
作者&投稿:牟石 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

主要参考文献 至于原文跟翻译自己想办法吧~!
1.Guo-an Wang:Impact of China’s Revised FDI Laws and WTO Entry on FDI in China: Implications for Chinese Policy Makers., Volume 24, Journal of Commodity Science and Technology,.Volume 24,Journal of Commodity Science and Technology,June 2001.
2.Xiaohua Yang, George M. Puia and Guo-an Wang:International Business and Multinational Corporations in China, Financial Markets AND Foreign Direct Investment in Greater China,Hung-Gay Fung and Kevin H. Zhang, editors. ISBN 0-7656-0804-9.
5. http://www.oecd.org/EN/home,Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作与发展组织网站。
9.Charles W. L. Hill,Global Business Today,1998 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
10.Dennis R. Appleyard, Afred J. Field, Jr.: International Economics, third edition,1998, by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
11.Robert J. Carbaugh,International Economics, Sixth Edition, By South-Western College Publishing, an ITP Company.
12. Dominick Salvatore:,International Economics, Fifth Edition, by Prentice-Hall International, Inc.



Analysis: foreign direct investment in China
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2006-03-14 11:38

With a comprehensive view on the foreign direct investments since 2005, service industry, energy industry and its relevant sectors remain to be the hotspots of investment growth. At the same time, a lot of inland cities begins to become the targeted areas of foreign investment. As the Chinese government enhances its construction of new countryside, it is also possible for the countryside to attract more and more attention.

In recent years, foreign direct investment attracted into China, which hit the historic high of US$60.63 billion in 2004, has been witness a sustained growth; but in 2005, such a growth trend slowed down slightly with a little bit decrease on a year-on-year basis. In 2005, the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises across China amounted to 44,001 with a year-on-year growth of 0.77 percent but the foreign investment actually used amounted to US$60.325 billion with a year-on-year decrease of 0.5 percent.

Since April 2005 (except September 2005), China's amount of foreign funds actually used in a single month has been witnessing a downtrend and the decrease margin for the amount of foreign funds actually used in the three respective months of the second quarter all surpassed 10 percent. Such a huge decrease margin is rarely seen in recent years.

So far as the source of foreign funds invested in China is concerned, the number of newly established enterprises with US investment in China and the amount of such investment decreased by 4.69 percent and 22.32 percent respectively in 2005. The number of newly established enterprises with funds from 10 Asian countries (regions) in China increased by 0.69 percentages, but the amount of such investment actually used decreased by 5.19 percentage. The newly established enterprises with funds from some free ports in China also decreased by 3.21 percent; yet, the number of newly established enterprises with funds from the original 15 EU member countries in China and the amount of such investment did increase by 17.46 percent and 22.52 percent respectively.

The facts that the economies of neighboring countries and developed countries picked up the developing speed and such countries attracted foreign investors with their own advantages have influenced the scale of China's utilization of foreign funds to some extent. In 2005, Russia attracted US$16.7 billion of foreign direct investments, which accounted for 2.2 percent of Russia's GDP. Russia, where the growth rate of market was only second to that in China, ranked the second in the world.

In 2005, the volume of foreign funds attracted to India, which has thus become the country ranking the second in the world, has surpassed that attracted into the United States. Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment announced that Vietnam would attract US$4.5 - 4.6 billion, thus becoming one of the countries with the quickest economic growth rate in Southeast Asia.

The transition period after the entry into WTO has further cut down the doorsill for the Chinese market. The potentials to enjoy the largest growth rate of the service and trade market is a comparative advantage for China to attract foreign investment. It is expected that during a rather long forthcoming period of time, the service industry will remain as a field in the favor of foreign investment in China.

Retailing commerce is a service industry through which foreign investment entered into China rather early; the opening-up of the insurance industry has made it possible for foreign companies to enter into China gradually. At the end of 2004, the Chinese insurance industry had opened up all areas and all businesses except some statutory insurance businesses to foreign investment. The year 2005 is the first year for the Chinese insurance industry to implement the all-rounded opening-up to the outside world, and the market shares seized by foreign-funded insurance companies increased to nearly 7 percent during that year.

As shown by statistics of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), the domestic insurance market opened up step by step in 2005: three foreign insurance companies were permitted to enter into China's market, and 25 foreign-funded insurance agencies set up in China. For the time being, the number of foreign-funded insurance companies has increased from 14 in 2000 to 40 in 2005. Altogether 27 out of the 46 insurance companies listed into the Fortune Top 500 of the World have set up their agencies in China.

Ever since December 6, 2005, China has further scaled up the opening-up of its banking industry. Foreign-funded financial institutions' management of Renminbi businesses has been extended to Shantou and Ningbo while five other cities of Harbin, Changchun, Lanzhou, Yinchuan and Nanning were opened up in advance. The latest statistics indicate that the businesses of foreign-funded banks in China develop very rapidly in recent years, and the respective annual growth rates of assets, deposits, and loans are all above 30 percent.

In September 2005, the Beijing Office of the US Peabody Energy Corporation, which is the largest private coal company in the world, officially set up. For the moment, Peabody Energy has contacted with Huaneng Power International, Inc., Shenhua Group and some large Iron & Steel enterprises; in future, it will also provide raw materials to and conduct technological exchange with Chinese power and Iron & Steel enterprises. Before that, the US Asian American Coal Inc. (AACI) had established the Shanxi Asian American Daning Energy Co., Ltd. and seized the holding right of 56 percent. Moreover, the US Morgan Bank purchased the 170 million H-stocks of the Yanzhou Mine, and companies from countries like Australia, South Korea, and Japan also went to China's major coal-producing provinces and autonomous regions like Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia to seek to get shares in local coal mines opened up.

The situation of tense power supply goes on as before. Multinationals think highly of the huge market of power-generating equipment in China, thus having expedited their investment in China. In October 2005, a joint venture invested by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) from Japan in Guangzhou was completed and began to produce heat components, the core components of turbines; and it is expected that its sales would amount to 8 billion yen by 2010. Early as in April 2002, MHI signed a "Joint Venture Agreement" with Dong Fang Steam Turbine Works on the joint investment to set up the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Dongfang Gas Turbine (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., a Chinese-foreign joint venture manufacturing heat components on gas turbines and providing after-sale services and maintenance of gas turbines. The total investment in the joint venture is approximately 4.5 billion yen with MHI offering 51 percent of the overall investment and Dongfang Steam Turbine offering the other 49 percent, and the term for the joint venture is 20 years.

In 2004, the French Alsthom Ltd. signed a framework agreement to set up a joint venture with the Beijing Jingcheng Mechanical & Electrical Holding Co. Ltd (JCH) and its subordinate enterprise Beijing Heavy Electrical Machinery Factory so as to set up a long-term partnership between two parties on the manufacture of 60,000kw steam turbine sets.

Since the Tenth Five-year Period, China has expedited its steps in international exchanges and cooperation in agriculture and made prominent achievements. From 2001 to 2003, agricultural projects making use of foreign direct investment amounted to nearly 3,000 with a total agreement sum of US$5.7 billion. The annual amount is about US$1.9 billion on average, nearly twice the average annual agreements sum of foreign investment made use of during the 20 years before.

The salary costs in China's inland cities is 20~50 percent lower than in coastal cities, and the rising rate of salaries is slower than that in large cities and coastal cities as well; however, the investment environment in such cities has got consummated gradually in recent years. As a result, some foreign investors have stopped their investment in metropolises like Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou; instead, they begin to cast their eyes on Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Ningbo, Dalian, Shenyang etc., and slightly less eye-catching cities of the second echelon formation.

Mr. Wei Xinghua, the AmCham-China Chairman, expressed that in 2006, the investments from the United States in China will not only increase in a sustained way but nearly a half of US companies will also seek to invest in cities on the second and third-tier bench like Xi'an, Chengdu, and Dalian, etc. in the western and northeastern parts of China. According to him, quite many industries are all shifting from place to place at present; for example, the electronic assembly industry that was originally in Guangdong can go to Hohehot Municipality to conduct production. Moreover, there were originally some industries with traditional advantages like agriculture, large machinery, energy resources, chemical industry, etc. in the middle and western parts of China. Inland cities begin to demonstrate their charms, which will create conditions for foreign enterprises to invest there.


上次更新时间(北京时间) :2006 - 03 - 14日11时38分


近年来,外国直接投资吸引到中国,创下了历史最高水平的美国六百零六点三零零亿美元在2004年,已经看到了持续增长,但在2005年,这种增长趋势放缓略有一点点减少的一年上年度的基础上。 2005年,一些新设立的外商投资企业为全国各地的44001比去年同期增长百分之0.77 ,但实际利用外资总额为美国六百零三点二五零亿美元与去年同期减少了0.5个百分点。

2005年4月以来(除2005年9月) ,我国的数额为实际利用外资单月已经出现了下跌和利润减少的数额实际利用外资在三个各自个月的第二季度都超过百分之十。如此巨大的下降幅度是罕见的在最近几年。
迄今为止的源泉外资在华投资而言,一些新成立的企业,美国在华投资的金额减少了这些投资4.69百分之百分之22.32 ,分别于2005年。在一些新成立的企业,资金来自亚洲10个国家(地区)在中国增加了0.69的百分比,但这种投资金额实际使用比例下降了5.19 。新成立的企业在资金,一些免费的港口中也减少了百分之3.21 ;然而,一些新成立的企业,资金从原来的15个欧盟成员国中和这种投资的数额也增加了百分之17.46和22.52百分之分别。
的事实,经济的周边国家和发达国家拿起发展的速度和这些国家吸引外国投资者与自身优势产生了影响的规模,我国利用外资的资金在一定程度上。 2005年,俄罗斯吸引美国一百六十七点〇 〇亿美元外国直接投资,占百分之二点二,俄罗斯的国内生产总值。俄罗斯,那里的市场增长率只有第二,在中国,排名世界第二位。

零售商业是通过这些服务行业的外国投资进入中国,而早期;开放保险业,使外国公司进入中国逐渐。截至2004年底,我国保险业开辟了所有领域和所有企业的法定保险以外的一些企业的外国投资。 2005年是第一年的中国保险业实施全方位开放,向外部世界,并检获的市场份额由外资保险公司增至近百分之七在这一年里。
统计数据显示的中国保险监督管理委员会( CIRC ) ,国内保险市场的开放,一步一步在2005年: 3家外国保险公司获准进入我国市场,和25家外资保险机构在华设立。就目前而言,在一些外资保险公司数量已从14个在2000年至40年。共有27个的46家保险公司的上市公司到财富500强的世界已建立了自己的机构中。

2005年9月,北京办事处的美国皮博迪能源公司,这是最大的私营煤炭公司在世界上,正式成立。目前,皮博迪能源已接触与华能国际电力国际公司,神华集团以及一些大型钢铁企业,在未来,它还将提供原料和开展技术交流与中国电力和钢铁企业。在此之前,美国亚美煤炭公司( AACI )成立了山西亚美大宁能源有限公司,并检获控股权的百分之五十六。此外,美国摩根银行购买了一万七点〇万氢储存的兖矿,公司从国家,如澳大利亚,韩国,日本也到中国的主要产煤省,自治区像山西,陕西,内蒙古寻求获得的股票在地方煤矿开放。

紧张的状况供电接着以前一样。跨国公司认为非常的庞大市场的发电设备中,从而加速其在华投资。 2005年10月,共同投资组建的合资企业三菱重工业株式会社(三菱重工)由日本在广州已经完成,并开始产生热量的元件,其核心组成部分涡轮; ,预计其销售额将达到八十零点零零亿日元到2010年。早在2002年4月,三菱重工签署了“合资协议”的董伐嗯汽轮机厂联合投资成立的三菱重工东方燃气轮机(广州)有限公司,一个中外合资制造业热部件气轮机,并提供售后服务和维修的燃气涡轮机。该项目总投资在合资公司约450亿日元,三菱重工产品的百分之五十一的整体投资和东方汽轮机提供其他百分之四十九,并任该合资企业为20年。
2005年9月,北京办事处的美国皮博迪能源公司,这是最大的私营煤炭公司在世界上,正式成立。目前,皮博迪能源已接触与华能国际电力国际公司,神华集团以及一些大型钢铁企业,在未来,它还将提供原料和开展技术交流与中国电力和钢铁企业。在此之前,美国亚美煤炭公司( AACI )成立了山西亚美大宁能源有限公司,并检获控股权的百分之五十六。此外,美国摩根银行购买了一万七点〇万氢储存的兖矿,公司从国家,如澳大利亚,韩国,日本也到中国的主要产煤省,自治区像山西,陕西,内蒙古寻求获得的股票在地方煤矿开放。

紧张的状况供电接着以前一样。跨国公司认为非常的庞大市场的发电设备中,从而加速其在华投资。 2005年10月,共同投资组建的合资企业三菱重工业株式会社(三菱重工)由日本在广州已经完成,并开始产生热量的元件,其核心组成部分涡轮; ,预计其销售额将达到八十零点零零亿日元到2010年。早在2002年4月,三菱重工签署了“合资协议”的董伐嗯汽轮机厂联合投资成立的三菱重工东方燃气轮机(广州)有限公司,一个中外合资制造业热部件气轮机,并提供售后服务和维修的燃气涡轮机。该项目总投资在合资公司约450亿日元,三菱重工产品的百分之五十一的整体投资和东方汽轮机提供其他百分之四十九,并任该合资企业为20年。

2005年9月,北京办事处的美国皮博迪能源公司,这是最大的工资费用在我国内陆城市的20 〜 50百分之低于沿海城市,以及工资上涨率是低于大城市和以及沿海城市,但是,投资环境等城市逐步得到了完善,近年来。因此,一些外国投资者已停止他们的投资在大城市如上海,北京和广州;相反,他们开始投他们的眼睛对南京,武汉,重庆,宁波,大连,沉阳等,略低于引人注目城市的第二梯队。


Analysis: foreign direct investment in China
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2006-03-14 11:38

With a comprehensive view on the foreign direct investments since 2005, service industry, energy industry and its relevant sectors remain to be the hotspots of investment growth. At the same time, a lot of inland cities begins to become the targeted areas of foreign investment. As the Chinese government enhances its construction of new countryside, it is also possible for the countryside to attract more and more attention.

In recent years, foreign direct investment attracted into China, which hit the historic high of US$60.63 billion in 2004, has been witness a sustained growth; but in 2005, such a growth trend slowed down slightly with a little bit decrease on a year-on-year basis. In 2005, the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises across China amounted to 44,001 with a year-on-year growth of 0.77 percent but the foreign investment actually used amounted to US$60.325 billion with a year-on-year decrease of 0.5 percent.

Since April 2005 (except September 2005), China's amount of foreign funds actually used in a single month has been witnessing a downtrend and the decrease margin for the amount of foreign funds actually used in the three respective months of the second quarter all surpassed 10 percent. Such a huge decrease margin is rarely seen in recent years.

So far as the source of foreign funds invested in China is concerned, the number of newly established enterprises with US investment in China and the amount of such investment decreased by 4.69 percent and 22.32 percent respectively in 2005. The number of newly established enterprises with funds from 10 Asian countries (regions) in China increased by 0.69 percentages, but the amount of such investment actually used decreased by 5.19 percentage. The newly established enterprises with funds from some free ports in China also decreased by 3.21 percent; yet, the number of newly established enterprises with funds from the original 15 EU member countries in China and the amount of such investment did increase by 17.46 percent and 22.52 percent respectively.

The facts that the economies of neighboring countries and developed countries picked up the developing speed and such countries attracted foreign investors with their own advantages have influenced the scale of China's utilization of foreign funds to some extent. In 2005, Russia attracted US$16.7 billion of foreign direct investments, which accounted for 2.2 percent of Russia's GDP. Russia, where the growth rate of market was only second to that in China, ranked the second in the world.

In 2005, the volume of foreign funds attracted to India, which has thus become the country ranking the second in the world, has surpassed that attracted into the United States. Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment announced that Vietnam would attract US$4.5 - 4.6 billion, thus becoming one of the countries with the quickest economic growth rate in Southeast Asia.

The transition period after the entry into WTO has further cut down the doorsill for the Chinese market. The potentials to enjoy the largest growth rate of the service and trade market is a comparative advantage for China to attract foreign investment. It is expected that during a rather long forthcoming period of time, the service industry will remain as a field in the favor of foreign investment in China.

Retailing commerce is a service industry through which foreign investment entered into China rather early; the opening-up of the insurance industry has made it possible for foreign companies to enter into China gradually. At the end of 2004, the Chinese insurance industry had opened up all areas and all businesses except some statutory insurance businesses to foreign investment. The year 2005 is the first year for the Chinese insurance industry to implement the all-rounded opening-up to the outside world, and the market shares seized by foreign-funded insurance companies increased to nearly 7 percent during that year.

As shown by statistics of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), the domestic insurance market opened up step by step in 2005: three foreign insurance companies were permitted to enter into China's market, and 25 foreign-funded insurance agencies set up in China. For the time being, the number of foreign-funded insurance companies has increased from 14 in 2000 to 40 in 2005. Altogether 27 out of the 46 insurance companies listed into the Fortune Top 500 of the World have set up their agencies in China.

Ever since December 6, 2005, China has further scaled up the opening-up of its banking industry. Foreign-funded financial institutions' management of Renminbi businesses has been extended to Shantou and Ningbo while five other cities of Harbin, Changchun, Lanzhou, Yinchuan and Nanning were opened up in advance. The latest statistics indicate that the businesses of foreign-funded banks in China develop very rapidly in recent years, and the respective annual growth rates of assets, deposits, and loans are all above 30 percent.

In September 2005, the Beijing Office of the US Peabody Energy Corporation, which is the largest private coal company in the world, officially set up. For the moment, Peabody Energy has contacted with Huaneng Power International, Inc., Shenhua Group and some large Iron & Steel enterprises; in future, it will also provide raw materials to and conduct technological exchange with Chinese power and Iron & Steel enterprises. Before that, the US Asian American Coal Inc. (AACI) had established the Shanxi Asian American Daning Energy Co., Ltd. and seized the holding right of 56 percent. Moreover, the US Morgan Bank purchased the 170 million H-stocks of the Yanzhou Mine, and companies from countries like Australia, South Korea, and Japan also went to China's major coal-producing provinces and autonomous regions like Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia to seek to get shares in local coal mines opened up.

The situation of tense power supply goes on as before. Multinationals think highly of the huge market of power-generating equipment in China, thus having expedited their investment in China. In October 2005, a joint venture invested by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) from Japan in Guangzhou was completed and began to produce heat components, the core components of turbines; and it is expected that its sales would amount to 8 billion yen by 2010. Early as in April 2002, MHI signed a "Joint Venture Agreement" with Dong Fang Steam Turbine Works on the joint investment to set up the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Dongfang Gas Turbine (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., a Chinese-foreign joint venture manufacturing heat components on gas turbines and providing after-sale services and maintenance of gas turbines. The total investment in the joint venture is approximately 4.5 billion yen with MHI offering 51 percent of the overall investment and Dongfang Steam Turbine offering the other 49 percent, and the term for the joint venture is 20 years.

In 2004, the French Alsthom Ltd. signed a framework agreement to set up a joint venture with the Beijing Jingcheng Mechanical & Electrical Holding Co. Ltd (JCH) and its subordinate enterprise Beijing Heavy Electrical Machinery Factory so as to set up a long-term partnership between two parties on the manufacture of 60,000kw steam turbine sets.

Since the Tenth Five-year Period, China has expedited its steps in international exchanges and cooperation in agriculture and made prominent achievements. From 2001 to 2003, agricultural projects making use of foreign direct investment amounted to nearly 3,000 with a total agreement sum of US$5.7 billion. The annual amount is about US$1.9 billion on average, nearly twice the average annual agreements sum of foreign investment made use of during the 20 years before.

The salary costs in China's inland cities is 20~50 percent lower than in coastal cities, and the rising rate of salaries is slower than that in large cities and coastal cities as well; however, the investment environment in such cities has got consummated gradually in recent years. As a result, some foreign investors have stopped their investment in metropolises like Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou; instead, they begin to cast their eyes on Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Ningbo, Dalian, Shenyang etc., and slightly less eye-catching cities of the second echelon formation.

Mr. Wei Xinghua, the AmCham-China Chairman, expressed that in 2006, the investments from the United States in China will not only increase in a sustained way but nearly a half of US companies will also seek to invest in cities on the second and third-tier bench like Xi'an, Chengdu, and Dalian, etc. in the western and northeastern parts of China. According to him, quite many industries are all shifting from place to place at present; for example, the electronic assembly industry that was originally in Guangdong can go to Hohehot Municipality to conduct production. Moreover, there were originally some industries with traditional advantages like agriculture, large machinery, energy resources, chemical industry, etc. in the middle and western parts of China. Inland cities begin to demonstrate their charms, which will create conditions for foreign enterprises to invest there.

最近更新(北京时间):2006 - 03 - 14十一38






在2005年,吸引外资的印度,从而成为全国排名第二,已超过吸引到美国。越南外交部宣称,越南的投资计划,将吸引我们4.5 - 46亿美元,从而成为一个国家的经济增长速度最快的东南亚地区。









工资成本在中国内陆城市是20 ~ 50%低于沿海城市,不断上升的速度慢的薪水是比大城市、沿海城市的投资环境;但是,在这样的城市拥有近年逐渐完善。因此,一些外国投资者已经停止了他们的投资在大都市如上海、北京、广州;相反,他们开始把自己的眼睛在南京、武汉、重庆、宁波、大连、沈阳等城市,较少的引人注目的第二梯队的形成。

魏兴华,AmCham-China they主席表示,2006年,来自美国的投资在中国不仅会增加一个可持续发展之路,但近半数的美国公司也会寻求投资于城市在第一和第二辆三流板凳像西安、成都、大连等西方和中国东北地区。据他说,很多行业都转变目前从一个地方到另一个地方,例如,电子装配工业原本在广东可以去市政府进行生产呼和浩特。另外,还有一些行业的优势,与传统本来像农业、大型机械、能源、化工等行业在中国中部和西部地区。内陆城市开始展现他们的魅力,这将创造条件,外国企业投资。



Analysis: foreign direct investment in China
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2006-03-14 11:38

With a comprehensive view on the foreign direct investments since 2005, service industry, energy industry and its relevant sectors remain to be the hotspots of investment growth. At the same time, a lot of inland cities begins to become the targeted areas of foreign investment. As the Chinese government enhances its construction of new countryside, it is also possible for the countryside to attract more and more attention.

In recent years, foreign direct investment attracted into China, which hit the historic high of US$60.63 billion in 2004, has been witness a sustained growth; but in 2005, such a growth trend slowed down slightly with a little bit decrease on a year-on-year basis. In 2005, the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises across China amounted to 44,001 with a year-on-year growth of 0.77 percent but the foreign investment actually used amounted to US$60.325 billion with a year-on-year decrease of 0.5 percent.

Since April 2005 (except September 2005), China's amount of foreign funds actually used in a single month has been witnessing a downtrend and the decrease margin for the amount of foreign funds actually used in the three respective months of the second quarter all surpassed 10 percent. Such a huge decrease margin is rarely seen in recent years.

So far as the source of foreign funds invested in China is concerned, the number of newly established enterprises with US investment in China and the amount of such investment decreased by 4.69 percent and 22.32 percent respectively in 2005. The number of newly established enterprises with funds from 10 Asian countries (regions) in China increased by 0.69 percentages, but the amount of such investment actually used decreased by 5.19 percentage. The newly established enterprises with funds from some free ports in China also decreased by 3.21 percent; yet, the number of newly established enterprises with funds from the original 15 EU member countries in China and the amount of such investment did increase by 17.46 percent and 22.52 percent respectively.

The facts that the economies of neighboring countries and developed countries picked up the developing speed and such countries attracted foreign investors with their own advantages have influenced the scale of China's utilization of foreign funds to some extent. In 2005, Russia attracted US$16.7 billion of foreign direct investments, which accounted for 2.2 percent of Russia's GDP. Russia, where the growth rate of market was only second to that in China, ranked the second in the world.

In 2005, the volume of foreign funds attracted to India, which has thus become the country ranking the second in the world, has surpassed that attracted into the United States. Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment announced that Vietnam would attract US$4.5 - 4.6 billion, thus becoming one of the countries with the quickest economic growth rate in Southeast Asia.

The transition period after the entry into WTO has further cut down the doorsill for the Chinese market. The potentials to enjoy the largest growth rate of the service and trade market is a comparative advantage for China to attract foreign investment. It is expected that during a rather long forthcoming period of time, the service industry will remain as a field in the favor of foreign investment in China.

Retailing commerce is a service industry through which foreign investment entered into China rather early; the opening-up of the insurance industry has made it possible for foreign companies to enter into China gradually. At the end of 2004, the Chinese insurance industry had opened up all areas and all businesses except some statutory insurance businesses to foreign investment. The year 2005 is the first year for the Chinese insurance industry to implement the all-rounded opening-up to the outside world, and the market shares seized by foreign-funded insurance companies increased to nearly 7 percent during that year.

As shown by statistics of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), the domestic insurance market opened up step by step in 2005: three foreign insurance companies were permitted to enter into China's market, and 25 foreign-funded insurance agencies set up in China. For the time being, the number of foreign-funded insurance companies has increased from 14 in 2000 to 40 in 2005. Altogether 27 out of the 46 insurance companies listed into the Fortune Top 500 of the World have set up their agencies in China.

Ever since December 6, 2005, China has further scaled up the opening-up of its banking industry. Foreign-funded financial institutions' management of Renminbi businesses has been extended to Shantou and Ningbo while five other cities of Harbin, Changchun, Lanzhou, Yinchuan and Nanning were opened up in advance. The latest statistics indicate that the businesses of foreign-funded banks in China develop very rapidly in recent years, and the respective annual growth rates of assets, deposits, and loans are all above 30 percent.

In September 2005, the Beijing Office of the US Peabody Energy Corporation, which is the largest private coal company in the world, officially set up. For the moment, Peabody Energy has contacted with Huaneng Power International, Inc., Shenhua Group and some large Iron & Steel enterprises; in future, it will also provide raw materials to and conduct technological exchange with Chinese power and Iron & Steel enterprises. Before that, the US Asian American Coal Inc. (AACI) had established the Shanxi Asian American Daning Energy Co., Ltd. and seized the holding right of 56 percent. Moreover, the US Morgan Bank purchased the 170 million H-stocks of the Yanzhou Mine, and companies from countries like Australia, South Korea, and Japan also went to China's major coal-producing provinces and autonomous regions like Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia to seek to get shares in local coal mines opened up.

The situation of tense power supply goes on as before. Multinationals think highly of the huge market of power-generating equipment in China, thus having expedited their investment in China. In October 2005, a joint venture invested by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) from Japan in Guangzhou was completed and began to produce heat components, the core components of turbines; and it is expected that its sales would amount to 8 billion yen by 2010. Early as in April 2002, MHI signed a "Joint Venture Agreement" with Dong Fang Steam Turbine Works on the joint investment to set up the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Dongfang Gas Turbine (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., a Chinese-foreign joint venture manufacturing heat components on gas turbines and providing after-sale services and maintenance of gas turbines. The total investment in the joint venture is approximately 4.5 billion yen with MHI offering 51 percent of the overall investment and Dongfang Steam Turbine offering the other 49 percent, and the term for the joint venture is 20 years.

In 2004, the French Alsthom Ltd. signed a framework agreement to set up a joint venture with the Beijing Jingcheng Mechanical & Electrical Holding Co. Ltd (JCH) and its subordinate enterprise Beijing Heavy Electrical Machinery Factory so as to set up a long-term partnership between two parties on the manufacture of 60,000kw steam turbine sets.

Since the Tenth Five-year Period, China has expedited its steps in international exchanges and cooperation in agriculture and made prominent achievements. From 2001 to 2003, agricultural projects making use of foreign direct investment amounted to nearly 3,000 with a total agreement sum of US$5.7 billion. The annual amount is about US$1.9 billion on average, nearly twice the average annual agreements sum of foreign investment made use of during the 20 years before.

The salary costs in China's inland cities is 20~50 percent lower than in coastal cities, and the rising rate of salaries is slower than that in large cities and coastal cities as well; however, the investment environment in such cities has got consummated gradually in recent years. As a result, some foreign investors have stopped their investment in metropolises like Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou; instead, they begin to cast their eyes on Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Ningbo, Dalian, Shenyang etc., and slightly less eye-catching cities of the second echelon formation.

Mr. Wei Xinghua, the AmCham-China Chairman, expressed that in 2006, the investments from the United States in China will not only increase in a sustained way but nearly a half of US companies will also seek to invest in cities on the second and third-tier bench like Xi'an, Chengdu, and Dalian, etc. in the western and northeastern parts of China. According to him, quite many industries are all shifting from place to place at present; for example, the electronic assembly industry that was originally in Guangdong can go to Hohehot Municipality to conduct production. Moreover, there were originally some industries with traditional advantages like agriculture, large machinery, energy resources, chemical industry, etc. in the middle and western parts of China. Inland cities begin to demonstrate their charms, which will create conditions for foreign enterprises to invest there.

1.Guo-an Wang:Impact of China’s Revised FDI Laws and WTO Entry on FDI in China: Implications for Chinese Policy Makers., Volume 24, Journal of Commodity Science and Technology,.Volume 24,Journal of Commodity Science and Technology,June 2001.
2.Xiaohua Yang, George M. Puia and Guo-an Wang:International Business and Multinational Corporations in China, Financial Markets
AND Foreign Direct Investment in Greater China,Hung-Gay Fung and Kevin H. Zhang, editors. ISBN 0-7656-0804-9.
5. http://www.oecd.org/EN/home,Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作与发展组织网站。
9.Charles W. L. Hill,Global Business Today,1998 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
10.Dennis R. Appleyard, Afred J. Field, Jr.: International Economics, third edition,1998, by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
11.Robert J. Carbaugh,International Economics, Sixth Edition, By South-Western College Publishing, an ITP Company.
12. Dominick Salvatore:,International Economics, Fifth Edition, by Prentice-Hall International, Inc.

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