
作者&投稿:采鱼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

every 近义词 each 都是“每个”的意思
buy 反义词 sell "卖“
选择一:A 我们有很多帽子,你想要哪一个?
选择二:B like+doing 喜欢做某事,表示经常做的,like+to do 也可以,主要区别就是to do多强调偶尔一次的喜欢,句子中为every day,所以B最佳。

她要去火车站,是现在说将来的话,就用 is ,是现在说过去将来的话就用was
后面那句 可以啦,但一般都说 she is going to ,,,

cost花费 指“某物(事)花费某人多少金钱或精力”
例:The coat cost me 200 yuan.
The work cost us too much.
take花费 指“某事花费某人多少时间”
句型:It takes sb some time to do sth
例:It took us two hours to finish the work.
pay 花费,支付
短语 pay for
例:I paid 10 yuan for the pen.
spend 花费(时间)
短语 spend... on..., spend...(in)doing sth
例:I spent 10 yuan on the pen.
I spent two hours finishing the work.


it takes (sb) 多少钱或多少时间 to do sth 消耗(某人)多少钱或时间去做某事。(括号中内容有时有,有时无)

how many 指事物具体的数量
what 指事物的情况 译为 什么
which 指众多的事物之中的哪一个
how much 是询问价格的固定问法
所以 第一题应该选 A

如 cost——sth cost sb sometime(some money)(主语是物)
spend——sb spend sometime(some money) on sth(in doing sth)(主语是人)
take——it take sb sometime to do sth

1,How are you?2,How old are you?3,Who are you?4,What's your favorite subjects?5,Would you care to see it\/ sit down for a while?6,Can you cover for me on Friday\/help me\/ tell me how to get there?7,Could you do me a big favor?8,Am I allowed to stay out ...

1:are they washing clothings?2:when is Alice going to opera?3:they are visiting their friends in shanghai 4:Thank you for your postcard from newyork 1.yes, he is 2. are you walking 3.am shopping 4.have a good time 5.what ,doing 1.jack is waiting for the train 2....

1.I think the generation gap between my parents and I is very deep.We always can't understand each other very well.My parents usually want to give me the advises,and then I shall do the things as what they want to.But I'm not a child any more,I have my own opinions....

3.与外国人谈话时,舌头变笨,如何克服。1.如何 避免“中国式英语”。在参加交谈前需掌握四项技巧.它们是:理解、回答、问、说,因此你要集中提高这些技巧:理解英语口语,问问题,回答问题,最终说英语。2.书中见到能理解,但想表达时思想时又记不住。理解口语或文章要比让别人理解的东西容易。因为...

10个英语问题 回答并解释 谢谢了...
1.C 定语从句,在这个城市里 2.D 主句做的表语,同时代替了前面的名词shool 3.D be forced to do sth 是固定用法,被迫做……4.go through with 完成 come up to 走近,达到 go by 从……旁经过, 时间的流逝 provided 如果,假设 so far as 就……而言,get stuck 本意是被卡住或夹住,...

完形填空从大的方面来说确实主要是从这三个方面来出题的,但是这三类毕竟范围很大,只是简单的按照类型区分的话是很容易,但是考试中其实是各个类型里面又有很多细化,所以把握答题的重点之后,还是需要扎实的基础和理解能力,以下例子给你参考。一 时态 I ___all the cooking for my family, but recent...

1、B 意为“他去年的暑假在意大利度过”。顺便说说那个题目的句子有问题。Italy是一个国家,前面不要加the。还有Italy拼错了,不是Ltaly。2、A “最后的”一天,B的意思是“最近的”。3、C 近期内去访。A指动作上的迅速。B意为“一段很短的时间”,D为“匆匆忙忙地”,均不符。4、B 指拿到...

1.C 他喜欢看电影。be into sth表示喜欢……。2.D.before多表示时间上和次序上在前,above表示“在……上面”,只在表面上没有接触的部分,ahead of可以表示“在……前部,头部”,且包含在该物体中或是该物体的一部分,或表示“超过……,在……前面”;in front of表示方位上的“在……前面...

2.我不在乎他说什么 I don't care what he 【said\/says】?这里要不要加did?原句错了,要改成said(过去时)或者says(现在时,第三人称单数)这里 what he said\/says 是宾语从句,就用陈述句的语序 3.我忘记他说什么了 I forgot what he said?没问题 4.能不能帮我把这个石头移动这里?

1、They are fishermen,and they are...now(fishing).他们是渔夫,现在正在打渔。(这道题应该是考fish这个单词的用法)2、Lilei, there is someone in the office_ would like to speak with you.A.who B.which C.whom D.whose 答案:A。考察定语从句,主句为:Lilei, there is ...

宜章县17220708357: 几个英语小问题 -
劳畅健胃: 你好,mango的复数既可以是mangos也可以是mangoes.1.没有正确答案.heavy 的比较级是heavier ,前面可以加修饰词much ,even,a lot 等,但是不能加more ,也不能加many.2.A 固定句型Thank you for doing sth.希望能帮到你,祝你开心.

宜章县17220708357: 几个英语问题~~~1、它离我家有一公里远. 翻译成英语一共有哪几种表达方式?2、我们看见许多我们以前从没有看到过的图片. 翻译成英语3、博物馆里挤满... -
劳畅健胃:[答案] It is one kilometer from my home.We see(saw) lots of pictures we haven't(hadn't) seen before.后面一句我觉得这里的包括应该用including更好.这样的话句子就是The museun is full of people,including workmen ...

宜章县17220708357: 几个英语小问题(很简单)1填空:Let us go in the evening.I - _____ - _______ - to go to a basketball match in the afternoon.Would you like to go with me?(... -
劳畅健胃:[答案] am going we hope you will be here

宜章县17220708357: 几个英语问题
劳畅健胃: 1 changes her a lot. 2 个人觉得不可以 on one's way (to )本来就是“去(某地)”的意思,不需要再加上go to,是累赘.譬如on one's way home, on one's way to school. 3 ask classmates some questions concerning how to acheive good results ...

宜章县17220708357: 几个英语小问题(很简单)1翻译句子他有一个大家庭He___ - ____a - ___ - _____.我们冰箱里有鸡肉吗?没有.____ - we - ___ - _____ - ______in our - ____... -
劳畅健胃:[答案] he is in a big family Do we have any chicken in our fridge i like eating meat.my father likes drinking tea.

宜章县17220708357: 几个英语小问题 -
劳畅健胃: 选A look是感官动词,后面要加形容词 选B rainy是下雨的形容词,要说今天是下雨天得加冠词, is raining 是说今天正在下雨 选A 主语是人 人感到兴奋用ed的形式,ing 形式是说什么事情令人兴奋的,可以这么记主语是人用ed,,主语是物用ing

宜章县17220708357: 几个英语小问题注意!!我要的是对于这几个问题的回答! 必须是英文!非常简单的回答不给分! 1 - 2句话就可以 1.What should be the major concerns of a ... -
劳畅健胃:[答案] 1,There is no doubt that,when asking about the significant concerts of a company,cooperation becomes the most essential factor in my point of view, 2,It's a complex issue,i am more incline to say ...

宜章县17220708357: 求教几个英语问题,非常急! -
劳畅健胃: 1.不能,因为of后要用动词ing,与前面的动词walk相对应 2.不能,语法上是没错的,但在这个句子里面是错的. 3.能 4.能 5.因为return是归还,reply是回复.

宜章县17220708357: 几个英语问题,英语好的进1、Ann does her homework today.(改为否定句)2、That black box is small.(用big改为选择疑问句)3、We can buy these socks... -
劳畅健胃:[答案] 1、Ann does her homework today.(改为否定句) Ann doesn't do her homework today. 2、That black box is small.(用big改为选择疑问句) Is that black box small or big? 3、We can buy these socks in the shop.(in the shop下画线)(对画线部分提问...

宜章县17220708357: 提几个英语小问题 -
劳畅健胃: 1. cannot 或 can't, can2. will3. cannot 或 can't4. may 或 might 或 will5. may not 或 cannot 或 can't

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