
作者&投稿:比依 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What is your favorite book?(改为同义句)
Which book do you like best?

poor 表示“不好的,差劲的”。





When is (the) basketball game? (特指某个篮球赛,前面要用定冠词the)
It's (on) October 2nd.
When (is) the school trip?
It's (on) October 26th.
on用在具体时间前,on this day,on September 1st(明确了到底是哪天)
in用在大概的时间前,in September(在九月,并不知道是九月的哪一天)

1.Let's go to the park, ___?A.will you B.shall we C.are you D.aren't I 选B,因为前面说,让我们(us)去公园,所以后面用shall we 2.Listen to me carefully,___?A.don't you B.do you C.will you D.shall we 这是个祈使句,是对着听众说的。实际是You listen to me ...

为你解答。1 The music will help (to relax).2 I have found that lost watch.(改为一般疑问句).Have you found that lost watch?3 You should finish all your homework (in half an hour). (对划线部分提问)How soon should I finish all my homework?4 It has been famou for ...

1.May I is___Day.A.the Work People's B.the Working people C.the Working People's D.the worker's 选 C。由于是作定语,所以要用所有格,再根据句意,选 C 最佳。2.If these trousers are too big,buy a smaller___.A.set B.one B.piece D.pair 选 D。trousers 的...

☆☆4道高三英语的选择题 求详解哈!
1.I wonder why Ann didn‘t get___ the job.She is the right person for it.A.to be offered B .to offer C .offering D.offered 【错选B 正确D】译:我感到纳闷,为什么Ann没得到这份工作。她可是做这份工作的最佳人选啊。析:此题考查另类被动语态。被动词态的基本结构是助动词be+及...

C than 前后 的词性要一致 ,前面是动词 后面也要是 动词 所以是 tina dose,1,只有四道英语选择题,希望大家写出原因,不写的就不用答.快来争分!we should try our best to help the poor people ___.A.with different ways B.at different ways C.in different ways The boy showed ___ ...

1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:3.64 内容:When electricity was first invented, people refused to believe such a thing ___C_.选项:a、impossible b、possibly c、possible d、 impossibly 2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分...

1、I want to play basketball this afternoon.(对画线部分提问,画线部分是to play basketball)What do you want to do this afternoon?2、I didn’t find anything in the room.(改为同义句)Ifound nothing in the room.3、It’s very nice of you to meet me at the airport.(改为同义...

1. He couldn't __A___ the thought of leaving his hometown forever.A. bear B. carry C. offer D. support 2. Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply __A___.A. declined B. reduced C. descended D. slipped 3. Reading detective (侦探) stories is one of his f...

单项选择 ( ) —Michael has a temperature, so he isn’t able to come.—___A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. I’m disappointed.C. Good luck. D. Take it easy.( )—You ___ very happy this afternoon. Why?—Because we are going to spend the evening at Lily...

plenty of 固定搭配 a number of 固定搭配 a large amount of 固定搭配 3。A IS xxx(数词) times as 形容词 as B 4。arrange sb to do sth.习惯用语 arrange for 安排, 准备 arrange with sb. about sth. 与某人商定某事 5.more or less 差不多 more and more越来越多 题意:稍微休息...

淮南市14773296198: 一道英语题~ -
蓍底紫韵: 1. 答案:C. 2. 翻译: --从学校到这儿有多远? --有3公里远. 3. 解释: 1)3 kilometers long的意思是“3公里长”,指物体的长度; 2)“A地离B地很远”是:A be far (away) from B 但是如果有了具体的数量和单位时,结构必须改成: A be + 基数词 + 距离单位(复数) + away from B 3)该题后面省略from here,其实away也可以省略

淮南市14773296198: 一道英语题 -
蓍底紫韵: 选A 你可以指望她来参加婚礼.毕竟,她已经接受了你的邀请.而B是说,那就是说/那就意味着,意思上说不通.应该是因为她接受了邀请,我们才可能指望她来,而不是指望她来,说明她接受了邀请.

淮南市14773296198: 一道英语题...
蓍底紫韵: 选A upset:形容词意为烦乱的,不高兴的.副词用作颠覆,推翻等等意思. 整个句子意思是“(因为)没完成我的家庭作业.今天早晨我不高兴的(郁闷的)起床. upset在这用作形容词修饰动词词组woke up B选项错在加了s(upset不能作第三人称代词,没必要加S) C选项错在加了was(upset为形容词,没有被动语态,故不能加was)D选项错在加ed 答案同C

淮南市14773296198: !一道英语题!
蓍底紫韵:1 He doesn't want to be a poleceman 2: What does your aunt do ? 3: What's she doing now? 问职业也可以说:What is your aunt? 4:What's the weather like today? 如果用how,就是How's the weather today?5: Does Bob like to work with ...

淮南市14773296198: 一道英语题 -
蓍底紫韵: C.what we will do next

淮南市14773296198: 一道英语题 -
蓍底紫韵: B chance,give sb a chance. 给某人机会

淮南市14773296198: 一道英语题 -
蓍底紫韵: B Losing much weight只有B才可以代替what做主语,就是Losing much weight makes him so happy

淮南市14773296198: 一道英语题 -
蓍底紫韵: 第一句话是对的.分析:①这是句【倒装句】百度百科词条:http://baike.baidu.com/view/84467.htm#3②改为陈述句:The students come here.(学生们过来了.) 这时你应该能看懂了吧?主语是The students,谓语动词当然要用come了,所以上述两句话中的第一句是对的.

淮南市14773296198: 一道英语题 -
蓍底紫韵: D.will be having 希望以上答案能帮到你

淮南市14773296198: 一道英语题 -
蓍底紫韵: 肯有一个用一只脚吃东西的肮脏(习惯) With get/have a eat with sth.用...吃东西

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