那位能找到关于 “现代教育技术与物理教学改革” 的英文文献,小女子在此拜求了,谢谢各位

作者&投稿:芒承 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Fundamental studies on helical-type seawater MHD generation system
A new MHD generator based on electromotive force using seawater, the helical-type seawater MHD generator, is designed, constructed and tested. The constructed generator contains a helical insulation wall made of polyvinyl chloride 140 mm long and 100 mm in diameter, anode rod made of SUS316 1350 mm long and 10 mm in diameter, cathode pipe made of SUS316 260 mm long and 100 mm in diameter, and a 7 T solenoid-type superconducting magnet 300 mm long and 150 mm cold bore. In the experiment, electromotive force and generator output are measured in terms of average velocity (0-5.6 m/s) and magnetic field (0-7 T) using artificial seawater (3.4 % NaCl aqueous solution). As results of the experiment, it is found that the electromotive force increases proportionally to average velocity and magnetic field, and that the generator output increases quadratically to average velocity and magnetic field over certain points. These results are discussed in comparison with the results of the theory.


On a selected

Abstract from the audio-visual education to the modern educational technology, in a sense is a qualitative change, the professional quality of the curriculum system of transfer should also be
The whole, it is also an important practical significance. In this paper, further clarified the meaning of modern educational technology, based on trying to
From the perspective of the modular system of curriculum analysis, in order to explore with their peers.

【Key Words】 modern modular system of educational technology courses
Modern educational technology in universities is a new profession, it is with the rapid development of information technology in the field of education, as well as the popularity of applications developed. Modern Educational Technology of the word before it is called audio-visual education, modern educational technology professional's predecessor
Is a professional audio-visual education or professional education in information technology. Looks just the name change, this is not the case, after the name change
Face is the concept of profound changes in education, teaching mode and means of innovation and professional courses of the reconstruction system, and even the State of modern
Educational Technology of the commanding heights to education and education reform a breakthrough in this highly. Modern educational technology can be seen in the modern education
Status. However, careful analysis of what we will find that most people care about and discussed the application of educational technology
Is an educator of teachers in particular, is the first line should have technical skills and methods of education, very few specialize in deals with the future of modern
The work of modern educational technology educational technology students how to train, of course, this is a big topic, this article from the post-secondary
Industry point of view to talk about the views of the curriculum system. But to grasp the course system, must be the name of the professional have a correct understanding of the concept; with
When the training of the professionals to have an accurate target positioning. Only in this way can the perspective of a higher grasp of modern education
Technology curriculum system.

First, a correct understanding "of the modern educational technology," the concept of
Educational technology abroad for nearly a century of history, name after modifications. China is in the 20th century to 20th century the name of audio-visual education from abroad, has also gone through several development. The beginning of the media only focus on education as a teaching aid in the application, as slides, films and other audio-visual information media equipment through the power manifested, so that it
For audio-visual education. However, with the subjects, the construction of professional audio-visual needs and the cause of the rapid development of educational technology has become the name
To the more professional teachers for the majority of audio-visual style and accepted by the author.
Educational technology, modern educational technology and educational technology are three different concepts, not confusion. Is generally believed that education and technology are human activities in education taken by all technical means and methods combined. Its contents, including physico-chemical technology and the media, non-materialized
Two aspects of intelligence technology. Media technology is the basis of educational technology, smart technology is the soul of educational technology. In fact, teaching
Fertility technology is at a narrow and a broader sense. Italy in accordance with the habits and character, many people only understood the educational technology field of educational technology practice
The work of educational technology, that is, physico-chemical technology of media work, which is the narrow sense of educational technology. AECT94 in accordance with the definition, education
Technology is to promote the study of related processes and resources to carry out the design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of theory and practice
(As in the figure below).

This is in fact a broad concept of educational technology or real meaning, in order to avoid confusion, should be referred to as Educational Technology. Modern Education Technology
Prominent technique of modern technology, this is the general sense, the narrow conception. Generalized to that of modern educational technology, it is in the current
On behalf of media education theory and modern technical guidance and participation of educational technology, with the characteristics of the times. Teachers currently teaching universities
Education technology professional, precise, should be a professional modern educational technology. Only an accurate grasp of the concept of the professional name in order to
The correct formulation of training objectives.
Comprehensive international and combine the results of our reality, our modern educational technology is defined as: the use of modern educational technology is the theory of modern education and modern educational technology, teaching and learning through the process of teaching and learning resources and the design, development, use of , management and
Evaluation, in order to achieve the teaching of the theory and practice of optimization.
Second, modern educational technology professional training objectives
Due to historical reasons, teacher training institutions in the ownership of modern educational technology departments do not vary. Some of the professional schools located in the Department of Education, some located in the Computer Science Department, and some in the physics department, some located in the Audio-Visual Education Department (or Information Technologies in Education
Line), and some schools in the original audio-visual center and the computer center of the combined Department of the establishment of modern educational technology and the creation of modern educational technology
Professional, such a variety. That being the case, schools for modern educational technology training objectives will have a certain understanding of the differences in side
A different focus. This has resulted in some partial Party hardware operations (audio-visual skills); some partial software (software design); have
Partial theory (the theory of educational technology). Of course, many types of talents from the training point of view, each Party according to its own culture
Target different types of personnel training beyond reproach. However, as an independent discipline, it should be normative in this and unity
And under in this focus and direction of each. Otherwise, there are "trying to sell some" suspicion.
Education and technical training of personnel at three levels: college, undergraduate and graduate. Graduate students should to varying degrees in both educational theory to understand the theory but also in teaching and learning theories to teaching and learning under the guidance of the design, development, management and application of educational rationale
On the skills and education all in one, able to guide the various disciplines of teaching and learning of modern educational theory and multi-media technology at the core of modern
Educational technology combine such talent is not simply the teaching of computer professional to professional and trained in
This let us call it a designer of educational technology. Therefore, educational technology professional development should be the designer area of teaching and learning, which
The overall objective is. The same three-level, specialized training is the primary designer; undergraduate training mid-level designers; graduate pui
Yang is the Senior Designer. Aimed at training the following discussion enzyme.
Professional training objectives should be based on the whereabouts of graduates for future work and assume the role to be developed, educational technology is where the graduates of the major primary and secondary schools, secondary schools, all kinds of audio-visual Archive. Play in the work of two roles, one engaged in teaching information technology courses
School, and the third is the whole teaching of the designer. Capable of undertaking the role of these two, the required capacity and the quality of teaching should be
Education technology specific training objectives: ① require students to learn through the enzyme, the establishment of educational technology systems and the ideas are
On behalf of the concept of learning to master to resolve and deal with education, teaching and learning problems. ② media education to master modern technology, the initial formation of
The design of teaching and learning environment, teaching software development, system development, as well as teaching and training curriculum development capacity. Training in the new
The field of technical education in teaching media and education systems design, development, use, management and evaluation aspects of the work of specialized personnel
Third, the modular system of courses
Primary education by the technical designers, technical secondary education and advanced educational technology designers designers constitute the realization of the target system, it is necessary to rely on the rational structure of the curriculum system. Modern educational technology professional undergraduate curriculum system should be composed of three modules: module core curriculum courses, core curriculum modules and expansion modules.
1. General Education Curriculum Module
Through the learning modules to develop students aesthetic sentiments of the broader scientific and cultural knowledge, scientific methods, theoretical basis and the disciplines of information available in foreign languages and so on.


Overview of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences Survey, higher mathematics, general physics, tools, methods of science, the basis of computer applications, foreign languages
2. Core curriculum modules
The module is the core of the curriculum system, through the learning modules, to enable students to establish a good educational technology in modern thinking
System, and lay a solid theoretical foundation and technical basis. The module system of courses divided into three categories, namely, educational theory, technology practice
And integrated.
A list of core curriculum

Types of educational theory
Information technology (technology practice) category
Comprehensive category

Learning objectives: to master the theory and methods of teaching and learning
Learning objectives: teaching and learning to master modern information technology-related
Learning objectives: The process of teaching and learning resources and the development and use of

Teaching Theory


The theory of learning and teaching

Education and communication systems and cybernetics

Educational Technology

Teaching Evaluation

Educational technology developments and achievements

... ...
The basis of information processing education

Conventional media technology


Nonlinear Editing System

Graphic image technology

Analog circuits and digital circuits

Network Technology and Education

Microcomputer Principle

Data Structure

Principle and System TV


Principle and Application database

Education system, electro-acoustic

... ...
Computer-Aided Instruction

Projection media and teaching

Educational television program production

Instructional Design

Multimedia educational software design and development

Theory and practice of media education

Open and distance education

Applications in teaching graduate design

... ...

The core module of the curriculum at different levels according to some focus on training objectives. Specialist courses could focus on technology is
Jian-type; we could focus on the technology practice and a comprehensive organic integration of courses; post-graduate education should focus on category theory, as well as reasonable
On the practice under the guidance of comprehensive.

3. Development Courses

Modern educational technology related to a comprehensive range of disciplines, the dependence on the basis of the theory and technology development quickly, so the creation of the class
Process should be appropriate to the horizontal (group of related disciplines) and vertical (the academic sperm, the depths) to expand, if we look to the whole education reform and development
Board, to broaden thinking. Yuki is a post-graduate curriculum should be so.

IV Conclusion

Modern educational technology is developed from the study by the audio-visual education, but this is a qualitative leap in the succession of audio-visual education in the recognition and professional
Curriculum system under the premise of modern educational technology to reconsider the professional relevance of the curriculum system. In a sense,
Audio-visual education to modern education from a qualitative leap in technology, should be a concrete manifestation and implementation of professional courses in a qualitative leap in the system. In this paper,
Module point of view of modern educational technology system for professional courses shallow analysis, peer reference purposes only.


[1] Zhang Ji-Ping editor of "instructional design based on" Publishing House of Electronics Industry in August 1998 edition

[2] Zhang Ji-Ping "educational technology applications and trends in the development of hot spots," "Audio-Visual Education Study" No. 5 1999

[3] Ho editor Kekang "Modern Educational Technology", Beijing Normal University Press in November 1998 Edition

[4] Lee Yong "On the positioning of China's educational technology" "China's audio-visual education," the first phase in 2001

From "Educational Technology Research" in 2001, Phase III (No. 15 overall)

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靖江市19462348932: 现代教育技术一词在我国何时正式使用具体内容是什么 -
可胜英康: 我国的教育技术源于欧美的视听教育,90年代以前我们一直把教育技术称作“电化教育”.90年代以后,随着与国外教育技术同行交流增多,也就逐渐使用“教育技术”这个名称了. 教育技术的定义目前比较流行的有AECT94定义与AECT05定义: 94定义:教育技术是对学习过程和学习资源的设计、开发、运用、管理和评价的理论与实践. 05定义:教育技术是通过创造、使用、管理适当的技术性的过程和资源,以促进学习和提高绩效的研究与符合伦理道德的实践. 而现代教育技术,也就是现代信息科技下的教育技术.具体时间不太确定,应该在互联网兴起的21世纪吧

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