
作者&投稿:重锦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. Education background: marketing management related major with bachelor degree or above
2.30 years sales management or regional sales expand experience, familiar with electronic product industry operation mode, social relations are widely,with cheerful personality, have good communication ability and communication skills
3. mastered the office software and modern office equipment

Health is the first need of harmonious life , commerce health insurance is that a country's citizen medical security system is hit by the indispensable ingredient. Commerce health insurance is fundamental medical insurance complement, there are very big development potentials in before our country. Only developing initial stage, still be confronted with a lot of problem and difficulty, the main body of a book try to discuss these problem and difficulty , give a few out and suggestion. Commerce health insurance restricts a factor developing suggestion温馨提醒-------健康是最重要的,一定要爱护好自己。


Health is the very basis of a harmonious life. Commercial health insurance is an indispensable part of a country's medical care system. As an important supplement to the basic medical care insurance, commercial health insurance has a very bright future in our country. However, in the very beginning development period, it still faces many problems and difficulties, the major part of the book tries to explore these problems and give out suggestions.

Commercial Health Insurance; Restrictions; Suggestions for Development

personal translation work,copy rights reserved, 林伊楠 ,from BAIDU answers.

Health is the first need of harmonious life , commerce health insurance is that a country's citizen medical security system is hit by the indispensable ingredient. Commerce health insurance is fundamental medical insurance complement, there are very big development potentials in before our country. Only developing initial stage, still be confronted with a lot of problem and difficulty, the main body of a book try to discuss these problem and difficulty , give a few out and suggestion. Commerce health insurance restricts a factor developing suggestion

Health is the first demand for a harmonious life, commercial health insurance is a country's national health insurance system, an integral part. Commercial health insurance as a supplement the basic medical insurance in China have great potential for development. However, in the initial stage of development is still faced with many problems and difficulties, this article attempts to explore these problems and difficulties, and given some suggestions.


~~~ 元気にしてますか?日本も昨日あたりから、寒波が、来たのか、寒いです。中国は、どうですか?今は、仕事が、忙しく正月も一日から、仕事です。土日は、特に来客多く休めないです。~~~你还好吗?日本从昨天也开始变冷了,可能是寒流也来了吧。中国那边怎么样?现在工作很忙,新年...

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请日语达人朋友帮我人工翻译几个小短句(比较简单的二级语法例句)。多 ...
③日本には富士山をはじめ、たくさんの美しい山がある。在日本以富士山为首,有很多俊美的山 ④日本の主な输出品は自动车をはじめとする工业制品である。日本的主要出口商品是以汽车为首的工业制品 ⑤行くか行かないかは、明日の天気によって决めよう。去不去要看明天的天气再做决定 ⑥こ...

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【韩语翻译】韩语达人进 不要翻译工具翻的 谢谢了 韩国。位于朝鲜半岛南端的国家。西南靠黄海,东南有朝鲜海峡及对马海峡,东面靠近日本海;韩国靠近中国,虽然只有60年的历史,但文字和语法与中国相差甚多。韩语与汉语语法主要不同点... 韩国。位于朝鲜半岛南端的国家。西南靠黄海,东南有朝鲜海峡及对马海峡, 东面...

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唐富龙胜: Electronic commerce , based on the browser/server application mode and realizing online shopping of consumer in Internet open environment, is a new type of business operation mode of the Merchants between online trading and on-line ...

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唐富龙胜: 1. Every time when mother ask him to help her do house work ,he is always pretended reading books 2.Tom ia hurry to make sure whether his father will keep the promise to buy a bike for him

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唐富龙胜: It's another day of work as a Capitalist where lessons are learned daily. My Rich Dad always told me, “It's not how much money you make, it's how much mo...

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唐富龙胜: Because various nationalities have the different cultural context and the thinking mode, its language is also different. Belongs to the Indo-European languages English, has the morphological changes, the word order is quite nimble. Pays great ...

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唐富龙胜: 在SaaS的可配置使客户能够实现系统 它可以用在很短的时间量,就绕过 如服务器的配置和软件的前提下挑战 安装.但并不意味着SaaS的唯一能够做 配置.作为一个例子Salesforce.com提供了一个非常 灵活的平台建立自己的自定义对象和用户...

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