乳癖: what isthe picture of的中文翻译what is the picture of什么是照片

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衡宇乳癖: what if =what do you do if 如果... , 会怎样? if 是用来假设一个状况: If[状况], then[后果]. 状况子句要用过去式(did), 后果子句用过去未来式(would do). 举例 问: What if you cloned yourself in the laboratory? 答: Then I would play chess ...

芒康县17051706528: What if?怎么用 -
衡宇乳癖: what if等于what would you do if----后加句子,意为 如果----你会怎样--- eg ; what if he doesn't come here ? 如果他不来你怎么样

芒康县17051706528: What'is the price of? -
衡宇乳癖:[答案] 答案:【What'is the price of?】 翻译;价格/价钱是什么? 解析;the price of翻译为.的价格. 不懂再问,在线为你解答 你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】

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衡宇乳癖: 你好 一般表示接下来是什么,直接用: what is next ?表示,接下来是什么?而What is the next ? 一般要加一个名词在后面 比如:What is the next event?下一个项目是什么?希望我的回答对你有帮助,祝好.

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